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British Journal of Psychiatry (1994), 164, 581—587 Editorial

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy of Schizophrenia

The amenability of delusions and hallucinations to reasoning

Cognitive behavioural techniques used in schi.zo any onetime. Analysis of the rules used in decision
pbrenia have generally been developed pragmatically making has shown useful ‘¿ biases'and ‘¿ errors'
in clinical settings. Despite the effectiveness of are introduced to simplify representation of reality
antipsychotic drugs in acute schizophrenia and in and aid pragmatic decision making. Tissot & Bernand
preventing relapse, many patients continue to have (1980) have described the application of Piaget's
persistent positive and negative symptoms. Even drugs work in examining schizophrenic patients' reasoning
such as clozapine for resistant symptoms only appear methods and their integration with reality. This group
effective in up to a third of those for whom they are was found to have even greater difficultythan a control
indicated. Side-effects also present major problems. group in the area of logico-experimental reasoning.
Poor compliance occurs in up to 75% with first
episode schizophrenia (Kissling, 1992)and up to 50%
Formation of beliefs
of patients dischargedfrom hospital fail to take even
75% of medication prescribed (Buchanan, 1992). Hemsley & Garety (1986) reviewed the development
Controlled studies have been unable to demonstrate and maintenance of abnormal beliefs. Two factors
the efficacy of psychodynamic psychotherapy in appearsignificant;the formation of beliefs is affected
schizophrenia. However, the use of psychosocial by expectation and by relevantinformation from the
approaches —¿family therapies (Lam, 1991), early environment. They describe how ‘¿ normal' strongly
intervention (Birchwood & Shepherd, 1992), coping held beliefs are highly resistant to change. Potential
strategies (Tarrier eta!, 1993) and training in illness biases can occur at different stages of hypothesis
self-management (Eckman et a!, 1992) —¿ have now evaluation: hypothesis formulation —¿ although
been shown to reduce relapse rates and disability. seemingly essential, this initial stage may not occur
Cognitive behavioural therapies based on the work at all. Patients appear at times to translate abnormal
of Beck (Beck eta!, 1979)and Ellis (1962), supported experiencesdirectlyinto belief statementswithout any
by experimental evidence, are now being developed intervening stage of considering evidence. Alternatively
to supplement these. the beliefs developed may be untestable, for example,
‘¿ that
the world will end in 2093.' Errors may be made
in assessing component probabilities and errors in
Evidencefrom cognitive psychology
summation of probability occur; for example, ‘¿ a
subject may express IO0% confidence that the IRA
Comparisons between normal and
were plotting against him but also a one in five
schizophrenic thinking processes
chance that no such plot existed.' This is also
Dulit (1972) found that only about a third of adults recognised as a component of normal belief.
and older children reach the most developed formal Similarly, over-reliance on available data and the
operational stage that Piaget described. Thus tasks representativeness of data used occurs frequently.
involving assimilation of new evidence and reasoning A young paranoid patient treated by Hemsley and
abstractly are not mastered by a majority of the Garety was preoccupied by his appearance and as
population, who continue at a concrete operational a result felt that 80°lo
of people were laughing at him.
level rather than using logico-experimental reasoning. However, when accompanied by the therapist on a
Confirmation of this comes from studies of how walk, he decided that 15% of people were simply
information is represented in the mind (Collins & smiling and not necessarily at him. Subjects may act
Loftus, 1975) as the basis for research into problem as though a hypothesis is absolutely true without
solving and decision making. Normal thought having seriously considered the possibility that it
processes do not conform to the rules of logic but might not be. Information searching may either not
make use of heuristics or models of probabilities to occur, or where it does patients restrict the search
compensate for the brain's limited capacity to hold to confirmatory evidence. Finally, the relationship
all the information required for decision-making at between belief and action is far from simple, with


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believing something is true not inevitably leading to widespread in Western culture (Cox & Cowling, 1989).
acting as if it were true. The Present State Examination elicits information
The formation of assumptions and beliefs may also about telepathy and hypnosis in implicit recognition
differ between those with or without schizophrenia. of the similarities of these phenomena to psychotic
Experimental social psychology has produced models symptoms. Such culturally widespread and distinctly
of belief and attitude formation (e.g. Bem, 1970) unscientific beliefs merge into psychotic delusions.
and of the factors influencing the attribution of Critical analysis of where, or even whether, a
causality to people and events. These aspects are borderline exists between such beliefs is overdue.
basic to the understanding of individuals' view of That delusions are not amenable to reason is held
the world and the interpretation of their subsequent to be self-evident: “¿ neitherprevious experience nor
actions. Improved models of the relationship between compelling counter-arguments can shake the certainty
emotion and cognition have further added to our of the delusion― (Scharfetter, 1980). However, few
knowledge of the way in which emotional states can controlled investigations using appropriate rating
influence reasoning (John, 1988). instruments have been performed to establish this
to be the case, and these few studies (e.g. Watts et
Schizophrenic thought content al, 1983) have suggested that the contrary can occur.
The definition of delusions as ‘¿ irrationalbeliefs, Delusions seem to be held with differing degrees of
out of keeping with a person's cultural (or socio intensity and last for varying lengths of time, that
economic) background which are not amenable to is, fluidity is characteristic. One might anticipate that
reason' would seem to preclude reasoning approaches. whether they are amenable to reason will depend on:
Slater & Roth (1969) stated that “¿isit a waste of firstly, the strength of the belief. This may be in
time to argue with a paranoid patient about his part related to the time period over which the belief
delusions . . .“and Hamilton (1984) advised has been present. Secondly, the consequences of
psychiatrists, “¿ not
to go along with the patient's relinquishing the belief; increased social acceptability
delusions and hallucinations; on the contrary, the may be a reason for doing so, whereas investment of
patient should be encouraged to ignore them―. self-esteem may militate against. For example, where
The psychotherapy literature has concurred with a patient has acted in accordance with paranoid or
this approach (Rudden et al, 1982), generally grandiose beliefsover many years, he may have forsaken
opposing ‘¿ confrontingthe reality of the delusion'. or not developed a career, marriage, and/or family and
Techniques instead have included: ignoring delusional faced ridicule because of the beliefs. The effects on his
content while focusing on conflict-free areas, self-esteem of incorporating contradictory evidence
exploring delusional beliefs and experiences to assist may be a factor in his continuing to hold them, although
in forming a rapport, and even participating in the he may discontinue acting upon them. Thirdly, the
delusion. However, avoidance of discussion of the availabilityof alternative explanations; this willdepend,
prime concerns of the individual is contrary to in part, on the depth of understanding of the beliefs
conventional psychiatric practice. It would inhibit and their antecedents by the therapist. It will also
the establishment of a therapeutic relationship which be determined by the therapist's ability to develop
is central to psychiatric management enabling appropriate persuasive strategies in appropriate
engagement in rehabilitation, or persuasion of the sequence and in an atmosphere of collaborative
person to be admitted to hospital or to comply with empiricism, and the persistence to follow them
psychopharmacological strategies. through. Fourthly, the way in which the explanations
are presented. Watts and colleagues (1983) produced
Reasoning with delusions some evidence that attempts at modification rather
By presuming to introduce reasoning approaches than direct confrontation seemed more likely to be
to delusional thought, cognitive therapy therefore successful. Finally, the relationship with the therapist;
requires re-examination of the concept of delusion. the person would seem more likely to explore a
The present definitions require judgements to be delusion and discuss alternative explanations with
made by those determining whether the person is someone who is trusted and respected.
deluded or not. Whether a belief is irrational and out
of keeping with a person's cultural background is Delusional perception
dependent on the assessor's understanding of the It would seem a prerequisite of the use of reasoning
person's mode of thinking and appreciation of approaches that therapist and patient can identify
the person's culture. This may be much more difficult meaning in delusional material and then assess
than it appears as, for example, beliefs in the alternative explanations. Delusional perception
supernatural with similarities to thought interference would appear to be particularly difficult in this
and delusions of control have been shown to be regard. However Schneider's original descriptions

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(1973) are worth revisiting. He has defmed delusional When this latter takes place, deviation from reality
perception as occurring where: into psychosis, by definition, has occurred although
even this is complicated by religiousbelief. His evidence
“¿ abnormal
significance... [is] attached to a real percept
without any cause that is understandable in rational or
would therefore appear to be supportive of the opposite
emotional terms. This abnormal significance tends mostly position to that which he initially proposes; that is,
towards self-reliance.. . . Delusionalperception is not that delusional perception —¿at least to some degree -
the same as investing an experience with abnormal maybe understandable in rational or emotional terms.
significance for some reason. We need not concern
ourselveswith misinterpretationsor errors of reasoning Delusional mood
for which there is an understandable, rational cause.―
Jacobs (1980) provides a conceptualisation of the
It is, however, unclear how delusional perception development of delusions from delusional mood
is to be differentiated from these latter, that is, from a cognitive perspective. He initially refers to
misinterpretations. Whilst presenting a categorical Jaspers' description of:
definition, the elaboration begins to suggest a
dimension or continuum which his discussion of “¿ how
prior to the genesisof delusions,the person feels
uncanny. Gross uncertainty drives him instinctivelyto look
‘¿ delusional
intuitions' reinforces. He describes these for some fixedpoint to whichhe can cling. The sudden
as: consciousness of an idea, even though false, immediately
“¿ sudden
delusionalideas,suchas a summonsfrom God, has a soothing, strengtheningand euphoric effect.―
ideas of specialpowers, of persecution, of being loved Delusional mood, with its accompanying feelings
[and that] . . . there is no conceptual difference of agitation, perplexity and fear in which the
between them and the sudden compulsive thoughts and
person may feel alienated, different, and isolated,
“¿ overvalued―
ideas which occur to non-psychotics.―
is relieved by the feeling of certainty that the delusion
He nevertheless continues to imply a clear division provides. Jacobs suggests that in the ‘¿ lucid delusional
between delusional perception, which cannot be schizophrenic the ability to metathink (that is, think
understood, and delusional intuition and normal about one's thinking) is grossly impaired or absent'
belief, which can be. He gives an example: and that whereas normally thinking precedes knowing
in this instance the reverse occurs. Alternatively it
“¿ a person
to not suffering from a delusiontwo crossed may be that the reassurance of finding a meaningful
pieces of wood, if he notices them at all, are nothing but
a pattern made out of two pieces of wood. To a explanation, however improbable, in a distressing
schizophrenicthey may mean more, indicatingperhaps and perplexing situation is sufficient to explain
that he will be crucified.― why the delusion is reached for and clung to, so
energetically and with such certainty (Roberts, 1992).
Although Schneider presents this as a clear contrast, Harrow & Prosen (1978) took an experimental
one might postulate that the symbolism of the cross approach to identifying meaning in schizophrenic
is too well recognised, especially with pieces of wood, thought by examining the significance of the content
to go unrecognised by all people who do not have disclosed under controlled conditions. They proposed
schizophrenia, and intermediate positions between that intermingling of material that comes from
delusional perception and no significance would be the past or current experiences of people who have
as likely to be taken. His further discussion could schizophrenia occurred in their speech. Members
again be taken to reinforce the concept of a of their research team used taped interviews to rate
continuum between psychotic and normal thinking: a group of young schizophrenic patients' responses
“¿isit not unusual for a non-psychotic person to have in a standardised manner. These included whether
a symbolicperceptualexperiencewhichis reminiscentof or not the bizarre responses were influenced by the
delusional perception. For example, someone is walking patients intermingling material from their past or
along a street, the street lamp goes out, and it suddenly current experiences, and whether or not the responses
comes into his mind that his sweetheart has had an were influenced by disordered logic. Their results
accident... . We are dealing with a different kind of demonstrated intermingling occurring in 80°lo to some
experience for it is not ‘¿ without cause', since the degree. When the idiosyncratic, bizarre or ‘¿ autistic'
interpretation is understandable in terms of the person's
responses were examined closely and the tape under
prevailingmood, which is at least one of mild, private
concern. . . . Isolated symbolicexperiencesof this kind, discussion explored more carefully with the patients,
therefore, in our view come within the delusion-like it became clear that there was a rationale for the
reactionswhichare of commonoccurrence. . . there is, inappropriate material that had been intermingled
moreover, no trace of personal involvement by a ‘¿ higher into their responses. Of those intermingling material,
reality'.― over 90% were rated as producing material related

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in some way to their personal lives. The principal The hallucinations of schizophrenia would be
finding was confirmation that what their patients expected to be different in type from those experienced
were saying had meaning to them even when they by non-psychotics. However, Bentall & Slade (l985b)
were thought disordered. In further work in deluded found that of 136 students tested, l8°lo claimed that
subjects, Forgus & De Wolfe (1974) noted that they often hear a voice speaking their thoughts
delusions represent events of personal significance aloud —¿
usually regarded as a first-rank symptom of
with a basis in historical reality. schizophrenia. There is also evidence from deprivation
Bizarre expressions are frequent in schizophrenia and other states that phenomena much like, if not
and are often the reason used by non-professionals identical with schizophrenic diagnostic symptoms can
for deeming a person ‘¿ crazy'. Cutting & Murphy occur, but not progress to schizophrenia. People
(1988) proposed that a disorder of the way patients prone to schizophrenic hallucinations may be more
with schizophrenia think about or judge events in suggestible and susceptible to hypnosis. Bentall
the real world exists, describing this as deficient & Slade (l985a) summarise evidence to this effect
real-world knowledge or ‘¿ lack of common sense'. in an investigation of reality testing deficiencies in
They give an example of a patient, who had been hallucinators. Using reality testing methods of ‘¿ signal
hospitalised for 27 years at which stage he had detection theory', patients who hallucinated were
been training to be a barrister. He expressed the matched with control patients and were significantly
belief that he thought that he was still suffering from more likely to ‘¿ detect'
a signal when one was not
‘¿ or
flupneumonia caught from a thermometer whilst present. Finally emotional significance may reinforce
in hospital at the start of his illness. This and other auditory and visual imagery —¿ as in post-traumatic
bizarre notions about the real world, they suggest, stress disorder (Wilcox et a!, 1991).
could be described as delusions but this stretches the
term to include any bizarre statement about the
Developing an explanatory
world, whether it is a strongly held belief or not. One
model with patients
could also argue that this signifies an intrinsic
thought disturbance, that is, an inability to follow Vulnerability-stress theories of schizophrenia (Zubin,
logical inferences, or over-inclusive categorisation 1987) provide a foundation for explaining the
(including thermometers as disease causes rather than significant predisposition that some have to schizo
measures of a disease process). Their alternative to phrenia and its relationship to life events and
these conventional responses, however, is to suggest circumstances (Bebbington et a!, 1993). Patients are
a breakdown or gap in knowledge of the real world. predisposed for genetic, neuropathological and
They suggest that knowledge itself is deficient rather environmental reasons to the effects of stress which
than the thinking process itself being abnormal. The manifests itself in the features of the disorder.
practical implications of this fmding are considerable. Further, explanations appropriate to the individual's
We could attempt to improve such knowledge of symptoms and circumstances can be expected to help
everyday issues directly and this may be one of the to decrease some of the fear attached to patients'
mechanisms by which social skills training in this experiences. For example, abdominal discomfort
group can be effective. We could also isolate specific might be delusionally interpreted as the effects of
areas of deficit and focus attention upon them. voodoo: an alternative explanation would be poor
diet or a ‘¿ nervous
stomach'. Such explanations are
assisted by use of evidence about the occurrence of
similar, sometimes identical, symptoms and signs
Hallucinations are not uncommon; the Epidemiological associated with schizophrenia, in normal subjects.
Catchment Survey in the USA sought to investigate Hallucinations, delusions and thought disorder
this by asking questions such as, ‘¿ Have
you ever had occur in organic confusional states (for example,
the experience of seeing something or someone that severe infections, delirium tremens from alcohol
others who are present could not see —¿
that is had withdrawal, and drug-induced states). Schizophrenic
a vision when you were completely awake?' and like symptoms and signs have also been shown
similarly for other modalities. Between lO-lSWo of the to occur in situations which have no clear organic
population reported experiencing hallucinations with basis. Examples include hostage situations (Siegel,
an annual incidence of 4—50/o(Tien, 1992). This 1984), solitary confinement (Grassian, 1983) and
finding has been given support by Romme et a! deprivation states. Sensory deprivation has been
(1992) who described examples of large numbers of particularly intensively researched (reviewed in Slade,
people who reported hearing voices but were not 1984). In one such study, Leff (1968) concluded
troubled by them. that:

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“¿ thisinvestigation has shown that the perceptual over the past 40 years. Beck (1952) first described
experiencesof normalpeopleunderconditionsof sensory its use in a patient who believed he was being
deprivation overlap considerably with those of mentally followed and watched by 50 members of the FBI.
ill patients.― The patient was assisted in tracing the antecedents
Increased suggestibilityappears to occur in deprivation of the delusion and introduced to a technique of
states. An early study at McGill University (Slade, reality-testing which modified it. Beck and colleagues
1984) presented students with a one-sided account (Hole et a!, 1979) followed this early work up with
of psychic phenomena designed to persuade them of a description of eight patients of whom half appeared
the existence of such forces. One group was subjected to improve using cognitive techniques.
at the same time to conditions of sensory deprivation, In the intervening period, Watts et a! (1983) in a
the other not; the experimental sensory-deprived pilot study had demonstrated that the intensity of
group showed greater attitude change, became more paranoid delusions could be reduced using belief
accepting of such phenomena, than the control modification techniques. Differences in perceptual
group. information processing (Frith, 1987) and attention
Oswald (1974) described experimental work on in schizophreniaand control subjects may also affect
sleep deprivation with six medical students who were cognitive performance and this has been used in the
kept awake for 108 hours. His descriptions of these development of cognitive remediation strategies
experiments are illuminating: (Green, 1993). The Bernegroup (Brenner, 1989)have
developed an Integrated Psychological Treatment
“¿ timesthey
at made senselessremarks. . . shortly after programme which consists of therapeutic interventions
suddenly saying, ‘¿ who to begin' one bent down and targeted at reducing attentional/perceptual and
kissedthe EEG paper. . . a sleepdeprivedman.. . often cognitive dysfunctions by improving cognitive differ
describes ‘¿ seeing
things'. . . surfaces of objects seem entiation, social perception, verbal communication,
to swirland change, the wallpaperseems to come to life,
people or faces appear suddenly, only to vanish upon social skills, and interpersonal problem-solving.
drawing nearer . . . . ‘¿ Hearing things' too is quite While this programme has been demonstrated under
common. . . most striking is the unpleasant nightmare controlled conditions to considerably reduce cognitive
like day-dream life into which some fall. . . oblique deficits it has not yet led to equivalent improvements
remarks and veiled hints begin to be made, to indicate in behaviour.
that a new understanding has dawned of how some Penis (1988) has described the use of ‘¿ intensive
organisation, or the experimenters,are engaged upon cognitive therapy' with young patients in small
some secret and harmful plot.― therapeutic communities in Sweden. His description
He concluded by saying that: is based particularly on attachment theory with
assimilation of the techniques used by Beck in anxiety
the thinking of sleep-deprived persons... and depression. Lowe & Chadwick (1990) focus on
resembles that of certain mental illnesses, notably the gatheringof evidence with verbal challenge in the
paranoid schizophrenia.― treatment of delusions or beliefs about the reality
States of sleep deprivation are common before acute of hallucinations and Fowler & Morley (1989) on
psychotic breakdown and ratings of psychosis and improving coping abilities. Kingdon & Turkington
insomnia correlate strongly (Meltzer et a!, 1970). (1991, 1994) have described cognitive behavioural
Although it might be concluded that this is simply techniques which draw from the work of Beck
the nature of psychosis —¿ that the more severe it is, (Beck et a!, 1979) and Ellis (1962) with the use
the more disturbed sleep will be —¿ the reverse may of a normalising rationale. The techniques proved
be as important; the more sleep disturbed the patient acceptable to a group of 64 patients and their
the more psychotic he will be. The sleep disturbance families and safe over periods ranging from 2 to 5
may be exacerbating the psychotic symptoms. Brief years.
psychotic episodes following a period of insomnia
induced by overwork, caring for relatives, and so on,
Techniques used
often appear to take this form and remit rapidly with
adequate sleep and sedation. Positive symptoms are all theoretically amenable to
structured reasoning and behavioural approaches.
Symptoms are traced back (‘examining the ante
Applications of cognitive behavioural
cedents') to the approximate time of their onset.
therapy in schizophrenia
Inductive questioning may be used to identify faulty
Sporadic descriptions of the application of cognitive cognitions from this period. Attempts are made to
therapy to patients with schizophrenia have surfaced understand delusional beliefs in collaboration with

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the patient by examining why significance was expectations to realistic levels. Activity scheduling
attached to specific events or circumstances. with ‘¿ mastery'
and ‘¿ pleasure'
recording (Beck et a!,
Alternative explanations are then debated using a 1979) can aid this process. The approach is therefore
normalising rationale where appropriate. That is, a very flexible one aiming to produce changes in
that the illness has developed because of some cognitions but with a particular focus on rapport
vulnerability which has made them sensitive to specific development.
stressors, life events and circumstances, at that
particular point in their life. Such stressors might be
exacerbated by sleep and sensory deprivation caused
by, for example, overwork and isolation. This allows Recent investigations suggest that cognitive
the patient, and others, to see themselves as not behavioural techniques have shown grounds for
intrinsically different from others. Such explanations optimism that they can complement pharmacological
can assist in explaining and destigmatising their and other psychosocial techniques in schizophrenia.
illness, and improve compliance with hospital The techniques are consistent with work in neurosis
admission and medication. Where sleep has been and experimental evidence about psychosis. However,
erratic, suggesting that ‘¿ whatever else is happening, they challenge conventional belief about delusions
you are clearly not sleeping properly and we need and hallucinations by presenting evidence that they
to help you rest as it seems likely that lack of sleep can be amenable to reasoning approaches when these
worsens the problems you have' can be useful in acute are used in a non-confrontational and collaborative
situations. Similarly, explaining that antipsychotic way with full exploration of alternative explanations.
medication ‘¿ reduces agitation, can help with sleep The use of management strategies which take account
and can improve, may even get rid of, the voices that of the range of an individual's psychopathology seem
you are hearing' can assist with compliance. more likely to prove successful than the isolated use
Anxiety and depression can be tackled in their of reasoning techniques. A series of studies are now
own right as part of the overall strategy. Working underway to investigate this further.
cognitively with the emotional investment of delusions
can also be effective although with mood-syntonic This Editorial represents the personal views of the authors and
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*David Kingdon, MRCPsych,Senior Medica! Officer, Department of Hea!th, Wellington House, 133—155
Water!oo Road, London SEJ 8UG; Douglas Turkington, MRCPsych,Consu!tant Psychiatrist, St Nicho!as
Hospita!, Newcast!e on Tyne; Carolyn John, PhD, MSc, CPsychol,Honorary Lecturer, Department of
Psychology, Durham University and Consultant Cilnica! Psychologist, Hart!epoo! Genera! Hospita!,


(First received March 1993, fina! revision August 1993, accepted September 1993)

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