Class Notes

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1.Pray on it..Pray over it..

Pray through it
2.If you are praying about it. God is working on it
3.A setback is a setup for a comeback
4.You were afflicted so that you can help deliver
other people from what you escaped from
5. You cant rebuke a devil that you continuously
grant access to your life
6.Be hungry for God
7.The devil wants you to pay attention to your
feelings, Jesus wants you to pay attention to his
8.Satan’s target is your mind and his weapons are
9.God never said the weapons wouldn’t form. He
said they wouldn’t prosper
10. The devil’s biggest trick is making people
believe he doesn’t exist
11. If you only pray when you’re in trouble…
you’re in trouble
12. If God is saying release..why would you hold
13. The enemy cant take away what God gave you
14. Praise God when you feel like it & when you
don’t feel like it
15. Do not be afraid of the destination, God will be
going with you
16. It may look impossible, but God can do the
17. The bigger you make God, the smaller your
problems become
18. Expect God to work a miracle in your life
19. Trust God even when nothing makes sense
20. Going to church doesn’t automatically make
someone a good person
21. Anything you don’t feed dies. Feed your spirit
daily with the word of God
22. Don’t worry about it..Pray about it
23. God’s got this
24. Prayer is the best medicine
25. Trust the process. God’s timing is not your
26. Take it to the Lord in prayer
27. You can’t trust God and worry at the same
28. Faith is trusting God even when you don’t
understand his plan
29. May God grant you the peace to accept things
that are out of your control
30. Faith cast out fear while fear cast out faith
31. Father, give me the courage to do what is right
32. Trust in God’s power
33. Start and end your day with thanksgiving
34. May the Lord’s blessings be upon you today
and everyday
35. Prayer changes everything
36. You serve a big God
39. Take a step of faith
40. Start the day with Jesus and end it with Jesus
41. There is power in the tongue. Watch your
42. You are causing yourself unnecessary stress by
holding on to something that God told you to put
43.You are exactly where God wants you to be
44. He is able
45. What is meant for you wont pass you by
46. Worship your way through it
47. My father is the most high God
48. I have unshakeable faith in the perfect
outcome of every situation in my life, for God is in
absolute control
49. God is the source of my supply
50. Nothing can separate us from the love of God
51. If you wish to know God, you must know his
52. You can never outgrow the bible
53. If God is all you have, you have all you need
54. God does not give us everything we want, but
he does fulfill his promises
55. Don’t give up. God can change everything in
just one moment
56. We demonstrate our faith by acting on God’s
57. God doesn’t need a lot to do a lot
58. If life gets too hard to stand…kneel
59. Just because you don’t see the way doesn’t
mean that God doesn’t have a way
60. If you leave everything in God’s hand, you
will eventually see God’s hand in everything
61. There is nothing you can do to make God love
you more and there is nothing you can do to make
him love you less
62. Discipline is letting go and allowing God to
take over
63. God didn’t create you to impress people
64. That disappointed was your blessing
65. God has not given you a spirit of fear
66. Being a Christian doesn’t mean you have to be
67. What is coming is greater than what is gone
68. What would Jesus do?
69. Simply do what you can do, in the best way
you know how, and the lord will accept your effort
70. If you do your best, it will always work out
71. Get on your knees and pray, then get on your
feet and start working
72. Be of good cheer
73. You did not come this far, to only come this
74. Don’t you give up. Don’t you quit
75. It will be ok in the end
76. Be the light that help others see
77. You are a child of God, you have infinite
78. Never talk defeat
78. Be careful of the temptation of wanting to
compare yourself to other people
79. Your are not lost, God knows where you are
80. As children of a sovereign God, you are never
victim of your circumstances
81. Don’t waste another moment crying over what
went wrong. If it wasn’t a blessing, it was a lesson
82. Unexpected blessings are coming your way
83. God will always make a way
84. Let your house be a house of prayer
85. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you God!
86. God loves you unconditionally
87. Remember who you are. You are a child of the
88. Struggles come, for sure. But so does God
89. Be patient
90. Don’t worry about tomorrow, just get through
91. For every problem you may have, there is a
scripture with a promise
92. Commit yourself to love, joy, peace, patience,
kindness, faithfulness, goodness and self- control
93. Fear visits everyone. But make fear a visitor
and not a resident
94. Through salvation, your past has been forgiven
95. God specializes in giving people a fresh start
96. Prayer can never be too much
97. Those who walk with God reach their
98. Let God have your life; He can do more with it
than you can
99. Worry does not empty tomorrow of it sorrow;
it empty today of its strengths
100. It is more blessed to give than to receive

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