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130 7189-1989 1) International Standard cr 7189 er “SSI ncn pee zn Fon FT anmANOEAT ONDE RIN APOODAN OFFAL NO CTANAPTAUMICORGANSATION WTERVATIONALE DE WORMALSATION Continuous mechancial handling equipment — Apron conveyors — Design rules Engins de menutention continue — Transporteurs @ tablier articulé — Régies pour le calcul First edition — 1983-12-15 UDC 621.867.152.5 Ref. No. 1SO 7189-1983 (E) Descriptors: material handling equipment, continuous handing, apron conveyors, symbols, formulas (mathematics Price based on 7 pages. Foreword ISO (the Intemational Organization for Standardization) is @ worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of developing International Standards is carried out through ISO technical committees. Every member body interested in @ subject for which a technical committee has been authorized hes the ht to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental ‘and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. Draft Intemational Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to ‘the member bodies for approval before their acceptance as International Standards by the ISO Council. | Committee ISO/TC 101, slated to the member bodies International Standard ISO 7189 was developed by Techni Continuous mechanical handling equipment, and was ci in February 1981. It has been approved by the member bodies of the following countries: Austia France Romania Belgium Korea, Dem. P. Rep. of Sweden Brazil Koree, Rep. of United Kingdom Czechosoval Netherlands ussR Egypt, Arab Rep. of —Nommay Finland Poland “The member body of the following country expressed disepproval of the document on. technical grounds: Germany, F.R. jondar © Intemational Organization for tion, 1983 @ Printed in Switretoneé ‘EW EL a a oe c c c - INTERNATIONAL STANDARD 1SO 7189-1983 (E) Continuous mechanical handling equipment — Apron conveyors — Design rules 1 Scope This International Stendard establishes design rules for apron. conveyors. 2. Field of application ‘This International Standard is applicable to apron conveyors, used for the transport of both loose bulk materials end unit loads.1” Ie fers to the following appliances : 18) Apron conveyors 2.14.08 I Apron conveyors, 2.14.08 ©) Pan conveyors 2.14.082 4d} Apron conveyors with closed pans 2.14.08 €) Slat conveyors (metal or wood) 2.21.04 + 221.041 + 2.21.082 1 Continuous (circular plate conveyors {horizontal) 2.21.07 3 Reference 180 2148, Continuous mechanical handling equipment — ‘Nomenclature 1) The design rules remain vai if round link chains are used instead of flat nk chains. z Fo [| earner irre To = anes oa Base | = sorse; Buy | @ w souersip enueo wohanucn | 7 w/o ‘aimonns au 01 pany sioy0: | w | sores wsamieg Bua janen |) Guysieo vomay yO Ausuap ow | "WO = oie} uononpes adojs jy wx unions ou 01 pox sioyou | r uyusea tn 0 Auop reo | 0 w anata ormacnn “anuysod Bupuaose) 1 0han00 w/o (papnjouysiqos Buinow) | eyo sokonuoa jo Aisuep veo | 2 w suoped | r “ fe Aissep sou 2918 ved 10 uBnon oun 10 146iey | w/64 {vores 1d peop jevaiew | ghanuod JO jp s00u 20 uw von | m : ae -qved ued Sumplpe oun yo w6ioN | %y P| eux | revere nina patanuosjoAysuep | 2 a oy | C = rworayjoe0 uonoyy Buueaq | 2 3509 potonuco au jo woiey | ty r = saejduns pue jouereu cI ruoio4 Guy | Pehonuoo waemiog anjen uououy | Mr aya Anpes6 jo vonesspne | # om] pow ues | ‘ puens iad und voruor out | AY pue iow usemeq AouaaH)0 N aon mudyed soaym Suu | OY t = ayBue adop sohonsoa | 9 7 N adops up os onp scuesses | Sy r - al soueisisas yeoeds | 8, i sang jo osodas yo ove auueuap |g N te y / N wonou 01 anp souewssas | 4y - review sanqyo ss0des jo Bue wn |g n aounissas Aiepuoces | Ny eu | vedesoounon sum oneioon | 4 N peaeeeeoed ee tnd eyo wn P ew | uedranpipuyueyoounyon duny | 4 sons sya (poads weuo) peeds unanuoa | a reuwou Utne weyo wwe | OY wioys wnurow |» r wu vod weyo | N 1d wow | f " counssor yew | Hy \ was oxy 10 Buynou i ‘sioyos Ounueoyosnipeseuseixe | N 4nd weys seus | Py a pony 10 Bunous - vworoysoo uonouy sume |S ‘weve Bunn jorenperiona | 4 ww use sono} vonony uo | > r sie aie1 moy ounon | 4b . enyospatuey | wy woxyje0o onus Guo) | > syn aes moy peoyuun | 50 two vy Su w spy solsnuoo |g r 16% siesmoy stew |b ee | w sanyo yo aoeds vedo somod sorow | H, ™ 4 u apm Gusieo eyorew a r a See oe ones ss0%0 Buy 10 8 f su 01 payee towod Sump | Yer au 3s se010 Gun eau ' o ones ss010 Bum - om | | £ wee out v0 wast yo gums | | spe0j yun yo aoueiep a8esone | "So ox sp00} yun yo ssew aGeione | ‘Su = sued voamiog youd) sours | @ wh woneusisea [ems wa woneutseq pas syun pue sjoquiks py r r (a) €861-6812 OSI a4 5 Flow rate 5.1. Volume flow rate for continuous conveying of bulk ‘material (for apron conveyors and pan conveyors) The volume flow rate cap qy is the product of the conveying speed v by the filing cross section A ak a 5.2 Volume flow rate in pulsatory conveyance of bulk ‘materials (apron conveyor with curved or flanged plates) is the product of the filing volume 1° ch individual pan by the quotient of the conveying speed v by the distance @ separating the pans : @ 5.3 Unit load flow rate ‘The unit load flow rate qs, is equal to the quotient of the transport speed v by the average distance as, separating the unit loads = 9s. = 5 a 6.4 Maze flow rate ‘The mass flow rate gy is the product ofthe volume flow rate gy by the density or the unit loads flow rate by the weight of the unit loads. Gm = @v@ forthe transport of bulk materials... 14) Gm = 954 Mig, for the transport of unit loads ® 5.5. Filling cross section and the filling volume for the conveyance of bulk materials For horizontal conveyance, the theoretical filing cross sections Ag, 0F the filing volumes’ ¥, for the different constructional ‘shapes, result from the geometrical dimensions of the carrying ‘components and from the angle of repose of the bulk material, However, in practice, these values are not reached permanently 2s in general one does not succeed in loading the conveyor completely and regularly in 8 permanent manner. The influence ‘of an incomplete or irregular load is taken into consideration by the filing factor g. In the case of ascending or descending conveyors, the possible ‘conveyor filing is reduced by the gradient. This slope influence is taken into account by the reducing factor k depending on the slope angle 4 1SO 7189-1983 (E) 5.5.1. Flat apron plate conveyor filing cross section ‘The theoretical filing cross section is like an isosceles triangle {see figure 1) the base ‘of which (material carrying width) is a little smatier than the width B of the apron conveyor and the base angles of which are equal to the dynamic angle of repose Bayr Of the bulk material ‘The conveyance of bulk material on the flat apron plate con: veyois according to fig. 1 is limited to very rare cases. 0.98 ~ 0,05 6) 2 tan By m An = Baym - 2 and A = ky 139 Boye (8) Ay, and A are expressed in square metres. ‘The dynamic angle of repose may, in normal cases, be in- troduced for a value equal to half of the angle of repose f. ‘The flat apron plate conveyors which convey the bulk materi along skirtplates as side partitions of the chutes (for example flat apron plate conveyors such as silo tapping plants) may teach considerably higher conveying cross sections, resulting from the open space of the chute and of the height /hy of the Conveying cross section (see figure 3) A= kAy = keh 91 5.2 Filling cross section of a conveyor with curved apron plates with sides ‘The theoretical cross section is made of a rectangle with @ ‘width B and a filing height h, a5 well a ofa triangle with a base B and base angles Aj, (see figure 2). With : = fg ~ 0,08 (10) one has : ans = wang, "1 . | 12° Daye ot ell Bion onda = 0 |hB + ky Bon o2) Ap and A are expressed in square metres. 5.5.3 Filling cross section oF filling volume for the conveyor with curved or flanged plates |W the gradient angle, 4, is smaller than the maximum angle of ‘repose fone can take the filing cross section into account as it tesults from the conveyor with curved apron plates with sides Mfor 3 = 8, k = 01 1SO 7189-1983 (E) If the gradient angle d is larger than the maximum angle of tepose f, the filing volume of the pan (see figure 4) should be taken into account which results from : ano [en 2-8] wa [em aon 5.5.4 Filling factor and reducing factor depends upon the properties of the bulk ly the feeding conditions of the ‘The filing factor, material considered and especi apron conveyor. Generally it isin the area of 0,5 to 1 and must, in the special case, be estimated. Values for the reducing factor k are given in table 1 5.6 Conveying speed ‘The conveying speed, v, is identical to the chain speed. It is recommended to not choose it too high so as to maintain the dynamic stresses, the rates of wear and the noise level which (90 with it, within acceptable limits. For chain pitch lengths up to 200 mm and in the case of the umber of teeth being more than 10 (see chapter 8, Fayp). the Uupper maximum allowable limit of v will be : v= 08 t0 08 m/s {ox flat ink chelns and v= 12018 m/s for round tink steel chains. For normal apron conveyors, the working speeds are generally lower. For conveying unit loads speeds do not usually exceed 04 mis. 6 Resistances due to movement ‘The peripheral force, Fy, to be transmitted by the drive wheels con to the chain(s) i in equilibrium with the resistances due to ttiction and to the slope, Fa end Fg, Fus Fat Fo 2115) 6.1 Slope resistance ‘The resistance due to the slope, Fg, results from the conveying height H andthe load per section 2g of the conveyed material, taking into account the acceleration of gravity z : Fa, = HOgs oo M6) In the ease of descending conveyance H and Fs, become negative i.e. Fg, acts in the opposite direction to Fy. Inextreme ‘cases Fy may also become negative, i.e. the conveyor does not need to be driven but braked, “The load per section og of the conveyed material is calculated from the mass capacity 9, and from the conveying speed v 0 that the following also applies (18) 6.2. Friction resistances “The whole of the resistance due to friction Fis made up of dif- ferent panta resistances due to friction Fae Fat Fut Fs (19) 6.2.1 Main resistance Fy ‘The main resistance, Fy, results from the operating movements of the upper and lower strand, on the to and fro haulage distance. It is calculated as a product of the whole of tho efficient normal force and a corresponding artificial friction, coefficient, f Fyn Se [Lleme + amy + 20m 6083 + + Liencos4] (20) ‘The length L; of the loaded conveyor section may generally be introduced at a value equal to the centre distance L of the con veyor. For 8 < 15° one can assume that : cos 6 = 1 ‘The artifical friction coefficient, f, may be estimated according to the table 2 or calculated approximately by the rong friction ‘and the friction in the bearings, which is produced in the carry- ing rollers ot in the wheels +n) vl ~ en ‘The rolling friction lever arm, e, assuming steel on steel and clean surface, is about : ¢ = 0.5 mm. a Values for ihe friction coetficient in the bearings 12 are given in table 3. ‘ne coetticient ¢ takes into account the friction due to the guiding rail (on the wheels shoulders or flanges). It is always ‘greater than 1 and is generally about ¢ = 1,110 1.2. e_ EL cue! c c ce _— — cc c ‘The secondary resistance, Fy, is caused by the friction in the chain articulations as well as between the chains and the chain ‘wheels while the chain passes through the chain wheels, in the chain wheels bearings and, should the occasion arise, by fric- tion in the chain deflection devices. In the case of apron con- veyors with moving rollers it is generally relatively small and may be taken into consideration in the form of an allowanc Fy = 0,08 F 4100.1 Fy (22) In the case of apron conveyors with idlers fixed to the sup pporting structure, the friction within the chain becomes high ‘and the resistence, Fy, may become high depending on the design and on the idler spacing and reach the same magnitude ‘as the main resistance Fy. 6.2.3 Special resistance Fs ‘The special resistance, Fs, is produced when the conveyed ‘material has to move along the skrtplates of the fixed chutes or the product guiding devices. It can be calculated for the transport of loose bulk material : (23) ‘Ths formula is based on the following hypotheses = the cross section of the conveyed mater tangular (see figure 31, =the interna fiction of the moving materials negligible. ‘The friction coetficient yy between the conveyed material and skirtplates depends upon the nature of the two materials. Usually itis in the order of ry = 0,8 t0 0,7, 7 Required driving power ‘The driving power Pa on the chain wheels is: Pas Fu oo (24) ‘The motor power is iP Pa (25) Pato = oes ISO 7189-1983 (E) The efficiency ges between the motor and chain wheel(s) ‘depends upon the configuration of the drive assembly 8 Chain pull The chain pull is made up of the peripheral force Fy, of the descending force due to the chain's own weight, of the iital pull per strand Fy, necessary in some cases for operating Feasons and of & superimposed dynamic chain pull Fayn, resulting from the polygonal effect of the chain's movement In. nominal operation and at @ maximal toad the following applies Fay = Fu + Om 8H + Fy & Foyn +1281 ‘The initial pull Fy maintains the chain taut and should be chosen so that the chain does not become slack when leaving the chain wheel, which could lead to trouble. ‘The dynamic chain pull results from the mass in movement and trom the chaln’s maximal acceleration, ie. ot Fo = J (2LOm + Lite) (an In order that the dynamic chain pull remains reduced, 3 small ‘chain pitch should be chosen and a small angular speed 2nv ‘of the chain wheels (28) where 1 is the chain pitch; Nis the number of teeth on the chain wheel ‘When starting up the chain pull Fz resuts from the motor starting torque and from the sum ofall the masses to be ac celerated. Fxz is large than Fg but is only produced for short periods. According to the drive configuration, the starting force Fxz should be taken into account when choosing the chain. Its ac: curate calculation is superfluous in some cases. R73 S39 S93 aS J II VSB TW 1SO 7189-1983 (E) 1SO 7189-1983 (E) Table 1 iope T T one 2| 4] 6] 8] wl] wz{ «| wi} o| 2] x ome 10 | 099 | 098] 087/ 0.95] 0.92] 0.91| 0.89. os] o81| 0,76] 0.71 Table2 a ‘Anificial fletion coefficient | erating jeeratinal Carrying rollers or wheels with psn bearings | rotting bearings Tevoursbie (0,02 ‘oral . 0.03 unfavourable 0.10. 0,13 0,048 Table 3 Bearing frietion| Bearing end tubrication 8 aa ‘coetficlent 2 iain bearings with = Fegular lubrication 010 ~ 0.29 plain Bearings with ~ Frrogularlubvication eae Talling bosrngs (acing sealing) according to 0.01 — 0,088 conditions of use!

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