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 Complete these eighteen sentences to score your knowledge of the FIRST CONDITIONAL.
1 If you … some eggs, I … some 1 If we … hungry later, we …
. 0. some
coffee. pizzas.
a) will cook / make a) are / will order
b) cook / will make b) will be / order

2 My brother … his car this afternoon 1 If my boss … me, I … for a new

. if 1. job
he … enough time. with another company.
a) will wash / has a) will fire / look
b) wash / will have b) fires / will look

3 James … some books if he … to 1 I … my teacher some questions if

. 2. I
the library. … the lesson.
a) will borrow / goes a) ask / will not understand
b) borrows / will go b) will ask / don’t understand

4 If I … more money, I … a bank 1 Don’t worry! If you … out of the

. 3. tree,
machine. I … you!
a) need / will find a) fall / will catch
b) will need / find b) will fall / catch

5 Sarah … a doctor if she still … 1 Let’s clean our apartment. If

. 4. you
sick tomorrow, … the floor, I … the dishes.
a) sees / will feel a) sweep / will wash
b) will see / feels b) will sweep / wash

6 We … a movie tonight if we … 1 If the weather … nice tomorrow,

. 5. we
bored. … to the beach.
a) watch / will feel a) is / will go
b) will watch / feel b) will be / go

7 If our class … early, I … home and 1 If our teacher … us another

. 6. test
study. on Monday, I … happy.
a) finishes / will go a) will give / am not happy
b) will finish / go b) gives / will not be

8 If Thomas and Michael …my help 1 We … to bed right away if we

. 7. …
later, I … them. late tonight.
a) will need / help a) will go / get home
b) need / will help b) go / will get home

9 The children … warm clothes 1 I … a headache if I … to more

. 8. of
tomorrow if it …cold. that loud music!
a) wear / will be a) will have / listen
b) will wear / is b) have / will listen

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