PrePost Test For HF Wereda

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Pre/post Test: Disease surveillance Training for Health Facility , Wereda and Zone PHEM Officers.


(Optional): HF_____ ________ Wereda_____________ Zone:_______________

Part I: Choose only one letter that best answers the question (6 points each) ( HF and health offices)
1. In Ethiopia one of the following diseases is not classified as immediately reportable

a. Measles d. Meningococal Meningitis

b. Neonatal Tetanus e. None of the above
c. Rabies

2. During outbreak situations of some diseases only the first few cases should be reported using the case based
form. During measles outbreak how many suspected cases should be reported using the case based form

a. 2 b. 5 c. 20 d. 15

3. In Ethiopia confirmation of a single case is considered as an epidemic for:

a. Measles c. AFP e. All of the above

b. Polio d. Meningitis f. None of the above

4. One of the best tools for polio eradication is the availability of Oral Polio Vaccine (OPV). There are three types of
OPV, namely trivalent OPV, bivalent OPV and Monovalent OPV. Which serotypes of polio virus are protected by
bivalent OPV (bOPV)?

a. Type 1 and Type 2 b. Type 1 and Type 3 c. Type 2 and Type 3

5. What is the difference between Injectable Polio Vaccine (IPV) and Oral Polio Vaccine (OPV)?

a. OPV is killed vaccine whereas IPV is live c. IPV has better seroconversion rate than
attenuated OPV.
b. IPV has superior intestinal immunity than d. OPV has higher cost than IPV
OPV e. IPV is associated with VAPP but not OPV.

6. The standard case definition of AFP is

a. Any child under 15 years of age with sudden onset of fever followed by weakness or floppiness of one or
more limbs regardless of the cause.
b. Any child under 15 years of age with sudden onset of weakness or floppiness of one or more limbs
regardless of the cause.
c. Any child under 5 years of age with sudden onset of weakness or floppiness of one or more limbs
regardless of the cause.
d. Any child under 5 years of age with sudden onset of fever followed by weakness or floppiness of one or
more limbs regardless of the cause.
7. In AFP Surveillance we should investigate and collect stool sample from:
a. A 5 years old child with paralysis of both legs since birth.
b. A 10 year old child presented with one week history of flaccid weakness of right lower limb which
appeared 2 days after taking intramuscular injection in his right buttock.
c. A 7 years old child presented with 3 months history of flaccid paralysis of lower limbs.
d. An 11 months infant presented with spastic paralysis of left upper and lower limbs of 5 days duration.

e. All of the above. f. None of the above

8. What is the standard case definition for suspected measles case?

a. Any person with conjunctivitis (red eye), maculopapular rash and one or more of the following: Cough
coryza (runny nose) or fever.
b. Any person with cough, maculopapular rash and one or more of the following: conjunctivitis (red eye),
coryza (runny nose) or fever.
c. Any child under 5 years of age with fever, maculopapular rash and one or more of the following: cough,
coryza(runny nose) or conjunctivitis (red eye).
d. Any person with fever, maculopapular rash and one or more of the following: cough, coryza(runny nose)
or conjunctivitis (red eye).
9. One of the following is considered as an inadequate AFP case
a. An AFP case with 1st and 2nd stool samples collected on 4th and 5th days after onset of paralysis
b. An AFP case with 1st and 2ndstool samples collected on 14thand 15thdays after onset of paralysis
c. An AFP case with 1st and 2nd stool samples collected on 7th and 8thdays after onset of paralysis
d. None of the Above
10. Suppose suspected measles epidemic is detected in one remote kebele of your wereda. Which of the following is
true on actions to be taken?
a. Blood/serum samples for lab confirmation should be collected from the first 3 cases only.
b. Routine measles immunization should be stopped for one month in that kebele.
c. All cases should be reported using the line listing form.
d. Antibiotics should be given for all cases with cough.
e. Vitamin A should be given for complicated cases only.
f. All of the above

Part II: True or False (4 points each)

1. An immediately reportable disease should be reported to the next level within the first 48 hours of
2. In AFP case investigation and follow up sixty-day follow up should be done for all AFP cases.
3. Neonatal tetanus is considered to be eliminated as a public health problem when all Woredas of a country
have annual neonatal Tetanus rates of less than 1 per 100,000 live births
4. Due to the low number of malaria cases malaria monitoring charts are less useful at kebele level than at
wereda level.
5. More complete reporting can be achieved with Active surveillance than passive surveillance

Part III: Work out ( Zonal and Woreda PHEM Officers)

1. A Wereda with a total population of 299,540 reported 2 AFP cases till week 30. Calculate the annualized
Non-polio AFP Rate at week 30. (Assume under-15 yrs are 50% of the total population). (8 points)

2. A Wereda with a total population of 299,540 reported 6 suspected measles cases till week 30. Two cases are
positive for measles IgM and the other 4 are negative. Calculate the non-measles febrile rash illness rate at
week 30. (8 points)

3. What are the major components that you are expected to incorporate during emergency plan preparation in
your respective weredas/zones? (4 points)

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