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Continuous mechanical handling equipment - Safety code -

General rules
Engins de manutention continue - Code de skurite - Regtes g&Grales

First edition - 1977-06-15

UDC 621.867 : 614.8 Ref. No. ISO 1819-1977 (E)

Descriptors : handfing equipment, continuous handling, safety requirements.

Price based on 11 pages


ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation

of national Standards institutes (ISO member bodies). The work of developing
International Standards is carried out through ISO technical committees. Every
member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been set
up has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations,
governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work.

Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated

to the member bodies for approval before their acceptance as International
Standards by the ISO Council.

International Standard ISO 1819 was developed by Technical Committee

lSO/TC 101, Continuous mechanical handling equipment, and was circulated to
the member bodies in March 1976.

lt has been approved by the member bodies of the following countries :

Austral ia France South Africa, Rep. of

Austria Germany Spain
Belgium India Sweden
Bulgaria Japan Turkey
Chile Mexico United Kingdom
Czechoslovakia Philippines U.S.S. R.
Finland Pol and Yugoslavia

The member bodies of the following countries expressed disapproval of the docu-
ment on technical grounds :


This International Standard cancels and replaces ISO Recommendation

R 1819-1970, of which it constitutes a technical revision.

@ International Organkation for Standardkation, 1977 l

Printed in Switzerland

Continuous mechanical handling equipment - Safety code -

General rules

0 INTRODUCTION Skilled personnel - fitters, maintenance and repair person-

nel, who only work from time to time at the request of the .
lt must be understood that the present International person responsible for the plant - shall observe special
Standard applies only to conveying devices that have been rules, particularly those set out in 2.3.17 to 2.3.21.
correctly designed, and constructed and erected with care.
Persons whose duties do not demand their presence on the
lt must also be understood that the conveying device has plant or in the vicinity of the equipment under consider-
been selected according to the characteristics of the product ation shall observe orders forbidding access to certain areas.
or the objects being conveyed, and is suitable for the
working conditions.
1.3 Definitions
When the equipment conveys dangerous, noxious, toxic
or harmful products, the user shall inform the manufacturer 1.3.1 normal working conditions : Specified conditions as
and if necessary the erectors, and specify the special safety agreed by the interested Parties for the use of continuous
conditions to be complied with. mechanical handling equipment.

These normal working conditions will either be defined by

1 GENERAL the user and agreed with the manufacturer at the time of
passing the Order, or defined for Standard equipment in
1.1 Scope the manufacturer’s catalogue when it is issued.

This International Standard sets out safety rules relating

1.3.2 Personne1 : Persons essential to the use (the oper-
to continuous mechanical handling equipment, including
ation) of the continuous mechanical handling equipment
its construction, installation, utilization and maintenance,
itself and persons legitimately in the vicinity.
to ensure that it is used to the best advantage, and to
prevent, as far as possible, any accidents or mishaps that
could arise from misuse. 1.4 General plan
To this end, these rules provide precise directives necessary The safety code is divided into two Parts :
to comply with legal texts (see appendix Z) and require-
ments decreed by governing bodies in certain countries. a) General rules relating to all continuous mechanical
handling equipment for loose bulk materials or unit
1.2 Field of appfication loads (covered by this International Standard).

The safety rules laid down in this International Standard b) Special rules for continuous mechanical handling
apply in the normal working conditions defined in 1.3.1, equipment for loose bulk materials or unit loads. These
regardless of the use for which the equipment is intended. rules, written for individual appliances or groups of
appl iances, are covered by separate International
These safety rules limit the supplier’s responsibility to Standards.
continuous mechanical handling equipment proper, exclud-
ing the structures (building frameworks, planks, etc.) to Esch part of the safety code is divided into three clauses
which such equipment is affixed or on which it is placed dealing with the safety rules applying to the following
and for which the user is responsible, except when such stages :
structures have been designed, supplied and erected by the - construction (design and manufacture);
conveying device manufacturer.
- installation (layout, erection and entry into Service);
The sole Object of these rules is the safety of the personnel
defined in 1.3.2. - utilization (Operation and maintenance).
ISO 18194977 (E)

2 GENERAL RULES The Iowering and raising System shall be fitted with a
safety device to prevent accidental Iowering or lifting of
The construction and Operation of all continuous mechan- the boom, and to prevent kickback of any manually
ical handfing equipment for loose bulk materials and unit operated trank.
loads shall meet
The device for Iowering and raising the movable part shall
- the legal and local requirements relating to safety be so located that there is no necessity for the Operator to
in general l) ; be under the conveyor.
- th e principles laid down in clause 1 of this Interna- Th e movement must be limited at the extreme posi tions,
tional Standard;
by Stops capable of supporting the stress due to the load.
- the following general rules. The exceptions to this rule are mentioned in the spec ial
I nter national Sta ndards.
2.1 In the construction Stage (design and manufacture)
2.1.6 In cases of manual loading and/or unloading, the
2.1.1 The stability and strength of the equipment (static characteristics of the unit (height, width, Speed, etc.) must
or mobile) shall be ensured under all normal working be suitable for the working stations. The special lnter-
conditions, including climatic conditions as agreed by the national Standards give the necessary particulars.
contracting Parties.
Mechanical devices must be installed :
2.1.2 The whole conveyor path and especially the loading, a) for the loading and unloading of unit loads ex-
unloading and transfer Points, must be designed so as to ceeding 55 kg;
avoid as much as possible all spillage of products or conveyed
material. b) for the I oading of unit loads the vertical
Speed exceeds 0,5 mls;
2.1.3 The slopes and the characteristics of the conveying c) for the unloading of unit loads when the vertical
element must be designed so as to avoid slipping and/or Speed exceeds 0,25 m/s.
unintentional dropping of the conveyed products under
normal working conditions.
2.1.7 The in-running nips and pinch Points of the con-
The support element of the material or load (belt, buckets, veying device (belts, chains, belt pulleys, etc.) and the
Swing trays, etc.) must have sufficient size to be suitable for movable Parts (chain sprockets, spur gears, couplings, etc.)
the transport of the specified product or load. shall be protected if they are normally accessible to person-
2.1.4 To prevent over-running or running backwards of
the conveying device, all inclined or vertical appliances 2.1.8 When shearing and squeezing Points or zones exist
shall include a safety device which operates whenever the on the path of the conveying element (for example at a
motive power is tut off or fails and where the loadconveyed Change of direction, or the close approach to fixed Parts,
possesses kinetic or potential energy. Nevertheless, a etc.), guards shall be provided.*)
safety device for this purpose is not compulsory for those
special cases which are specified in the special International 2.1.9 All movable Parts giving access through mechanical
Standards for each type of appliance. handling equipment shall be designed so that they cannot
be opened whilst the apparatus is working and so that the
2.1.5 Certain fixed or mobile appliances may include an appliance cannot be used or started while they are “open”.
articulated or mobile part in a vertical plane, actuated by
motor or manually; in this case, there shall be a compulsory 2.1.10 The loading and unloading openings of the enclosed
safety device for immobilizing such an articulated part in units (in casing or in housing) must be made in such a way
the event of voluntary or accidental Stoppage of the motive that they prevent access to the moving components; other-
power even if the latter is manual. wise suitable protection shall be provided.

1) See appendix Z.

2) See the following technical reports :

ISO/TR 5045, Continuous mechanical handling equipment - Safety Code for belt conveyors - Examples for guarding of nip Points.

ISO/TR 5046, Continuous mechanical handling equipmen t - Safety Code for conveyors and eleva tors with chain-elemen ts - Examples for
guarding of nip Points.

ISO/T ‘R 5047 Con tinuous mechanical handling equipmen t - Safety Code for chain conveyors with bearing devices or load carriers - Examples
of pro tec Gon. (1 n preparati on.)

ISO 18194977 (E)

2.1.11 Openings in enclosed appliances, which give access protected on the open side by guard-rails composed of a
to moving Parts, shall be guarded by covers which require hand-rail normally 1 m above the walkway, a knee-rail and
a hand tooi for removal or are locked or are interlocked a toe-guard, or by an equivalent plain sheeting. In the case
with the drive to the equipment. Covers which it is necessary of inclined gangways with uninterrupted vertical sheeting
to open while the appliance is in Operation shall expose a on the side remote from the moving appliance, a hand-rail
suitable fixed grating, which will prevent access. shall be provided on this side. To avoid the risk of trapping
by a moving device, the height of the hand-rail tan be
2.1.12 Access to inspection hoies shall be easy. modified to not less than 0,80 m above the walkway so as
to ensure a minimum clearance of 0,50 m between the
2.1.13 All the frequently used lubrication Points shall be appl iance and the hand-rail.
accessible without it being necessary to remove the guards. Access between movable Parts of static appliances, or the
load that they carry and fixed obstacles, shall be prevented
2.1.14 It is recommended that equipment be so designed by guards when the free space is less than 0,50 m.
that cleaning is facilitated.
Access between the preset path of mobile appliances and
2.1.15 Equipment mounted on a moving frame, or any fixed obstacles shall be prevented by guards when the free
other additional equipment, such as the loading chute, space is less than 0,50 m.
feeders, etc., whether they are self-propelled or hand-
operated, shall be provided with a device enabling them to 2.2.4 There shall be fixed access to platforms, floors, or
be immobilized. similar constructions located more than 1,50 m above
ground level.
Safe ty dev ices shall be provided to limit the travel of such
equi pment Access should preferably be by a sloping ramp with slats, or
by a staircase. The angle of staircases in relation to the
2.1.16 Wheels or rollers of travelling conveyors and of horizontal shall not exceed 60”.
additional travelling equipment shall be guarded at Points If a ladder has to be used, the width between the uprights
accessible to personnel under normal working conditions. shall be 0,35 m minimum; on the access side, the free space
between the ladder and any continuous obstacle should be
2.1.17 Whenever an Operator remains on the travelling 0,60 m minimum; this free space may be reduced to 0,40 m
equipment, a platform shall be provided and be so designed near a localized obstacle of small width; on the opposite
as to prevent any accidental contact with mobile side, the free space between the ladder and any obstacle
components or any part of the fixed installation. should be 0,20 m minimum. When the ladder is put verti-
cally or at an angle equal to or greater than 70” and its
2.1.18 When mobile appliances or equipment travel vertical height is equal to or greater than 5 m, a protection
alongside an unprotected gangway, warning devices shall be (crinoline, guard or other device) should be provided
provided. commencing 2,5 m from the starting level.
The special rules specify the form these shall take in each Suitable landings or resting places shall, where practicable,
be provided at intervals of not more than 9 m, and unless
strong hand-holds are provided the ladder shall project at
2.1.19 Sharp edges and corners are to be avoided. least 1 m above each landing or resting place.

2.120 The projecti ng Parts of moving equipment must be 2.2.5 All flooring of platforms or gangways and treads of
as sma II as possible. staircases and Steps shall be selected to suit individual
installations and working conditions, and shall have a non-
2.2 During (layout 1erection entry Slip surface.
into Service)
2.2.6 lt is recommended that sharp edges and corners
2.2.1 All powered appliances or complete installations be avoided in the areas normally accessible to personnel
shall carry the following indications permanently and between the floor and a height of 2 m.
legibly marked in a clearly visible place :
This recommendation need not be followed if such edges
a) name of manufacturer or supplier; and corners are protected.
b) year of manufacture and serial number.
2.2.7 In cases where the clearance beneath the appliances,
2.2.2 All Service platforms of appliances and cabins on at a passageway, is less than 1,90 m, it is recommended
which personnel may be required to be stationed shall be that access be by means of a gangway running over the
and remain horizontal. appliance.

2.2.3 All gangways, staircases, Steps or platforms provided 2.2.8 All authorized passageways, protected if necessary,
shall offer a minimum passageway of 0,50 m. They shall be shall be indicated in a clear manner.

ISO 1819-1977 (E)

2.2.9 In cases where appliances which penetrate into a pit 2.3.2 The user should be careful to ensure a regular feed,
or extend through floors leave openings, the latter shall be avoiding over-Ioading. In particular, the user shall not
protected by guard-rails and toe-guards. Change the feeding Points, particularly not their Position,
or increase the flow, without previously consulting the
2.2.10 Where appliances pass above work stations or constructor.
passageways, suitable protection shall be provided against Clear operating instructions concerning the loading of the
accidental dropping of conveyed materials. appliances shall be prominently displayed adjacent to the
loading positions : they shall include the permissible unit
2.2.11 Sequence interlocks shall be provided so that no load, its positioning and its limiting dimensions.
mechanical handling appliance tan supply another ap-
pliance which is inoperative or has reached its full capacity. 2.3.3 lt shall be strictly forbidden to use continuous
mechanical handling equipment for conveying People,
2.2.12 Instantaneously operating manual stop-leck devices unless it has been specifically designed for that purpose
shall be provided either continuously or at selected Points and meets the special rules laid down in connection with
along the installation. Resetting of these devices shall be the conveyance of People.
carried out by authorized personnel and only after the fault
has been rectified. 2.3.4 Continuous mechanical handling equipment, particu-
larly its conveying elements, shall be kept in proper working
condition as recommended by the manufacturer and shall
2.2.13 When an appliance extends out of sight of the
be well maintained at all times.
control Station Operator, audible or visual Signals shall be
provided to warn personnel that the starting of the ap- All loading and work ing stations and the passageways shall
pliance is imminent. be kept clea r an d clea n.

2.2.14 All starting and stopping devices shall be clearly 2.3.5 The inspection, adjustment, maintenance and
indicated and easily accessible. lt is recommended that cleaning of moving Parts (belts, pulleys and idlers, chains,
they be painted to a Standard Pattern. sprockets, etc.) and of cleaning devices shall be carried out
regularly according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
2.2.15 lt is recommended that all lubrication Points be The frequency of these operations will depend on the
painted to a Standard Pattern. nature of the conveyed materials. With the exception of
automatic cleaning, or in the case of special devices de-
2.2.16 Gangways, hand-rails, staircases, ladders, guards, signed to allow cleaning while the equipment is in Operation,
etc. shall be erected before the installation is put into these operations shall only be undertaken when the equip-
Service. ment is at rest, and after rendering the starting devices
2.2.17 The feeding and discharge controls, either manually
or mechanically operated, shall be easily accessible. They 2.3.6 No inspection hole shall be opened while the ap-
shall, where necessary, be placed so as to permit Supervision pliance is in Operation unless it camplies with rule 2.1.11.
of the flow.
2.3.7 No one, except those so authorized, shall operate
2.2.18 The openings of feeding or transfer hoppers and or interfere with the normal working of the plant; in
chutes shall be guarded if normally accessible to person- particular, all starting operations shall be carried out by
nel. lt is recommended that inspection doors be provided qualified and competent personnel only.
on large hoppers and chutes.
2.3.8 Normal and emergency stopping devices shall be
made known to all personnel and be easily accessible; all
2.2.19 Counterweight tension devices shall be guarded at areas giving access to them shall be kept clear of obstacles.
Points normally accessible to personnel. Guards shall Their proper working shall be periodically checked.
prevent access to the space directly below the counter-
weight; in the absence of these fuards, sustaining devices
shall be provided, giving a clearance of at least 2,5 m 2.3.9 All restarting operations on an appliance which has
above ground or other operating level. been inoperative because of an emergency or accidental
Stoppage shall be preceded by an inspection aiming at
a) determining the Cause of the emergency or accidental
2.3 During the utilization Stage (Operation and mainten- Stoppage;
b) repairing the fault.
2.3.1 No continuous mechanical handling equipment shall
be used for duties other than those for which it is designed 2.3.10 lt shall be strictly forbidden to Cross over or under
nor under conditions other than those stated in the sales an appliance except at the Points specially provided for the
contract and in the installation and maintenance booklets. purpose.

ISO 1819-1977 (E)

2.3.11 All adjustments, whether mechanical or electrical, 2.3.17 Inspection and adjustment of continuous mechan-
shall be carried out by competent and authorized persons, ical handling equipment, in motion or in use, should only
particularly in the case of safety devices. be carried out with guards in Position unless it would be
impracticable for the said operations to be carried out other
2.3.12 Repairs, and removal of protective enclosures or than with the guards removed. If the guards are removed,
Panels, shall only be carried out after stopping the equip- such removal must be restricted to the immediate area
ment, and after starting devices have been rendered inop- involved, taking all necessary precautions and especially
erative, by a competent person appointed for that purpose. forbidding any approach to nip Points.

Recommissioning shall be carried out only after the protec-

tive devices have been replaced and an Order received from
2.3.18 If the area where guards are removed is situated in
the responsible person.
a working area or where People walk, such an area must be
fenced off to prevent personnel approaching it when the
2.3.13 lt shall be forbidden to carry out any lubrication appliance is in motion.
while an appliance is in Operation, except in cases where the
Parts to be lubricated are so located or there are special
devices which will permit this without danger.
2.3.19 When guards are not in Position, and the appliance
If, for lubrication purposes, it is necessary to remove or to is in motion, work shall only be done from a stable standing
open guards, lubrication shall only be carried out with the place. If a ladder is required, it must be secured in Position
equipment rendered inoperative as stated in rule 2.3.12. or firmly held by a second person.

2.3.14 A log-book should be kept for each appliance or

each installation. 2.3.20 When guards have been removed from continuous
mechanical handling equipment in motion, work shall
2.3.15 Suitable training (with particular reference to the only be undertaken by persons authorized and weil ac-
operating and maintenance booklets) shall be given to quainted with the risks associated with machinery in
continuous mechanical handling equipment personnel, motion. Such persons must wear close-fitting Overalls with
both operating and maintenance, as in the long run this is no loose ends, preferably made in one piece.
the best ferm of accident prevention.

2.3.16 tke user shakt not make alterations, which affect 2.3.29 lf work has to be carried out on unfeneed machinery
the design, cons~ructEon, instalbation or handling require- in moti’on, a second person, weil acquainted with the actions
ments of the appliances without the consent of the con- to be taken in case of emergency, must keep watch on the
structor or the contractor, s some alterations may give person at work, and hold himself close to and ready to
rise to detrimental consequences. operate a stop device.

ISO 1819-1977(E)

(updated February 1977)


Makers and users ali ke sho uld make sure that all safety devices comply with government and local regulations, and also with
the special r,equirements of the ISO publications.


Australian Standard 1755 - SAA Conveyor Safety Code.

Esch State within Australia has specific regulations which are closely aligned with this Code.


Allgemeine Dienstnehmerschutzverordnung, BGBl. Nr. 265/1951 in der Fassung der Verordnung BGBl. Nr. 32/1962 Maschinen-
Schutzvorrichtungsverordnung, BGBl. Nr. 43/1961.

Verordnung zum Schutze des Lebens und der Gesundheit von Dienstnehmern bei Ausführung von Bauarbeiten, Bauneben- und
Bauhilfsarbeiten, BGBl. Nr. 267/1954.

Verordnung über den Schutz des Lebens und der Gesundheit von Dienstnehmern in Eisen- und Stahlhüttenbetrieben, BGBl.
Nr. 122/1955.

Verordnung über den Schutz der Dienstnehmer und der Nachbarschaft beim Betrieb von Steinbrüchen, Lehm-, Ton-, Sand-
und Kiesgruben sowie bei Haldenabtragungen, BGBl. Nr. 253/1955.

Verordnung über den Schutz des Lebens und der Gesundheit von Dienstnehmern in Textilbetrieben, BGBl. Nr. 194/1956.
Allgemeine Bergpolizeiverordnung, BGBl. Nr. 114/1959 in der Fassung der Verordnungen BGBl. Nr. l85/1969 und BGBl.
Nr. 2211972.
Arbeitnehmerschutzgesetz BGBl. Nr. 234/1972.
Vorschriften des Osterreichischen Verbandes für Elektrotechnik, insbesondere :
ÖVE-E 1, Errichtung von Starkstromanlagen unter 1 000 V.
ÖVE-E 5, Betrieb von Starkstromanlagen, Teil 1 : Grundsätzliche Bestimmungen.
ÖVE-EN 1, Teil 1/75 Errichtung von Starkstromanlagen mit Netzspannung bis 1 000 W, = 1 500 W
Teil 1 : Begriffe und Schutzmapnahmen.


There are no special government regulations in Belgium.


The council of Ministers disposition No. 187/1968.05.09.

BDS 10705-73.
The Ministry of Transport Safety Regulation No. D-05-001/1972, concerning safety of loading-unloading operations.


Labour Code NO. 65/1965 Sb. and the implementing provisions in accordance with the valid amendments.
Order in council NO. 41/1938 Sb. - General rules for life and health protection of unskilled workers.

ISO 18194977 (E)

Order in council No. 53/1931 Sb. - Rules for life and health protection of workers in building industry in the meaning of
Order in council No. 97/1948 Sb.
Law Gazette :
- No. 33/1965 Sb. : Law of regressive compensations.
- No. 77/1965 Sb. : Decree of Ministry of Building lndustry on training, ability and registration of attendance of building
--. No. 20/1966 Sb. : Law of care of health of People.
- No. 45/1966 Sb. : Decree of Ministry of Health on creation and preservation of Sound living conditions :

a) Vol. 3/1958, No. 5 : Directives of hygienic conditions of construction of industrial plants.

b) Vol. 16/1959, No. 20 : Directives of hygienic conditions of activity and maintenance of industrial plants.

c) Vol. 28/1967, No. 32 : Directives of health protection against unfavourable effects of noise.

d) Vol. 29/1967, No. 33 : Directives of health protection against unfavourable action of mechanical Vibration.

e) Vol. 30/1967, No. 34 : Directives of the Chief Hygienist in Czechoslovakia concerning the greatest concentration of
the most important harmful substances in the atmosphere.
- No. 32/1967 Sb. : Decree of the government.

- No. 174/68 Sb. : Law on the State professional inspection of safety of work.
- No. 22/76 Sb. and No. 23/76 Sb. : General rules ensuring the safety of work at the stable equipment for loose bulk


Almene Sikkerhedsf$rskrifter for Maskineri - Redskaber - Vzrkt$jer.


Allgemeine Vorschriften für Maschinen, Gesetz des Sozialministeriums 299/58 über Arbeitsschu tz.

Law for occupational safety (299/58).

Decision of the Council of State that includes directives to be observed within civil engineering ( 274169).

Decision of the Council of State for the prevention of noise (730/74).

Machines, tools and technical equipment (safety regulations No. 1).

Cranes (safety regulations No. 22).

Safety regulations on electricity (Decision of Ministry of Trade and Industry No. 205/74).



Artides L 233-2, L 233-3, L 233-4 et les reglements d’application.


Decret no 47-1592 du 23 aout 1947, portant reglement d’administration publique en ce qui concerne les mesures particulieres
de securite relatives aux appareils de Ievage autres que les ascenseurs et monte-Charge (et tex tes d’appl ication).
Decret no 62-1454 du 14 novembre 1962 (electricite).

Decret no 65-48 du 8 janv ier 1965, concernant Ia protecti on et Ia salubrite dans les chantiers du batiment et des travaux
publics. Titre II - «Apparei Is de levage et de manutention».

als0 18194977 (E)


- Titres 2 et 11 - Decret 59-285 du 27 janvier 1959 (reglements sur I’exploitation des mines).
- Deux arretes du 30 octobre 1961 (regles d’agrement du materiel electrique).

- lnstructions DMIH 870 du 20 octobre 1961.

- Decret no 73-404 du 26 mars 1973 portant reglementation de Ia securite des convoyeurs dans les mines et carrieres.

- Textes concernant I’agrement de materiel anti-deflagrant utilisable dans les mines grisouteuses.

- Normes francaises
# - groupe C.


:Gesetz über technische Arbeitsmittel vom 24.6.1968 (BGBI 1 28.6.1968).

‘Verordnung über Arbeitsstätten vom 20.3.1975 (BGBI I S. 729).

Unfallverhütungsvorschriften der Berufsgenossenscha.ften :

VBG IO Stetigförderer (1955lneu 1976)

VBG 1 Allgemeine Vorschriften (1934/1971).

VBG 4 Elektriche Anlagen und Betriebsmittel (1962).

VBG 5 Kraftmaschinen (193411951).

VBG 7a Arbeitsmaschinen (Allgemeines) (193411951).

VBG 8 Winden (19561 neu 1976).

VBG 3 Kohlenstaubanlagen (1957).

VBG 7j Holzbearbeitungsmaschinen (1955).

VBG 7k Arbeitsmaschinen der keramischen Industrie (193611964).

VBG 7m3 Linoleumherstellung (1955).

VBG 23 Farbspritzen, -tauchen und Anstricharbeiten (195711961).

VBG 24 Lacktrockenöfen (Durchlauföfen) (1957119;

VBG 40a Schwimmende Geräte (1970).

VBG 112 Silos (1972).

VBG 119 Schutz gegen gesundheitsgefährlichen Staub bei der Steingewinnung und Verarbeitung (1974).
VBG 121 Lärm (1974).
Richtlinien zur Vermeidung von Zündgefahren infolge elektrostatischer Aufladung (1971).

Straflenverkehrszulassungsordnung (St. VZO).

Vorschriften des Verbandes Deutscher Elektriker (VDE) z.B. :

VDE 0100 Errichten von Starkstromanlagen mit Nennspannung bis 1 000 V (5.73).
VDE 0113 Elektrische Ausrüstung von Be- und Verarbeitungsmaschinen mit Nennspannungen bis 1 000 V (12.73).
VDE 0168 Errichten und Betrieb elektrischer Anlagen in Tagebauen, Steinbrüchen und ähnlichen Betrieben (7.73).
VDE 0165 Errichten elektrischer Anlagen in explosionsgefährdeten Betriebsstätten (4.66).

ISO 1819-1977 (E)

DIN-Normen als Regeln der Technik, Z.B. :

DIN 15220 Stetigförderer, Bandförderer, Sicherheitstechnische Anforderungen, Schutzeinrichtungen für Auflaufstellen
DIN 15221 Stetigförderer, Förderer mit Kettenelementen, Sicherheitstechnische Anforderungen, Schutzeinrichtungen für
Auflaufstellen (Entwurf 1976).
DIN 15222 Stetigförderer, Sicherheitstechnische Anforderungen an Kettenförderer mit Trageinrichtungen oder Mitnehmern,
Schutz gegen Verletzungen durch Mitnehmer oder Querwände (Entwurf 1976).

DIN 15223 Stetigförderer, Sicherheitstechnische Anforderungen an Bandförderer, Sicherung von Engstellen an Tragrollen
(Entwurf 1976).
DIN 31001 Teil 1 Sicherheitsgerechtes Gestalten technischer Erzeugnisse; Schutzeinrichtungen, Begriffe, Sicherheits-
abstände für Erwachsene (12.74).
Dl N 31001 Teil 2 Sicherheitsgerechtes Gestalten technischer Erzeugnisse; Schutzeinrichtungen, Werkstoffe, Anforderungen,
Anwendung (11.74).
DIN 31001 Teil IO Sicherheitsgerechtes Gestalten technischer Erzeugnisse; Schutzeinrichtungen, Sicherheitsabstände für
Kinder (9.74).


Norme per Ia prevenzione degli infortuni sul Iavoro - Legge 12.

Febbraio 1955, no 51 - Decreto Pr. Rep. 27 Aprile 1955, no 547.

Disposizioni generali (titolo 1).

Ambienti, posti di lavoro e di Passagio (titolo 11).

Norme generali di protezione delle machine (titolo I 11).

Mezzi ed apparecchi di sollevamento, di trasporto e di immagazinamento (titolo V), per quanto concerne soltanto i 5 :

I Disposizioni di carratere generale;

IV Elevatori e trasportatori a piani mobili a tazze, a coclea, a nastro e Simili;

Impianti ed apparecchi vari (titolo VI), per quanto concerne soltanto i 8 :

I Disposizioni di carratere generale;

III Vasche, canalizzazioni, tubazioni, serbatoi, recipienti, Silos.

Manutenzione e riparazione (titolo l X).

Mezzi parsonali di protezione e soccorsi d’urgenza (titolo X).

Norme penali (titolo XI).
Disposizioni transitorie e finali (titolo XI 1).


Het Besluit verplaatsbare transporteurs (Stb. 1972, 520), gegrond op de Wet op de gevaarlijke werktuigen.

Het Veiligheidsbesluit-Stuwadoorswet (Stb. 1950, K519), gegrond op de Stuwadoorswet.

Het Veiligheidsbesluit voor fabrieken of verkplaatsen 1938 (Stb. 1938, 872), gegrond op de Veiligheidswet 1934.

Het Electrotechnische Veiligheidsbesluit 1938 (Stb. 1938, 873), gegrond op de Veiligheidswet 1934.

Het Landbouw Veiligheidsbesluit (Stb. 1950, K107), gegrond op de Veiligheidswet 1934.

Het Mijnreglement 1964 (Stb. 1964, 538) gegrond op de Mijnwet 1903.

ISO 1819-1977(E)


Statens arbeidstilsyn, Direktoratet.

Nr. 1 Oversikt over verneregler, vei-ledninger m.v. om arbeidervern.

Nr. 221 Alminnelige verneregler for maskiner, redskap og verktoy.

Kommunal- og Arbeidsdepartementet

Byggeforskrifter av 1.8.69 utferdiget i h.h.t. 5 6 i bygningsloven av 18. juni 1976.

Statens sprengstoffinspeksjon
Lov om brannfarlige varer og forskriftene til loven av 1 januar 1975.

Lov om eksplosive Var-er og forskriftene til loven av 1 juli 1976.

Norsk Brannvern Forening

Branntekniske lover og forskrifter.

Norges vassdrags- og elektrisitetsvesen, Elektrisitetsdirektoratet

Forskrifter for elektriske anlegg og Meddelelser.

NS 5155 Transportprer. Generelle sikkerhetsbestemmelser.
NS 5156 Transport#rer. B&dtransport#-er. Si kkerhetsbestemmelser.
NS 5157 Transport@er. Koppelevatorer. Sikkerhetsbestemmelser.
NS 5158 Transport@-er. Lagringsinnretninger for Ivsvarer. Sikkerhetsbestemmelser.
NS 5161 Transportgrer. Mateskruer og skruetransportgrer for Igisvarer. Sikkerhetsbestemmelser.
NS 5162 Transport$rer. Tippeaggregater for skinnegaende vogner for I$svarer. Sikkerhetsbestemmelser.


Le Decret du Ministre du Travail et des Assurances Sociales ainsi que du Ministre de Ia Sante du 19.03.1954 concernant ia
securite et I’hygiene du travail aux postes de manutention et de commande des transports («Dziennik Urzedowy» - Journal
Officiel no 13 pos. 51).
Le Decret du Ministre de Ia Navigation du 6.09.1967 concernant Ia securite et l’hygiene du travail dans les ports maritimes (lt
continentaux («Dziennik Urzedowy» - Journal Officiel no 39 pos. 260).
Les Decrets du Ministre de I’lndustrie Alimentaire et du Rachat du 31.12.1957 concernant Ia securite et I’hygiene du travall
dans les sucreries et les raffineries de Sucre («Dziennik Urzedowy)) - Journal Officiel no 6 pos. 19).
Les Decrets du Ministre de I’lndustrie Alimentaire et du Rachat, du Ministre de I’Agriculture et du President de Ia Petltt;
Industrie du 31.12.1960, concernant Ia securite et I’hygiene du travail dans les moulins, usines de fourrages et dans les grenicii-s
a cereales («Dziennik Urzedowy)) - Journal Officiel no 3 pos. 19/60 et no 11 pos. 71/65).
Le Decret du Ministre de I’lndustrie Alimentaire et du Rachat des produits agricoles et ruraux du 12.01.1967 concernant Ia
securite et I’hygiene du travail dans les Etablissements de I’industrie de Ia viande («Dziennik Urzedowy)) - Journal Officiel
no 4 pos. 15).
La Norme Polonaise PN-67/M-46610. Transporteurs a bandes. Dimensions des passages et passerelles et intervalles aux Parties


National Board of Industrial Safety - Board of Commerce.

ISO 1819-1977 (E)


1) Loi federale Sur Ie travail dans I’industrie, l’artisanat et Ie commerce (Loi sur Ie travail) du 13 mars 1964 (La loi du
18.6.1914 a etc abrogee).
2) Loi federale du 13 juin 1911 et Loi federale du 13 mars 1964, modifiant Ie Premier titre de Ia loi sur I’assurance en cas de
maladie et d’accidents du 13 juin 1911.

3) Arretes concernant les lois mentionnees sous 1) et 2).

4) Regles concernant les engins de manutention continue de Ia Caisse Nationale Suisse d’Assurance en cas d’accidents.

5) Normes concernant I’installation et I’exploitation des ascenseurs et monte-charges de Ia Societe Suisse des Ingenieurs et
Arch itectes.


The Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974.

The Factories Act 1961.

The Offices, Shops and Railways Premises Act 1963.

Electricity regulations (SR & 0 No. 1312) 1908 as amended by 739 of 1944.

The Construction (General Provisions) Regulations 1961.

The Construction (Lifting Operations) Regulations 1961.

The Mines and Quarries Act 1954, Sections 81 and 82.

The Coal and Other Mines (Electricity) Regulations, 1956 (SI No. 1766, 1956).

The Coal and Other Mines (Electricity) (Amendment) Regulations 1967, (SI 1083, 1967).

The Coal and Other Mines (Electricity) (Second Amendment) Regulations 1974 (SI 1853/1974).
The Miscellaneous Mines (Electricity) Regulations 1956 (SI No. 1779, 1956).
The Miscellaneous Mines (General) Regulations 1956 (SI No. 1778, 1956).
The Quarries (Electricity) Regulations 1956 (SI No. 1781, 1956).

The Quarries (General) Regulations 1956 (SI No. 1780, 1956).

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