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BMFG 4623





Introduction and the summary of the case study are explained comprehensively. The reason of the topic selection is justified 5
Introduction and the summary of the case study are explained somewhat comprehensively. The reason of the topic selection 4
is justified. The reason of the topic selection is justified
Introduction and the summary of the case study are acceptable with lack of explanation on topic of selection 3
Introduction and the summary of the case study are partially prepared with not clear explanation on topic of selection 2
Introduction and the summary of the case study are written poorly with unjustified topic selection 1
No Introduction and the summary of the case study. 0
The scope of work is explained comprehensively. The entire important points such as project goals, objectives, works, 15
limitation, deliverables, stakeholders, standards, milestones and assumptions are explained comprehensively. The Gantt
chart is prepared using the Microsoft Project Software.
The scope of work is explained comprehensively. Most of the important points such as project goals, objectives, works, 12
limitation, deliverables, stakeholders, standards, milestones and assumptions are explained comprehensively. The Gantt
chart is prepared using the Microsoft Project Software.
The scope of work is explained not In detail. Some the important points such as project goals, objectives, works, limitation, 9
deliverables, stakeholders, standards, milestones and assumptions are explained not in detail. The Gantt chart is prepared
using the Microsoft Project Software.
The scope of work is explained not In detail. Some the important points such as project goals, objectives, works, limitation, 6
deliverables, stakeholders, standards, milestones and assumptions are explained. The Gantt chart is prepared manually or
using Microsoft Excel.
The scope of work is explained poorly. Less than 4 of the important points are considered from the option of project goals, 3
objectives, works, limitation, deliverables, stakeholders, standards, milestones and assumptions are explained. The Gantt
chart is prepared manually or using Microsoft Excel.
The scope of work is explained poorly. The important points are not. No Gantt chart is prepared. 0
The WBS was prepared in a good and logical way. Prepared in considerable number of level (e.g. 5 levels), and illustrated 10
in an attractive way. Visible and easy to be understood.
The WBS was prepared in a good and logical way. Prepared in less than 5 level (e.g. 4 levels), and illustrated in a less 8
attractive way. Visible and easy to be understood.
The WBS was prepared in acceptable and logical way. C. Prepared in less than 4 levels), and illustrated in a less attractive 6
way. Not clear and hard to be understood.
The WBS was prepared in somewhat acceptable way. Prepared in less than 3 levels. The illustration is not clear and hard 4
to be understood.
The WBS was prepared in in less than 3 levels. The illustration is presented poorly. 2
No WBS or WBS that is not logic (e.g. each level could not be done in parallel) 0
The OBS was prepared in a good and logical way. Contains considerable number of team member that related to the 5
expertise or department towards the completion of the project
The OBS was prepared in a good and logical way. Contains considerable number of team member that not related to the 3
expertise or department towards the completion of the project.
The OBS was prepared in a poorly illogical way. Contains insufficient number of team member towards the completion of 1
the project.
No OBS 0
The key task list table is completed using the information from WBS. The WBS Code (the hierarchy/level numbering), work 5
package and the duration to accomplish each work package are listed according to the WBS.
The key task list table is completed using the information from WBS. The WBS Code (the hierarchy/level numbering), work 3
package and the duration to accomplish each work package are listed according to the WBS with some errors or missing
The key task list table is partial completed using the information from WBS. The WBS Code (the hierarchy/level 1
numbering), work package and the duration to accomplish each work package are listed according to the WBS with errors
or missing information.
Key task list table is not completed 0

Project network diagram is developed using the Microsoft project software with all the related information as in WBS. Each 20
Activities are labelled correctly with sufficient information. A comprehensive discussion is made in addition to the network
Project network diagram is developed using the Microsoft project software with all the related information as in WBS. Each 15
Activities are labelled with some information. Some discussion is made in addition to the network diagram.
Project network diagram is developed using the Microsoft project software with all the related information as in WBS. Each 10
Activities are labelled with some information without proper discussion.
Project network diagram is developed using the Microsoft project software poorly without proper labelling and discussion. 5
No Project Network diagram is presented 0
Project network diagram is developed manually with all the related information as in WBS. Each Activities and predecessor 15
table are prepared with sufficient information. All the data, time and etc were estimated in logically manner. Detail
Explanation on difference between manual and MS Project Diagram
Project network diagram is developed manually with all the related information as in WBS. Each Activities and predecessor 10
table are prepared with sufficient information. All the data, time and etc were estimated in logically manner but with lack
of clarity on the flow. Brief Explanation on difference between manual and MS Project Diagram
Project network diagram is developed manually with all the related information as in WBS. Each Activities and predecessor 5
table are prepared with in-sufficient information. All the data, time and etc were estimated in logically manner but with
lack of clarity on the flow and the. No Explanation on difference between manual and MS Project Diagram
There is an attempt to develop a project network manually 1
No Project Network diagram is presented 0
Resource Dictionary table is completed with the code, resource name and also the measurement unit. The Task list table is 5
completed correctly with WBS Code (ID) as in Key Task list section with resource and the quantity information
Resource Dictionary table is completed with minor error/misinformation with the code, resource name and also the 3
measurement unit. The Task list table is prepared with WBS Code (ID) as in Key Task list section with resource and the
quantity information with some minor missing information.
There is an attempt to answer the Resource Dictionary table .The Task list table is prepared insufficiently and differently as 1
in Key Task list section
No attempt to prepare the Resource Dictionary and No Task list Table 0
The details on cost per unit and amount for usage with the resource name are completed. The Task list with cost table is 5
completed correctly and related to Task list With Resource. Project budget are estimated comprehensively and contains
different sub-types of costs (e.g. Direct Cost, Indirect Cost, Variable Cost, etc.).
The details on cost per unit and amount for usage with the resource name are prepared with minor missing information. 3
The Task list with cost table is prepared some minor missing information. Project budget are estimated briefly and
contains different types of cost (e.g. Direct Cost, Indirect Cost, Variable Cost, etc.).
The details on cost per unit and amount for usage with the resource name are prepared with major missing information. 1
The Task list with cost table is prepared insufficiently and differently as in Task list With Resource. Project budget are
estimated with limited types of cost (e.g. Direct Cost, Indirect Cost, Variable Cost, etc.). The total project cost is reflected
by those costs) or with less information supplied.
No Cost Account/Cost Dictionary details and No Task list With Cost table and No Project Budget Table 0
Critical Path of the project are identified and assessed using the Microsoft Project Software. The Explanation for these 10
conditions are given. The illustration are clear and good with logic rational on critical path.
Critical Path of the project are identified and assessed using the Microsoft Project Software. The Explanation for these 7
conditions are given with missing information. The illustration are acceptable and good with logic rational on critical path.
Critical Path of the project are identified and assessed using the Microsoft Project Software with no explanation. The 5
illustration are acceptable and good with logic rational on critical path.
Critical Path of the project are identified and assessed using the Microsoft Project Software with no explanation. The 3
illustration are poor.
No Critical Path Assessment 0
11 Conclusion (5%)
The assignment is concluded comprehensively with the related finding and lesson learn 5
The assignment is concluded with relevant points. 3
The assignment is concluded poorly 2
No Conclusion 0
12 Tidiness and presentation of the report
The assignment content is arranged properly/acceptable. Tidy work and clear flow. Clean report and submitted on time 0
The assignment format was poorly arranged. Content is not justified or poor page number labelling. -2
The assignment format was poorly arranged. Content is not justified and poor page number labelling. -3
The assignment format was poorly arranged. Content is not justified or poor page number labelling. The report prepared -4
poorly with late submission.
-The End- prepared by Ts Dr Al Amin 202 1

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