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“The Sniper” / A short story written by Liam O'Flaherty.

“The Sniper” is set in the 1920s during the Irish revolution. A sniper is stationed on a rooftop
contemplating how he will get down before the light of dawn exposes him. As you read, ponder how irony
is used within this text. Also, attempt to locate the climax in this short story - it may be tricky to identify,
due to its location...

Questions to reflect upon and respond to after reading the short story.

1. Define any FIVE of the following terms. Use your own knowledge, context clues from the short story,
and/or an online dictionary to aid you.
beleaguer / beleaguered
spasmodic / spasmodically

2. a) Think about the title: “The Sniper.” What is a sniper?

2. b) What kind of person do YOU think you have to be in order to be a sniper? What traits / skills does one
have to possess?

3. Describe all aspects of the setting for this short story; i.e., time period, time of day, country, city, etc.

4. a) The second and third paragraphs provide insight into the sniper’s character. Select details within
these paragraphs that describe what his personality is like.
4. b) Does the sniper fit YOUR description of what a sniper should be? Why or why not? Explain.

5. Although there were enemies watching, the sniper chooses to risk lighting the cigarette. Do YOU
think the sniper was careless? Why or why not? Explain.

6. a) Why does the sniper kill the man in the armored car and the old woman?
6. b) What conflict does the old woman cause for the sniper?
6. c) How would YOU describe the sniper’s reaction to the situation? If it would have been a child, do YOU
think he would have reacted differently? Why or why not? Explain.

7. Summarize how the sniper tricked his enemy.

8. In what way does the sniper “admire” the man whom he has killed? Provide textual support to
strengthen your response.

9. a) What point of view is used to tell the story? Explain.

9. b) How might the story be different if told from third person omniscient POV? Explain.

10. a) Within the text, identify TWO examples of simile.

10. b) Within the text, identify TWO examples of onomatopoeia.
10. c) Within the text, identify ONE example of metaphor.
10. d) Within the text, identify ONE example of personification.
10. e) Within the text, identify ONE example of oxymoron.
10. f) Within the text, identify TWO examples of vivid imagery.

11. a) What is ironic about the ending of the story? (There is more than ONE obvious answer.)
11. b) State the type of irony that is illustrated at the end of the story.

12. How does this final revelation about the identity of the dead body contribute to the theme that the
author aims to convey about war?

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