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1) The courses of English - Vietnamese Translation were in _______ of Professor Smith.

A. charge B. teaching C. duty D. change
2) He is keen _______ English, but he is not good ________ listening.
A. on / at B. on / with C. at / on D. at / at
3) Teachers of English often advise _______ as much as possible.
A. practiced B. for practicing C. to practice D. practicing
4) He speaks English as if he ________ a native speaker.
A. be B. were C. had been D. was
5) Mr. Brown has worked in London for three years and he speaks English ________.
A. by very well now B. very well by now C. very by well now D. by well very now
6) English or French, you can choose ___________.
A. so B. both C. not D. either
7) He was very upset by the ________ of his English examination.
A. success B. effect C. failure D. result
8) American speak English as their __________ language.
A. first B. third C. second D. foreign
9) Do you have any trouble __________ English prepositions?
A. with B. against C. of D. after
10) You can try ________ if you want to improve your English.
A. to listening to BBC B. to listen at BBC C. listening at BBC D. listening to BBC
11) English is an important language ________.
A. for us to master B. to master C. which we have to master D. All are correct.
12) When ________ from London she will be fluent in English.
A. she comes back B. she will come back C. she will comes back D. she will comes back
13) _________ in groups, students have more time to practice their English speaking skills.
A. Although working B. When to work C. If to work D. When working
14) He speaks English quite ________.
A. bad B. excellent C. good D. well
15) He wants to know if there ________ an English test tomorrow.
A. would be B. was C. is D. will be
16) Peter is learning English at the moment. He often ________ English three periods a week.
A. has learned B. will learn C. is learning D. learns
18) I have just started English courses. I ____________ English grammar.
A. am studying B. studied C. study D. studying
19) Teacher / ask / me / if / speak / English / fluent //
A. The teacher asked me if do I speak English fluently.
B. The teacher asked me if I spoke English fluently.
C. The teacher asks me if I speak an English fluent.
D. The teacher asks me if I can speak English fluent.
20) He speaks ________ good English that is pleasure to talk with him.
A. very B. so C. such D. such a
21) I wish I ________ English when I was high school.
A. had studied B. have studied C. studied D. study
22) English / speak / almost / part / the world //
A. English is speaking in almost all parts of the world.
B. Almost every part in the world is spoken with English.
C. English is spoken in almost every part of the world.
D. English is spoken in almost parts of the world.
23) Thanks ________ our English teacher, we have learned many English songs.
A. Þ B. to C. for D. on
24) Many Vietnamese students have ________ English.
A. difficulty learning B. difficult to learn C. difficult learning D. difficulty to learn
25) Practice ________ English anywhere you can is a way to better your speaking skill.
A. for speaking B. speaking C. to speak D. speak
26) English lessons / English 7 / long and difficult / English 6.
A. English lessons of English 7 are longer and difficulter than those of English 6.
B. English lessons of English 7 is longer and more difficult than those of English 6.
C. English lessons of English 7 are longer and difficult than those of English 6.
D. English lessons of English 7 are longer and more difficult than those of English 6.
27) No one knows ________ English as a foreign language.
A. exactly how many people speak B. how many exactly do people speak
C. exactly how many do people speak D. how many do people exactly speak
28) She said that the best way to improve our English was to go and study in English.
A. present B. make better C. perform D. identify
29) _______ may take place when you don't speak English correctly.
A. Understanding B. Misunderstanding C. Understand D. Misunderstand
30) As soon as he _________ a certificate in English, he will apply for a job.
A. get B. will get C. would get D. gets
31) I have two foreign friends, ________ English.
A. none of which speak B. neither of whom speaks
C. none of whose speaks D. neither of them speaking
32) We hope our students themselves will enjoy taking _______ in English club.
A. place B. advantage C. notice D. part
33) English tends towards________ , which is its strength.
A. simplication B. simpleness C. simplify D. simplicity
34) He has not got much progress in learning English as he expects because he is not capable _______
remembering vocabulary.
A. for B. of C. in D. on
35) the / ability / communicate / to / in / English / is / most / important / for / you / get to / good / a / job / the.
A. The most important for you to get a good job is to communicate the ability in English.
B. The communicate ability in English is the most important for you to get to a good job.
C. The ability to communicate in English is the most important for you to get a good job.
D. The ability to communicate in English is the important most for you to get a good job.
36) Spoken English is easier than _______ English.
A. written B. writing C. write D. writer
37) All students can take part in the annual English-speaking Competition.
A. happening once every six months B. happening once a term
C. happening once a year D. happening once a month
38) Five years ago she was _______ university student of _______ English.
A. an / Þ B. a / Þ C. a / the D. an / the
39) Reading stories in English helps us _________ our writing skill.
A. improving B. improve / to improve C. to be improved D. to proving
40) I really enjoy my new English class, we discuss _________ really interesting topics like music, pop stars
and fashion!
A. to B. Þ C. about D. at
41) I am amazed _______ your fluency in English.
A. in B. for C. with D. at
42) I found it difficult to communicate in English.
A. I preferred communicating in English. B. I was not used to communicating in English.
C. I didn't like to communicate in English. D. I had no difficulty communicating in English.
43) Your English is very _______. You speak English very _______.
A. well / well B. well / good C. good / good D. good / well
44) Tom is English. So is Linda.
A. Either Tom or Linda is English. B. Both Tom and Linda are English.
C. Neither Tom nor Linda is English. D. Both Tom and Linda is English.
45) John can speak two languages. One is English. _________ is French.
A. Others B. Another C. Other D. The other
46) How can I improve my English speaking ability? - You_________ as much as possible.
A. have to practice to speak B. have to practicing to speak
C. have to practice speaking D. have to practicing speaking
47) He spoke _______ English, so it was difficult to communicate with him.
A. a few B. few C. a little D. little
48) You speak English very well. Yes, but I wish I ______ other languages well, too.
A. spoke B. speak C. can speak D. am speaking
49) Until you learn to relax more, you ______ your ability to speak English.
A. haven’t improved B. won’t improve C. aren’t improving D. don’t improve
50) You should learn English better ________ you can understand English culture
A. despite B. in order to C. so that D. such that
51) If Maria comes to England, it will be a good ________ for her to improve English.
A. probability B. advantage C. possibility D. opportunity
52) I'm learning English because I want to read newspapers _______ English.
A. in B. on C. by D. with
53) John asked me ________ in English.
A. what that word means B. what that word meant
C. what does this word mean D. what did this word mean
54) I _________ a student in this class if English were my native language.
A. wasn't B. wouldn't be C. won't be D. aren't
55) Most students find English Competitions ________.
A. enjoyable B. enjoying C. enjoyment D. enjoyed
56) Our English teacher would like _______.
A. we to practice our pronunciation B. us practicing our pronunciation
C. that we practicing our pronunciation D. us to practice our pronunciation
57) Nam is not good at English and neither am I.
A. Nam isn't good at English but I am. B. I am not good at English as Nam is.
C. Neither Nam nor. I am not good at English. D. Neither Nam nor I am good at English.
58) "How's your class this term?" "Great. I have seventeen students, most of ______ speak English very well.
A. which B. who C. those D. whom
59) Hoa's English is not very ________ because she doesn't study ________.
A. well - hardly B. good - hard C. well - hard D. good - hardly
60) "I try to study English well. I want to get a good job." means _____ .
A. I try to study English well so that I get a good job.
B. I try to study English well so that to get a good job.
C. I try to study English well so that I can get a good job.
D. I try to study English so well that I can get a good job.
61) A good _________ of English will help you find a job more easily.
A. expectation B. satisfaction C. condition D. knowledge
62) He was surprised that her English was so ________ as she had never been to England.
A. definite B. national C. liquid D. fluent
63) Students should __________ English as it provides ready access to world scholarship and world trade.
A. master B. maintain C. hold D. keep
64) Would you mind _________ English vocabulary?
A. telling how to remember B. to tell how remembering
C. to tell how to remember D. telling how remembering
65) All students must learn English, but German is _______.
A. opposition B. opportunity C. optional D. option
66) I would apply for that job if I spoke English _______.
A. as well as you do B. as well as you did C. as good as you did D. as good as you do
67) Only by practising more __________ spoken English well.
A. you are able to learn B. you can learn C. are you be able to learn D. can you learn
68) My English teacher, ________ comes from Canada, loves music.
A. Þ B. who C. who D. that
69) No dictionary can ______ all the English idioms.
A. tell B. cover C. show D. say
70) English, Math, and Literature are three _______ subjects that Vietnamese students have to take in their
GCSE examination.
A. free B. optional C. substitute D. compulsory
1. "If you don't pay the ransom, we'll kill your boy," the kidnappers told us.
A. The kidnappers pledged to kill our boy if we did not pay the ransom.
B. The kidnappers threatened to kill our boy if we refused to pay the ransom.
C. The kidnappers ordered to kill our boy if we did not pay the ransom.
D. The kidnappers promised to kill our boy if we refused to pay the ransom.
2. "Would you like to come to my birthday party, Sarah?" asked Frederic.
A. Frederic invited Sarah to his birthday party.
B. Frederic asked if Sarah was able to come to his birthday party.
C. Frederic asked Sarah if she liked his birthday party or not.
D. Frederic reminded Sarah of his coming birthday party.
3. “Are you willing to travel?” she said.
A. She told me am I willing to travel.
B. She asked me if you were willing to travel.
C. She asked me if I was willing to travel.
D. She told me whether was I willing to travel.
4. I could not get the job because I did not speak English well.
A. I failed to get the job because of my poor English.
B. Despite my poor English, I was successful in the job.
C. I wish I had got the job so that I could speak English well.
D. I would have spoken English well if I could get that job.

5. She was so busy that she couldn’t answer the phone.

A. She was very busy that she couldn’t answer the phone.
B. She was too busy to answer the phone.
C. She was too busy not to answer the phone.
D. She was very busy so that she couldn’t answer the phone.
6. Smoking is an extremely harmful habit. You should give it up immediately.
A. As smoking is an extremely harmful habit, you should give it up immediately.
B. You should give up smoking immediately and you will fall into an extremely harmful habit.
C. When you give up smoking immediately, you will affect your health with this harmful habit.
D. Stop your smoking immediately so it will become one of your extremely harmful habits.
7. His academic record at high school was poor. He failed to apply to that prestigious institution.
A. His academic record at high school was poor as a result of his failure to apply to that prestigious institution.
B. Failing to apply to that prestigious institution, his academic record at high school was poor.
C. His academic record at high school was poor; as a result, he failed to apply to that prestigious institution.
D. His academic record at high school was poor because he didn’t apply to that prestigious institution.
8. He might go home this afternoon. I’ll leave him a message in the answering machine.
A. I’ll leave him a message in the answering machine in case he will go home this afternoon.
B. I’ll leave him a message in the answering machine for fear he might go home this afternoon.
C. I’ll leave him a message in the answering machine now that he goes home this afternoon.
D. I’ll leave him a message in the answering machine in order that he will go home this afternoon.
9. He did not want to be discovered. That’s why he destroyed all proof against him.
A. He destroyed all proof against him with a view not to be discovered.
B. In order not to be discovered. As a result, he destroyed all proof against him.
C. Due to not be discovered, he destroyed all proof against him.
D. For fear of being discovered, he destroyed all proof against him.
10. I do my homework and schoolwork in separate books. I don’t get muddled up.
A. Having two separate books at home and at work helps me avoid getting muddled up.
B. I do my homework and schoolwork in separate books so that I don’t get muddled up.
C. I do not get muddled up due to the separation between homework and schoolwork.
D. I would get muddled up if I did not separate homework from schoolwork.
11. She wrote the text. She selected the illustration as well.
A. She not only wrote the text but also selected the illustration.
B. The text she wrote was not as good as the illustration she selected.
C. In order to select the illustration, she had to write the text.
D. If she had written the text, she would have selected the illustration.
12. I did not dare to turn on television. I was afraid of waking the baby up.
A. Waking the baby up, I could not continue watching the television.
B. I decided to turn the television down to avoid waking the baby up.
C. I decided not to turn the television down in order to wake the baby up.
D. I did not dare to turn on the television for fear of waking up the baby.
13. The man is very old. He can’t take such a long trip.
A. The man is too old to take such a long trip.
B. The trip is not too long for the man to take.
C. The man is young enough to take such a long trip.
D. The old man has refused to take such a long trip.
14. She is a famous author. She is also an influential political commentator.
A. She likes writing famous books and commenting on politics.
B. She is neither a famous author nor a political commentator.
C. She writes famous books, but she does not know much about politics.
D. She is not only a famous author but also an influential political commentator.
15. We spend about one-third of our lives sleeping. We know relatively little about sleep.
A. We know relatively little about sleep; as a result, we spend about one-third of our lives sleeping.
B. Despite spending about one-third of our lives sleeping, we know relatively little about sleep.
C. We shall know more about sleep if we spend more than one-third of our lives sleeping.
D. We spend about one-third of our lives sleeping so that we know relatively little about sleep.
16. “Could you read this essay and give me your opinion on it?”
A. He asked his classmate whether she could read his essay and gave him her opinion on it.
B. He made a request to his classmate that she read his essay and give him her opinion on it.
C. He asked his classmate to read the essay and give him opinion on it.
D. He invited his classmate to read his essay and give her opinion on it.
17. He behaved in a very strange way. That surprised me a lot.
A. His behaviour was a very strange thing, that surprised me most.
B. He behaved very strangely, which surprised me very much.
C. What almost surprised me was the strange way he behaved.
D. I was almost not surprised by his strange behaviour.
18. Tom was encouraged by my success. He decided not to quit his work.
A. Encouraged by my success, Tom decided not to quit his work.
B. Encouraging by my success, Tom decided not to quit his work.
C. To be encouraged by my success, Tom decided not to quit his work.
D. That he was encouraged by success, Tom decided not to quit his work.
19. I don’t think Max broke your vase because he wasn’t here then.
A. Max wouldn’t have broken your vase because he wasn’t here then.
B. Max was likely to break your vase because he wasn’t here then.
C. Max can’t have broken your vase because he wasn’t here then.
D. Max wasn’t able to break your vase because he wasn’t here then.
20. She received the exam results. She immediately phoned her mom.
A. She immediately phoned her mom that she would receive the exam results.
B. No sooner had she received the exam results than she phoned her mom.
C. No sooner had she phoned her mom than she received the exam results.
D. She received the exam results immediately after she phoned her mom.
21. The soccer team knew they lost the match. They soon started to blame each other.
A. Not only did the soccer team lose the match but they blamed each other as well
B. No sooner had the soccer team started to blame each other than they knew they lost the match.
C. As soon as they blamed each other, the soccer team knew they lost the match.
D. Hardly had the soccer team known they lost the match when they started to blame each other.
22. You usually drive fast. You use more petrol than usual.
A. The faster you drive, the more you use petrol.
B. The more you drive fast, the more you use petrol.
C. The faster you drive, the more petrol you use.
D. The more fast you drive, the more petrol you use.
23. The older he grew, the more forgetful he became.
A. He grew older when he became more forgetful.
B. He became more forgetful and older.
C. As he grew older, he became more and more forgetful.
D. He grew older and more and more forgetful.

24: “Why don't you complain to the company, John?” said Peter.
A. Peter suggested that John should complain to the company.
B. Peter advised John complaining to the company.
C. Peter threatened John to complain to the company.
D. Peter asked John why he doesn't complain to the company.
25: “How long have you been in this job?” She asked him.
A. She asked him how long he has been in that job.
B. She asked him how long has he been in that job.
C. She asked him how long he had been in that job.
D. She asked him how long had he been in that job.
26: "Go on, Susan! Apply for the job," the father said.
A. The father forced Susan to apply for the job.
B. The father asked Susan to applying for the job.
C. The father wanted Susan not to apply for the job.
D. The father encouraged Susan to apply for the job.

27: Steve said to Mike, “Don’t touch the electric wires. It might be deadly.”
A. Steve advised Mike not to touch the electric wires as it might be deadly.
B. Steve warned Mike not to touch the wires as it might be deadly.
C. Steve suggested that Mike not touch the electric wires as it might be deadly.
D. Steve did not allow Mike to touch the electric wires as it might be deadly.

28. Smartphones are becoming reasonably priced. New applications make them more appealing.
A. Whatever new applications smartphones have, they are becoming more appealing with reasonable prices.
B. Appealing though smartphones are with new applications, they are becoming less affordably priced.
C. Not only are smartphones becoming more affordable but, with new applications, they are also more
D. No matter how reasonable the prices of smartphones are, they are not so appealing with new applications.
1) Fee-paying school, often called "independent schools", "private schools" or ____________ schools".
2) He is a ______________ boy. He is often kind and helpful to every classmate.
3) Most adjectives can be used to __________________ a noun.
4) _________________ my parents are very busy at work, they try to spend as much time for us as possible.
5) Father makes _____________________ that all the lights are off before he goes to bed.
6) The __________________ to success is to be ready from the start.
7) In England schooling is _________________ for all children from the age of 5 to 16.
8) Not all teenagers are well-_______________ for their future job when they are at high school.
9) Too many tests and exams have put high school students under ______________.
10) _________________ volleyball players, footballers cannot use their hands in the game.
11) They can't ___________________ on a name for the baby.
12) Doctors are supposed to __________________ responsibility for human life.
13) After a _________________ hesitation, she began to speak with such a convincing voice.
14) The nurse is always kind and gentle to us. She is a very _____________ person.
15) Eating too much fat can _______________ to heart disease.
16) __________________ is the existence of a wide variety of plant and animal species living in their natural
17) Both parents and children today realize that ________________ is necessary for a good life.
18) The survey showed that the _______________ of Asian students believed in 'contractual' marriage.
19) To get someone's attention, we can use either verbal or _________________ forms of communication.
20) Everyone in the family should __________________ to doing household chores.
21) Some deserts in the world are sandy while _________________ are rocky and stony.
22) ____________________ is the protection of environment and natural resources.
23) Tam is willing to help his mother with the household ___________________.
24) Species become extinct or endangered for _____________ number of reasons, but ___________ primary
cause is the destruction of habitat by human activities.
25) I waved my hand to ___________________ the waiter's attention.
26) It is often considered to be impolite to ________________ at someone.
27) In some Asian countries, kissing and hugging are not ________________ forms of greeting.
28) If something ________________ your attention or your eye, you notice it or become interested in it.
29) What is Jill doing? She is writing a _________________ to apply for a position for a clerk.
30) In many cultures, people signify their agreement by _____________ their head.
31) That __________________ boy often plays tricks on his friends.
32) The college offers both __________________ and professional qualifications.
33) The boy waved his hands to his mother, who was standing at the school gate, to ____________ her
34) It's OK to use _____________ language if you're speaking to a friend.
35) I do not think there is a real ________________ between men and women at home as well as in society.
36) Body language is a potent form of ________________ communication.
37) ________________ the eldest child, he works hard to help his parents support the family.
36) Our parents _______________ hands to give us a nice house and a happy home.
39) It is important to have someone you can ________________ in.
40) London is home to people of many ________________ cultures.
41) "Men build the house and women make it ________________" is a popular saying.
42) A whistle is the _______________ for the football players to begin the match.
43) You are old enough to take __________________ for what you have done.
44) As a ______________ parent, my main concern is balancing the needs of a small child with the need to
earn a living.
45) He has worked so hard recently; _______________, he is in bad health.
46) The Red List is a special book that provides names of __________________ animals.
47) The committee is made up __________________ players, trainers and managers.
48) Although my dad is busy with his work, he is willing to ______________ a hand with the housework.
49) Sometimes we use _________________ language in communication.
50) Whenever a problem ________________ up, we try to discuss and find solution as soon as possible.
51) Do you agree that a happy marriage should be based ______________ love?
52) In Vietnam in the past, love was supposed to __________________ marriage, not precede it.
53) She feels _________________ to be nice to Jack because he's her boss.
54) We are a very _______________ family. All of us have very close relationship with one another.
55) A(n) ________________ child means a child who behaves badly and saddens his parents.
56) When being interviewed, you should concentrate _______________ what the interviewer is saying or
asking you.
57) Some students agree that a woman has to _______________ more in marriage than a man.
58) An endangered species is a species _______________ population is so small that is in danger of extinction.
59) It is parents' duty and responsibility to ________________ hands to take care of their children and give
them a happy home.
60) Both my parents work in _______________ education, teaching at a college.
61) Books are no longer the only __________________ of stories and information.
62) Around 15% of our diet is composed _______________ protein.
63) Experts are worried that ________________ is damaging the ozone layer.
64) His work involves helping students to find temporary ______________ during their summer vacation.
65) Can you explain why some people can work better when they are _______________ pressure?
66) People here have a more relaxed attitude ________________ their work.
67) The GCSE stands for the ___________________ Certificate of Secondary Education.
68) Members of our family have very close _________________ with each other.
69) The more he fails, the more __________________ he loses in his abilities.
70) Qualifications and ________________ are two most important factors that help you get a good job.

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