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Finnish advice! 42. For all FINNS out there;

1) Don't believe an English person saying that Japanese is hard. Though it is a bit alien in
some parts, there are many things that remind me of Finnish in Japanese - use of suffixes and
pronounciation, for example.
2) Don't read any English pronunciation guides, they just confuse you. I did, pondered hard,
and finally realized that most of the sounds are exactly as they are in Finnish. Only ecceptions
are ofcourse "y" which is like Finnish "j", j, u (it's like in Swedish, yo! ^_^) and ch. Look at
those only in English guides.

Much advice! 41.

1) You can impress Japanese people, if you can speak a little bit Japanese (as already
mentioned beforehand several times).
2) Start practicing to eat with chop sticks, BEFORE you go to Japan. Hosts will be nicely
surprised and compliment you, if you can use them well. Nearly all the food has to be eaten
with chop sticks or spoon anyway.
To compliment nice food, say \"oishii\"(=delicious).
3) You can get further praisal, if you are able to sit in seiza-position (sitting on your shanks
and heels; the two big toes are crossed; the back is straight). Although it is really
uncomfortable, try it for a couple of minutes! You can use it in some restaurants, where you
have to sit on tatamis instead of chairs.
4) Smile friendly as much as possible!
5) Japanese people rarely show any sign of anger, neither they curse (at least the well
behaving). Copy that and keep your bad feelings under control! Even when you are totally
mad, don\'t show it! A loss of self control is considered as \"loosing face\".
6) Try a public hot spring bath!
It is so relaxing! But there are some things to be kept in mind: You will be naked (gender are
separeted: one bath for women, another one for men). BEFORE you enter the hot water, you
have to clean yourself. Just copy what the Japanese are doing: sit on a small stool and clean
yourself. Soap and shampoo are normally provided. Use it! Japanese will watch you
suspiciously, assuming that you might make the water dirty, so use plenty of soap and
7) TATTOO: In the Japanese society only criminals have tattoos! Therefore it is forbidden for
tattooed Japanese to use public bathtubs.
If you have a tattoo, try not to show it, otherwise the Japanese think you belong to social
scum or at least you might appall them.
8) Japanese normally unwrap gifts in privacy without the presence of the donator. Most
probably they will praise it on the next meeting.
9) Try green tea ice cream!
Most valuable tips have been already given by others and although I don\'t like to repeat
things, I want emphasise the following:
It will save you plenty of money, if you are going to travel around. You can already order it,
when you are still in your home country.
Last, but not least:
NEVER forget to express gratitude!
. [SUBMITTED BY Alex (Germany)]

Hashi Etiquette! 40.

When eating rice with chopsticks, do not put your chopsticks straight down into the rice. It is
an offereing to the dead and will freak people out. Dont stab your food with the chopsticks
. [SUBMITTED BY Jourdan]

Nice Scent you have! 39.

If you are going to Japan in the summer and you know you are going to be outside alot, wear
shirts that will not show sweat. Be preaepred for sweat, sweat, and more sweat.You can
always do what the Japanese do and carry around small towels and use them to frequently
wipe the sweat from your body. Besides, baggy clothes can be considered quite fashionable
for both boys and girls.

Eat! 38. when you're a guest for dinner at someone's house make sure you eat everything. it
is considered rude if you do not. your way of telling them you do not like the meal.

Make Conversation! 37. Keep in mind that Japanese might be ashamed about their
sometimes a little poor english. Therefore if you start with a question \"How can I go to
Ibaraki?\" it will probably result a vague \"mm.\" or: \"I\'m very sorry, my english is so very
poor that I cannot help you properly on this matter\". As you know, many Japanese are just
shy about their English even though they can actually speak or at least write, rather well.

A surprising change happens when you ask in Japanese, even if it would soon become
obvious that you cannot speak Japanese so much. You can always get help. Even if nothing
else, try starting with \"sumimaseen..\" (excuse me..) and for example \"Watashiwa Ibaraki
ikimasu..\" (I\'m going to Ibaraki..)
Then if nothing else helps, they will take you there by their car, but you will surely get some
help. Trust me, I experienced something like that!

You can get so much more inside the circle when you are speaking Japanese even if it\'s a so
very little and brief.

Also, if you nod while listening to them, you can get additional points. I recommend you to
try it.

I wish you good luck!

. [SUBMITTED BY Jason |]

Much Advice ! 36. *Bring an umbrella

*Slurp you noodles!!! It’s polite and it makes eating them with chopsticks EASIER!
*American ATM cards only work at the post offices.
*Take off your shoes before entering someones house. It’s kinds embarrassing if you don’t.
*Average cost of CD albums is $30, DVDs run about $50-$60.
*Go to Harajuku (in Tokyo), everything is cheap there.
*Watch some Japanese tv if you can...that’s some strange stuff.
*Don’t be afraid to try everything! Even if you don’t like seafood. I did and I am still alive!
*Ride the ferris wheel in Odaiba. It will be worth it.
*Don’t lick your chopsticks, it’s rude
*Get used to sqauting in public bathrooms.
*Also get used to that in public bathrooms, there is no soap or paper towels. Buy a few little
towels (all Japanese people carry them) and if you are obsessive about using soap, then bring
hand sanitizer
*Keep a journal, at least a short recap of every day
*Talk to people on the airplane going there...they can tell you a lot
*Don’t drive through Tokyo during rush hour
*Keep in mind they drive on the left side of the road, opposite of America
*Experience Japanese music.
*If you are staying with a host family, you don’t need to bring too many clothes, because they
do laundry every day
*Bring gifts for host families! Small gifts made in your country are the best. They love beef
jerky, Sees chocolate, and American brands like Tommy Hilfigar, Levi’s and Old Navy
*When someone asks you if you can play minidiscs, they do not mean those 8 cm CDs.
Minidics are more like small floppy discs. It is very frustrating to have entire albums that you
cannot play.
*There is a reason that the Japanese are famous for fans...if you go in the summer, it is very
hot and humid, and air conditioning is rare. But don’t worry, you will soon adjust to the heat.
*Produce and fruit is just better in Japan, so try it. But don’t buy it at Ginza, where a small
box of cherries can cost up to $300
*They have ice cream (soft creme) stands everywhere. Be prepared to resist.
*Experience Tokyo, but also go to the countryside, it’s beautiful
*Also experience downtown Shibuya. It is like a tornado of people that never ends
*When you first go into stores, don’t freak out when the sales clerks keep yelling the same
word at you. They are just being polite
*Self guided tours are more fun than guided ones
*There is milk in Japan, so if you are a milk fanatic like me, worry not.
*Know your Japanese shoe size
*Age guessing is a national pastime. So if people try to guess your age or ask you to guess
theirs, that is normal
Eat whale meat at least once
*Careful with the buttons on Japanese toilets. Be ready for a new experience if you press one
while sitting on the toilet. And don’t flush anything down the toilet but toilet paper. Their
plumbing is not as advanced as Americas.
*Accept gifts with both hands
*Be open to new things and you will have the time of your life in Japan!!!!!!!
. [SUBMITTED BY Courtney]

Words! 35. Keep it in mind that arigato, (Thank you) is the most important word in the
Japanese vocabulary, use it as much as possible.
. [SUBMITTED BY Fox S. Nights |]

Advice! 34. Bring an extra pair of shoes! When I lost a heel from my only pair of slippers, I
was not able to find either a repair service nor a shop selling shoes in my size. The biggest
shoes I found were one size below my normal size - and I don't have especially large feet. So
I had to wear those for the rest of my stay (which fortunatelly was only three more days).

Advice! 33. To independent travellers, a few tips!

1) Memorize and write down the Kanji for the Airport you are arriving at, as well as
train stations if you are travelling that way. Also memorize the Kana for them. This is
especially useful when asking for directions.
2) To save yourself money, convert prices to your currency and think if it's reasonable,
and save big purchases (i.e. Kimono, etc.) for last. Try to eat at "home" if at all possible.
3) Learn a few essential Kanji (25 - 50 should suffice), and memorize a good number of
Japanese phrases and vocabulary.

Exchange 32. I have just opened a forum for all of you who are interested about coming to
Please write your experiences and share knowledge with others: http://www.hanami-
. [SUBMITTED BY Jason |]

Tip 31. If you have the great honor to be invited to stay several days at the
house of someone living in Japan, consider buying a "keitai" (cel
phone). Because even local phone call are charged every minutes.
You visit the web site of Justin Hall ( there are many
very interesting pages about life in Japan.
. [SUBMITTED BY Strob |]

Tip 30. Try Curry rice, it's delicious, I also recommend to take a bath in the Ofuro as often as
you can.

Tip 29. If you are embarrassed about speaking japanese

think of it this way. Say you see someone in the US who speaks another
language lets say spanish for example and they are at a store trying to
convey what they want to buy to a person who cannot speak spanish. The
person who speaks spanish try's to convey the idea without using
english. You have probably seen this and usually the clerk will not wish to
help them and might even ignore them. But take the same scenario and
put a person who can speak just a tad of english, and no matter how hard
it is to understand most people will naturally try and help them convey
what they wish to. So that boils down to: speak japanese when in
japan.. They will be able to tell you are a gaijin and won't expect you to
speak it like your native tongue. Also another idea about the business
cards, take a business card holder (you can find them in different
business supply stores) and put the business cards they give you into that.
If you are in a situation and you are not sure if you are doing what is
considered right, smile uncomfortably and even a person who cannot
speak japanese will most likely take pity on you. This way they will be
able to tell that what you are doing is not considered rude in America and
you care if you offend them or not. BRING GIFTS! When I went, one of my
many many regrets was that I did not have gifts to give them after they
gave me many beautiful hand made gifts and ect. Also know the exchange
rate, just have a general idea, that way when they insist on buying you
something you can make sure its very inexpensive.

. [SUBMITTED BY Snap from Alex ||]

Tip 28. In some hotels the room electricity is turned off

until the room keycard is inserted into a slot by the door. When you
stick the key in the slot, the lights, television and such are enabled.
. [SUBMITTED BY Snap from USA]

Tip 27. Japanese can be very good cooks, so try their

exquisite cuisine and the best of Japanese recipes.
. [SUBMITTED BY Achobe Emmanuel Enema]

Tip 26. When at a Pub or Restaurant. DON"T pour your own

beer / wine. Let your host do it for you and do the same for them.
Pouring your own tells them your an alcoholic.

Tip 25. Try and dress nicely! ^__^ I went dressed in my

usual American clothes and I felt very under dressed the entire time.


1) Pack lightly, chances are you'll be walking or taking trains a lot, and not every subway station has
an escalator. Taxis are also pretty small.
2) Get a good map book for the area where you're going to be. Learn how the address system works.
3) In the city, there may be interesting stores in the basements, or on the upper floors of buildings.
Look for the signs on the outside and the marks B, 1F, 2F, etc.
4) AV does not mean audio/video... it means ADULT VIDEO!
5) Not all trains stop at all stops. Pay attention to the color code on the train when it pulls up, or you
might end up on an express that doesn't go where you want to go.
6) There isn't a lot of luggage space on the bullet train...
7) Although there is a vending machine on every corner, resist the urge to have a drink all the time...
sometimes a restroom is hard to find.
8) Restrooms can often, but not always be found in train stations.
9) There are homeless people in Japan, but they keep to themselves pretty much, so don't be afraid.
There seem to be a lot in Shinjuku station(cardboard in corners) and Ueno Park (blue plastic tarps),
and under the bridges on Ochanomizu.(I don't know how that is helpful, it's just something interesting I
10) In Tokyo, don't overlook Ikebukuro! It's got lots of good restaraunts, arcades, movie theatres,
stores, a huge underground mall, Toyota Amlux (kinda a Toyota museum), Namco Namjatown... and
it's a lot nicer than Shinjuku (IMHO).
11) If you're looking for things like CDs, videos and videogames, be sure to check out the USED
shops such as Liberty. You'll get much better prices, and usually such great care has been taken with
the goods that there is no difference from new!
12) Wear comfortable shoes! I mean it!
13) Stores open at 10am and close at 8pm. So if you want to shop, don't become a night-owl.
14) There is a nice english-speaking doctor across the street from the Tokyo Tower.
15) There is a tourist bureau in Central Tokyo which can be of great help in finding the nice doctor
across from the Tokyo tower.
16) The Tokyo Tower is a real tourist trap. Except for the view, it's got no redeeming value. The
vendors are all grumpy. It is the only place in Japan I ever saw elevator girls though... did you
knowthey can sleep standing up?
17) You can't walk around on the grounds of the emperor's palace. I've heard there is sometime
around new years or something when the public can see it, but otherwise there's really no point in
going around there.
18) Once you've seen one temple, you've seen them all, IMHO.
19) Amusement parks are places young people go on dates.So are public parks, especially at night
when they are dark and private...
20) If you need to use your American ATM card, look for Citibank. Their ATMs will take it and give you
Japanese yen. But keep in mind you can probably take out only $300 a day, which might be a different
number of yen each day...
21) Save 2000 yen for the airport fee when you are leaving the country.

ADVICE! 23. 1. If you are travelling on a bullet train, check that you're not in a silent cabin before you
start chatting away yo your mate! ( I did this and didn't realise until i went to get off) 2. After you leave
Japan come To New Zealand!

ADVICE! 22. it maybe weird, but in Tokyo and in kyoto everyone stands on the left side of the
escalator, but it's very helpful letting others in a hurry to walk up or down the right side. -don't be afraid
to ask for directions. strangely, everyone knows where they are and how to get some where. ha...if
someone asked me how to get some where in my home town i still don't think i'd beable to give them
directions. -bring cash- some cards don't work, even over seas atms. and it's a hassle to use traveler's
checks now these days. -you might not want to buy any DVD's there, because many don't work in
american DVD players. -make sure you bring shoes that slip on and off easily.-keep your arms closely
at your sides when walking down a narrow street, the drivers of japan go really fast and squeeze
through the tightest spots. you don't wanna loose a arm now do ya? -make sure your luggage is small,
light, and has fabric/leather/metal handles (NOT PLASTIC,it breaks and pisses you off)
. [SUBMITTED BY Priscilla]

LINKS! 21. I just added link about japanese expressions. You

might be interested about learning these before you go to Japan.
Also, take a look of my Japanese English page. These help you great a

TIPS! 20. Hello Im exchange student from philippines i will

stay at kobe japan for 1 year My tip is dont be shy to japanese they
are very humble and friendly even thought the fashion of japanese teen
agers is a little bit strange! and dont be afraid to commit mistake in
nihongo it alright!!!

TIPS! 19. go to nansai beach its awsome man!!!!


TIPS! 18. Bring a lot of Yen!!!

Bank machines are very scarce and they may not accept your card. YOU

Don't worry about the prices. Not everything is

priced sky-high. Thrifty spending is a good part of the fun
Bring pictures with you to Japan. Show everyone what your country
looks like.
Don't lick your fingers after eating and
enjoy an ice cold beer in public!

TIP! 17. 1. If you MUST go to McDs, buy a burger you can't buy at home (for those here on holiday),
otherwise you may as well stay at home and get fat. 2. Don't talk loud on trains and in congested
public areas. 3. Spark up a conversation by reading(or faking it)a Japanese paper or mag. 4. Matsuya
and Yoshinoya are better value than McDs 5. If coming on holiday, check out JR rail passes before
leaving home. Save big bucks there. 6. After Japan, travel to NZ. Its great. [SUBMITTED BY Paul (a

TIP! 16. When you buy [expensive] things in sure you claim everything at the
airport...Although you may get taxed tremendously, you won't mind.. You could be in a heap of trouble
if you don't. Arigatou at all times when someone opens a door.... gomen nasai then a slight bow if you
bump someone. You can never be too cautious with your language...don't say anything that you are
not 100% about the meaning. Osaka and Tokyo has two different dialects so don't mess up. When
finding yen on the ground..don't keep it.. it could be counterfeit. If you go to an American type
restaurant, don't get too much..I doubt you want to pay 4.00 for a big mac..oh yeah.. be nice to the
elders.. [SUBMITTED BY Raven Rogers]

TIP! 15. Remember that males bow with their hands at their sides, and females bow with their hands
crossed over in front. Also, don't introduce yourself, your family, or very close friends with "-san" or any
other title. This will seem rude. And don't rely on their English entirely if you are going there. Many
people think that "they all know English in Japan", because it is required curriculum throughout much
of Japan. But like in America, just because you took those four years of Spanish in high school, it
doesn't mean you can actually speak Spanish accurately. If you can, get business cards made while
you are there. Business cards are very important and often exchanged. Also bring inexpensive, but
thoughtful gifts (something from America would be very good). These should be given to people who
have been a great help to you in some way. They hold America in relatively high regards, and they
also are often as interested in talking to you as you would be in talking to them.

And I too would recommend learning katakana first.

TIP! 14. 1) .Like someone already mentioned below, it's good to fill your disembarkation card in
airplane. If you don't know some part, you can always ask the flight attendants in the airplane. They
will surely help you. (Like most of all Japanese, they are true professionals in customer care!) Even
though you might want to flirt with them, I must warn you that it might prove to be useless since they
are not allowed to do so.
2.It might be difficult to make footage with large video camera in the public places, like railway
stations. You need some kind of warrant if you want to do so, I believe. I often tried that and got in
constant trouble with the police. If you have handicam or some small inconspicuous camera, it might
be significantly more easier though.
3. Go to sit in the park or crowded street and see people passing by. It can be really wonderful
experience, and this is the best way to see many Japanese people and learn about the looks of real
Japanese. Eventually someone will also come to chat with you and practice English. Especially high
school students are very keen to chat with foreigners in English.
4. Use as much Japanese as you can. Don't worry about making mistakes, it won't be probably
serious. Even if you only know few words, use them. Japanese people will notice that you are
interested about their country and respect your efforts learning.
5. Remember that Japanese consider it rude to give them money in public place. Giving tips is NOT
Japanese tradition. If you necessarily have to give someone money, you should give it in brown
envelope. (There are special brown envelopes in Japan designed especially for this, they are
rectangle shaped)
5. Instead of giving money when showing someone gratitude from their kindness (or from good
customer service), bring small gifts or souvenirs from your country. Japanese will love these.
6. Take big bunch of your name cards with you. (You will probably notice that you didn't bring enough)
Sharing these might surprise you with many New Year cards in change. Oh, when exchanging a name
card, show proper care for other participant's card. Don't fold it, write to it, or make it a cone. By doing
it, you show a hint of negligence. Examine it with obvious interest, and then put it to your inside
pocket. This is one very traditional rituals.
7. If someone welcomes you to visit their home, don't bring flowers. The hostess will probably will say
how beautiful the flowers you brought are and will put them in visible place, taking off the original
decoration which looked much better.. Bottle of some good sake might be better idea.
8. If you go out with your Japanese girlfriend, it might be good to keep in mind that Japanese are
usually bit shy to kiss in public, while French kisses are mostly out of the question. Holding hands is
considered as a sign of caring and warmth.

There you, go, I hope you find at least some of these ideas useful! Ganbatte ne! [SUBMITTED BY Mr.
Jason || Homepage: ]

TIP! 13. 1) When eating noodles in public or private, SLURP like there is no tomorrow! Elsewhere you
might get stares but in Japan it is a compliment to the chef. NB Only slurp noodles not anything else,
that is just plain rude! (On a recent school exchange to Tokyo, a boy was slurping his BREAD!
Imagine the stares!)
2)When you receive your disembarkation card (on the plane if you are a Non Japanese citizen) fill it in
on the plane to avoid hassles at Immigration
3)ALWAYS carry your passport with you as law states that any person in Japan (citizen or not) must
have ID on them at all times. This prevents hassle with the police who are notoriously harsh.
4)Revolving sushi restaurants are NOT the only cuisine Japan has to offer. Try yakitori tents near
temples or Raamen bars. Cheap, delicious and filling!
5)Always say "Itadakimasu" before eating and "Gochisousama deshita" after eating WHEREVER you
are. Native or not, it is considered polite. [SUBMITTED BY Tewodros Sile]

TIP! 12. Many younger Japanese people can read and write some English, so you might be able to
get wriiten directions or something similar in English for you. Be patient and it may not be very good
quality, but you can usually understand it if you try. [SUBMITTED BY Yashiko]

TIP! 11. Make sure when you are first introducing yourself you bow just a little bit. Most likely, the
person you are introducing yourself to will bow as well. This is to show respect and it kind of says
"thank you for acknowledging my presence" if I'm correct.[SUBMITTED BY Kdallas]

TIP! 10. Bring lots of film. Take pictures of everything the sparks an interest in you or else you will
regret it.
-Don't be afraid to talk to someone to ask the time, for directions, etc.
-If you know Japanese, use it. Speak it as much as you can. Learn new phrases or words and try
them when the opportunity knocks. Its a fast way to learn. Also, if you meet a Japanese person and
you become friends with them, ask them what things are.[SUBMITTED BY Mike]

TIP! 9. If you are beginning to learn Japanese - learn Katakana FIRST! Hiragana will be almost
useless unless you have a sound Japanese vocabulary, which you probably won't have. And it is
difficult to guess the real meaning, because Hiragana is almost always used in conjunction with
difficult Kanji. On the other hand, Katakana is used for many borrowed words, which usually come
from the English language. You can sound these out and guess the meaning, most of the time. Plus
you won't feel like a total illiterate! Katakana saved me more than once on my first trip to
Japan. [SUBMITTED BY Tigerboy || Homepage: ]
[Editor's Note: We recommend learning hiragana first unless, like the above says, you are going to
be in Japan. Then katakana is of more immediate use. But either way, you should learn them both
well! :) ]

TIP! 8. Whole wheat bread is very hard to find in Japan. I suggest buying a bread maker from back
and bringing it, along with the ingredients to make the bread, with you. [SUBMITTED BY ?]

TIP! 7.
1) NEVER eat pickled jellyfish unless you are feeling particularly brave.
2) McD's, though expensive, will be a godsend when you want to eat REAL American food (at least as
American as you're going to get)
3) Try to go to a hot spring. You'll thank yourself for the trouble when you get out of the spring.
4) Be very, VERY careful with the doors. The panes are made of paper, you know.
5) If at all possible bring an American friend with you. You'll maintain your sanity.
6) Japanese people are probably the best hosts on the planet. They LOVE having you there. Go with
the flow, and TALK to them! People like shopkeepers and hosts LOVE it if you use even the most
rudimentary Japanese i.e. Thank you, nice to meet you, hello, etc.
7) Don't eat octopus balls. (NO not like THAT, they're fried octopus dumplings!)
8) DON'T forget to pack shirts! Trust me I speak from experience!
9) The bathrooms are strange. Get used to it. Public bathrooms are often coed. Get used to this as
10) Be sure to leave room in your suitcase for all the stuff you bring back! [SUBMITTED BY A.G.

TIP! 6. It is considered rude to take food out of the common bowl (the bowl where everyone gets their
meal out of, ex. rice bowl) with the side of the chopstick that you're eating out of [that you put in your
mouth]. This spreads germs and it is disgusting! Instead, use the opposite end (the blunt or thick side)
and use that to reach for rice.
Also, do not chomp up your food. Rest your chopsticks every once in a while. This will make you look
like a pig if you do this!
Also, if you are staying with a Japanese friend, always bring a souvenir or a gift. Don't make it
expensive because you will probably expect them to pay you back with a gift! [SUBMITTED BY

TIP! 5. Ways of doing things: a) All homes and most buildings are shoeless, that is, you take off
your outside shoes at the genkan(entrance) and don pink inside slippers with flowers on them [There
are also other varieties of course]. b) Although this is changing with the younger generation is can be
considered impolite to drink or eat while walking! c) It is not rude to slurp your noodles d) It isrude to
bathe inside the bathtub -- you must first bathe outside the tub and then once clean, relax in the tub! If
you want to ignore this last one, it is probably ok; no one will know (unless you are really, really dirty!)
e) don't stick your chopsticks directly in your sticky rice because that means the rice is for the dead!

TIP! 4. Things in Japan are very expensive. A user mentioned even McDonalds which is considered
"inexpensive" can be 2x or 3x what you would expect to pay in your home country. But there is hope!
Things won't be as cheap as back home, but if you look around there are usually places that sell
things for a reasonable price. Also there are many 100 yen stores where everything is only 100 yen
- similar to the dollar stores in the US

TIP! 3. It is very difficult to obtain antiperspirant in Japan. Deodorant, sure - but that's it. [SUBMITTED
BY James Leatherman ||Homepage: ]
LINK! 2. Learn what people who are coming to Japan are asking and their answers by joining the
email discussion list at

TIP! 1. Most everything that you need, you can find in Japan -- But it may cost you! (I made the
mistake of bringing too many things that I could have bought here)
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More tips
Submitted by bluedragon on Sat, 11/15/2008 - 05:34.
Great tips. I've tried some of them already on my last trip to Japan - tips like "bring an umbrella" is
something every turist in Japan discovers within a few days after arriving. Boy they have showers...
I'm currently compiling my traveling experiences, hotel recommendations, tips, guide etc at this
homepage: Japan & Japanese
Feel free to drop by for a visit.

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Tip for women

Submitted by 100101011 on Tue, 11/11/2008 - 20:12.
1)It is not appropriate for a woman to use a hand towel to wipe off sweat or to slurp noodles. In
general, it is only okay for men to do this!!
2)Also, for women, do not lean down over your food when eating (if you must, while eating cup
noodles for example, bring the cup to your mouth), though you might see many men doing this. Keep
in mind that gender roles in Japan are very prevalent and it will seem weird for women to do many of
the things that are normal for men to do.

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