Cognitive Therapy For Command Hallucinations Randomised Controlled Trial

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B R I T I S H J O U R N A L O F P S YC H I AT RY ( 2 0 0 4 ) , 1 8 4 , 3 1 2 ^ 3 2 0

Cognitive therapy for command hallucinations: of positive symptoms or the topography

of voices (frequency, loudness, content)
was predicted.
randomised controlled trial
Recruitment and procedure
The participants were recruited from local
mental health services in Birmingham and
Solihull, Sandwell and a West Midlands
semi-secure unit for offenders with mental
illness. Inclusion criteria were that patients
Background Command hallucinations Command hallucinations are high-risk, dis- conformed to an ICD–10 diagnosis of
are a distressing and high-risk group of tressing and relatively common symptoms schizophrenia or related disorder with
of schizophrenia (Beck-Sander et al,al, 1997; command hallucinations for at least 6
symptoms that have long been recognised
Shawyer et al, al, 2003). Shawyer et al months (World Health Organization,
but little understood, with few effective (2003) find a median prevalence of 53% 1992). Participants were required to have
treatments.In line with our recent and median prevalence of compliance of a recent history of compliance with, and
research, we propose thatthe 31%. There are few treatment approaches appeasement of, voices with ‘severe’
development of an effective cognitive and none tested systematically. Indications commands, including harm to self, others
are that command hallucinations feature or major social transgressions. Patients
therapy for command hallucinations
strongly in those considered ‘treatment were excluded if they had a primary
(CTCH) would be enhanced by applying resistant’, and even hospitalisation is not organic or addictive disorder.
insights from social rank theory. necessarily a barrier to compliance (e.g. All aspects of recruitment, screening
Jones et al,
al, 1992). However, progress has and outcome assessment were organised
Aims We tested the efficacy of CTCH been made in the development of cognitive and administered by an experienced re-
in reducing beliefs aboutthe power of therapy for hallucinations in general, and search associate (A.N.) between September
voices and thereby compliance, in a single- we believe command hallucinations are 2000 and July 2002. All patients referred
particularly appropriate for a cognitive were offered an interview to establish elig-
blind, randomised controlled trial.
approach. In addition, social rank theory ibility and to obtain consent, and a further
Method Atotal of 38 patients with (Gilbert, 1992) can account for the cogni- interview for eligible patients for assess-
tive content of the specific beliefs of com- ment with the outcome measures (see
command hallucinations, with which they
mand hallucination hearers (Byrne et al, al, below). Eligible and consenting patients
had recently complied with serious 2003). Following the principles of social were then randomly assigned to CTCH or
consequences, were allocated randomly rank theory, the authors have developed TAU by means of a computerised random
to CTCH or treatment as usual and cognitive therapy for command hallucina- number generator administered by the Bir-
tions (CTCH), which does not depend on mingham Clinical Trials Unit independent
followed up at 6 months and12 months.
reducing the experience of voices but on of the research team, to ensure the research
Results Large and significant reducing the perceived power of voices to associate was blind to the allocation at
harm the individual and to motivate com- baseline and post-testing. Participants were
reductions in compliance behaviour were
pliance (Birchwood et al,al, 2000). In the post-tested at 6 months after CTCH or
obtained favouring the cognitive therapy present paper we describe a single-blind, TAU and again at 12 months’ follow-up.
group (effect size¼1.1).Improvements
size 1.1).Improvements intention-to-treat randomised controlled Power calculations were based on
were also observed in the CTCH but not trial in which we compare the efficacy of previous cognitive therapy trials which
the controlgroupin degree ofconvictionin CTCH plus treatment as usual (TAU) with suggest a relatively large effect size of
TAU alone, in a sample of participants with 0.65 post treatment and 0.93 at 12
the power and superiority of the voices
command hallucinations considered at high months’ follow-up (Gould et al, al, 2001;
and the need to comply, and in levels of risk of further compliance by virtue of Cormac et al, al, 2002); predicting a reduc-
distress and depression.No change in serious recent compliance. The main tion from 95% with at least partial compli-
voice topography (frequency, loudness, hypothesis (and primary outcome) was that ance to 50% would require a sample size of
by challenging key beliefs about the power 23 in each of two groups to achieve a
content) was observed.The differences
of commanding voices, the CTCH group power of 0.9 with alpha¼0.05.
alpha 0.05.
were maintained at12 months’follow-up. would show a lower level of compliance
and appeasement behaviour and an
Conclusions The results supportthe Measures
increase in resistance compared with the
efficacy of cognitive therapy for CTCH. control group. The secondary outcomes Measures of cognitions and behaviours,
were a lower conviction in the power and symptoms and affect relevant to the
Declaration of interest None.
social rank superiority of voices and the hypotheses were given at pre-test, post-
need to comply, and a reduction in distress test and follow-up. The cognitive and
and depression. No change in the severity behavioural measures were as follows.

31 2

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Cognitive Assessment Schedule 1981) for three judges using the whole sam- TAU
The Cognitive Assessment Schedule (CAS; ple at 6 months was found to be good This was delivered by community mental
Chadwick & Birchwood, 1995) is a mea- (kappa¼0.78).
(kappa 0.78). Discrepancies were resolved health teams. A detailed breakdown of the
sure of the individual’s feelings
feelings and behav- by discussion and taking the mean rating. services received by the control and treat-
iour in relation to the voice, and beliefs The scale also has good construct validity ment groups during the trial and 1 year
about the voice’s identity, power, purpose (see Results). before the trial are shown in Table 1. This
or meaning and the likely consequences of shows that TAU was extensive, involving
obedience or resistance. Voice Power Differential scale 18 categories of service and admissions.
The Voice Power Differential scale (VPD; Medication was recorded 12 months
Birchwood et al,
al, 2000) measures the per- before, and during, the trial.
Beliefs About Voices Questionnaire
ceived relative power differential between
The Beliefs About Voices Questionnaire voice and voice hearer, with regard to the CTCH
(BAVQ; Chadwick & Birchwood, 1995; components of power, including strength,
Chadwick et al,
al, 2000) measures key beliefs The key foci of the assessment, formulation
confidence, respect, ability to inflict harm,
about auditory hallucinations, including and intervention are four core dysfunc-
superiority and knowledge. Each is rated
benevolence, malevolence and two dimen- tional beliefs (and their functional relation
on a five-point scale and yields a total
sions of relationship with the voice: to behaviour and emotion) that define the
power score.
‘engagement’ and ‘resistance’. client–voice (social rank) power relation-
ship: that the voice has absolute power
Omniscience Scale and control; that the client must comply
Voice Compliance Scale The Omniscience Scale (Birchwood et al,
al, or appease, or be severely punished; the
The Voice Compliance Scale (VCS; Beck- 2000) measures the voice hearer’s beliefs identity of the voice (e.g. the Devil); and
Sander et al,al, 1997) is an observer-rated about the knowledge of their voice the meaning attached to the voice experi-
scale to measure the frequency of command regarding personal information. ence (e.g. the client is being punished for
hallucinations and level of compliance/ past bad behaviour). Using the methods of
resistance with each identified command. Other rating scales collaborative empiricism and Socratic
The VCS was completed in two stages. dialogue, the therapist seeks to engage the
Measures for symptoms and distress
First, the trial assessor (A.N.) used a struc- client to question, challenge and undermine
tured interview format to obtain from each the power beliefs, then to use behavioural
client a description of all those commands (a) Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale tests to help the client gain disconfirming
and associated behaviours (compliance or (PANSS; Kay et al,
al, 1987). This is a evidence against the beliefs. These strate-
resistance) within the previous 8 weeks widely used, well established and gies are also used to build clients’
where they felt compelled to respond. The comprehensive symptom rating scale alternative beliefs in their own power and
assessor then interviewed either a key- measuring mental state. status, and finally, where appropriate, to
worker or relative to corroborate the (b) Psychotic Symptom Rating Scales explore the origins of the schema so clients
information, and where there was a dis- (PSYRATS; Haddock et al, al, 1999). have an explanation for why they devel-
crepancy, recorded the worst behaviour This measures the severity of a oped those beliefs about the voice in the
mentioned by either party. To further cor- number of dimensions of auditory first place. These interventions are designed
roborate the accuracy of the information, hallucinations and delusions, including to enable the individual to break free of the
and to ensure blindness to the allocation, the amount and intensity of distress need to comply or appease, and thereby
a behavioural scientist (K.R.) was employed associated with these symptoms. reduce distress. The CTCH was given in
6 months post-trial to check the record of (c) Calgary Depression Scale for Schizo- line with the protocol developed by M.B.
commands and associated compliance and phrenia (CDSS; Addington et al, al, and P.T. by one of the authors (S.B.) – a
resistance behaviours obtained from inter- 1993). This is designed specifically for clinical psychologist experienced in cogni-
view against the case notes. Concordance assessment of the level of depression tive therapy and supervised in CTCH by
was 100% for severe commands, giving in people with a diagnosis of schizo- A.M., M.B. and P.T. A behavioural scien-
confidence in the reliability of the data. phrenia. tist (K.R.) independent of the trial rated a
Second, the assessor then classified each random selection of early, middle and late
All the above measures have satis-
behaviour as: (1) neither appeasement nor audiotaped sessions (13 in total) using the
factory psychometric properties, reported
compliance; (2) symbolic appeasement, i.e. Cognitive Therapy Checklist (Haddock et
in the journal articles cited.
compliant with innocuous and/or harmless al,
al, 2001). The mean rating was 54 (range
commands; (3) appeasement, i.e. prepara- 51–56), indicating a very high level of con-
tory acts or gestures; (4) partial compliance Treatment groups cordance. All sessions achieved 4 or more
with at least one severe command; (5) full Consenting participants were assigned on each subsection on a scale where
compliance with at least one severe com- randomly to either TAU or CTCH plus 0¼inadequate,
inadequate, 6¼excellent
6 excellent and 4¼good.
4 good.
mand. The behaviours were also indepen- TAU for a period of 6 months. The research The scale is divided into general (agenda,
dently and blindly rated using the associate responsible for outcome evalua- feedback, understanding, interpersonal
information collated from the informants tion was blind to group allocation (A.N.) effectiveness and collaboration) and speci-
by three of the authors (M.B., A.M. and and participants were instructed not to fic (guided discovery, focus on key cogni-
P.T.), and interrater reliability (Fleiss, disclose their allocation. tions, choice of intervention, homework


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able1 Service consumption before and during the trial: proportion of patients using services, categorised by eligible for the study and were invited to
treatment group participate. Of these, 31 refused consent,
leaving a sample of 38 consenting to ran-
Year before trial During trial
domisation (Fig. 1). The sample included
24 men and 14 women, with a mean age
TAU CTCH TAU CTCH of 35.5 years (s.d. 10.4). The sample was
% % % % drawn from a broad ethnic base, including
27 (71%) White, 6 (16%) Black Caribbean
Services and 4 (14%) other/South Asian patients.
Out-patients 85 89 100 89 The clinical and demographic characteris-
CPN 50 33 60 56 tics of the treatment and control groups
Day centre 45 38 35 28 are shown in Table 2. Those refusing con-
sent did not differ from the participants
Social worker 0 22 25 11
on available data (gender, age, duration of
Supported accommodation 30 22 55 28
Support worker 25 50 45 11
Prescribed neuroleptic medication con-
Community drug team 5 6 5 0
verted to CPZ equivalents is presented in
Probation officer 5 6 5 6 Table 3. No difference was observed at
Occupational therapist 35 22 20 11 baseline between the two groups (F (F¼2.0,
Psychologist 151 161 52 62 NS). At baseline, 13/18 (72%) in CTCH
Respite care 0 6 5 6 were prescribed atypicals, including 5
Home treatment team 22 6 20 6 patients taking clozapine; in TAU, 13/20
Art therapy 10 6 5 0 were prescribed atypicals (65%), including
Voices group 0 6 0 0 7 patients taking clozapine. A group6
ECT 0 0 0 6
repeated measure analysis of variance con-
ducted on the drug data confirmed no
Admissions overall difference between groups, but
Informal 20 22 15 22 found a group6
group6time interaction (F(F¼6.3,
Section 2 10 0 5 6 P¼0.005).
0.005). Table 3 shows that this was
Section 3 15 0 15 0 due to a steady rise in prescribed neuro-
leptic drugs in the TAU group (t (t¼3.0,
Guardianship Order 0 6 0 6
P50.01) and a small but significant de-
ECT, electroconvulsive therapy; CPN, community psychiatric nurse; CTCH, cognitive therapy for command crease in the CTCH group (t (t¼2.3,
hallucinations; TAU, treatment as usual.
1. Psychological input in the treatment group included anger management, childhood trauma and symptom
P50.05). The numbers of participants
management. Psychological input in the control group constituted anxiety and anger management. receiving atypicals in either group were
2. Psychological input for the treatment group constituted anger management. Psychological input in the control group unchanged at follow-up.
constituted anxiety management.

and quality of intervention). The treatment (GLIM) in the Statistical Package for the Types of commands, compliance
protocol is described fully in Byrne et al Social Science for Windows, version 10. and forensic history
(2003). The statistical model was treatment group
All patients reported two or more
6time, with repeated measures on the time
commands from the ‘dominant’ voice, at
Neuroleptic medication factor. The test of each hypothesis focused
least one of which was a ‘severe’ command.
The daily dose of neuroleptic medication at on the interaction term. It is also of interest
The most severe commands were to kill self
baseline, 6 and 12 months was recorded to determine if there are general trends
(25), kill others (13), harm self (12) and
from case notes and converted to chlor- across time in both groups (e.g. reduction
harm others (14). Less severe commands
promazine (CPZ) equivalents using the in compliance) tested using the ‘time’
involved innocuous, everyday behaviour
conversion described in the British main-effect term of the GLIM analysis.
(wash dishes, masturbate, take a bath)
National Formulary (British Medical Asso- To test whether the intervention was
and minor social transgressions (e.g. break
ciation & Royal Pharmaceutical Society of effective, baseline v. 6 months measures
windows, shout out loud, swear in public).
Great Britain, 2003). Conversion from were used; for maintenance of any treat-
Further details, including incidence and
atypical to typical (CPZ) medication is to ment effects, baseline v. 12 months mea-
examples of compliance and appeasement
a degree arbitrary, but we employed the sures were used. Exact probability values
of such commands for the sample as a
same formula for both groups; thus statisti- were calculated.
whole, are shown in Table 4.
cal comparison between groups would be Participants were considered at high
unaffected. risk of compliance because 30 (79%) had
complied, 14 (37%) had appeased, and 29
Statistical analysis Description of the sample (76%) had expressed the fear that the
Hypotheses were tested using the General- A total of 224 referrals were screened, from voices would either harm or kill them or a
ized Linear Interactive Modelling Program which 69 patients were identified as being family member if they did not comply.


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Table 2 Clinical and demographic characteristics

of the treatment and control groups


Age, years
Mean (s.d.) 36.6 (10.3) 35.1 (10.4)
Range 17^56 19^60
Gender, n
Male 10 14
Female 8 6
Ethnicity, n
White 13 14
Black 4 3
Asian 1 1
Other 0 2
Diagnosis, n
Schizoaffective 4 0
Schizophrenia 6 11
Paranoid schizophrenia 5 5
Personality disorder 1 2
Psychotic depression 1 2
OCD 1 0
PANSS score
Fig. 1 CONSORT diagram. Positive scale
Mean (s.d.) 21.9 (3.1) 20.8 (3.2)
The compliance rate is at the high end of randomly allocated, 18 to CTCH and 20 Range 16^28 16^28
the range for recent studies (Sawyer et al,al, to TAU. The CTCH and TAU groups did Negative scale
2003), because our sampling strategy not significantly differ on any demographic, Mean (s.d.) 20.8 (6.4) 21.5 (6.4)
involved identifying those considered to illness history or voice characteristics at
Range 12^34 13^34
have recently complied. baseline (see Table 2). The treatment group
General psychopathology
Five participants in the sample had been completed a median of 16 sessions. Five
Mean (s.d.) 36.3 (6.6) 35.9 (6.7)
prosecuted or cautioned for behaviour participants (27%) in the treatment group
linked to voices’ commands. This included dropped out prematurely, attending Range 26^47 28^49
causing actual bodily harm to a minor, between 4 and 12 sessions. This drop-out Duration of voices, years
grievous bodily harm, theft and common rate is comparable with other trials of Mean (s.d.) 13.4 (9.9) 10 (5.7)
assault. Three participants had been hospi- this type (Norman & Townsend, 1999; Duration of commands, years
talised (two detained under the Mental Durham et al, al, 2003). The intention was Mean (s.d.) 8.8 (7.9) 8.6 (5.9)
Health Act, 1983), for attempting to kill to include all 18 CTCH participants at
CTCH, cognitive therapy for command hallucinations;
someone in response to voices within the follow-up, but at 6 months three partici- OCD, obsessive ^ compulsive disorder; PANSS, Positive
last 3 years. pants were lost to follow-up through with- and Negative Syndrome Scale; TAU, treatment as usual.
A further indication of the severity of drawal of consent, and a further one at 12
need in this sample was the heavy and pro- months. In the control group, two were lost
longed consumption of TAU, both during to follow-up at 6 months (both died; one
the trial and as sampled 1 year before the death was due to natural causes and the Table 3 Changes in prescribed antipsychotic
trial. TAU involved 17 categories of service other to suicide) and two were lost at 12 medication
and admissions, as shown in Table 1. months. There was no difference between
Another indication of severity was the groups in number lost to follow-up.
fact that at the time of consent to enter
17) (n¼16)
the trial, eight patients were hospitalised;
The impact of CTCH Mean (s.d.) Mean (s.d.)
two admissions were under Section 3 and
one under Section 2 of the Mental Health Compliance with commands
Chlorpromazine equivalent, mg/day
Act (1983), and another five were informal The CTCH and TAU groups did not differ
admissions. Baseline 1181 (948) 779 (646)
in compliance with commands at baseline,
as measured by the VCS. There was a 6 months 1167 (958) 893 (601)
Allocation and flow of participants general effect of time, with both groups 12 months 1127 (969) 1038 (657)
As shown in the CONSORT diagram showing a reduction in compliance CTCH, cognitive therapy for command hallucinations;
(Fig. 1), 38 of 69 eligible participants were (F¼89.3,
89.3, P50.0001); however, this was TAU, treatment as usual.

31 5

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able 4 Prevalence of and types of commands, compliance and appeasement in the whole sample

Command and prevalence Example Compliance Appeasement

Command to kill self ‘Stab yourself’ Nine patients had previously attempted Seven patients used appeasement
(treatment n¼12,
12, control n¼13)
13) ‘Slash your wrists’ suicide. One patient committed suicide behaviours including holding a knife to their
‘Overdose’ during the trial wrist, taking razor blades into the bath,
‘Hang yourself’ collecting tablets and planning and
‘Gas yourself’ executing suicide in their imagination

Command to kill others ‘Cut her throat’ Four patients in the sample had Three patients used appeasement
(treatment n¼6;
6; control n¼7)
7) ‘Go and kill someone’ attempted to kill someone, either by behaviours including arming themselves
‘Kill the therapist’ suffocation, poisoning or physical assault with knives, baseball bats and an axe and
‘Kill your husband and with a hammer making guns out of tinfoil
Command to harm self ‘Burn yourself’ Nine patients had harmed themselves Three patients used appeasement
(treatment n¼9;
9; control n¼3)
3) ‘Cut yourself’ in response to commands. This included behaviours including picking at previous
‘Set yourself alight’ cutting, swallowing nail polish remover wounds, and standing on the kerb
‘Pour hot water on or bleach, jumping in front of cars,
yourself’ walking on glass and setting oneself alight
‘Go into the road’
Command to harm others ‘Touch your children’ Seven patients had harmed others in Two patients used appeasement behaviours
(treatment n¼8;
8; control n¼6)
6) ‘Kick them’ response to commands. This included including hitting others with minimal force,
‘Hit them’ hitting children, knocking them into and covert appeasement by thinking ‘I’ll do
‘Beat that person up’ furniture, scolding them, hitting people, that later’
‘Rape your neighbour’ attacking someone with a knife

marked in the CTCH group (F (Finteraction¼4.8,

4.8, (a) Power (VPD). The CTCH group Changes in compliance and the perceived
0.036; Table 5). These treatment gains reported a large and significant reduc- power of voices
were maintained at 12 month follow-up tion in the power of the dominant
Our theory predicts that it is the focus on
7.8, P50.001). To gauge the voice, compared with the TAU
the power of the voice that is responsible
comparative size of this effect, at 6 months group, which showed no change
for the observed reductions in compliance
39% of the TAU group scored 4 or 5 on the (Finteraction¼19.4,
19.4, P50.0001; Table 6).
behaviour. This was tested by comparing
compliance scale (partial or full compli- This effect of CTCH was maintained
the two groups on compliance at follow-
ance) compared with 14% of the CTCH at 12 months follow-up (F (Finteraction¼
15.1, P50.001). up and entering voice power (VPD) as co-
group. This compares with a baseline figure variate, predicting that the covariate will
of 100% for the CTCH and 94% for the (b) Malevolence (BAVQ). There was no render the treatment effect non-significant.
TAU groups. The effect size of CTCH was impact of CTCH on the perceived At 6 months, the two groups were signifi-
1.1. malevolence of voices at 6 months cantly different in compliance (CVS:
These findings were unaffected when (Finteraction51, NS) or 12 months (F
(Finteraction F¼7.3,
7.3, P¼0.011);
0.011); however, when power
change in neuroleptic dose over time was 51, NS). was entered as covariate, the difference
used as covariate. However, within the was no longer significant (F
2.6, NS). At
TAU group, the rise in neuroleptic dose (c) Omniscience (BAVQ). The belief in
voices’ omniscience declined signifi- 12 months, the groups were significantly
was correlated (r (r¼0.46,
0.46, NS) with reducing
cantly in the CTCH group but not in
compliance; and in the CTCH group, the Table 5 Mean scores (s.d.) on the Voice Compli-
the TAU group (F 3.9,
reduction in medication use was correlated ance Scale showing impact of CTCH on compliance
0.05). This pattern was maintained
0.63, P50.01) with reducing compli- with commands
at 12 months (F(Finteraction¼6.3,
6.3, P¼0.02).
ance. At baseline and follow-up, there was
no correlation between medication dose (d) Perceived control (PSYRATS). Patients
and compliance or voice power. receiving CTCH showed a significant
improvement in perceived control over Baseline 4.7 (0.5) 4.8 (0.5)
voices, compared with the TAU group,
Post-treatment 1.8 (1.2) 3.1 (1.4)
which showed no change (F (Finteraction¼
Beliefs about voices 11.3, P¼0.002).
0.002). This pattern was main- 12 months 1.7 (1.1) 3.4 (1.6)
Findings on the four main voice belief vari- tained at 12 months (F 7.2,
(Finteraction¼7.2, CTCH, cognitive therapy for command hallucinations;
ables were as follows: P¼0.01).
0.01). TAU, treatment as usual.

31 6

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able 6 Mean scores (s.d.) showing impact of CTCH compared toTAU on measures of voice beliefs, topography and distress


Baseline 6 months 12 months Baseline 6 months 12 months

Voice power (VPD) 28.0 (4.7) 17.4 (6.7) 18.0 (6.5) 26.0 (7.8) 26.7 (5.3) 29.1 (6.2)
Malevolence (BAVQ) 23.2 (6.9) 18.3 (7.5) 21.7 (8.6) 19.6 (8.8) 19.8 (8.9) 20.7 (8.6)
Omniscience (BACQ) 11.4 (2.8) 9.1 (4.4) 9.1 (2.1) 9.8 (3.1) 10.2 (4.1) 10.0 (4.6)
Distress (PSYRATS) 3.4 (0.5) 2.2 (0.9) 2.7 (0.8) 3.2 (0.73) 2.9 (1.0) 3.0 (1.1)
Frequency (PSYRATS) 3.5 (0.5) 2.5 (1.0) 2.7 (1.3) 2.8 (1.1) 2.7 (1.1) 2.9 (1.0)
Loudness (PSYRATS) 2.6 (1.0) 2.0 (0.9) 2.6 (1.3) 2.2 (1.2) 2.4 (0.9) 2.3 (0.8)
Negative content (PSYRATS) 3.4 (0.6) 3.1 (1.1) 3.6 (0.7) 3.6 (0.5) 3.4 (0.8) 3.7 (0.6)
Control (PSYRATS) 3.7 (0.5) 2.7 (1.4) 2.6 (1.5) 3.4 (0.8) 3.6 (0.9) 3.6 (0.8)
Depression (CDSS) 9.7 (5.9) 8.0 (6.3) 8.1 (7.4) 8.9 (6.8) 9.3 (6.9) 12.6 (6.7)

CTCH, cognitive therapy for command hallucinations; TAU, treatment as usual; VPD,Voice Power Differential Scale; BAVQ, Beliefs About Voices Questionnaire; PSYRATS, Psychotic
Symptom Rating Scale; CDSS, Calgary Depression Scale for Schizophrenia.

Table 7 Correlations between voice compliance, distress, power and omniscience of disobedience maintained at 12 months for positive symp-
toms (F (Finteraction¼ 14.2, P¼0.001),
0.001), negative
Distress Power Omniscience symptoms (F (Finteraction¼12.3,
12.3, P¼0.002)
0.002) and
general psychopathology (F (Finteraction¼15.5,
Voice compliance 0.38* 0.46** 0.32 P¼0.001).
Distress (PSYRATS) 0.55** 0.47** Within the PANSS positive scale, hallu-
cinations showed a non-significant reduc-
Power differential (VPD) 0.37
tion at 6 months (F (F¼3.8,
3.8, P¼0.06); 0.06);
PSYRATS, Psychotic Symptom Rating Scale; VPD,Voice Power Differential Scale. however, by 12 months, no difference
*P50.05; **P
between the groups was observed
1.46, NS). In contrast, for the
delusions sub-scale there was a reduction
different (F
9.8, P¼0.004),
0.004), but again this Voice topography
in the CTCH group at 6 months
disappeared when controlling for VPD at Findings here were largely in line with pre- (Finteraction¼5.6,
5.6, P¼0.0025),
0.0025), sustained at 12
12 months (F (F51, NS). dictions. months (F (Finteraction¼3.98,
3.98, P¼0.005).
(a) Voice frequency (PSYRATS). Perceived Within the general psychopathology
Distress and depression scale, there were significant changes in
voice frequency fell in the CTCH
Findings on the two key effect variables group compared with the TAU group anxiety at 6 months (F (Finteraction¼10.6,
were as follows: (Finteraction¼6.8,
6.8, P¼0.022),
0.022), which did P¼0.004)
0.004) and 12 months (F (Finteraction¼9.9,
not change from baseline. This differ- P¼0.004);
0.004); in tension at 6 months
(a) Distress (PSYRATS). Intensity of ence was not maintained at 12 months (Finteraction¼5.1,
5.1, P¼0.03);0.03); and in guilty
distress fell significantly in the CTCH 3.4, NS).
(Finteraction¼3.4, thinking at 6 months (F (Finteraction¼4.6,
group at 6 months but not in the (c) Voice content (PSYRATS). The P¼0.042).
control group (F 5.3, P¼0.03).
(Finteraction¼5.3, 0.03). reported negative content of voices did Within the negative symptoms scale,
By 12 months distress levels in the not change in either group with time there was a significant reduction in
groups were no longer different (all F51). attention/concentration at 6 months
2.7, NS) but there was an overall (Finteraction¼13.2,
13.2, P¼0.001),
0.001), and disturbance
lessening of distress over this period of volition at 6 months (F (Finteraction¼6.2,
Psychotic symptoms
4.2, P¼0.05).
0.05). P¼0.019)
0.019) and 12 months (F (Finteraction¼15.5,
Although change in psychotic symptoms P¼0.001).
was not predicted, a significant drop There was no correlation between
(b) Depression (CDSS). There was no
occurred in PANSS positive symptoms neuroleptic dose and PANSS positive
change in depression scores with time
(F51) and no interaction with treat- amounting to 3.7 points in the CTCH symptoms at any point.
ment group (F 1.3, NS).
(Finteraction¼1.3, group, from a baseline of 21.8, and a small
However, by 12 months, depression increase occurred in the control group
12.6, P50.001). Similarly, there Construct validity of the VCS
had risen significantly in the TAU but
not in the CTCH group (F 7.3,
(Finteraction¼7.3, was a small but consistent reduction in Social rank theory applied to the experi-
0.012). The baseline score of the negative symptoms (F
14.8, ence of voices argues that compliance
whole sample (s.d. 6.4) indicates P¼0.001)
0.001) and general psychopathology with a powerful dominant (voice) will
moderate depression (Addington et al, al, (Finteraction¼ 18.8, P50.001) in the CTCH vary as a function of: the power
1993). group (Table 7). These effects were differential between the dominant (voice)


Downloaded from 17 Apr 2021 at 04:50:39, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use.

and subordinate (voice hearer); the CTCH group were appeasing or complying earlier work (Beck-Sander et al, al, 1997), re-
distress or fear experienced; and the v. 53% of the TAU group). cognises these subtleties and requires evi-
beliefs about non-compliance (see Gilbert, dence not only from the client, but also
1992). Change in beliefs from relatives or case managers. The
We can put this critical aspect of our rating of this scale was undertaken by three
In line with our prediction, neither the
theory to the test. This will, in addition, raters in the first instance to establish inter-
topography nor the negative content of
serve to test the validity of the VCS if it rater reliability.
voices shifted (according to the self-reports
correlates lawfully with these self-report We are encouraged that the study also
of participants on the PSYRATS), with the
scales. found (predicted) changes in power, dis-
exception of a temporary reduction in per-
The correlation matrix at 6 months tress/depression and omniscience (which
ceived frequency during the first 6 months.
(when the VCS has more variability) is were largely measured by self-report scales)
This underlines our view (Birchwood &
shown in Table 7. Voice compliance and that these correlated significantly with
Spencer, 2002) that cognitive–behavioural
was correlated significantly with both our primary outcome, compliance; indeed,
therapy (CBT) is most effective with beliefs
greater distress and power, with a trend when power was controlled for in an
(delusional or otherwise), rather than the
for omniscience (multiple R¼0.55,
0.55, analysis of covariance, the effect on
primary psychotic experience, in this case
P50.01). compliance was rendered non-significant.
auditory hallucinations. The focus of
This adds strength to our claim that compli-
CTCH is to change fundamentally the
ance was genuinely changed and that the
DISCUSSION nature of patients’ relationships with their
treatment effect was mediated by reduction
voices by challenging the power and omni-
It is important to reiterate that the people in in voice power; CTCH had broad effects on
potence of the voices, thus reducing the
this study were selected as being at ‘high outcomes, but the absence of (self-
motivation to comply. However, if these
risk’: they had complied with ‘serious’ com- reported) change in voice activity argues
treatment gains are sustained, the reduction
mands to self-harm, harm others or to com- against the notion that patients’ ratings
of distress might well exert a beneficial
mit major social transgressions; they were were unreliable, and measures simply
influence on the frequency of voices. In a
highly distressed; and many were ‘appeas- reflected the operation of a ‘halo’ effect in
similar vein, we previously observed the
ing’ the dominant voice in order to ‘buy favour of CTCH across all measures.
similarity between the nature and content
time’ to avoid what they believed to be Data obtained on prescription of neuro-
of voices and negative thoughts in depres-
catastrophic consequences. Many had a leptic and other drugs and provision of
sion (Gilbert et al,
al, 2001); relieving depres-
history of forensic involvement, and all general mental health services during the
sion in this sample could act to reduce the
were supported by community teams course of the trial showed no difference
frequency and negative content of voices,
who referred the patients because of per- between the groups and did not account
although in the time scale observed here,
ceived risk where clinicians acknowledged for the effect of CTCH, but did underline
only limited change was noted.
equipoise in their management. their high level of service use linked to per-
The reduction in PANSS positive symp-
ceived risk. This suggests that the impact of
toms was modest but consistent in the
CTCH we report here is unlikely to be
Reduction in compliance CTCH group, leading to a highly signifi-
accounted for by factors extraneous to the
cant and sustained effect. The hallucina-
The data presented here suggest that treatment. The pattern of neuroleptic use
tions sub-scale showed a non-significant
CTCH, in the context of good quality and during the course of the trial showed no
decline over 6 months which disappeared
a high level of TAU services, exerts a major difference between the groups but did show
at 12 months, once more underlining our
influence on the risk of compliance, reduces a steady rise in neuroleptic prescription in
contention that voice activity per se is not
distress and prevents the escalation of the TAU group and a small reduction in
affected. The delusions sub-scale, in con-
depression, compared with TAU alone. the CTCH group. This suggests that con-
trast, showed a significant reduction at 6
Depression is known to be high in this cern about risk led to a raising of the
and 12 months. This could well reflect the
group from previous research (Birchwood dosage in those not receiving CTCH; this
observed changes in the perceived power
et al,
al, 2000), confirmed in this study. Be- could reflect concern in clinicians as much
of the persecutor, in this instance the voice.
cause of the selection criterion of recent as perceived benefit from CTCH.
The PANSS general psychopathology score
compliance, it was likely that compliance The rise in neuroleptic use in TAU was
showed the largest and most sustained
behaviour would reduce over the 6-month correlated with reducing compliance; in
reduction, particularly social avoidance,
and 12-month periods (‘regression to the CTCH the opposite was observed, i.e. redu-
attention and concentration.
mean’); however, given the high risk status cing compliance was in line with reducing
of this group, we could expect an increasing medication. There is a theoretical possibil-
number of people complying with com- Internal and external validity ity that TAU participants were under-
mands as further time elapses. Neverthe- Our primary dependent measure – compli- medicated and that the rise in medication
less, the 12-month clinical impact of ance with commands – is not a straight- prescription was responsible for the reduc-
CTCH was significant. Perhaps more im- forward concept (Beck-Sander et al, al, tion in compliance (this could not account
portantly, the risk factors for compliance 1997), as compliance can include both cov- for the reduction in compliance in CTCH).
in the CTCH group had reduced markedly, ert as well as overt acts, and patients can This strikes us as unlikely for three reasons:
particularly the perceived power of the also appease their voices by complying with first, both groups were receiving medi-
voice, its omniscience and controllability, less serious commands (a ‘safety behav- cation well in excess of British National
and the need to appease it (14% of the iour’). Our measure, developed from our Formulary (British Medical Association &

31 8

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Royal Pharmacuetical Society of Great generally high-risk group. Approximately for whom CTCH is most effective and
Britain, 2003) and other guidelines, includ- 55% of those eligible took part (i.e. 38 how durable any effects might be. The
ing widespread use of atypicals and cloza- out of 69), and 27% withdrew from the durability question is of particular import-
pine; second, at no point did dosage CTCH group, which is average for CBT ance. There is a strand of psychiatric opi-
correlate with compliance, power or in this population (Norman & Townsend, nion that treatments for schizophrenia are
PANSS scores; and finally, using drug 1999; Durham et al,al, 2003). Given that this only effective as long as they are active
dosage as covariate did not affect the was a high-risk group, we looked at the rea- (McGlashan, 1988) and perhaps, therefore,
results. If the TAU group were under- sons for patient withdrawal. We found, for a more theoretical and clinically relevant
medicated, this would serve to under- example, that one person believed that the question might be ‘how much further inter-
estimate the effect size of CTCH, as voice might harm or kill them for disclosing vention is required to maintain the effect of
compliance would be less likely to change too much information; another feared that treatment?’
over time. We believe that these differential talking during therapy made the voices Finally, Turkington et al (2003) observe
changes in medication prescription reflect, worse, and only continued on condition in a recent editorial that current research
as we indicate above, (understandable) that it was the patient’s decision how much into CBT for schizophrenia, although
clinician anxiety about this very high-risk to disclose about the voices. promising, is too imprecise, and that the
group. way forward is to address specific ques-
Nevertheless, it remains a possibility tions, such as which are the active ingredi-
that non-specific aspects of the therapy The need for a further trial ents. They argue that trials with process
were responsible for the effects. We believe, The client group in this study – all measures ‘will allow further clarification
however, that the large correlation between experiencing command hallucinations and of the crucial elements of CBT for psy-
changes in voice power and compliance by all having recently acted upon their chosis’ (Turkington et al,al, 2003: p. 98).
6 months (0.63) strongly supports our con- commands – are typical of one of the Despite its limitations, we believe the
tention that this aspect of the relationship highest-risk groups in psychiatry, who present study is a step in this direction, in
with the voice (power) is the key indepen- represent a major concern to their case which the problem, the rationale, the inter-
dent variable. Whether it is cognitive managers, responsible medical officers vention and the outcome are clearly speci-
therapy alone that brought about this and relatives, and particularly to them- fied and have a theoretical integrity and
change cannot be determined from these selves. This group is generally regarded transparency, mediated through the process
data, although we have clear evidence that as being resistant to treatment, whether of the appraisal of voices’ power.
the therapist adhered to protocol (see with medication or cognitive–behavioural
Method) and therefore we can be therapy (CBT) – ‘conventional’ CBT for ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
reasonably confident that the intervention psychosis is less effective with voices (Birch-
itself was targeted at voice power and wood & Spencer, 2002) – and clinicians The research undertaken for this study was
compliance. acknowledge equipoise in their manage- supported by a grant from the Department of
The heterogeneity of the diagnosis of ment, as witnessed by the high level of Health to P.T., M.B. and A.M. We are grateful to all
the participants and the mental health staff who
the sample is arguably a weakness. How- referral to the trial. Our study showed that
contributed to and supported the project in many
ever, this was a pragmatic trial of the effect many clients felt themselves caught help-
ways. We would also like to acknowledge with
of CTCH on command hallucinations, and lessly in a vortex of voice power, but found thanks the advice of Professor Paul Chadwick.
we decided to include all those who met the that CTCH gave them an opportunity to
broad criteria for psychosis, irrespective of exert control by distancing themselves from
clinical diagnosis, to improve the generali- their assumptions about voice power. For
sability of the findings. A second criticism example, one client commented that, ‘I Addington, D., Addington, J. & Maticka-Tyndale, E.
is the apparently unequal numbers of those know now that the voices can’t hurt me – (1993) Assessing depression in schizophrenia: the
diagnosed with schizophrenia in each group I feel that I am in control now. I still hear Calgary Depression Scale. British Journal of Psychiatry,
163 (suppl. 22), s39^ s44.
(16 in TAU, 11 in CTCH; see Table 2). the voices but they are not as powerful.’
However, on the wider and widely used Another client directly attributed his im- Beck-Sander, A., Birchwood, M. & Chadwick, P.
(1997) Acting on command hallucinations: a cognitive
categorisation of schizophrenia and related provement to using ‘all the techniques that
approach. British Journal of Clinical Psychology,
Psychology, 36,
disorders (ICD–10 F20–23, which includes she [S.B.] taught me; not only have the 139^148.
schizoaffective disorders), this apparent voices disappeared, but I am sleeping and
Birchwood, M. & Spencer, E. (2002) Psychotherapies
difference becomes marginal in the other eating properly now’. CTCH is therefore for schizophrenia. In Schizophrenia: WPA Series in
direction (16 in TAU, 15 in CTCH). Those responding to a major gap in the treatment Evidence Based Psychiatry (eds M. Maj & N. Sartorius),
with other diagnoses are also acceptably for people with ongoing, distressing voices, 2nd edn, pp.147^241. Chichester: Wiley.
distributed, as are the scores on positive and deserves further evaluation. Birchwood, M., Meaden, A., Trower, P., et al (2000)
and negative symptoms. We would point This study was not definitive. It has The power and omnipotence of voices: subordination
and entrapment by voices and significant others.
out that the PANSS positive score was suggested an effect size of major clinical sig-
Psychological Medicine,
Medicine, 30,
30, 337^344.
420 in both groups (s.d.¼3),
(s.d. 3), indicating nificance, but because the sample size was
British Medical Association & Royal
that our sample were indeed ‘psychotic’, small and the study was only conducted in
Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain (2003)
notwithstanding the clinical diagnoses. one part of the country, there is a need to British National Formulary (September issue). London &
We feel the ‘real world’ relevance of the replicate it in a large-scale RCT incorporat- Wallingford: BMJ Books & Pharmaceutical Press.
study is particularly strong. The sample as a ing different loci and different therapists, Byrne, S., T
rower, P., Birchwood, M., et al (2003)
whole was a severely distressed and a affording the opportunity to understand Command hallucinations: cognitive theory, therapy and

31 9

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