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Theme: Focusing on the important things in life

Good day, instructor, colleagues, and fellow audience members. So, there you have it! It gives
me great pleasure to deliver my speech to the audience at this momentous occasion.

As we all know, time is both priceless and extremely valuable because each person only has
twenty-four hours in a day, which are irreplaceable. The most effective way to handle time is to use it as
efficiently as possible. Because of the various activities, each person's time management is unique. For
example, an employee's primary responsibility is to work in a business, while a student's primary
responsibility is to attend school. Time management is important for students to ensure that they can
split their tasks efficiently and do not waste time without understanding it.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Time management refers to the correct allocation of time such that a person's everyday tasks
can be performed effectively and without being interrupted. Nowadays, we often hear reports of
students engaging in acts of disobedience or abusing drugs. This is due to the fact that students are
easily affected by negative elements. Students who participate in these activities are those who are
unable to control their time effectively, and as a result, they often waste time on pointless activities. As
a result, good time management is critical in a student's life.

To begin, a student must prioritize his or her education in school by studying and doing
schoolwork at home or in the library. As a result, students are motivated to learn scheduling as the first
step in efficiently managing their time. As a result, students will build a routine for studying and doing
schoolwork, which will undoubtedly assist them in being smarter students. However, there are students
who did build a personal study schedule but did not adhere to it. They must adhere to the scheduled
study period because it will assist students in effectively managing their time so that they have enough
time to review the thorough study and prepare for exams. This will prevent students from running out
of time to study the content as the exam approaches. Students who excel are normally made up of
students who set up the initial setup, so it is better to be safe than sorry, as the saying goes. Students
who do not study well, on the other hand, would almost certainly be unable to review any of the topics
before the test. As a result, time management must be well-organized in order to have adequate time
for students to prepare ahead of time.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Furthermore, the time available can be used for other productive tasks, allowing time to move
more efficiently. Time is, without a doubt, priceless, and time that is squandered is irreplaceable. As a
result, the priceless time must be effectively controlled. For example, you can make use of your free
time by reading novels, science magazines, assisting parents at home, and participating in recreational
activities. Students can not only make good use of their time by reading science magazines, but they can
also broaden their knowledge. Furthermore, the activities will assist students in leading a healthy
lifestyle. As a consequence, this illustrates that time management has many advantages for students.

Being a disciplined person as a student is an incredibly important aspect in being a successful

person. Efficient time management will encourage accountability among students, who will be able to
self-discipline whether we know it or not. This is due to the fact that students will be able to manage
their time independently. Students who have developed their own schedule will do their hardest to stick
to it because they feel they have successfully planned and allocated their time. Students will learn
discipline and contribute to a more fulfilling life in this way. Students who possess these admirable
qualities will be admired by their peers, especially their classmates and teachers.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Even so, students should keep in mind that they must spend time with their families. As a result,
when students are able to handle their time effectively, they may have more time to spend with their
families. As a result, students will not only have ample time to study for exams and pursue their
interests, but they will also have time to engage in recreational activities with their families, such as
working out, going for a walk, watching television, and so on. Students who are able to spend quality
time with their families develop a sense of affection and belonging among the family members. They will
talk about their everyday activities with their families, and parents are pleased if their children still
connect and engage with them, even though they have reached adolescence. This is because they have
always been there for us, the teachers, offering moral encouragement whenever we have encountered
difficulties. The bonds between family members would undoubtedly strengthen and improve. A positive
family relationship has an effect on a student's academic success. As a result, efficient time management
is crucial in developing a conducive learning atmosphere for students.

They will talk about their everyday lives with their families, and parents are delighted if their
children continue to chat and connect with them even after they have reached adolescence. This is due
to the fact that they have always been there for us, the teachers, offering moral support whenever we
have encountered difficulties. Family ties will certainly strengthen and develop. Students' academic
success is affected by their family relationships. As a result, good time management is crucial in
developing a conducive learning atmosphere for students.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Overall, time management is critical for each person because it helps us to make the best use of
our time. Students would undoubtedly profit from healthy, coordinated, and well-planned time
management. However, time management without adequate instruction would make a student's
everyday life more difficult. As a result, as students, we must excel not only in our studies but also in
athletics, extracurricular activities, and religion. As a result, we must efficiently control our time in order
to carry out everyday tasks and, as a result, produce students who are outstanding in all fields, as
illustrated in Vision 2021. We are the new generation of the developing world, so we can accomplish a
lot by efficiently using our time; we can even dare to face life's difficulties and obstacles!
Since life is so short, let us make the most of it by making each second count! With that, I'd like
to express my gratitude.

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