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JAPANESE AUTOMOBILE STANDARD JASO B001-97 1, Scope ‘This standare specifies the form of Caution plates (Content, colouration, character syle, weing syle, characters and terms, ‘igures ane unit symbols, character size, language, and posi- tion) used as a guideline by designers when they design alert indicators hereinater retard to a8 “caution plates) to be at Form of caution plates 3. Shape and Dimensions plates are to be mounted tached on the components of automobiles (excluding two. ‘The shape and dimensions of caution plates shall not be do {ined specticaly because the equrements forthe areas n which the caution plates are to be mounted are fecent according to the conctions of @vehice or components on which the caution ‘The content of a caution plate shal be formed with ether or a ‘combination of three panels: signal panel, pictorial panel, and ‘Algo, the signal pictorial oF message panel may be included in ‘Tne content shal be formed with thrae panels: signal pane), pictorial panel, anc message panel. Because the vwneoted venice) 4. Indication Procedures Remar: The sandr apteteto ie enced 4 Gena IS 2.6202 Quantiy symbols, unit symbols, and chemical symbols ‘IS 28701 Spectcaion of colows according to the CIE __ message panel. 1951 etandard colourimetie sytem andthe CIE 1964 supplementary standard colourmetresys- the instruction or maintenance indication. YASO2Z 201. General rules for glossary of trms relating to (1) Throe-pane! type automadies 2. Definitions Detintions of major terms used inthis standard are a follows. (1) Caution plates ‘These lates are atached when itis expected tat, even when an operator operates a car normally, the car may ‘ive a damage tothe operator ithe mis-operates it (oe- ‘al operating procedures are not folowed) and a pre- ventive technique (design improvement of cars) that can be developed in reasonable ranges not yet established “They inform the operator ofthe character, seriousness, ‘and preventing mathod of damage. (2) Normal operation Inspections and maintenance of cars betore and during ‘traveling, and operation and ridin together on roads where cars can travel (0) Hazara Evens that, a car is mis-operated (normal operating procedures are not alowed), it may produce a damage, (4) Damage Death, personal injury and property damage, (6) Foresoeabilty Predictions and expectations ofthe present design by ‘esigners based on the past examples and reasonable tought. (6) Preventive technique that can be developed in rea- sonable range Design improvement that can be achieved by generally ceptable industrial techniques (design specication, production engineering, and materials). @ ° requirements forthe areas in which caution pats to be ‘mountes are eitlerent according 1 the conctions ofthe ‘components on which the caution pates are to be mounted, the arrangement of these tree panels shall not be defines spectaly. It shouldbe in accordance with ig. + ‘Two-pane! type ‘The content shal be formed wih two pants: signal pane! and pictorial panel or message panel, Because the quirements for he areas in which causion plates toe mounted ar diferent according to the condos af the components on which the caution plates are tobe ‘mounted, the arrangement of these two panels sha not be defined speciicaly should bein accordance wih Fig. 2 One-panel type ‘Tae content shal be formed wth a pictorial panel ony JASO B001-97 Fig. 1 General formation of three-panel type Vertical configuration Hezontal configuration ‘Signal panel ‘Signal pane! Pictorial Pictorial pane! pane! | stessage pane! Message panel Fig. 2 General formation of two-panel type Vertical coniguration Vertical configuration ‘Signal panel ‘Signal pane! Message panel Pictorial panel 42 Signal pane! “The signal panel shal include a signal inceating the serious ness of damage. As the signal, an alert symbol (mark incicat ing the presence of danger and a signal word (word indicating the serausness of damage) shal be arranged as shown in Fig. 23, When multe types of signal eves are mixed, they may be Unig into one at which damage is mostly serious. Fig. 3 Arrangement in signal panel (Example) ert sym! symbol — | CAUTION Signal word ew 42:1 Alert symbol ‘Asan alert symbol, an exclamation mark shal be arrangedin a triangle as shown in Fig. 4. The height ofthe alert symbol shalt be equal 1o or more than that ofa signal wor. Roterence: The detailed shape ofthe alert symbol shall not be etna, and its typical examples shown in Refer- ‘ence drawing 1 Fig. 4 Alort symbol (Example) Exclamation mark Tangle YASO B001-97 Reference Drawing 1 General dimensions of slert symbol R0.054A (8 positions) 4.22 Signal word {A signal word includes the folowing three types. ‘Also the examples of some signal words which re translated ‘rom Japanese ito some foreign languages ae shown in Table 1 (1) DANGER This signal word shall be used when a hazard which wit cause death oF serious personal injury rectly it acaris ris-operated (normal operating procedures are not fol- lowed) may be encountered it should be used conservatively only when the most serious danger may be encountered. (2) WARNING. “This signal word shale used when a hazard which may ‘cause death or serious personal injury directly ia cars ims-operated (normal operating procedures are not fl lowed) may be encountered. It shouldbe used when the probability of eccurrence of personal injury i lass than in DANGER, (@) CAUTION ‘Tis signal word shallbe used when ahazard which may ‘cause minor or moderate personal injury ita car is mis- operated (normal operating procedures are not olowed) may be encountered Itmay be used only for thase property damages which 4 not fotow personal injury. ‘Table 1 Signal words in foreign languages (Example) “apanese Engish French Germany ek DANGER DANGER. GEFAHA RE WARNING AVERTISSEMENT ACHTUNG ae ‘CAUTION [ATTENTION voRsiCHT JASO B001-97 43 Plotorial pane! ‘The pictoials used fortis panel shall be in accordance with those geometrical shapes and meanings shown in Table 2. The content othe pitrials shal eer tothe relevant governmental standards ané ISO. However, it any proper example isnot fours ‘or more proper petra is desited, a pictorial may be designed by yours, ‘Table 2 Geometrical shapes and meanings, anon Ss Ses oresesben on ee a — < Peer Ww a — i A oe a —— as NOTE (7): Ether may be used the pictorial is easy to understand and the tem to be prohibited can be noticed correc 44 Message panel ‘Amessage panel shall include those bie and clear messages including the character, seriousness, and preventive method of ‘camage. When the prevention method of damage can be fours ay fom the pictorial panel, the message may be omited. 1 ‘hazard and preventive method cannot Be ila completely in the message panel, t shall be indcatedin ito eter othe op- ‘eration manual or maintenance manval (1) Character of damage ‘Type of potenti hazard that may be encountered ita car's mis-operated (normal operating procedures are not tolowea). For example, downtall hightemperature, electiation, explosion, toxcty ncusin into rotating sections, and taling of heavy loads. (2) Seriousness of damage Sha bein accordance with tem 4.2.2 (This may be ‘omitadt the character and seriqusness of damage can ‘be found easily rom the appearance of a product) (@) Preventive method of damage Method whereby a car's prevented trom being involved naazard Example: Do not touch it when tis hot Ventilate and do ‘ot move it closely to sparks or ame. Set safety sup- or bar securely 45 Colouration “To make t easier to See the content of incations ona causion plate the content shal be contrasted withthe backgroundcobout For raised indications by a forming, however, the contrast may ‘ot be given ihe content of indcations is leple, The colouration In each panel shall be as shown below. JASO 8001-97 45.1 Colouration in signal panel \Wnen colours are used na signal panel, a combination of three colours of re, orange, and yellow shall be used according to the signal wore (9) The signal word of DANGER shall be formed with asig- nal word of white characters in red base and an alert symbol ofa red excamation mark in white base tangle “The example is shown in Fig. 5. (2) The signal word of WARNING shail be formed with a signal word of black characters in ocange base and an Alor symbol ofan orange exclamation mark lack aso ‘tangle. The examples shown in Fig. 6 (9) The signal word of GAUTION shall be formed wih a sig- nal word of back charactors in yellow base and an alert symbol ofa yellow exclamation mark in Diack base ti angie. The example is shown in Fig. 7. ‘Te requirements for those calous used ina signal panel (in accordance wih JIS 2 8701 spectication of colours) fare a8 shown in Table . However, even fhe require ‘ments forthe colours used ina signl pane come sighty out of thse requirements above, these colours may be Used ithe colours can be noticed without fai when the caution pate fs checked visually Table 3 Colouration in caution plato ‘Signal wor Colour Requiremens for colour DANGER Red 0.5950x, 0:3260y, 12.00 (¥9) WARNING Orange 0.5510x, 0.4214y, 30.05 (¥9%) ‘CAUTION Yellow 0.4562x, 0.4788y, 69.10 (5) Fig. 5 Colouration of DANGER (Example) 7 By el=ia] V) oo ~ £8 Coronet WARNING samp , WARNING \ a » Spee — CAUTION — Black YASO B001-97 452 Colouration in pletorial panel When colours are used in pictorial panel, they shall be in ac- cordance with the mearings of colours shown in Table 4. Table 4 Meanings of colours In pletorial par colour] Meaning of colour Example ofuse ea Prohiited | Use ofa rearward ci seat installed on an ar bag mounted seats roited Bue Obiigaton | Wear of protective goggles in handling bates Yetow Danger | Batery electro, cooing tan Green Safety Fristaid box 45. Colouration in message panel The colour used in a message panel shall be selected trom ‘among items (1), (2), and (3) below so tha the message can be read under the contion tha @ caution plate is mounted on product. (1) Black characters in white base (2) White charactors in back base {@) When a colour in a message panel can be identied ‘easly ftom a background colour (product colour: Black characters in base colour which the same asthe colour ina signal pane! 48 Character style A character style shall use Gothic for both signal and message: panel. Aiphabetica letters may be capials ony, © a combina ‘ion of capitals and lower-case laters. 4.7 Waiting style ‘The wnting style shouldbe preterably colloquial 4.8 Characters and terms. ‘Terms used shal be those specie in the Glossary of tems of 180, JASO Z 201, and JASO. Those characters and terme. which are simple and easy to understanc, widely used in op- ‘ration manuals, malrterance manuals, and adverisement, and wellknown in public may also be used. 449 Figures and unit symbol (9 Figures In goneral, figures shall be Arabic. (2) Unit symbols Unit symbols shall be in accorcance with international System of Units, and the other symbols shall be in ac ‘cordance wih JIS 2 8202, 5. Languages ‘Tho language used in signal and message panels should pat erably be that of country where a products used. The witing style in which multiple languages are arranged in one panel shall not be dined here speccaly because the requirements for the areas in which the caution plates to be mounted are Gterent accoccing othe conditions ofthe components on wich the caution plates are to be mounted. The examples are as shown in Figs, 8,9, and 10. Example + Parallel ype ‘Language (1), language (2), and language (n) are arranged in atera direction (See Fig. 8) Example 2 Laminating type Language (1), language (2), ~ and language (n) a In vorcal direction (See Fig. 9). Example 3 Free typo Language (1), language (2), — ard language (a) are arranged ‘teely according to the shape of product (See Fig. 10). ranged JASO B001-97 Fig. 8 Parallel type So es =< Language (1) Language (2) Language (n) ves So! solo secs 5 oe a J oronce Language ange Lancing) ceemeee Language (1) Ly ormmse aac mre A i Tes sr i } i Ly tarmac vac 9 JASO 8001-97 oe A tavoncein | LN tenance JX exrsoe snags —— Language (1) Language (3) ve Language (1) Language (2) Aww | Doone Nee ~ ci tame | aman ee ea —— 6. Size of characters ‘The size of characters shall be as follows. (1) Height of characters in signal panel ‘The height of characters in a signal pane! shall be 1.5 ‘times or mor larger than that n'a message pane! (2) Height of characters in message pane! In gonera, the height of characters in a message pane! hallbe calculated using te folowing expression. (H = L180, H: Height of characters on a capital basi L: Distance between label and eyes under condition were abel is read. H and L shalbe inthe same unit.) 7, Positions of caution plates ‘The posttons of caution plates shal be a flows, (1) Movement of caution plates as close to hazards as possible Move caution plates o those areas whore a hazard may bbe encountered and easy to read Satety cover a hazard may be encountered when a safety cover is removed, a caution pate shall be vise withthe safety ‘over removed @ (8) Replacement part ‘caution plate shal be attached to apart whichis iti- cut tobe replaced by the maintenance or repair of a vehicle. it must be attached toa part which is lable to be replaced, it must be taken account that the partis. replaced together with the cauton plate 8, Durability of caution plates Caution pates shall nave sucha durabilty (0 pesting off tom ‘main body, no discolouration) that they can withstand the e ected environments at each stamped, printed, or ormed panel andre lege salisactory wanin the servic period 8. Selection of signal word For he selection a a signal wor, the probably of ocourence of eamage and the seriousness of canage shal be plotted in Fig 11, and ether of ANGER, WARNING, and CAUTION shail be determined, es robabilly of eccurrence of damage The probability of eccurrence of damage is generally divided into tree groups: Large, medium, ané smal, according to the possibilty of mis-operation (normal operating procedures not followed) and tne possibilty of sutfering when a cris mis-op- rated (normal operating procedures are not flowed) (1) ta hazard whicn immediately causes damage may oc- cur when a car is mis-operated (normal operating eo cedures are not folowed), evaluate it as Large {he possibilty of mis-operaton (normal oper cedures not followed) is small {2) ta damage does not occur immediately though the pos sibility of occurrence of damage is induced i a car ie ‘mis-operated (normal operating procecures are not l= owed), evaluat it generally or experimentally by the possibilty of occurrence of damage. Wren a caution plate is attached on the cover located ‘over the area whore a potential hazard is present or in the vei ot, determine the signal word based on the evaluation resuts of a hazard which may occur under the conaition that the cove is removed. However, i the cover isso designed that t cannot be removed with on-vehicie tos, the signal word “CAU TION may be used, ° JASO B001-97 8.2 Seriousness of damage ‘Tne seriousness of damage shal be dvded into three groups; "death, "serous personal injury, "minor of moderate personal Injury, and property damage" according othe possibity of o°- currence of personal injury which may occur when a ea is mis ‘operated (normal operating procedures are not followed). i ‘mutiple personal injuries ae expected, It shal be cvided ac cording o the possibility of occurrence of mare serious per ' DANGER WARNING lo 3 es CAUTION Related standards is z 6301 ts z 8304 ts 2 6305 4JASO B002 ‘ASO B502 180 9244 180 2064 ANSI 2535, ‘Style manual for japanese indus tral standards Design standard tor nameplates Dimensions of priming types Quality of caution plates Salety device for proot against escent of dump truck body anh moving machinery-saety signs and hazard picterils-gen al prinepies Safety colours and signs Salety signs YASO B001-97 Explanatory Note on JASO B001-97 Form of caution plates ‘Ths explanatory note explains those tems spectegn the main body and these related items, ands not apart ofthe standard. 1 Purpose of establishment “The purpose of estabishment of his standards to stancarcize the form of caution plates to call an operator's attention to @ valet of operational hazard for his convenience (Content is sible easly by signal panes, and content of hazards, serious- ness of damages, and preventive measures are easy to under- stan, 2. Scope (Section 1 of main body) ‘As usual only cars excluding wowhecled vehicles are applied tothe standard. Inthe future, however, tis considred neces: sary to study on vehicles including two-wheeled vehicles, Et- forts have been made o match the standard with 180, and the appllcable destination has been expanded trom domestic only to foreign counties. 28, Revised points of each item and supplementary exp ration 3.4 Detinitions (Section 2 of main body) (1) Caution plate ‘The term Caution pate has been detined based on the purpose ‘of those caution plates indicated below which are specied in 180 9244 Eartn Moving Machinery Safety Signs anc Hazara Plctorials-General Principles. and shows that reasonably ox- ‘ecutable preventive technique has a priory in use (a) Warns operators of existing or potential hazard (©) Iontity hazard {6) Indicates the characteristics of nazar. {@) Explains the seriousness of possi damage that ‘may be caused by hazard to operators (6) Inciates the method fr preventing damage to op- (2) Normal operation ‘This inclues the operations by al personnel who hance cars such as ervers, occupants, service personnel, and repaimen, However abnormal operations that cannot be prosicted reasonably by designers are exces 32 Shape and dimensions (Section 3 of main body) ‘The shape and dimensions are so spectied that caution plates can be designed teely according to the shapes oa variety of component pars. 10 8.2 Indlcation Procoduras (Section 4 of main body) ‘Based on the recent company caution pate examles and re ‘evant standards, each tem has been spectied as flows, (1) Because 80 9244 Earth moving actinory-safoy signs ‘and hazard pictorils-Genecal princes is approximately ‘Identical to recent company caution plate examples, items 4.1 Contont, 4.2 Signal panel, 4.3 Pictorial pane, and 4.4 Message panel have been specified to match each other For tems 4.8 Plctorial panel and 4.5 Colouration, a geographical shape and colour meanings which match 180 2868 Salety Colours and Signs have been speci- tise In tem 45.4 Colouration in signal pane, the standara colours of safety reo, safety orange, anc satety yellow ‘conforming to ANSI 2531 Safely signs have been ind ‘cated by the indications of colours conforming to JIS £28701 (chromaticity coordinate x andy tristimulus val- ues) (4) item 4.6 Character style has been specie in decor ton-ree sans-serif and Gotsc based onthe actual states ot companies. (6) tom 47 Writing style has rot been speciied to provide designers withthe degroe of freedom. (©) tem 4.8 Characters and terms should be preterabiy in accordance withthe standard (ISO, JASO). However, based on the actual state of recognition by operators, ‘exceptions have been adsec (7) Inter 4.9 Figures and untt symbol, Arabic aumerals ang SI unit system have been adopted in accorcance ‘with international standards. ® ° 34 Languages (Section § of main body) When multiple languages are used on ated land as in Europe, the main language n that area is generally used. Inthe fare, itis desired to promote the standardization of car pictorials whereby a common caling of attention can be achieved in spective of languages. 8.5 Size of characters (Section 6 of main body) ‘Because this could not be found in ISO, the easy-to-read idea. speciied in ANSI 2535 Safely signs has been introduced, and ‘he provisions of minimum character sizes have been abolished, 36 Positions of caution plates (Section 7 of main body) Its desirable to atach one caution pate for one hazard on ts potential place, Because there isa casein which itis reason- {ble to indicate multine hazards at one place, thas not been. ‘spcfiad that one indication shal be used for one hazare, JASO B001-97 3.7 Durability of caution plates (Section 8 of main body) This isnot the item tobe spected inthis form of cauton plates. Because the scope of application ofthis standard has been «expanded to the caution pats for foreign courts, basicideas have boon spectid ere, 3.8 ‘Selection of signal word (Section 9 of main body) ‘guideline for selection has been incicated here so tht the selection by designers is standaveized as far as possible. " In the event of any doubt, the original standars in Japanese should be referred. LU = SIPHASE UNRELATED STANDARD (The standard to which SI units are not given or which dovs not use units) Established by the Standard Council of JSAE Date of Establishment : 1960-5-16 Date of Revision: 1997-9-27 ‘Sub Committee in which the draft was made : SC of Caution Plate ‘Technical Committee under which the dratt was discussed : TC of Car Body Investigating Committee : Standard Committee under the Standard Council Published by ‘The Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan, Inc. 410-2, Goban-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102, Japan ‘This printed matter has been prepared with financial support from the Japan Auto-Race Organization.

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