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Project of Human Resource Development

HR Processes in Bank Alfalah Limited

Submitted To:
Prof. Mohsin Iqbal

Submitted By:

Muhammad Asif Sahu

Mohsin Elahi MBAE2008-
Khurrum Masood Khawaja MBAE2008-137

Institute of Business Administration, University of the Punjab, Lahore, PAKISTAN

Project of Human Resource Development

4th Semester

Date of Submission:

4th Aug 2009

Institute of Business Administration, University of the Punjab, Lahore, PAKISTAN

Project of Human Resource Development



Institute of Business Administration, University of the Punjab, Lahore, PAKISTAN

Project of Human Resource Development

Bank Alfalah Limited is going on the road of progress very successfully
assessment of the needs and wants of consumers is an ongoing process
at Bank Alfalah, which helps it to continually develop new product and

At Bank Alfalah Limited the philosophy is that the bank should go to all
possible limits to satisfy the customer needs. The Bank is continually
formulating new product and services for the growing and diversified
needs of its ever-expanding client base. The Bank’s commitment to its
customers is evident from its mission statement.

“To provide innovative and high quality product to

its customers at eh lowest possible rates. To achieve

All set goals regarding services performance and goodwill”

Our vision is to be a leading financial intuition with a niche in areas where
we have a completive advantage with complete banking solution our
focus is an improving performance in each of our business to achieve
consistent and superior returns of or our highly valued client and

Institute of Business Administration, University of the Punjab, Lahore, PAKISTAN

Project of Human Resource Development

H.H Sheikh HAMDAN BIN Mubarak Al- Nahayan is an important and prominent member of
the ruling family of Abu- Dhabi. After the culmination of his studies at oxford he returned
and took responsibilities of the State administration in 1988, he was appointed the
President of the higher colleges of technology comprising of eight colleges throughout
the UAE a responsibility he fulfilled which distinction. In 1990 he was appointed (MIS)
Minister of Higher Education and Scientific research.

Presently he also holds the presidency of the society of the natural history and National
Heritage. In 1992 he become the chairman of the Union National Bank and has since
remained involved in strategic management of the institution

During the first five year, he effectively managed the bank in the absence of a Board of
Director and steered it to success as one of the leading Bank of U.A.E

H.E.Sheikh Hamdan Bin Mubarak Al Nahayan Chairman

Mr.Abdulla Nasser Hawaileel Al Mansoori Director

Mr. Abdulla Khalil Al Mutawa Director

Mr. Khalid Mana Saeed Al Otaiba Director

Mr. Ikram Ul-Majeed Sehgal Director

Mr. Nadeem Iqbal Sheikh Director

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Project of Human Resource Development

Mr. Sirajuddin Aziz Director/CEO

Bank Alfalah Limited was incorporated in June 21st, 1997 as a Public Limited Company
under company ordinance 1984, its banking operations commenced from Nov 01, 1997.
The bank is engaged in commercial Banking and related services as defined in the
banking companies ordinance, 1962.

Bank Alfalah has emerged as one of the leading commercial bank in the financial sector
of Pakistan. Bank has made significant contribution in building and strengthening both

Institute of Business Administration, University of the Punjab, Lahore, PAKISTAN

Project of Human Resource Development

the corporate and retail banking in Pakistan. Most of its share are owned by a consortium
of Abu Dhabi after the debacle of BCCI, the Ministry of finance acquired its three
branches and Habib Credit and Exchange Bank was incorporate on June 21st, 1992 as
Public Limited Company under the companies ordinance4 1984, and commenced
banking operation from Nov. 01st 1992. It is engaged in commercial banking and related
service as defined in the banking companies ordinance, 1962.

Following the privatization in July, 1997 Habib Credit and Exchange Bank, assumed the
new identity of Bank Alfalah on February 25, 1998 and with this a challenge was
launched the challenge to transform this bank into a highly professional most efficient
and service oriented institution.

Charged with the strength of the Abu- Dhabi based consortium and under the leadership
of his Highness Sheikh Nahayan Mubarak Al- Nahayan, Minster of Education Govt. of Abu-
Dhabi and a prominent member of Royal family the Bank is energized by the vision of the
development of consumer sector in Pakistan.

Prioritizing its product portfolio in line with consumer needs and wants the bank is
committed to develop product that give more value to its customer be it is a simple bank
account or complex financial of a major project designing product. Portfolio in response
to customers preferences Bank’s product like Royal Profit, Royal Patriot and Royal
Custodial are prime examples of quality and innovation providing timely banking
opportunities to its customer.

Assessment of the needs and wants of its customer is an on going process at bank
Alfalah which help it to continually develop new product and services. Some of our new

To continuously offer courteous professional and advanced banking solution banks team
has recently been energized by going through training programs with a focus on
information technology with a team of talented services dedicated professional bankers.
Bank Alfalah Limited commits all its energies resources and time to cater to all banking
and financial needs of customers.

To make banking solutions accessible to make and more people. Bank Alfalah Limited
has embraced upon a rapid expansion program. Aiming to provide networking that
makes its services available to any of its customer’s in all the major urban centre of
Pakistan with a view to go international with its key indicators of progress already
soaring to new heights the bank is committed to put all its energies resources and time
to bring higher value and satisfaction of its customers employees and share holder.

Technological developments are opening up new vistas of solutions of distributing

traditional financial product. Concurrently rapid change in customer preferences has
related in a major shift from manual to automated services of the bank. Information
technology today is the key of the bank to sustain and succeed into the corporate world.
Therefore, during the recent past, Bank Alfalah Limited made heavy investment to wards
exchanging its capabilities in the area of automation and technology. Bank Alfalah
Limited is well positioned to meet client needs with improved competitive advantages.
Bank Alfalah Limited is on the way of expansion of its business and branches network
presently, there are 295 branches of Bank Alfalah Limited spread all over the Pakistan
and 45 still in pipeline to covering major business centers and principle cities

Institute of Business Administration, University of the Punjab, Lahore, PAKISTAN

Project of Human Resource Development



 Bank Alfalah Limited, Pakistan

 United Bank Limited , Pakistan

 Alfalah Securities (Pvt) Limited

 Alfalah GHP Investment Management Ltd, Pakistan

 Alfalah Insurance Company Limited, Pakistan.

 UBL insurers Company Limited, Pakistan.

 Taavun (Pvt) Limited Pakistan

Institute of Business Administration, University of the Punjab, Lahore, PAKISTAN

Project of Human Resource Development

• CD (current deposits) Department.
• Foreign Exchange Department.
• Loans and Advances Department.
• Accounts Department.
• Communication Department.

Institute of Business Administration, University of the Punjab, Lahore, PAKISTAN

Project of Human Resource Development

• Human Resource Department



Institute of Business Administration, University of the Punjab, Lahore, PAKISTAN

Project of Human Resource Development

Bank Alfalah aims to inculcate a nurturing and invigorating corporate culture based on
providing a safe, healthy and supportive environment where staff members are valued,
respected and able to realize their full potential. This culture is based on the following
core values:

• Humility
• Extreme Customer Care/Focus
• Courtesy and Respect
• Honesty, Integrity and Trust
• Commitment and Hard work
• Creativity, Innovation and Quality
• Justice and Fairness to all Stake-Holders
• Open, Honest and Direct Communication
• Provider of growth and equal opportunity

• Bank Alfalah is considered to be a very sound bank in the financial circles. A bank,
where the customers can safely keep their money as long as they want. I am
pointing some of the major strengths of the bank.

• Bank is financially strong and has a huge deposit reserve
• Its cost of funds is less as compared to money of its competitors
• Highly professional human resource department
• Commitment of sponsors
• Efficiency
• Phenomenal growth
• Vastly experienced management
• Foreign trade is the focus of bank. it has become an ideal bank for the importers
and exporters
• As for as Bank Alfalah Ltd is concerned, it is one of the top in all-domestic
commercial banks in Pakistan. The rapid increase in branch network shows the
Bank’s performance within seven years, which is worth considerable.
• This is the largest PCB (Privatized Commercial Bank) in terms of assets and equity
base. It provides a full range of commercial banking services with a focus on short
term & Long term lending. The investments further reinstate management
approach towards risk-asset management whereby only quality investments are
booked on the balance sheet.

Institute of Business Administration, University of the Punjab, Lahore, PAKISTAN

Project of Human Resource Development


The constantly changing regulatory and operational environment requires up-to-date
knowledge and skills of latest systems. Owing to this reason human resources
development is on the management’s top priority agenda. The bank’s training and
research wing which is manned by highly competent trainers and researchers is
successfully catering to the training needs of the manpower.

In 2000 the bank also started publishing a newsletter aimed at increasing interaction and
exchange of views between staff for better coordination’s and communication. The
employees are encouraged to contribute articles for this newsletter, which serves the
dual purpose of staff development and evaluation of common corporate culture.


Institute of Business Administration, University of the Punjab, Lahore, PAKISTAN

Project of Human Resource Development

1.1 Initiation of Staff Hiring

All units/Branches of the Bank should systematically forecast their future staffing requirements
for timely induction of competent high quality staff. Requirement of additional staff/
replacement should be intimated to HRD through Divisional Heads’/ Regional Managers’/
General Managers’/ Group Heads’ offices. All open positions are first posted internally by HRD
at the request of branch/ dept. concerned on the Employee Portal for a minimum period of
seven days. Incase vacant positions can not be filled in through internal resources then such
vacancies will be filled in through external hiring as per Bank’s recruitment policy.

Staff hiring may be done in batches, in small groups or individually.

The management of the Bank may, at its discretion, employ expatriates. The Bank complies
with the relevant provisions of the Emigration Ordinance/Law when hiring such employees.
1.2 Hiring of Batches

When a whole batch of fresh officers is hired, they are first trained at the Bank’s Training &
Development Centre (TDC) and then posted to Branches/HO Divisions based on requirement.
These batches will be hired under the following categories;

1.2.1- Management Trainee Officers (MTOs)

1.2.2- Operations Officers (OOs)
1.2.3- Cash Officers (COs)
1.2.4- SME Officers/ Credit Officers/ Lease Finance Officers (LFOs)/ Rural Finance Officers
1.2.5- Any other category of staff required by the Bank

Before initiating hiring of batch officers, HRD informs all units of approximate timings of such
hiring and enquires about their city-wise requirements before the hiring process starts.
1.3 Hiring in Small Groups

Hiring in small groups may be done according to planned phases of expansion of existing
branches/units, or upon establishment of new branches/units, or for creating/replenishing staff
pools maintained under the supervision of Area Managers/ Regional Managers/ Group Heads in
major banking centers.

1.4 Individual Hiring

Individual hiring is to be done from time to time when a branch or unit has a need to induct
additional staff, or for replacement of outgoing staff.

The Manager of the Branch/ Department where recruitment is to be made will first fill out the
‘Job Requisition Form’ and send to HRD. After minimum of 7 days of posting on portal, if
suitable replacement within the Bank is not available, then external recruitment is allowed
subject to HRE Factor ( for BB & SME Group) and other requirements being met and a genuine
business need is established.

Hiring Managers (in initial selection interviews) must not commit any salary range or
other perks to perspective external candidates in their initial interviews.
Both Salary and Range will be first agreed by HRD and then conveyed to the
candidate after clearance by Interview Panel.
1.5 Minimum Entry Requirements

1.5.1- Minimum entry requirement for employment in Bank Alfalah Ltd. in officer’s cadre is
graduation from a recognized university of home country or abroad. However, condition of
graduation may be waived by CEO to suit the requirements of the Bank, especially for
cashiers, sales/ verification/ recovery staff of various Products/ Call Centre, However, such
employees will be on Contractual Employment. Their services will be regularized after
clearance of test and completion of graduation.

Institute of Business Administration, University of the Punjab, Lahore, PAKISTAN

Project of Human Resource Development

1.5.2- Persons deputed by “External Service Providers” must possess matriculation or higher
degree. However, condition of matriculation may be waived by HRD to suit the requirements of
the Bank.
1.6 Recruitment of Close Relatives

BAL does not prohibit employment of close or blood relatives of current employees, provided
that they meet required eligibility criteria, no conflict of interest is likely to arise and prior
approval is obtained from GM HRD. Candidate once appointed should not be placed in the
same Branch/Unit in which his/ her close/blood relative is already working.

All candidates, at the time of interview are required to disclose their relationship (if any) with
the existing employees in their application form.
1.7 Selection Responsibility and Authority

1.7.1- The schedule given below summarizes the assignment of hiring authority and
responsibility :-

Regular/Contractu Dept. GM/ GH/GM
al Head/ BM Heads HRD

Officer I – III R R Test R -- A --

Officer IV – VI R R -- R R R A

Officers VII – VIII -- -- -- R R R A

Officers IX -- -- -- -- -- -- A

Outsourced Services R R R A -- --


A Approved

1.7.2- All appointments of Branch managers, Divisional Heads, Area/ Regional Managers,
Range VII and above require subsequent ratification from Board’s Advisory Committee.
1.8 Selection Test

All regular and contractual candidates for Range I, II & III must undergo a selection test
arranged by HRD. Those obtaining 50 % or above points (allowing for two grace marks) will go
to the next step in the hiring process. However, condition of written test can be waived for
contractual employment, especially for Product Departments/ Cash Officers/ Call Centre staff
etc. The employees of these departments will however have to appear for the test before their
services are regularized.

1.9 Selection Interview

Selection interviews should be conducted and evidenced by duly filled interview sheets, as

1.9.1- For Branch Staff : By Branch Manager & Area Manager/ Regional Managers/ Panel
Members approved by HRD
1.9.2- For Branch Manager & Area Office Staff: By concerned Area Manager/ Regional
Manager/ Group Head/ Panel Members approved by HRD.
*BM/ Team Leaders should be interviewed by CEO/ Co-Chairman Executive Committees (any
1.9.3- For Product Departments’ Staff: By concerned Manager & Product Head/ Group Head/

Institute of Business Administration, University of the Punjab, Lahore, PAKISTAN

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Panel Members approved by HRD

1.9.4- For Head Office Division Staff: By concerned Manager & General Manager/ Group Head/
Panel Members approved by HRD.
10 Panel Interviews:

All candidates will be interviewed by panels of senior officers at Karachi and Lahore. Panel
members will be approved by the CEO.

1.11 Issue of Offer/Appointment Letters

Offer / Appointment letters will be issued by HRD to be jointly signed by authorized signatories
i.e. Recruitment Manager/ DGM/ GM HR as the case may be.

1.12 Verification of Antecedents

HR will arrange verification of references provided by the officers and their highest educational
degree/certificate from the concerned university/board. Feedback from his/her last employer
(especially incase of Financial Institutions) will also be obtained with regards to his/her
honesty, integrity and performance before confirmation of services.

1.13 Probationary Period & Confirmation of Services

5.13.1- As a standard practice, service of new entrants to Bank Alfalah Ltd. is to be subject to
a probationary period. Length of this period is to be determined as follows :

For those with less than five years of prior relevant experience : Six Months
For those with prior relevant experience of 5 years and above : Three Months

Confirmation letters will be issued by HRD on recommendation of concerned Branch Managers

and AM/ GM/ RM/ GH. For Product Department Staff, concerned Product Department Head may
recommend confirmation cases.

1.14 Renewal of Contract

5.14.1- Officers hired on retainership contract will be relieved from the services of the Bank
unless the contract is renewed.
5.14.2- Before the end of the contract period, the Head of concerned Branch/Unit should fill a
“Contract Renewal Form” and forward the same to HRD through concerned Group Head/ GM/
Divisional Head.

In case of renewal of contract for further one year concerned officer will be eligible for salary
increase (if recommended by the concerned GH/ GM/ Div Head) based on his/her performance
rating. Renewal of Contract for above 60 years of age staff will be approved by CEO.

1.15 Placement of New Entrants

As far as possible, attempt is to be made to select candidates belonging to the area where
they need to be posted, in order to minimize disturbance and dislocation to newly recruited
employees. However, in terms of the Bank’s service contract, services of an employee are
transferable anywhere in the country or overseas branches to suit the requirements of the

Minimum Service Agreement for three years from new employees (who have less
than one year’s prior banking experience)

All new joiners of the following categories are required to sign the Bond for Minimum Service
Agreement of three years service, as elaborated below:

Surety Bond
Category Minimum Service
amount *

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Project of Human Resource Development

MTO Batch Officer Three years Rs. 300,000/-

1.16. Cash/ Operations/ SME/ Agri Batch

Three years Rs. 200,000/-
2 Officers/ all other batches

1.16. All new employees with less than one

Three years Rs. 100,000/-
3 year’s banking experience

*1/3rd of the amount of surety will be reduced for every completed year of service.
1.17 Re-Hiring Policy

Those staff who had worked with BAL can be considered for re-employment subject to

• He/ She was not involved in any disciplinary action

• Performance Rating was never below “Good”
• No adverse comments/ records available on his/ her personal file
• Salary will be fixed based on current assignment and responsibility
• Salary of re-hired person should be in line with other officers of his/ her seniority level
• Verification of antecedents from previous employer

• After clearance of Panel interview and approval from GM HRD


2.1 In-Service Training

2.1.1. Training Need

The objectives of training activities are to keep BAL employees abreast of latest professional
knowledge and skills in all areas of banking, as well as to reinforce a passion for the highest quality
of customer service at all levels. For this purpose a systematic approach for conducting TNA on
scientific basis is being developed by a sub-committee of Learning Council comprising of members
from TDC and HRD. The proposed TNA exercise will be launched as soon as it is fine-tuned and after
taking all the stake-holders into confidence.

2.1.2. Annual Training Plan

An Annual Training Plan shall be circulated on quarterly basis for both Training and Development
Centres, keeping in view the requirements of various departments of the Bank currently identified
through the annual appraisal form and feedback from Audit Division. After conducting the TNA, this
training plan will be more reflective of actual training needs of our staff. The plan would list all

Institute of Business Administration, University of the Punjab, Lahore, PAKISTAN

Project of Human Resource Development

workshops, courses & seminars to be offered during the quarter.

2.1.3. Minimum Training For All

It is obligatory for each employee of the Bank to attend at least two days of training in a calendar
year. Branches, Area Offices and Head Office Divisions/Departments are to send their nominations
for training courses in advance (as prescribed by the concerned Training & Development Centre).
Employees are encouraged to take initiative and get them nominated through their supervising
officers for training courses relevant to their needs.
2.2 New Joiners’ Training

All newly inducted staff members are provided systematic training in groups at Bank’s Training &
Development Centers at Karachi or Lahore, to make them well conversant with Bank’s operating
procedures, rules, history and culture before they commence their job with the Bank. Furthermore,
the purpose of this training program is to emphasize on customer service, courtesy and manner, as
well as a number of other unique focus areas.

Training plan for new joiners

Category Total Duration

Five days (Two days of orientation training., followed by three

2.2.1. For Branch Officers
days of technical training)

For Branch Dept. Four days (Two days of orientation training, followed by two days
Heads of technical training)

For Branch
2.2.3 Two-day orientation session

For Head Office

2.2.4. Two-day orientation session

First and third Mondays of every month, training courses will be

organized in small batches. In some cases, training will be
Program Structure
imparted through individual instruction and systematic and
guided study of operational manuals (followed by quizzes).

- TDC Karachi (for branches in Southern Areas and Area Multan)

- TDC Lahore (for other Northern Areas)

Mostly in-house faculty, plus some field specialists. For Branch

Managers’ orientation session, concerned Area Manager and one
or two available Group Heads/ GMs will be invited for
discussions/ presentations.

Detailed contents are handed over to candidates upon their

Course Contents
arrival at the TDC.

2.3 Batch Training Program

As per the requirements, the Bank recruits batches of fresh graduates under various schemes
through a competitive process and offers them comprehensive training. The batch trainees will be
also required to go through on-job training by way of structured rotation programs at the end of
every module.

External Training

In order to augment in-house training efforts, external training providers will be utilized on a periodic
basis, by nominating Bank Alfalah’s employees to external courses. Alternatively, external training
consultants may be invited to conduct training programs exclusively for BAL employees, whenever

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Project of Human Resource Development

deemed necessary.

Branch Managers’ Mandatory Training

All Branch Managers are required to undergo one-month comprehensive training to equip themselves
with upto date skills in areas of banking, management, customer service, personal effectiveness and IT
etc. Such training is usually divided into four one-week modules in each quarter.

Basic Plans and Time Schedule for Branch Managers’ Training Module

Total Duration Four weeks (broken in four one-week modules)

Participants Managers of all branches

Four one-week modules evenly spread over the year (one in each quarter).
Program Structure These modules will be run twice every quarter to cover the entire Branch
Manager Population (including IBD Branches)

- TDC Karachi (for participants from Southern Areas and Area Multan)
- Training for participants from Northern Areas will be conducted at some
external location at Lahore due to inadequacy of space and other
constraints at TDC Lahore Premises.

A Combination of in-house faculty, field specialists, senior BAL Executives

and external Trainers.

Training Allowance for Training Faculty Members

• In order to induce BAL employees to contribute in the important venture of Training and
Development on core banking modules i.e. Operations, Trade Finance, Credits & other
management/ soft skill areas depending on the nature of batch, existing staff selected for
faculty position who are posted at field or Head Office, will be provided secondment
allowance equivalent to 20% of their gross salaries per month, with the minimum of Rs.
10,000/- and maximum of Rs. 40,000/- p.m.
• The period of secondment allowance should not exceed more than three years.
• After the period of three years, if the said staff wants to continue in the same position, he/ she
will not be entitled for Title allowance.
• For Short period placement of any officer to TDC as faculty member, the following Title
Allowance may be allowed:
o For Range IV – VI ------- Rs. 50,000/- per month

o For Range VII– VIII ------- Rs. 75,000/- per month

Compensation and Benefits

3.1 Introduction
Staff monthly salary is to be disbursed before the end of each month usually on
26th/27th of the month. Salary & allowances of each employee is a confidential
matter. Those officials, who due to reasons of procedural expediency, are in the
knowledge of salary particulars of their colleagues, must treat such information as
confidential. Their failure to do so may result in disciplinary proceedings against them.
In order to disburse salary on time, branches are advised to ensure that all salary

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Project of Human Resource Development

amendments must reach HRD latest by 20th of every month as per.

3.2 Advance against Salary

Employees in need of funds for an emergency may be allowed advance against salary
for the current month to be adjusted in full on disbursement of salary. Since this
facility is only meant for emergencies, no staff member may be allowed to make a
habit for applying for such advance. Approval shall be obtained from the
Departmental Head/ Branch Manager and forwarded to HRD. As a matter of policy, a
staff member may avail this facility only twice during a calendar year under the
following conditions :-
3.2.1. If the staff member is proceeding on leave and next payday falls during
vacation period.

3.2.2. In case of emergency.

3.3 Effect of Leave Without Pay on Salary

Salary deduction on account of leave without pay will apply to the entire salary
package of the concerned employee, including allowances and perks. Moreover,
weekends and public holidays falling during this period will also be considered as part
of leave without pay.

3.4 Salary & Allowances for Officers & Executives (Minimum starting pay)
3.4.1. Salary and allowances of officers and executives of the Bank is as

(All Amounts in PKR)

Range Basic House Util. Conv. Gross
All. Maint.
Range Basic House Util. Conv. Gross
All. Maint.
I 3,500 1,400 350 500 - - - 5,750
II 5,500 2,200 550 750 - - - 9,000
III 8,000 3,200 800 1,000 - - - 13,000
IV 12,000 4,800 1,200 1,250 - 1,500 - 20,750
V 16,000 6,400 1,600 1,500 - 1,500 - 27,000
VI 20,000 8,000 2,000 1,750 - 1,500 - 33,250
VII 25,000 10,000 2,500 - 4,500 2,500 3,000 47,500
VIII 50,000 20,000 5,000 - 6,000 3,500 4,000 88,500
IX 65,000 26,000 6,500 - 7,500 5,000 5,500 115,500

3.5 Salary & Allowances for Non-Officers (Minimum starting pay)

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Cadre Basic House Utilities Gross

Secretary / Protocol / 5,000 2,000 500 400 7,900

Any supervisory

Assistant / Cashier / 3,500 1,400 350 300 5,550

Typist / Technical Staff

Peon / Tea / Office Boy

2,000* 800 200 200 3,200
Driver / Guard / Non-
Technical Staff
(Maintenance) /
Sweeper / Cleaner

* This Basic salary is inclusive of Cost of living allowance of Rs 300 as per the S.R.O.
606 (I)/98 dated June 6, 1998.

3.5.1 Reimbursement Limits (for Officers and Executives) (Amounts signify

maximum limits payable on a reimbursement basis).

Salary Car fuel Mobile News paper Magazine Club

Phone Limit
Range (**) (****) (*****) Member-
(***) ship

I No No No No

II No No No No

III No*** No No No

IV 100** No*** No No No

V 150** No*** No No No

VI 200** No*** No No No

VII 250** 2,000*** **** **** No

VIII 300** 3,000*** Yes Yes No

IX 500** 4,000*** Yes Yes 2,000

Institute of Business Administration, University of the Punjab, Lahore, PAKISTAN

Project of Human Resource Development

** Fuel in liters only in cases where Bank car has been provided to
concerned officer.

High performing staff members, whose job function necessitates

extensive travel, may be authorized some fuel expense
reimbursement. All such cases should be forwarded to HRD by
concerned branch (duly recommended by Area Manager/Unit Head)
for processing, approval and record keeping.

Cases where monthly expenses of an officer exceed approve limits

should be referred, indicating reason, ( duly recommended by his / her
supervising officer) to concerned Assistant Executive-In-Charge, HRD
for obtaining necessary approval & record keeping.

*** A small limit may be allowed on functional basis, to be advised through

HRD. Based on functional requirement, cellular phone limit for
following will be as under :-

Ø Branch Managers Rs.3,000/- p.m.

Ø Area Managers/Executives-in-Charge Rs.4,000/- p.m.

Cases where monthly expenses of an officer exceed approve limits

should be referred, indicating reason, ( duly recommended by his / her
supervising officer) to concerned Assistant Executive-In-Charge, HRD
for obtaining necessary approval & record keeping.

**** Allowed only for Branch Managers and Senior Management at HO: One
mass circulation & a business paper

^ Bank will provide club memberships of a local club to Executives-in-

charge and Area Managers/Country Heads with fixed monthly
subscription fees. (The CEO may use his discretion to make exceptions
to these rules). One time approval of CEO should be obtained for
joining fee & monthly subscription in each case.

3.6 Accommodation
At the discretion of the Bank’s Management, furnished or unfurnished accommodation
upto reasonable rental value may be provided to senior officers, transferred from their
permanent locations to fulfill the Bank’s requirements.
Other staff members when transferred out of city of the permanent residence to suit
the Bank’s requirements, may be entitled to the following additional allowance (this
needs prior approval from HRD before transfer is implemented). Officers transferred
to new location at their own request will not be entitled for this allowance) :-

(All amount in PKR per month)

Salary Range Married Officers Unmarried Officers

I – III 6,000 4,000
IV – VI 8,000 6,000
VII 10,000 8,000
(In specific circumstances, for managerial assignments, CEO may approve higher

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Project of Human Resource Development


3.7 Furniture Facility

3.7.1 Abolition of Existing Furniture Facility
The existing furniture facility is being abolished. As such no facility will henceforth be
allowed, effective from January 01, 2007.
3.7.2 Introduction of Staff Furniture Loan
Instead of furniture facility, the Furniture Finance Policy has been introduced which
will be effective from January 01, 2007. All confirmed regular employees working in
Salary Range IV & above and have completed two years continuous service with BAL
will be entitled to avail the facility as per following details:

Range Limit Installment Mark-up

IV – VI 150,000 2,300
VII 250,000 3,830 Mark-up will be charged @
9% on reducing balance
VIII 350,000 5,370 method.
IX 500,000 7,660

3.7.3 Repayment of Finance

The finance will be recovered in 90 monthly equal installments (Principal + Mark-up)
accrued there upon. No relaxation of installments will be given even during the salary
of Eid months. (Copy of repayment schedule is attached).

3.7.4 Policy options for those staff who have already availed furniture
All those staff members who have availed furniture facility as per previous policy and
still have some outstanding amount shall have following:

i. They may continue to avail such facility, however, no furniture allowance will be
paid to them till the value of furniture presently in their use become zero after
charging depreciation as per rules.

ii. All those who have already availed furniture facility may avail furniture loan up to
the extent of outstanding Written Down Value (WDV) to liquidate the present
outstanding balance. The recovery of said loan will be through monthly installments
as mentioned above.

iii. Those who are not interested to avail Furniture Finance may adjust outstanding
balance from their own resources to avail furniture allowance.

3.7.5 Furniture Allowance

All those who have not availed furniture facility will draw furniture allowance w.e.f. 1st
January, 2007 as per following details.

Range Allowance
IV – VI 2,750
VII 4,500
VIII 6,500
IX 9,500
3.7.6 Documents to be obtained from the eligible staff:

i. Furniture Loan Application on prescribed format.

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ii. Details of furniture to be purchased.

iii. Promissory Note (For Individuals)

iv. Mark up Agreement (IB-6C)

v. Letter of Installment

vi. Letter of Disbursement

vii. Letter of Hypothecation of Movables

3.7.7 Approving Authority

Assistant Executive-In-Charge, Human Resources Division

Refer Circulars:

1) OPRN-007/HRD/DAN-54/2007 dated 16-01-2007

2) OPRN-023/HRD/MI0207/2007 dated 02-02-2007

3.8 Fuel Allowance

At the discretion of the management, officers posted in business units such as Car
Finance, Credit Cards, BDO, Home Loans, Agriculture Finance, Credit Marketing, are
allowed payment of Fuel Allowance ranging between 50 ltrs. to 200 ltrs. (based on
their functional requirements if recommended by concerned Heads of Division /

3.9 Mobile Phone Facility

Those who are below salary range VII but due to their functional requirement need
mobile phone facility, will be eligible for reimbursement of upto maximum Rs.1,500/-
per month subject to maintenance of their own mobile phone set. This facility will be
available based on recommendations from AM/EI and approval from EI HRD.

3.1 Title Allowance

Branch Managers, Asst. Executives-in-Charge, Product Heads, Area Managers and
Executives-in-Charge may be paid Title Allowance till such time they hold these

Officer Position Allowance in PKR per month

Executives-in-charge 35,000
Area Managers 25,000
Product Heads 20,000
Assistant Executives-in- 15,000
Branch Managers 10,000
Chief Cashiers 3,000
Tellers/Cash Officers 2,000
3.1 Bank Car Facility
3.11.1. Objective The objective of the Bank car facility is to provide Bank’s
maintained transport facility to the Bank’s senior officers, to be used by them for
office-cum personal use.
3.11.2. Eligibility Bank cars will be provided to Executives in range VII & above upon
joining the Bank’s service, or on being promoted to such salary range.
3.11.3. Entitlement Types of cars and fuel entitlement for various salary ranges are
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Project of Human Resource Development

detailed below:

Salary Range Type of Car Fuel Limit Bank

(In liters)
VII 1300 CC 250 Yes
VIII 1300 CC GL or300 Yes
IX 1500 CC / 1300 CC 500 Yes

Management of the Bank may allow Bank car facility (1000 c.c.) plus fuel upto 200
liters per month to officers in salary range VI, based on their functional requirements
if recommended by Executives-in-Charge/Area Manager.
3.11.4. Second car for Executives-in-Charges and Area Managers
Executives-in-Charges and Area Managers will be eligible to have second car (1300
c.c.) based on their functional requirement. Area Managers may also avail additional
100 liters fuel in addition to their fuel entitlement mentioned in above (upto maximum
500 liters).
3.11.5. Repair & Maintenance
Maintenance costs of Bank cars allotted to the Executives/Officers will be borne by the

3.1 Profit Bonus/Special Cash Prize/Ex-Gratia

Profit Bonus will be paid to the employees as and when declared by the Bank’s
Management, based on guidelines provided in the respective bonus circular. Special
cash awards/Ex-gratia/Bonuses may be paid based on outstanding performance with
the approval of CEO.

3.1 Provident Fund (PF)

3.13.1. All permanent confirmed employees are eligible for membership of Bank
Alfalah Ltd. Employee Provident Fund Scheme. An employee will contribute an amount
equivalent to one month’s basic salary in a year (8.33% of monthly basic salary)
towards the Provident Fund Scheme and an equivalent amount will be contributed by
the Bank.
3.13.2. PF deduction will continue to be made from monthly salary even if an
employee has resigned and is working during the notice period. Membership of PF
Scheme will be automatically cancelled on the last working day of the notice period.

3.1 Cash Award on Passing Institute of Bankers Diploma Exams

Bank Alfalah, as a matter of policy encourages its employees to appear for the IBP
Diploma Exams, the syllabus of which has recently been upgraded and expanded to
include additional subjects important for professional bankers. Towards that end, it
has been decided to award cash prizes to those employees who pass the said exams,
as detailed below:

Stage of IBP 1st Attempt 2nd Attempt 3rd Attempt

Diploma Onwards
I 50,000 30,000 10,000
II 75,000 50,000 15,000
III 100,000 75,000 25,000
3.1 Reimbursement of professional courses’ fee
Bank Alfalah encourages its officers and staff to enhance their professional
competence to meet the growing challenges of the financial industry. Part of the cost
of registration/admission/exam fees will be reimbursed to those employees who
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undertake and successfully complete higher degrees and professional courses related
to banking and finance (from recognized institutions) to improve their competence
and qualifications. Details of this facility are available with HRD.

In case an employee resign within one year of last payment received, all payments
made in respect of above will have to be refunded to the bank by the said employee.
Detailed policy guidelines are available in HRD record.

3.1 Staff Insurance

The Bank has arranged the following types of insurance for its full time staff, at its
own expense. The Bank’s Management may decide, at its discretion, to apply some or
all of the benefits of any of these policies to staff engaged on contractual basis.
Various features relating to these policies are subject to amendment from time to
time. Benefits currently available are briefly introduced below:
3.16.1. Hospitalization Insurance Coverage for Employees and their
dependent Parents, Spouse and Children
We are pleased to advise that Group hospitalization insurance policy has this time
been renewed from 1st January, 2008 till 31st December, 2008 through M/s Alfalah
Insurance Co. Ltd. Details of benefits in various salary ranges are given below. It is
further emphasized that only those eligible employees who have sent the requisite
“Family Information Form” complete in all respect are covered under this policy.
Please also note that Family / Dependents of all regular employees and contractual
employees above 60 years of age are covered. All other contractual employees below
60 years of age are covered for “SELF” only.


e/ TS(Rs.) BOARD
Cat. Previo Revis Previo Revis Normal(Pr Normal(R Caesarean(Prev. Caesarean(
us ed us ed ev.) ev.) ) Rs. Rev.) Rs.
Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.
IX 500,00 500,00 150,000 4,800 Privat 30,000 40,000 45,000 60,000
A 0 0 e
VIII 400,00 400,00 125,000 2,700 Privat 20,000 30,000 30,000 45,000
BI 0 0 e
VII 400,00 400,00 125,000 2,150 2,500 20,000 30,000 30,000 45,000
BII 0 0
IV-VI 300,00 325,0 100,000 1,300 1,800 15,000 20,000 22,500 30,000
C 0 00
I-III 200,00 225,0 75,000 1,000 1,600 10,000 15,000 15,000 25,000
D 0 00
Non 150,00 175,0 50,000 800 1,000 7,000 10,000 10,500 15,000
Offic 0 00
Following will not be covered under bank’s hospitalization policy:
- Male children above 25 years of age.
- Male children below 25 years but married or engaged in a gainful employment.
- Married daughters.
- Working spouse if availing medical facility from any other source.
- Dependent parents not residing with the employee or are gainfully employed.

M/s Alfalah Insurance will be providing Insurance cards to all our staff members which
will be required to be presented in original to the concerned hospital authorities in
order to avail hospitalization benefits from panel hospitals. The original letter / card
must therefore be kept with care during the entire period of hospitalization coverage.
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Any clarifications on contents of this circular may please be directed to under signed
at HRD, H.O. Karachi (Tel: 021-2461314, 2414030 Ext – 2236).

Meanwhile, in case of any medical emergency any of the following may be contacted:
- Helpline Alfalah Insurance 0321- 4041555
- Dr. Fawad Sarwar (Alfalah Insurance Lahore office) 0321- 4227676
- Dr. Syed Rehan Jalal (Alfalah Insurance Karachi office) 0321- 7031393
- Mr. Syed Fariduddin Hyder (BAL HRD H.O Karachi) 0300- 2007736
- Mr. Mubashir Iqbal (BAL HRD H.O Karachi) 0300 -2834938

Refer Circular:
1) HRD/R2008/MI Dated December 31, 2007.

3.16.2. Group Mortgage Insurance Coverage

Lives of Employees of the Bank are covered upto the outstanding balance of House
Finance liability (in the name of concerned employee or spouse) with the Bank would
be taken over by the Insurance Company and no liability will be borne by the family of
the deceased (subject to completion of certain formalities required by the insurance

3.16.3. Group Mortgage Insurance Coverage For Conveyance Finance (for

Clerical and Non-Clerical Staff Only)
Lives of Clerical and Non-Clerical Staff members are covered upto the outstanding
Conveyance Finance liability with the Bank which would be taken over by the
Insurance Company and no liability will be borne by the family of the deceased.

3.16.4. Life Insurance Coverage

All employees of the Bank, who are on Bank’s payroll (whether in regular or
contractual employment), upto the age of 65 years, will be covered under the Group
Life Insurance arranged through insurance company as per following details.

Categoryy Range Sum Assured in PKR

A IX & above 5,000,000
B VII – VIII 3,000,000
C IV – VI 2,000,000
D I – III 1,500,000
E Non-officers 1,000,000 In addition to life coverage, the Bank will has also obtained coverage for
permanent disability due to accident and sickness upto the age of 60 years. In case of
disability, benefit will be paid according to percentage of disability as per schedule
provided by the insurance company. The insurance policy is subject to conditions and exclusions provided by the
insurance company details of which shall be maintained by the Human Resources
Division. Coverage: - Death due to any cause

Disability due to sickness and accident as per schedule of disability

3.16.5. Follow-up Treatment

In addition to the above, regular employees, their parents, spouses and children
suffering from serious illness (see list below) will be entitled for reimbursements of
cost of medicines, lab tests and consultation fee subject to the following, If the treatment is likely to continue for a minimum period of six months or

Institute of Business Administration, University of the Punjab, Lahore, PAKISTAN

Project of Human Resource Development If the treatment expenses for one month are equivalent to 10% or more of
the monthly Basic Salary of the concerned employee.

These claims will be lodged to HRD on Follow-up Expenses Claim Form as per along
with medical bills, doctor’s prescriptions etc.

List of Diseases Eligible for Follow-up Treatment

§ Cardiovascular § Multiple § Tuberculosis
disorders Scleroses

§ Strokes § Hepatitis B & C

§ Cancer § Major burns

3.16.6. Medical Checkup

In addition to hospitalization cover, a special arrangement has been made with the
insurers whereby they will arrange for annual medical checkup of all officers in salary
ranges VII and above. Arrangements have also been made to get medical checkup
done for certain job applicants if so decided by HRD.

3.1 Uniform for Non-Clerical & Maintenance Staff

All Non-clerical and Maintenance staff are provided uniform as per following details :-

Season Clothing Item Pairs of socks Pairs of shoes

Summer Two safari suits Two One
Winter One suit (jacket & trousers) with twoFour One
3.1 End Service Benefits
BAL employees are entitled to the following end of service benefits:

3.18.1. Provident Fund (Own + Bank) plus investment income.

3.18.2 Gratuity payment:-

• If period of service is less than 05 years, no gratuity will be payable.

• If period of service is 05 years and above, gratuity will be payable equivalent to one
month’s basic salary (last drawn) for each completed year of service.

• Period of any overseas posting other than with Bank Alfalalh Limited will be
excluded from the total service for calculation and payment of gratuity. Further, for
the period of overseas posting with Bank Alfalah Limited any local law governing
gratuity will be applicable and if he/she is posted back in Pakistan the period of
overseas posting with Bank Alfalah Limited shall be excluded provided gratuity is paid
according to the local laws of overseas posting.

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• Unpaid study leave or long leave without pay will not be considered for payment of
Gratuity or any other benefit.

3.18.3 Encashment of un-availed Privilege Leave (only in case of death / termination /

Voluntary Severance Scheme)

3.18.4 The employee or his/her family may retain Bank’s car (if provided) on book
value or 10% of the original purchase price whichever is higher (only in case of death
or retirement) provided the employee has spent atleast four years service with the

3.1 Income Tax Liability

Employees are personally responsible for preparation and submission of their personal
income tax and any other personal taxation returns and reports, and for the payment
of taxes, and of other statutory dues. The Bank undertakes no responsibility or liability
in this respect, except for deduction of taxes at source, depositing the same with the
concerned authorities, submitting required statements to the income tax department,
and providing a salary and tax certificate for the tax year to the concerned


All employees of the Bank including contractual staff, on completion of one year’s service with the
Bank are entitled to certain number of days’ leave in a calendar year. This entitlement is spread over
a few categories of leave, as elaborated below:

3.20.1 Privilege Leave (PL) Entitlement
30 days with full pay in a calendar year, to be credited on pro rata basis to each employee’s leave
account on 1st January of each year. Maximum PL balance for any employee cannot exceed 60 days. New Joiners

PL balance of those joining during the year will be calculated on a pro rata basis. Authorization
All PL should be availed after obtaining approval from the sanctioning authority. Availment
The employees must avail at least 15 days’ continuous leave from the available privilege leave
balance during a calendar year. For this purpose, a leave roster for the entire staff strength of each
unit must be drawn, under the supervision of the Head of each unit, and a copy forwarded to HRD for
record. During notice period if an employee has resigned, no privilege leave will be allowed even if
the leave shows credit balance.
3.20.2 Casual Leave (CL) Entitlement
10 days in a calendar year, to be credited on pro rata basis to each employee’s leave account on 1st
January of each year. Outstanding balance of CL as of December 31 shall lapse as un-availed CL

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Project of Human Resource Development

cannot be carried forward to next year. New Joiners

CL balance of those joining during the year will be calculated on a pro rata basis. Authorization
All CL should be availed after obtaining approval from the sanctioning authority. However in case of
emergency the concerned employee must inform the sanctioning authority by phone or fax (etc), by
the morning of intended leave. In such cases, upon return, the concerned employee should submit a
leave application form giving due explanation. Disciplinary action may be taken against employees
who frequently absent themselves from duty on the pretext of CL without even informing the
sanctioning authority. Availment
CL should normally be for only one day at a time. Only in cases of personal emergencies, or
bereavement in immediate family, may an employee be allowed CL up to three days at one time.
3.20.3 Sick Leave (SL) Entitlement
Eight days in a calendar year, to be credited to each employee’s leave account on 1st January of
each year. Maximum SL balance for any employee cannot exceed 16 days at any point of time. New Joiners

SL balance of those joining during the year, will be calculated on a pro rata basis. Authorization
For medical situations, SL should be availed after obtaining approval from the sanctioning authority.
Leave application in such cases should be accompanied by a medical certificate from a registered
medical practitioner Availment
In cases of emergencies, an employee availing SL must inform his/her sanctioning authority as soon
as possible of his/her intention of availing SL. Upon resumption of duty, a leave application form must
be submitted to the sanctioning authority duly supported by medical certificate for approval of the
sanctioning authority. Any leave without Medical Certificate will be considered as C/ L or P/ L. This
certificate must be issued by a registered medical practitioner. Where a medical certificate is not
submitted with the leave application for one day leave, deduction will be made from the balance of
Casual Leave. For leave availment of two or more days, deduction will be made from Privilege Leave

3.20.4 Unpaid Study Leave / Leave Without Pay (LWP)

Leave without pay for more than one month and unpaid study leave will be approved by HRD based
on merit of each case. Detailed guidelines are available with HRD.

3.20.5 Maternity Leave (ML) Entitlement
All married female employees subject to completion of four months service are entitled to maternity
leave, on full pay, of maximum 12 weeks i.e. up to six weeks leave prior to delivery and at least six
weeks after the baby is delivered. Authorization
Maternity leave should be availed after submitting leave application together with medical
certificate / medical records and obtaining approval from the sanctioning authority. Availment
If requested by the employee and supported by a medical certificate, maternity leave may be
combined with balance of P/L or S/L due to the staff member. Sanction of Leave

Authority for sanction of leave will be vested as per following (under advise to HRD):-

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Applicant Approving Authority

Branch Staff Branch Manager

Branch Manager Area Manager

Area Manager/ Regional

Area/ Regional Office Staff

Area Managers Regional Manager/ Group Head

Regional Managers Group Head

Head Office Staff Div.Head/ GM/ GH

Div. Head/ GM/ GH CEO

Application for Maternity Leave and Unpaid Study Leave/ Leave Without Pay must be processed for
approval through HRD. Leave Record

Proper leave records should be maintained for all employees at their respective establishments
according to the prescribed format. At the end of each month the officer maintaining leave records
must go through the attendance register to counter-check that all ‘absences’ or ‘leaves’ marked
against various employees are supported by leave applications and other documents, as required.
Maintenance of leave records is done as follows:

Maintenance of leave records is done as follows:

Applicant Record maintained at

Branch Staff Concerned Branch

Branch / Chief Manager Area Offices

Area/ Regional offices Area/ Regional Offices

AM/ RM/ Div. Head/ GM/


All Head Office Staff HRD

Consumer Finance Consumer Finance Group

All sanctioning authorities should forward approved leave applications and joining reports to
concerned offices as listed above for record keeping purposes. Permission to Leave Station

Where an employee proceeding on leave intends to travel outside his place of posting, the fact must
be highlighted in the leave application form for specific approval of the sanctioning authority. Optional Leave (Festival Leave )

Optional leave can be availed by the employees only if announced by the State Bank of Pakistan.
3.2 Transfer Travel & Baggage Rules

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3.21.1. Eligibility, Authorization & Other Conditions

Stipulations of these rules relate to official travel on the Bank’s business and applies
to the Bank’s employees only. Expenses relating to accompanying family members
will not be admissible except on permanent transfers. Objectives of official travel
Before official travel is contemplated and authorization obtained, the employee
initiating travel plans, should identify clear and specific objectives that the visit is
expected to achieve. Employees contemplating official travel, and senior officers
authorizing it, should ensure that expected benefits from planned travel outweigh the
costs related to such travel. In case of doubt, a thorough evaluation of travel plans
may be called for. Authorization for official travel
Authorization for official travel and related expenses may be granted (on ‘Travel
Authorization Form’) by the following authorizing officers :-

For Approving Authority

Area Managers / EI CEO
All employees working in their Area Managers
respective Branches and Area
Employees working in their EI
Divisions / Departments

Whenever an “Authorizing Officer” (other than CEO or EI Strategic Planning) wishes

to arrange a meeting for which more than three participants need to undertake
travel, prior approval from CEO will be required.

Prior to undertaking travel, concerned officers must obtain written approval from
Authorizing Officers on “Travel Authorization Form” and forward a copy of the same
to the office(s) responsible for purchase of travel tickets and arranging hotel
accommodation. Exceptions and deviations

Strict adherence to these guidelines should be ensured by Authorizing Officers. In
extra-ordinary circumstances, exceptions may be allowed after obtaining approval
from EI HRD. Senior Officers traveling together

As a precautionary measure, senior officers of the Bank should not travel together in
groups of more than three people. This applies to all means of transport, whether by
air, road or rail.

3.21.2. Mode of Travel

Entitlement for travel by various modes of travel is as follows : Air Travel

Class of Travel
Domestic International
Range IX & above Business Class Business Class
Range VIII Business Class Economy Class
Others Economy Class Economy Class

As far as possible the concerned officers should travel by direct routes and without
any stopovers for personal reasons.

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3.21.3. Hotel Accommodation

Staff Range Domestic International

IX 5 Star 4 Star
VIII 4 Star 3 Star
VII 4 Star 3 Star
IV – VI 3 Star 3 Star
I – III 2 Star / Guest House 2 Star
Clerical Staff Rs 500/= -
Non-Clerical staff Rs 250/= -

3.21.4. Daily Allowance

Employees who do not wish to use hotel accommodation can claim a daily-allowance
to cover cost of hotel accommodation, food and refreshments, laundry etc.. Cost of
local transport while on outstation duty may be claimed separately on the ‘Travel
Expenses Claim Form’. For the purpose of calculating Daily Allowance, only the
number of nights away from home base should be counted. Daily Allowance rates are
as follows:

Staff Range Domestic International

(Amount in PKR) (Amount in USD)

IX 3,000/= 100/=
VIII 2,500/= 75/=
VII 2,000/= 60/=
IV – VI 1,500/= 50/=
I – III 1,000/= 25/=
Clerical Staff 500/= -
Non-Clerical staff 250/= -

3.21.5 Audit Officers’ Cash Allowance During Audit Duty

Special arrangements have been made for audit officers on audit duty. They will avail
hotel accommodation usually in hotels/guest houses pre-selected jointly by Audit
Division and HRD. However, they will only use the hotel for bed and breakfast facility
(if included with room rate). The following per day cash allowance will be admissible
to them in lieu of lunch, dinner, tips, laundry, telephone calls etc.

Range Amount in PKR per day

I – III 750/=
IV – VI 1,000/=
VII & above 1,250/=

3.21.6 Traveling on Retirement from Service An employee who retires from the service of the Bank will be reimbursed
admissible one-way traveling costs for self and family members plus cost of luggage
transfer for his/her journey from last place of posting to his/her permanent place of
residence in Pakistan as recorded in his/her personal file at HRD.

3.21.7 Permanent Transfer (Inter City) Tickets

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Air tickets (or railway or coach tickets, as applicable) for the staff member, spouse
and dependent children. Insurance value of personal effects

The maximum value of an officer’s personal effects on which the Bank will pay the
premium shall be as under :-

Range Amount in PKR

VII & above 2,000,000
IV – VI 1,500,000
I – III 1,000,000
Non-officers 500,000

The insurance of personal effects will be arranged by Establishment & Administration

Division through approved insurance companies. Transportation personal effects

Range Container Size

VII & above 40 ft.
Other officers 20 ft. Relocation expense

to meet extra-ordinary expenses caused by a permanent inter-city transfer, the Bank
will pay 50% of monthly basic salary to an employee under transfer, with a minimum
payment of Rs.5, 000/- for non-officers & Rs. 10,000/- for officers (whichever is
higher). If the transfer is affected at the request of officer, no relocation allowance will
be payable.

3.2 Other regulatory requirements

The HRD will ensure deductions of Employees’ Old Age Benefit Contributions, Social
Security Contributions, Education Cess, etc. as per the rules and provisions of the
relevant statutes (if applicable)

Performance Management


4.1. Introduction
Bank Alfalah’s performance appraisal system is improved and upgraded from time to
time in line with the Bank’s requirements, as well as with industry practices. HRD
keeps all units of the Bank informed of the PA system and procedure currently in use.
Units are also notified deadlines for goal setting, periodic monitoring and final

4.2. Objectives of Performance Appraisal:

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• Improving the performance of the Bank and its staff members

• Laying a solid foundation for relationships between staff and management
• Clarifying performance targets for all
• Using the process for career planning and professional development of staff
• Review of salary, assignment and career path
• Award of bonus(es)
• Provide a basis for Promotion to higher salary ranges and functional

4.3. Role of Immediate Supervisor and Branch Manager / Unit

Detailed guidelines are issued by HRD by the end of each year regarding Performance
Appraisal of all employees for the year.

4.4. Salary Increments/Adjustments & Performance


• Review of salary and allowances, which is based on previous year’s performance,

is carried out once a year during the first quarter of every year. The Bank’s
performance appraisal (PA) system is primarily based on goal setting in the
beginning of a year, monitoring by supervising officers on bi-annual basis and
final evaluation, using standardized performance appraisal forms at the end of the
year. Some weightage is also given to evaluation of enabling personal skills and
personality traits, as listed in the Appraisal Form.
• Appraisal exercise is done only for those employees who have completed six
months’ service with the Bank on 31st December and whose appraisal forms have
been received from their respective offices within the specified time limit.
• The extent of salary increases will depend on the system and formulae adopted
by the Bank’s Management for the year in question.
• With reference to salary levels prevalent in the Bank and in the marketplace,
salaries of certain key staff members may be adjusted during the appraisal
exercise. This will be done in consultation with concerned Branch Manager/Area
• To reward high performance during the period under review, performance
bonuses may be awarded to deserving officers based on their performance rating.

4.5. Promotion to Higher Grades

Promotion to higher grades depends upon the following three factors :

• Bank’s overall policy of promoting certain number of people in specified salary

ranges to maintain a balance between number of employees in various ranges.
• Requirements emanating from operating units for staff of higher seniority to suit
their operational needs, based on their current assignment.

4.6. Promotion Procedure

The promotion procedure revolves around the following two activities, which are to be
completed and recorded as described below.
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Promotion Interview
Interviews for promotions to specified positions in the branches will be conducted by one
or more of the following officers of the Bank as elaborated below:
Branch Manager (BM)/Chief Manager (CM), Area Manager (AM), Executive-in-Charge (EI).

For promotion 1st Interview 2nd Interview 3rd Interview

Ranges I, II & III BM / CM AM -
Ranges IV, V & BM / CM AM EI – HRD
Ranges VII & AM CEO & / or EI – St. Planning

Promotion interviews for Head Office staff will be conducted as follows

For promotion 1st Interview 2nd Interview 3rd Interview

Ranges I, II & III Head of Dept. Concerned EI ---
Ranges IV, V & Head of Dept. Concerned EI EI – HRD
Ranges VII & CEO --- ---
Range IX CEO --- ---

4.7. Succession Planning

Succession Planning is the process of systematically identifying all key positions within
Bank Alfalah (especially those which are likely to fall vacant or to open up in the near
future due to promotion, resignation or retirement). The next stages in the process are to
select and then to prepare candidates from within the Bank

Summary Benefits

The primary benefit of succession planning is that a sequence of personnel actions is

initiated so that one or more candidates are identified for each key position in advance of
actual need. This prior identification permits opportunities for mentoring and
developmental activities to improve their readiness to succeed to specific positions. The
benefits of succession planning are;

• BAL would grow its own future managers rather than recruiting outside the
organization. These managers will be fully conversant with the organizational
culture prevailing at the Bank.
• The learning curve for future managers to prepare for meeting challenges of
higher responsibility will shorten.
• Commitment and loyalty among officers aspiring for higher positions will increase.
Morale and motivation will also be enhanced, while staff turnover will go down.

Key Elements of the Succession Planning Policy

BAL Succession plan to achieve its goals, the following key elements are to be
incorporated in its design:

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• CEO and top management support

• Integration with strategic business planning and projected changes in the
• Identification of critical management positions, skills required for incumbents and
gaps in management succession
• Time lines for filling succession gaps for organizational and individual needs
• Job profiling to identify critical competencies for effective performance in specific
• A system for communication of the succession planning process to field
• A system for identification, nomination and selection of successors, based on a
review of the data on all potential candidates, including appraisals of performance
and potential, experience and skills, education, salary history and personal career
• Determination of training, development and experience needs of candidates,
including a system for monitoring, feedback and modification of such
development plans

A review of transfer and placement needs at the point in time when those individuals are
ready to advance

Critical positions to be focused

BAL Succession Plan is to focus on three tiers of management personnel in all units of the
Bank. Succession plans for senior management levels in Tiers A (Senior Management)
and Tier B (Managers of Branches/ Units) will be overseen by HRD. Succession plans for
Tier C positions (Departmental Heads at Branches & Section Heads at HO/ Product Units)
will be drawn and managed by concerned management at Tiers A and B, having received
guidance and training towards this end from HRD.

Talent Pool

A Talent Pool of bright and young employees, having post graduate degrees from
reputable institutions and two years’ experience with BAL, will be provided training and
development, and will be promoted to positions of higher responsibility on a fast track

Training and Development Needs

HRD and TDC Management, in consultation with Senior Management of the Bank, will
draw Training & Development plans for all officers nominated as successors, as well as
those placed in the Talent Pool. HR Committee will monitor the progress of Training &
Development Centers in providing focused training to both the groups: Nominated
Successors and Officers in the Talent Pool.

The following step by step plan is suggested for the implementation BAL
Succession Planning Program:

• HRD to institute a system of identifying gaps, getting successors nominated for

Tier A and Tier B positions and to prepare a quarterly progress report to be

Institute of Business Administration, University of the Punjab, Lahore, PAKISTAN

Project of Human Resource Development

presented in HRMC meetings

• The HR Management Committee will review progress of succession planning

program during its quarterly meetings. The committee will have the authority and
responsibility to make decisions regarding ratification/ nomination of BAL staff as
successors, as well as nomination to the talent pool. It will also have the authority
to place staff members nominated as successors, as well as those in a talent pool,
in managerial positions.

• A Talent Pool is to be established consisting of potential candidates for managerial

positions. Staff placed in Talent Pool should also be available for assignment for
vacant successor positions with in their existing Branches/ Units/ Areas or in other
units throughout the network.

• Training needs are to be identified, training programs developed (or identified

externally) and conducted for officers nominated as successors or placed in the
Talent Pool.

• HRD is to periodically measure the success of the succession planning program

and process. A review and audit process should identify supply and demand, and
verify what is working and what is not. It should also track career paths of officers
nominated as successors, as well as those in the Talent Pool.


Accountability of Employee
Employees shall faithfully and punctually account to the Bank or its authorized officials
for all moneys, drafts, securities, account books, registers, papers, vouchers, writings,
goods and chattels or other property, which they may receive as employees of the Bank
on behalf or on account of the Bank or of any member of the Bank.

Grounds for Disciplinary Actions

Where an employee:

• Commits breach of rules and regulations of the employer or of discipline or;

• Contravenes instructions/orders issued to him in connection with his official work,
• Displays negligence, inefficiency, or indolence, or;
• Knowingly does anything detrimental to the interests of the Bank, or;
• Is guilty of any other act of misconduct or insubordination, or;
• Becomes bankrupt or makes any arrangement or composition with his creditors,
• Becomes of unsound mind, or;
• Is convicted of any criminal offense or found guilty of any act of moral turpitude,
other than an offense which,
• in the opinion of the Bank, does not affect his/her position as an employee of the
Bank, or;
• Commits any act which, in the opinion of the employer, tends to bring the officer
or the employer into disrepute, or;
• Contravenes the provisions in respect of transferability of his services to any
office of the Bank;

Institute of Business Administration, University of the Punjab, Lahore, PAKISTAN

Project of Human Resource Development

The competent authority, in its sole discretion and without limitation, may impose on
him/her one or more of the following penalties.

Penalties Consequential to Disciplinary Actions

• Reprimand
• Postponement or stoppage of increment or promotion
• Forfeiture of pay for any period of unauthorized absence from duty
• Recovery from pay of the whole or part of any pecuniary loss caused to Bank
Alfalah Ltd. by the employee.
• Termination of service.
• Dismissal from service which will involve permanent disqualification for future
employment in Bank Alfalah Ltd.

Bank’s property in custody of employee

The Bank’s property (e.g. accommodation, car, motorcycle, house, PC/laptop, mobile
phone etc.) which has been in use/custody of an employee who is retiring, resigning or is
under discharge or dismissal, must be handed over to a duly authorized representative of
the Bank, on or before the employee’s last working day, unless another date has been
approved in writing by the Bank.

Handling of serious grievances & harassment cases

Bank Alfalah Limited attracts diversified staff from various corporate, geographical,
ethnic and religious backgrounds. The Bank shall institutionalize mechanisms to
safeguard against the risk of violation of accepted norms of conduct in the day to day
interaction among staff members, and between supervisory staff and their subordinates.

In order to safeguard the rights of the employees at such risk, the Bank has nominated
an Organisational Ombudsperson titled Bank Alfalah Limited Mohtaseb (BALM), an
independent officer reporting to CEO.



 Bank Alfalah Limited Does Not Possess Foreign Network

 Most of the employees are overloaded with work

 Inefficient software Bank Smart

 No Advertising in Electronic media

 It is step behind in using new technology as compared to other


Institute of Business Administration, University of the Punjab, Lahore, PAKISTAN

Project of Human Resource Development

 Disproportionate presence of Old Staff in the upper

management Hierarchy

 Skill Set Of Employees Is Not Up to The mark as there is no job


 Less efficient computer and I.T system

 Foreign banks still are a little more prestigious

 There is uneven distribution of work and promotions are not

very timely

 It is slow in the introduction of new services

Institute of Business Administration, University of the Punjab, Lahore, PAKISTAN

Project of Human Resource Development

Institute of Business Administration, University of the Punjab, Lahore, PAKISTAN

Project of Human Resource Development

Institute of Business Administration, University of the Punjab, Lahore, PAKISTAN

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