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Customer Services Department

Monthly Report

On: 09/12/2020

Written by : Said HAFSI To the Director of the Customer Service

For the month of November, we’ve got 5 emails and two calls from different customers, all of them
were complaints and only one was a praise of the company.

Main problems people were complaining about, are:

1. No answers on the phone or the email: We’ve got two people complaining that they didn’t
get answered, and that caused to them worse problems, one of them saw himself obligated
to pay more.
2. Lost objects: One of the customers said he lost his suitcase and contacted one of our
employees, but he didn’t get answers so far.
3. Complaints about the expensive price of some services: We’ve got some complaints about
the high price of the toilette on the flight, and the use of the wheelchairs.
4. Complaints about the bad quality of some services : Some complaints were about the bad
airstair, another one about the TV BOX on the flight the man said even it is expensive it didn’t
work, we also got a complaint from the same customer about the food he said it caused to
him a stomachache.
5. Flights delay and refund : One of the emails we got, was from a customer who is saying that
his is a loyal customer who is used to get in our flights, and the last one he had a problem,
because he didn’t know about the delay of a flight, the company didn’t accept to take him in
the next flight and worse he didn’t get a refund he asked.
6. An angry customer : One of the customer emailed us, to tell that he contacted Disability
Rights Commission and they are going to take it to a court, he also said he got in touch with
some newspapers and they are going to write an article about our company.

here I present you some recommendations that may resolve these problems:

1. Improving the communication service: Both email and calls need the get improved, to do
this maybe we should hire a better staff.
2. Having a better contact with airports staff: To resolve problem of lost objects I recommend
we improve our relationship with different airport service.
3. Reducing some services price: Like the use of the wheelchairs
4. Improving the quality of food and onboard services: As we got complaints about those two
things, we have to improve them.
5. Refund: We have to take seriously refund requests.
6. We should get in touch with the angry customer : That man could cause serious problems
to the reputation of our company, for this reason I think we should get in touch with his and
try answers to his requests and we also have to admit that it was our fault and to ask him
sorry, before the situations gets worse.

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