Arya Dadhich 19MIA1025 Assnm 2

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Arya Dadhich

Date: 2/2/21
Assignment 2


1. The Union Movement Era: The basic philosophy underlying trade

unionism was to safeguard the worker’s interest and to sort out of
their problems such as use of child labour, long hours of work and
poor working conditions. These unions used strikes, slowdowns,
walkouts picketing, boycotts, and sabotage as weapons for the
acceptance of their problems.

2. Social Responsibility Era: In the starting decade of the 20th century,

some factory owners/employers started showing a humanistic
approach towards the workers. In order to improve productivity, it is
necessary to improve conditions of employees by removing them
from an adverse environment or by changing the environment with the
provisions of more satisfactory living and working conditions.

3. Scientific Management Era: Scientific management was propounded

by Frederick Winslow Taylor in 1911. It aimed to standardize
workflows and improve labour productivity through reduction of
effort Human factor at work was given more importance and
procedures were simplified by time and motion studies.

4. Human Relations Era: In early 1930s a research by Elton Mayo

namely, the “Hawthorne Studies” opened up a new horizon of human
relations at the workplace. It revealed the impact of social factors,
informal groups, motivation and employee satisfaction on
productivity. This was the beginning of behavioural approaches and
soft skill training to employees. The modern concept of HRM
sprouted from such movements.
5. Behavioural Sciences Era: Behavioural approach to HRM is based on
the findings of intensive research carried out by behavioural scientists
belonging to the disciplines of sociology, social psychology,
anthropology and management experts. The major contributions made
by the behavioural scientists are in the areas of motivation, leadership,
communication, organisational change and development,
organisational culture, and individual and group dynamics On the
whole, behavioural science approach of HRM was concerned with the
social and psychological aspects of human behaviour in organisations.

6. Systems Approach Era: To carry out its operations, each enterprise

has certain departments known as subsystems such as production sub-
system, finance sub-system, marketing sub-system, HR sub-system
etc. Each sub-system consists of a number of other subsystems.

7. Contingency Approach Era – Situational Approach: Contingency

approach believes that there is no way of managing that works in all
situations. According to this approach, the best way to manage varies
with the situation. Hence, this approach is also called ‘situational

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