Team Info: The New Values Game - Game Results

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THE NEW VALUES GAME - Game results

Team info

Business line: Distributed Work

Business unit: COWI India

Date played: 2021-04-19 08:22:22

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THE NEW VALUES GAME - Game results

Is it OK, or not
It is not OK
Our business runs on happy customers. Everything else is secondary.

Financial results mean more than following processes.

Competency development is less important than billable hours.

We balance our efforts and only go the extra mile when it has a clear benefit for COWI.

It is OK
We strive to improve even when we have solutions that work fine.

When a customer is unhappy, we have the difficult conversation up front.

A result created by a team is more valuable than a result created by an individual.

We choose the best project manager for a given project, regardless of where in COWI he/she

We set the best team for a given task, even when it requires tough prioritising.

Even under time pressure, we never deliver project documents to a customer before they have
been controlled and approved.

Diversity is one of the most important parameters when designing a project team.

Our professional knowledge is deeper than the professional knowledge of the customer.

We tell the entire truth to customers, also about problems we do not have the solution for.

When budget is running out on a project, we still deliver what we promised to the customer.

Different opinions are encouraged in a project team. Even if it takes a bit longer to explore an

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THE NEW VALUES GAME - Game results

It is OK
It happens often or always
We strive to improve even when we have solutions that work fine.

When a customer is unhappy, we have the difficult conversation up front.

We choose the best project manager for a given project, regardless of where in COWI he/she

We set the best team for a given task, even when it requires tough prioritising.

Even under time pressure, we never deliver project documents to a customer before they have
been controlled and approved.

Our professional knowledge is deeper than the professional knowledge of the customer.

We tell the entire truth to customers, also about problems we do not have the solution for.

When budget is running out on a project, we still deliver what we promised to the customer.

Different opinions are encouraged in a project team. Even if it takes a bit longer to explore an

It happens rarely or never

A result created by a team is more valuable than a result created by an individual.

Diversity is one of the most important parameters when designing a project team.

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THE NEW VALUES GAME - Game results

It is not OK
It happens often or always
Our business runs on happy customers. Everything else is secondary.

It happens rarely or never

Financial results mean more than following processes.

Competency development is less important than billable hours.

We balance our efforts and only go the extra mile when it has a clear benefit for COWI.

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THE NEW VALUES GAME - Game results

What we need to change

It is not OK, but it happens too often
We want to change this:
Our business runs on happy customers. Everything else is secondary.

It is OK, and it should happen more

A result created by a team is more valuable than a result created by an individual.

Diversity is one of the most important parameters when designing a project team.

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