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Revised: 8/6/2002



Sergey D. Gilev and Anatoliy M. Trubachev

Lavrentev Institute of Hydrodynamics, Siberian Division of Russian Academy of Sciences
Novosibirsk, 630090, Russia

Opportunities of the electric conductivity method for study physical-chemical

transformations in detonation and shock waves are discussed. A measuring
scheme of improved temporal resolution allows us to find a complex structure of
detonation conductivity in cast TNT, TNT/RDX, and mixtures of high explosives
with metals. The detonation conductivity turns out highly non-homogenous; the
maximum conductivity corresponds spatially to the chemical reaction zone.
Nature of conductivity for a large group of high explosives is stipulated by
liberation of free carbon under exothermal chemical reaction. Results obtained
lead to conclusion about the phase state and the spatial structure of the carbon
particles in the chemical reaction zone and outside it. The highest conductivity is
registered for mixtures HE/metal that is due to the metallic component. A
temporal decrease of the conductivity for this case reflects interaction between
the metal and the detonation products. The interaction depends considerably on
additive content, grain morphology, and overdriving the detonation wave. The
oxidation time of Al is obtained for detonation of HMX/Al mixture. Compression
of the magnetic flux by the detonation wave is used for noncontact diagnostics of

INTRODUCTION ionization in dense matter ( ~ 10−1 ÷ 10 ).18

Detonation products of condensed high At present there are no recognized model of
explosive (HE) have a noticeable electric detonation conductance, which would be a
conductivity. For most HEs the electric prognostic tool.
conductivity σ is proved to be Complexity of the phenomenon causes
−1 1-18
0.1 − 10 ( Ω ⋅ cm ) . preferable development of experimental
methods of investigation. The following
To explain a phenomenon of detonation techniques are currently used to study the
conductance diverse mechanisms have been detonation conductivity: the electric contact
suggested (characteristic values σ are technique,1-5,7-12,16,17 the noncontact
given in ( Ω ⋅ cm )−1 ): thermal ionization electromagnetic method, the MHD
−4 −5 1
method,5 the split electrode technique,6,12-14
( ~ 10 ÷ 10 ), contact mechanism and reflection of superhigh frequency
2 4
( 10 ), ionic one ( ~ 1 ÷ 10 ), 8,9,16
chemical radiation off a detonation front.15
ionization ( 1 ), thermal emission in
dense matter ( ~ 1 ÷ 10 ),10 thermal
Brish, 1959 [1]

The most widespread technique for

Conductivity, (Ω cm)
Shall, 1962 [2]
10 Hayes, 1967 [4] measuring the detonation conductivity is
Tanaka, 1975 [7] the electric contact technique. Metallic
Antipenko, 1975 [9] electrodes are put into tested HE. They
1 Ershov, 1975 [10]
are connected to an electric source. A
Staver, 1984 [14]
El'kind, 1986 [15]
detonation wave closes the electrodes and
0,1 Ershov, 2000 [17] the electric current begins to flow through
detonation products. This process is
registered by oscilloscope as decreasing
the voltage across the electrodes.
FIGURE 1. THE ELECTRIC A main trouble of the measurements is
CONDUCTIVITY OF TNT unknown geometry of current spreading
DETONATION PRODUCTS. through the conductive region at the
Although the conductivity method was moment of arrival of the detonation wave
used in study of detonation for almost fifty at the electrode. Actually the current
years, it did not become a routine geometry depends on the conductivity
instrument as manganin gage or laser profile, which is unknown a priori. The
interferometer. Using the method has been edge effect restricts severely spatial
retarded by ambiguous interpretation of the resolution and measurement accuracy. The
records and by lack of development of spatial resolution is ≈ 2 ÷ 3 mm for
experimental approaches. In our opinion, coaxial,10,12,17 ring-like2 electrodes and
potential of the method is not realized up to even worse for needle ones.1,3,5,7-9,11 Such
now. The electric conductivity is a fine resolution is obviously insufficient to study
indicator of state of matter and may give the chemical reaction zone in most HEs.
valuable information on physical-chemical Schemes of Hayes4 and Ershov6,12-14
processes in detonation. have much better resolution. However,
Present situation in this field of Hayes’ scheme4 works only for short times
experimental technique can be illustrated and is not faultless for assumptions made.
by results for TNT. All available data on In Ershov’s technique,6,12-14 splitting the
detonation conductivity of TNT are shown electrode disturbs the flow and affects the
in Figure 1. As it is seen from the Figure, measurements.
scattering of the results of different authors Requirements on measuring the
is about three orders of magnitude. This, detonation conductivity are rather specific
firstly, testifies to serious methodical and contradictory from the viewpoint of
problems of measurements and, secondly, possibilities of an experiment. An extended
does not allow one to make reliable charge is necessary to ensure steady
conclusions on nature of matter in the detonation. At the same time, structure of
detonation wave. The key to understanding current is unknown at moment when the
causes of the data contradictions lies in wave shorts the electrodes. It is not possible
characteristics of measuring schemes. to develop a “perfect” technique. While, a
This report sums up experimental technique described below allows one to
development of a new measuring come closer to the solution of the problem.
technique. It presents also results of using
the technique to several HEs. Some details
of the work may be found elsewhere.19-21


A B #769
5 PSW =8.1 GPa
An experimental set-up on measuring

Voltage, V
the detonation conductivity of condensed
HEs is shown in Figure 2. It comprises a 3 TNT
cell incorporated in LC-circuit. 2
Measurements are made at the maximum of #743
1 PSW =22 GPa
the current when the current is nearly
constant. A priming shock wave enters into 0
the tested HE from a dielectric plate. Shock -1 0 1 2 3
pressure in the HE is chosen larger that at Time, µs
Chapman-Jouguet plane. The voltage is FIGURE 3. VOLTAGE RECORDS FOR
registered through the electrodes connected DIFFERENT PRESSURES OF PRIMING
to a shunt. The shunt (constantan foil, SHOCK WAVE IN TNT.
100 µ m thick) is put on the HE.
The present scheme has early been used L C
for studying phase transitions in inert
materials.22-26 It is of about one order of 200 µF

magnitude better temporal resolution as

compared to other schemes.1-3,5,7-12,17 A I
system of electric streamlines is closer to Dielectric
Foil HE tested
one-dimensional; parasitic inductance in
the shunt-specimen circuit is minimized.
Effect of contact resistance is suppressed at Oscilloscope
measurement region; and, therefore, high
conductivity (up to metallic one) can be FIGURE 2. A SCHEME OF MEASURING
reliably measured. Detonation wave does THE DETONATION CONDUCTIVITY.
not deform the measuring circuit, and so no as δs V0 dV
parasitic emf of induction is available. “An σ (t ) = − . (2)
atonement” for these features is worse a ρ s ( D − u ) V 2 dt
control of detonation. Restrictions of the A basic result of using the measuring
scheme have been studied elsewhere.19,20 scheme is improvement of temporal
In the framework of the electrical resolution (up to few tenths of
engineering approach, the average nanoseconds). This allows one to apply the
conductivity of detonation products can be scheme for studying fast chemical reactions
found by the formula in detonation and shock waves.
as δs 1  V0 
σ=  − 1 . (1)
a ρs ( D − u ) t  V  TNT

Here as is the shunt width, a is the HE Two voltage records from the measuring
cell filled by cast TNT are shown in
width, δ s is the shunt thickness, ρ s is the Figure 3. They are obtained at different
specific resistance of the shunt, D is the pressures PSW of priming shock wave in
detonation velocity, u is the mass velocity,
the TNT specimen. Shock pressures PSW
V is the electric voltage, V0 is the initial
are estimated using HE Hugoniots
voltage. ( D = 2.57 + 1.88 u for TNT).27 A record at
A steady profile of the conductivity is the top corresponds to a weak shock wave
obtained by the formula ( PSW ≈ 8.1 GPa ) where no detonation is
available for short times. A record below
corresponds to an intense shock wave
( PSW ≈ 22 GPa ) where one can expect conductive region of the detonation
detonation. A label “A” marks a moment products, and the voltage decreases (solid
when the shock wave enters into the TNT curve). Figure 4 presents also a set of
specimen. model curves (dotted ones) obtained from
the analysis of electromagnetic diffusion in
As it follows from the record, small the shunt and the specimen. Modeling is
compression of the TNT does not affect taken under assumption of uniform
appreciably the voltage. This means that conductivity behind the detonation front.
conductance is absent from beginning the From the Figure it is seen that later the
compression. The conductance arises at the moment “A” the voltage is much smaller
moment ≈ 1.1 µ s later (a label “B”) that than the model one. Such behavior testifies
points to starting reaction into the HE. to presence of a narrow high conductive
An experiment on large compression of zone behind the detonation front. This zone
the TNT demonstrates distinctive behavior. disappears later, and the voltage is
The Figure shows that compression of the controlled by diffusion of the current into
specimen is accompanied by a sharp drop the region of detonation products. So, the
of the voltage. Note a small voltage peak at experiment with opposite direction of
t = 0 , which is a useful temporal marker. It detonation wave supports qualitatively the
rides redistribution of current in the supposition that the high-conductivity zone
metallic shunt during its shock propagates through the specimen.
compression. This testifies to occurrence of The conductivity profile in TNT is
significant conductance without any shown in Figure 5. It is obtained in
noticeable delay. After the sharp decrease, experiment #743 (Figure 3) processed by
the voltage changes more slowly up to formula (2). One can see that the profile is
arrival of the wave at a dielectric wall. rather complicated. Note two main parts (a
The time dependence of the voltage in peak and a plateau) with the characteristic
the experiment #743 can be explained by conductivities σ 1 ≈ 250 ( Ω ⋅ cm ) and
occurrence of high-conductivity zone, −1
which propagates through the specimen. σ 2 ≈ 30 ( Ω ⋅ cm ) . The evaluation of the
conductivity is result of differentiation and
This presumption has been tested in an
is very sensitive to alteration of the voltage.
experiment, which used reverse direction of
a wave. A shock wave enters into the TNT Therefore, the conductivity σ 1 obtained at
from below (Figure 2), propagates through the voltage drop has to be a value of rather
the specimen, and arrives to the shunt. As poor accuracy.
specimen thickness is quite large
( ≈ 20 mm ), the detonation has to be close
to the steady one. The experimental record 3 #782
is shown in Figure 4. A label “A” marks
Voltage, V

arrival of the detonation wave to the shunt.

From this moment the electric current 2
begins to flow up into the extended TNT/RDX 50/50
PSw=25 GPa

1,5 2,0 2,5
Time, µs
TNT/RDX 50/50.
5 A
TNT #742
4 rarefaction of HE, effect of specimen

Voltage, V
σ=10 (Ω cm)
density, and so on.
3 25
2 100
A voltage record of cast
4 5 6 7 TNT/RDX 50/50 is shown in Figure 6.
Time, µs The shock pressure in the specimen is
about 25 GPa. The record is qualitatively
FIGURE 4. EXPERIMENTAL RECORD similar to the TNT test and is noted for
OF VOLTAGE (SOLID LINE) AND lower decrease of the voltage. The
RESULTS OF ELECTRODYNAMIC conductivity is inhomogeneous and is
MODELING (DOTTED LINES) FOR described by two characteristic levels
σ 1 ≈ 35 ( Ω ⋅ cm ) and σ 1 ≈ 6 ( Ω ⋅ cm ) .
The peak conductivity σ 1 does not
contradict the data of Hayes4 on liquid
TNT. In fact, duration of the ANALYSIS OF THE EXPERIMENTS
measurements4 did not exceed 20 ns ; rising
The evident spatial inhomogeneity is a
conductivity up to σ max ≈ 102 ( Ω ⋅ cm ) principal peculiarity of the detonation
was recorded. This level is marked by an conductivity of TNT and TNT/RDX 50/50.
arrow in the Figure. A dotted line presents A region of large conductivity is attached
last Ershov’s data,17 which have insufficient to the wave front and corresponds spatially
temporal resolution for resolving the to the chemical reaction zone. The peak
chemical reaction zone. The plateau conductivities are surprisingly high. The
conductivity σ 2 corresponds well to the TNT data are particularly striking. The
maximum of Ershov’s data. Unlike,4,17 a conductivity of TNT is anomalous large
complete profile of the conductivity is among all HEs. This brings up the question:
obtained by the technique proposed. The What is the nature of the phenomenon?
revealed structure of the conductivity The high conductivity points to
allows us to explain the evident noticeable amount of matter with very large
contradictions between the data in Figure 1. (almost metallic) conductivity, which is
These discrepancies are seemingly result of produced under the chemical reaction.
several factors: complex profile of the Approximate content of the detonation
conductivity, poor spatial resolution of products may be calculated in some
most used techniques, effect of parasite models28,29 that gives commonly closed
inductance and resistance, lateral results. According to equation of state
BKW, content of solid carbon at
Chapman-Jouguet plane for cast TNT is

≈ 0.44 g cm3 .28 If carbon is of
Conductivity, (Ω cm)

~100 ns #743 conductive phase (graphite-like), its
volume content is ≈ 19% .
100 Hayes [4]
The integral conductivity of
50 Ershov [17] heterogeneous matter consisting of two
phases with different conductivities can
be estimated. The characteristic values are
0 1 2 3
taken as the following: carbon in the
Time, µs
graphite phase σ C ≈ 103 ( Ω ⋅ cm )−1 , its
content ≈ 19% , and the rest of detonation measuring schemes. The Figure
−1 demonstrates intrinsic agreement between
products σ DP ≈ 1 ( Ω ⋅ cm ) . A simple
these data.
model (sphere-like well conductive
particles) leads to the integral conductivity The correlation found is evidence that
−1 nature of the detonation conductivity rides
≈ 30 ( Ω ⋅ cm ) , which closes to σ 2 . The by liberation of carbon. It is interesting that
peak conductivity σ 1 cannot be explained the dotted line in the Figure 7 intercepts the
by this manner if even all carbon of a TNT vertical axis at zero content of carbon. This
molecule releases into the graphite phase. testifies to another mechanism of
Such large conductivity supports an conductivity, which is appreciable for small
hypothesis4 that the conductive particles amount of carbon (chemical ionization,
form long chains. An estimate based on a thermal ionization, ionic conduction, or
simplest model31 (plane conductive layers others). Such mechanism can deviate the
in a cubic cell) reduces to the integral data from the uncovered dependence for
−1 small content of carbon in detonation
conductivity 200 ( Ω ⋅ cm ) that closes to
σ1 .
Thus, the experimental results can be MIXTURES HE/METAL
explained by formation of highly
conductive particles (probably graphite- One might expect even larger
like). The spatial structure of the particles conductivity if mixtures HE/metal are
may be severely differing inside the studied. It makes registration more
chemical reaction zone and outside it. Just difficult. In this case, one has to take into
after compression the particles may form a consideration the electromagnetic skin
grid-like structure, which transforms later effect in metallic conductors (electrodes,
to single inclusions. shunt) as well as in the conductive products
of detonation. Structure of the
electromagnetic field in a growing
IMPORTANCE OF CARBON conductive layer is stipulated by a
R = µ0σ ( D − u ) t .
The above analysis points to decisive parameter32 The
effect of carbon on the conductivity of
TNT. From this point of view it is 10
Conductivity, (Ω cm)

interesting to compare TNT, TNT/RDX, Liquid
and other HEs. All available data on the 10 TNT
conductivity in the chemical reaction zone TNT/RDX
for different HEs are shown in Figure 7. 10 50/50
Comp. B
Such data are only few in number; main
part of the experiments1-17 are of low 10
0 NM [4]
PETN [6]
spatial resolution and cannot resolve the RDX This paper
chemical reaction zone. Abscissa axis is -1
10 PETN (ρ=1.0)
amount of solid carbon found by BKW
0,0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5
model.28 As it follows from the Figure, 3
there is a distinct correlation between C, g/cm
content of carbon and the conductivity in
the chemical reaction zone (firstly such FIGURE 7. CONDUCTIVITY IN
correlation was marked by Hayes4). CHEMICAL REACTION ZONE
Variation of the conductivity is about three VERSUS CONTENT OF SOLID
orders of magnitude. Note, the data were CARBON CALCULATED BY BKW
obtained by different authors used diverse MODEL.
Al powder #435

Voltage, V
parameter is a ratio of the electromagnetic Experiment
relaxation time and the propagation time of 0,3
the wave.
If R > 1 , then structure of the
electromagnetic field is nonequilibrium; the 0,1
skin effect interferes in the measurements.
The electromagnetic field in the measuring 0,0
0,0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8
cell is described by a system of two
Time, µs
diffusion equations.33 To obtain the
conductivity one has to find the diffusion FIGURE 8. VOLTAGE RECORD FOR
coefficient inside a conductive region using SHOCK COMPRESSION OF AL
information from its boundary. From the POWDER AND RESULT OF
mathematical viewpoint such problem is MODELING.
ill-posed and has no correct solution. The
problem may be solved in the framework of 1,0 HMX/Al 60/40 #752
a specified physical model. For purposes of A B Experiment
qualitative analysis, it is useful to combine Model

Voltage, V
the electrical engineering approach 0,6
(formulae (1), (2)) and the electrodynamic
modeling with some simplified 0,4
assumptions. So, for the electrodynamic 0,2
model20,33 the mass velocity and the
conductivity of matter are assumed to be 0,0
uniform. 2 4 6 8 10
Time, µ s
An experimental record (solid line) is
shown in Figure 8 for shock compression FIGURE 9. VOLTAGE RECORD FOR
of Al powder (grain size is 10 − 40 µ m , MIXTURE HMX/AL AND RESULT OF
density is ≈ 1.65 g cm3 , shock pressure is MODELING.
≈ 9.5 GPa ). A dotted line in Figure 8
Conductivity, 10 (Ω cm)

presents a result of the electrodynamic
modeling. The simulation corresponds to 1,5
HMX/Al 60/40
# 752
conductivity of compressed powder

3.3 ⋅ 104 ( Ω ⋅ cm ) . Agreement between 1,0
the experimental and model lines is
satisfactory. Thus, the conductivity of Al 0,5
powder in shock wave is time independent.
An experimental record (solid line) is -1 0 1 2 3 4 5
shown in Figure 9 for mixture HMX/Al Distance, mm
60/40 (density ≈ 1.4 g cm3 ). The voltage
drop for time interval A-B is caused by
motion of a metallic plate (used as a FIGURE 10. CONDUCTIVITY
pressure attenuator). The moment “B” PROFILE FOR DETONATION WAVE
corresponds to arrival of a shock wave to IN MIXTURE HMX/AL.
the HE. At this moment appreciable performed for constant conductivity
conductivity arises in the HE. A result of −1
the electrodynamic modeling (dotted line)
2 ⋅ 10 3
( Ω ⋅ cm ) . From the Figure one can
is also shown in Figure 9. The simulation is see that the voltage at first follows the
electrodynamic modeling and later deviates

Peak conductivity, 10 Ω cm
from it. Such behavior testifies to the 8 400
HMX/Al 60/40

conductivity as temporal dependent.

"Lifetime", ns
6 300
A conductivity profile in the detonation
wave can be obtained qualitatively if one 4 200
disregards electromagnetic nonequilibrium
of the HE. A result of processing the 2 100
experimental record #752 by means of the
formula (2) is shown in Figure 10. This 0 0
5 10 15 20
procedure rather under-estimates the P, GPa
conductivity but it gives insight into the
spatial structure of the conductivity. As it is FIGURE 11. PEAK DETONATION
seen from the Figure, firstly, the CONDUCTIVITY AND
conductivity is large and then it decreases CONDUCTIVITY ”LIFETIME” VERSUS
fast. Evident distinction between the PRESSURE OF PRIMING SHOCK
experiments #435 and #752 (Figures 8 and WAVE.
9) points to interaction between Al and the
metallic additive rises, the conductivity and
detonation products. Physical picture may
its ”lifetime” increase too. As particle size
be drawn as the following. Under
decreases, the conductivity ”lifetime”
compression HE is packed, and the
decreases too. This testifies to more
chemical reaction is initiated. Amount of
intensive interaction between the additive
the metal component is large and the
and the detonation products.
appreciable macroscopic conductivity
arises. This conductivity is of impurity
nature (the conductivity of pure HMX is 3 OVERDRIVEN DETONATION
orders of magnitude lower). The decrease
of the detonation conductivity (Figure 10) The present measuring cell allows one to
testifies to chemical interaction between the study the chemical reaction for overdriven
components. Al oxidizes; a non-conductive detonation. Experimental data for the
film arises at surface of grains; and the mixture HMX/Al 60/40 are shown in
integral conductivity decreases. From Figure 11. Normal detonation pressure of
Figure 10 one can estimate the oxidation the mixture is ≈ 8 GPa . One can see from
time of Al in the detonation wave the Figure that the peak conductivity
( ≈ 0.5 µ s ). increases, and thickness of the high
conductive zone decreases in few times
Such interpretation of processes in the under overdriven. These profound changes
detonation wave agrees qualitatively with are due to physical-chemical processes in
data obtained by a routine manganin gage. the reaction zone. Increase of the pressure
The gage is placed at interface of a mixture leads to additional compression of the
HE and a dielectric. The gage registers matter; Al particles are closer to each other,
slower temporal decrease of the pressure and the conductivity rises. By virtue of
for the mixture HMX/Al as compared with higher pressure, the interaction between the
pure HMX. This testifies to release of components is more intensive. Therefore,
additional energy due to oxidation of Al. the oxidation reaction runs faster; the
Our records do not contradict ones obtained conductivity decreases faster too. Thus, the
by the optic pyrometer technique.34 data testify to decreasing the oxidation time
The conductivity experiments of the metallic additive in overdriven
demonstrate qualitative similar behavior for detonation.
conditions of different content of metal and
grain morphology. As content of the
Detonation of the mixture HE/metal HE/Al
gives products of metallic conductivity HE
concentrated in a thin layer. Convergence
of the detonation waves into such HE may
increase the magnetic field at the system Bo 12 initiators
axis. This phenomenon is of interest for FIGURE 12. LAYOUT OF DETONATION
physics of detonation as a potential COMPRESSION OF MAGNETIC FLUX
diagnostic tool.
An experimental set-up is shown in 80 B
Figure 12. Twelve initiators form a quasi- #790
cylindrical detonation wave in an auxiliary 60

Voltage, V
HE. The tested HE (HMX/Al 60/40) is
placed in the center region of the device. 40 A
An inductive gage is at the system axis.
Initial traverse magnetic field B0 is created 20

before ignition. Detonation of the mixture 0

HMX/Al results in formation of a closed 62 64 66 68 70
configuration of waves, which captures the Time, µs
magnetic flux and compress it to the system
A voltage record of the inductive gage COMPRESSION OF MAGNETIC FLUX
(after integration) is shown in Figure 13.
Such signal is proportionate to the magnetic magnetic compression for noncontact
field at the system axis. Labels “A” and diagnostics of detonation processes. So, the
”B” denote correspondingly moments of compression time determines the
arising the conductive layer and arriving detonation velocity, the temporal rise of the
the wave at the gage. The experiment field determines compressibility that jointly
demonstrates generation of the magnetic reduces the mass velocity. The detonation
field by detonation wave. parameters obtained by this technique
( D ≈ 4.4 km s , u D ≈ 0.24 ) coincide
For sufficiently high conductivity of the
detonation products, the magnetic field satisfactory with results of routine
during compression can be obtained by the techniques. The compressibility is found
following approximate formula during propagation of the wave and may be
available for continuous measuring.
 S D
B ( t ) ≈ B0  0  .
Here S0 is the initial cross section of the
The investigations demonstrate
tested HE, S ( t ) is the cross section of HE opportunities of using the electric
region bounded by the conductive layer at conductivity method for studying physical-
the moment t . chemical transformations in shock and
detonation waves. The features of the
The field depends on parameters of the method are the following:
detonation wave. This opens up
possibilities for using a phenomenon of the
• the high sensibility (conductivity Products of Cast 40/60 TNT/RDX,”
change at the chemical reaction zone is Combust. Expl. Shock Waves, Vol. 7,
about an order of magnitude), No. 3, 1971, pp. 364-367.
• the good temporal resolution (few 6. Ershov, A.P., Zubkov, P.I., and
tenths nanoseconds), Luk’yanchikov, L.A. “Measurements of the
• data are available on the phase state of Electrical Conductivity Profile in the
matter and the spatial structure of Detonation Front of Solid Explosives,”
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7. Tanaka, K. “Measurement of Electrical
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Gasdynamics of Explosions and Reactive
Systems. Bourges, France, 1975.
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