Spravato For Treatment Resistant Depression

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Intranasal Esketamine (SpravatoTM) for

Use in Treatment-Resistant Depression
In Conjunction With an Oral Antidepressant
Rebecca Bahr, PharmD Candidate; Alicia Lopez, PharmD; and Jose A. Rey, MS, PharmD, BCPP

Keywords: ketamine, esketamine,

Table 1 DSM-5 Diagnostic Criteria for Major Depressive Disorder12
treatment-resistant depression, suicide,
suicidal ideation For a diagnosis of MDD, ≥ 5 of the following symptoms must occur nearly every day for
≥ 2 weeks:
INTRODUCTION • Depressed mood AND/OR anhedonia;
Major depressive disorder (MDD) AND
affects more than 16 million adults each • Significant change in weight (> 5% of body weight in one month)
year in the United States.1 The incom- • Decreased appetite
plete response that many persons expe- • Insomnia or hypersomnia
rience with current antidepressant (AD) • Psychomotor agitation or retardation
therapies is one factor contributing to the • Fatigue or loss of energy
difficulty of successfully treating MDD.2 • Feelings of worthlessness or excessive/inappropriate guilt
Approximately 30% of patients meet the • Diminished concentration or indecisiveness
criteria for treatment-resistant depression • Recurrent thoughts of death or suicidal ideation with or without a plan
(TRD), having no positive therapeutic DSM-5 = Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, 5th edition; MDD = major depressive disorder
response even after trying two or more
AD medications.2 According to the World those with TRD.7,8 Traditional ADs gen- tic criteria for MDD are defined in Table
Health Organization (WHO), depres- erally require at least four to six weeks 1.12 Suicidal ideation may range from pas-
sion is the leading cause of disability to produce an antidepressant effect.9 In sive to active thoughts of suicide, with or
worldwide.3 Untreated depression is a contrast, ketamine has been found to pro- without an actionable plan.12
major risk factor for suicide: Each year, duce that effect within hours of adminis-
approximately 800,000 people–– one per- tration, with one study finding a two-hour PHARMACOLOGY
son every 40 seconds––successfully com- post-dose effect for intravenous (IV) Mechanism of Action
plete suicide.4,5 Many patients with MDD esketamine in adult TRD.7,10 Ketamine, a non-competitive N-methyl-
are at risk for poor outcomes because D-aspartate (NMDA) glutamate receptor
of the limitations of currently approved INDICATIONS antagonist, was introduced to the U.S.
treatments.6 These incomplete or poor Intranasal (IN) esketamine is approved market in the early 1970s as a replace-
responses to traditional ADs have led to by the Food and Drug Administration ment anesthetic and analgesic agent
the off-label use of many novel substances (FDA) for TRD when used in conjunc- for phencyclidine (PCP).13,14 Ketamine
for the treatment of MDD. tion with a traditional oral AD.8,10,34,44 The is generally administered intravenously
Ketamine is one agent that has received racemic mixture of ketamine is currently because of its poor oral bioavailability.13,14
attention as a potential fast-acting and being used off-label for the treatment The S-ketamine enantiomer has a higher
effective treatment for patients with MDD of depressive disorders. affinity for the NMDA receptor, and is
with suicidal ideation (MDSI) and for The FDA granted fast track and break- thought to produce fewer significant
through therapy designations to Jans- psychotomimetic effects, drowsiness,
Ms. Bahr is a PharmD Candidate at Nova sen Pharmaceuticals, Inc., a subsidiary lethargy, or cognitive impairment than
Southeastern University in Fort Lauderdale, of Johnson & Johnson, Inc., for IN esket- the R-ketamine enantiomer.8 For these
Florida; Dr. Lopez is in the Department of amine to treat patients with MDD and
Pharmacy Practice at Larkin University in TRD with an imminent risk of suicide. Figure 1 Chemical Structure
The agent has been available in the U.S. of Esketamine
Miami, Florida; and Dr. Rey is in the Department
of Pharmacy Practice at Nova Southeastern since March 5, 2019, with a risk evalu-
University in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Drug ation and mitigation strategy (REMS),
Forecast is a regular column coordinated by due to the potential for sedation and dis-
Alan Caspi, PhD, PharmD, MBA, President of sociation. There are boxed warnings for
Caspi and Associates in New York, New York. sedation, dissociation, abuse, and misuse,
along with the default warnings for sui-
Disclosure: The authors report no commercial cidal thoughts and behaviors in pediatric
or financial interest in regard to this article. and young adult populations.11,34 Diagnos-

340 P&T ® • June 2019 • Vol. 44 No. 6


reasons, S-ketamine (or esketamine) was ily metabolized to noresketamine via in cognition between the IN-placebo and
selected as the active agent for IN-esket- the CYP450 enzymes of CYP2B6 and IN-esketamine groups compared with
amine’s formulation.8 Intranasal esket- CYP3A4, with a lesser contribution from baseline. At two hours post-dose, no sig-
amine has multiple benefits compared CYP2C9 and CYP2C19. Esketamine’s nificant difference in cognition was found
with other routes of administration. It is half-life is biphasic, with an initial rapid between the groups, demonstrating that
less invasive and less painful than injec- decline in concentration within two to the decrease in cognition with IN esket-
tion, and has greater bioavailability than four hours and a terminal half-life of seven amine was limited to two hours post-dose.
oral administration.13-15 to 12 hours. Noresketamine is further The most commonly reported adverse
Although ketamine’s mechanism of metabolized via CYP-dependent pathways events included dizziness (67%), nausea
action (MOA) as an anesthetic has been with hydroxylation to hydroxynoresket- (37.5%), disturbance in attention (29.2%),
extensively studied, the MOA of esket- amine. Subsequent metabolites will then and fatigue (29.2%).
amine’s antidepressant effect is poorly undergo glucuronidation.
understood. Suggested mechanisms Though esketamine is a substrate of SYNAPSE (NCT01998958)10
include improved brain plasticity via the the above CYP-enzyme pathways, it does This phase 2 randomized, double-blind,
stimulation of brain-derived neurotropic not appear to be an inhibitor or inducer multicenter, placebo-controlled study
factor (BDNF) production and activation of said pathways. Noresketamine dem- evaluated the efficacy and dose-response
of the mammalian target of rapamycin onstrated weak inhibition of CYP3A4. of IN esketamine and standard of care
(mTOR).16-19 Ketamine’s action on NMDA Patients with moderate hepatic impair- compared with IN placebo and standard of
receptors is believed to produce effects ment may require increased monitoring care for the reduction of MDD symptoms
that activate amino-hydroxy-methyl-isox- for adverse drug reactions for a longer in patients with TRD (n = 67). The trial
azolepropionic acid (AMPA) receptors, period of time as a result of the increased consisted of four parts: screening, double-
which may modulate signaling pathways plasma levels and half-life of esketamine blind treatment (two 1-week periods),
downstream that appear to reduce phos- in that population. There is no clinical optional open-label treatment, and post-
phorylation of eukaryotic elongation experience in patients receiving renal treatment follow-up. For week 1 of the
factor 2 kinase, and result in increased dialysis or in those with severe hepatic treatment phase, patients were random-
BDNF production.17 impairment. ized 3:1:1:1 into four study arms: placebo
Downstream modulation of mTOR is (n = 33), and esketamine 28 mg (n = 11),
thought to stimulate additional BDNF CLINICAL TRIALS 56 mg (n = 11), or 84 mg (n = 12) admin-
production, resulting in increased brain A search for “intranasal esketamine” istered twice weekly. During week 2 of
plasticity through dendritic growth and in the ClinicalTrials.gov database yields treatment, subjects were re-randomized
improved synaptic transmission.18,19 Cur- a total of 32 registered clinical trials (27 1:1:1:1. During the double-blind phase,
rent evidence suggests that ketamine has completed and five recruiting).26 Of these, subjects’ depressive symptoms decreased
a more direct stimulation effect on BDNF 29 studies have been funded by Janssen at hour 2, hour 24, day 8, and day 15 from
and mTOR than the present oral ADs.20 Research & Development, LLC.25 Limited baseline when compared with placebo.
This may explain the rapid onset of esket- data are available from third-party off-label The change (least squares mean [stan-
amine’s effect, as well as the mechanism studies. Most studies set improvement in dard error (SE)] difference vs. placebo)
by which it continues to exhibit effects depressive symptoms as measured by a in MADRS total score for both periods
even after complete drug elimination.20 change in baseline Montgomery–Åsberg combined in all three esketamine groups
Depression Rating Scale (MADRS) score was superior to the change in the placebo
PHARMACOKINETICS21-22 as their primary outcome measure.27-30 (It group (esketamine 28 mg: −4.2 [2.09],
The Ki value of S-ketamine for the should be noted that all studies included P = 0.02; esketamine 56 mg: −6.3 [2.07],
NMDA (PCP) receptor is 0.3-0.69 µM. in this section have been funded by Jans- P = 0.001; esketamine 84 mg: −9.0 [2.13],
sen Research & Development, LLC.) P < 0.001). A correlation between higher
Absorption and Distribution22,44 doses of IN esketamine and a decrease in
The mean bioavailability is approxi- NCT0209437827 depressive symptoms was demonstrated
mately 48% following nasal spray adminis- This phase 1 randomized, double-blind, (P  <  0.001). During the open-label phase,
tration. The expected time to reach peak placebo-controlled, 2-period crossover administration of IN esketamine or pla-
plasma concentration is 20 to 40 minutes study evaluated the cognitive effects asso- cebo took place twice weekly for the
after the last spray. The mean volume of ciated with IN-esketamine administration first two weeks, weekly for the following
distribution at steady state via the IV route in 24 healthy adults (aged 19–49 years three weeks, then once every two weeks.
is 709 L. Protein binding is approximately old) using a previously validated comput- Response rates were evaluated on day
43% to 45%. The enantiomer S-ketamine erized battery assessment (Cogstate®). 74 and showed that 65% of participants
has an affinity approximately fourfold Subjects were randomized 1:1 to either achieved a 50% or greater decrease in
higher for the NMDA receptor in vitro 84 mg IN esketamine or IN placebo. MADRS score. Remission rates were also
compared with R-ketamine. After a seven-day washout period, sub- evaluated, showing that 32% of partici-
jects were crossed over to the opposite pants achieved a MADRS total score of
Metabolism and Elimination23-25,44 group and the cognitive battery assess- 10 or less on day 74, which suggests no-
Intranasal esketamine will avoid first- ment was repeated. At 40 minutes post- to-mild depression. During the follow-up
pass metabolism. Esketamine is primar- dose, there was a significant difference phase, response rates indicated that 56%

Vol. 44 No. 6  •  June 2019 • P&T 341 ®


of participants were still demonstrating a ticenter, active-controlled studies, evalu- sion-Severity scale (CGI–S) scores. Sig-
50% or greater decrease in MADRS total ated IN esketamine for efficacy and safety nificant differences in Patient Health
score. in patients with TRD. TRANSFORM-3 Questionnaire (PHQ-9) scores also were
Adverse events were also evaluated as evaluated elderly participants (≥ 65 observed between the groups, favoring
a secondary outcome. Dissociative symp- years old) and TRANSFORM-2 evalu- IN esketamine with an LSMD of −4.4 (P
toms peaked at ~30 to 40 minutes post- ated adults. It was necessary that par- = 0.006).
dose and generally resolved by two hours ticipants had a previous, documented
post-dose. An increase in blood pressure non-response to at least one oral AD. SUSTAIN-1 (NCT02493868)30 and
(BP) recorded at 10 to 40 minutes post- Subjects were switched from a prior oral SUSTAIN-2 (NCT02497287) 31
dose usually resolved by two hours post- AD to which they had not responded to The phase 3 multicenter, double-blind,
dose (no increase was observed for heart a new oral AD, plus either 28-mg, 56-mg, randomized withdrawal trials SUSTAIN-1
rate). Other common symptoms reported or 84-mg flexible-dosing IN esketamine and SUSTAIN-2 compared IN esketamine
during both the double-blind and open- or IN placebo (1:1 randomization). Both plus oral AD with IN placebo plus oral AD
label phases included dizziness, head- the IN esketamine and IN placebo were for long-term efficacy in TRD. SUSTAIN-2
ache, dysgeusia, sedation, and nausea. administered twice weekly. Depressive also studied safety and tolerability. Par-
Only dizziness and nausea were dose- symptoms using MADRS were collected ticipants had to be documented as non-
dependent. During the course of the on day 2 (in TRANSFORM-2 only), day 8, responsive to at least two prior trials of
study, four subjects discontinued partici- day 15, day 22, and day 28. The change traditional AD treatment. In SUSTAIN-1,
pation due to adverse events (one event in MADRS total score from baseline to 705 patients transferred from previous
each of syncope, headache, dissociative day 28 served as the primary endpoint. studies were enrolled. The primary end-
syndrome, and ectopic pregnancy). Results from TRANSFORM-2 indicated point of stable remission after 16 weeks of
a significant reduction in depressive IN esketamine plus oral AD showed a sig-
NCT021330018 symptoms, showing a least squares mean nificant delay to relapse compared with
This phase 2 randomized, double- difference (LSMD) from placebo of −4.0 placebo, with the risk of relapse decreas-
blind, multicenter, placebo-controlled (P = 0.010). TRANSFORM-3 results, ing in favor of IN esketamine by 51%.
study evaluated IN-esketamine’s however, showed no significant differ- Adverse events included dysgeusia, ver-
effect on depressive symptoms and ence from baseline for IN esketamine tigo, dissociation, somnolence, dizziness,
suicidal ideation in patients with MDD plus oral AD compared with placebo headache, nausea, blurred vision, and oral
at imminent risk of suicide (n = 68). plus oral AD, with decreases in MADRS hypoesthesia. Symptoms resolved around
Subjects were randomized 1:1 to stan- scores of −10 and −6.3, respectively 1.5 hours post-dose. In SUSTAIN-2, sub-
dard of care and either IN esketamine (P 0.029 > P 0.025; P = 0.02 was consid- jects received 28-mg, 56-mg, or 84-mg IN
84 mg or IN placebo, administered ered statistically significant). However, esketamine. The primary outcome was to
twice weekly through day 25, once the U.S. patient population demonstrated determine treatment-emergent adverse
weekly through day 52, and once every a significant improvement in MADRS events, most of which were mild to mod-
other week through day 81. Changes total scores in the IN-esketamine group. erate and included dizziness, dissociation,
in MADRS score from baseline to four The IN-esketamine group’s MADRS nausea, headache, somnolence, dysgeu-
hours, 24 hours, and day 25 post-dose score decreased by −6.3 compared with sia, hypoesthesia, vertigo, vomiting, and
were assessed, with four-hour post-dose the placebo group’s decrease in score of viral upper respiratory tract infections.
response being the primary outcome −4.7 (P = 0.016). Participants who were
measure. A follow-up phase was also considered responders could then be Overview
completed at day 81. entered into either the SUSTAIN-1 or Studies appear to support the use of
The MADRS score at four hours SUSTAIN-2 trial. IN esketamine in the settings of TRD
post-dose improved significantly in IN- Adverse events were collected during and MDSI. In the long-term studies, a
esketamine patients compared with the study to evaluate safety. The main majority of patients responded to treat-
placebo patients (least squares mean ones were mild to moderate in nature ment doses of 84 mg and approximately
[SE] difference vs. placebo; −5.3 [2.10]). and included nausea, vertigo, dysgeusia, one-third of patients responded to 56 mg,
Also, improvements in MADRS suicidal- dissociation, dizziness, and headache. At with doses administered either weekly or
thought items were observed at four 1.5 hours post-dose, 93% of subjects were every other week. Findings suggest that
hours post-dose. Depressive-symptom ready for discharge. It is notable that no IN esketamine decreases suicidal risk
improvement was continually greater in symptoms of psychosis were observed and symptoms of depression, as reflected
IN-esketamine patients than in IN-pla- during this study. Day 28 (end of induc- by the decrease in MADRS scores.27-32
cebo patients over the four-week period. tion phase) response rates showed that Furthermore, adverse effects such as
Significant differences were observed at patients receiving IN esketamine plus increased blood pressure and dissocia-
24-hours post-dose, on days 3 and 11. oral AD had fivefold higher remission tion were transient. Cognition was also
rates than patients receiving placebo plus demonstrated to return to baseline at two
TRANSFORM-2 (NCT02418585)28 and oral AD (16.7% vs. 2.9%, respectively). hours post-dose.25 However, long-term
TRANSFORM-3 (NCT02422186)29 Also, IN-esketamine patients were 5.3 efficacy beyond one year has yet to be
TRANSFORM-2 and TRANSFORM-3, times more likely than placebo patients established.
phase 3 randomized, double-blind, mul- to show improved Clinical Global Impres- continued on page 344

342 P&T •
® June 2019  •  Vol. 44 No. 6
continued from page 342
a predisposition to potential drug–drug 84 mg; doses as low as 28 mg have also
WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS interactions of that system; however, been studied but are not recommended
Adverse Effects no significant interactions have been for treatment.10,44 Each nasal-spray device
Esketamine has boxed warnings for reported thus far.35,36,44 The concomitant contains a total of 28 mg, delivered via two
risk of sedation and dissociation; potential use of esketamine with central nervous sprays (one spray in each nostril). For the
for abuse and misuse; and increased risk system depressants can increase the 56-mg dose, two devices are required,
for suicidal thoughts and behaviors in risk of sedation. As concomitant use of with five minutes of rest between each
pediatric and young adult populations. esketamine with psychostimulants may device. Three devices are required for the
The medication will only be available result in increased BP, patients receiving 84-mg dose, with another five minutes of
through a restricted REMS program. amphetamines, methylphenidate, various rest between the second and third device.
The dose of ketamine and esketamine weight-loss medications, modafanil, and Detailed instructions for administration
required for an antidepressant response armodafinil should have their BP closely can be found in the package insert, includ-
is lower than the necessary anesthetic monitored.44 In addition, the concomitant ing differences in frequency between the
dose, and reported side effects are typi- use of esketamine with monoamine oxi- induction and maintenance phases of IN-
cally mild and transient.8,28,44 Dissociation, dase inhibitors may also increase BP, esketamine treatment.44
measured using the Clinician-Adminis- warranting the close monitoring of BP
tered Dissociative States Scale (CADSS), in patients receiving this combination. COST
has been shown to begin shortly after the There are known interactions involv- The exact cost of IN esketamine for the
start of dosing, peaking at approximately ing rifampin/rifampicin and ticlopidine. indication of TRD is currently unknown;
40 minutes post-dose and resolving at Rifampin/ rifampicin reduces the plasma it may depend on insurance coverage,
approximately two hours post-dose.8,28 concentration of esketamine in the area- large health-care system formulary con-
However, the effect appears to decrease under-the-curve (AUC) and the maximum tracts, and wholesale prices. IN esket-
with repeated dosing.31 In one placebo- serum concentration (Cmax) by 10% to amine will likely cost more in the initial
controlled study, dissociation occurred 25%.37,44 Ticlopidine increases the plasma phase of treatment and less during long-
in 31.4% of patients in the esketamine AUC of esketamine through the inhibi- term management. Costs could range
arm, compared with 12.9% of patients in tion of the CYP2B6 liver enzyme.38,39,44 from $5,664 to $8,142 in the first month
the placebo arm.8 Other reported side of induction-phase treatment, $2,832 to
effects include unpleasant taste, hallu- DOSAGE AND $4,248 in the second month, and possibly
cinations, euphoria, nausea, vomiting, ADMINISTRATION28-33,44 $1,416 to $4,248 each month thereafter,
dizziness, headache, and parasthesias.29 Patients must be enrolled in the depending on whether dosing is weekly
Transient increases in BP and heart rate Spravato REMS program prior to admin- or bi-weekly.42
have also been reported, and will be a istration. They should self-administer At the time of writing, the administra-
caution or contraindication in some spe- IN esketamine under the direct super- tion cost for off-label IV-ketamine infu-
cial populations at risk for cardiovascular vision of a health care provider. Patient sions for depression ranged from $500 to
and cerebrovascular conditions who are BP should be assessed before and after $1,000 per infusion at a private clinic, not
sensitive to increases in BP.10,32 Dizziness administration; if it is already above including consultation or lab fees.40,41 Off-
and nausea tended to be dose-related, a systolic reading of 140 mmHg and a label use is typically paid out-of-pocket by
while most other adverse effects did not diastolic reading of 90 mmHg, providers the patient, as it is not generally covered
appear to be related to dosage.10 Similar should reconsider the risks of increased by major medical or prescription insur-
side-effect profiles were found through- BP versus the benefit of IN esketamine ance policies.40,41 The average wholesale
out the completed studies regarding the for that patient. Monitoring patients for unit price of ketamine solution for injec-
adverse effects of IN esketamine.8,10,28-33,44 at least two hours post-dose is required tion is far lower, ranging from $0.42 to
to ensure the resolution of possible tran- $2.30 per mL, depending on concentra-
Contraindications sient adverse effects, such as increases in tion and formulation.42
Esketamine is contraindicated in BP, cognitive impairment, sedation, and
patients with a known hypersensitivity dissociation. Esketamine can impair the P&T COMMITTEE
to esketamine, ketamine, or any com- ability to drive or operate machinery and CONSIDERATIONS
ponent or excipient of the formulation, appropriate warnings are made regard- Health care facilities considering the
and in patients for whom an increase in ing such activities. Because of potential use of IN esketamine will need to factor
BP would be hazardous.34,35,44 Specific nausea and vomiting caused by the treat- in the many secondary costs that would
contraindications for IN esketamine are ment, patients are advised to avoid food be associated with implementing an
aneurysmal vascular disease or arterio- at least two hours prior to administration IN-esketamine clinic. Based on current
venous malformation and intracerebral and to avoid drinking liquids at least 30 knowledge, patients will require post-
hemorrhage. Table 2 describes the use of minutes prior to administration. Other dose monitoring of vital signs and mental
esketamine in special populations. nasally administered medications such as status by health care professionals, and
corticosteroids or decongestants should a quiet and calm environment in which
Drug Interactions with Esketamine be administered at least one hour before they can recover from possible adverse
Esketamine is metabolized via the cyto- IN esketamine is given. The most-studied effects such as sedation and dissociation.
chrome P450 (CYP) system, suggesting doses of IN esketamine are 56 mg and Facilities must be able to accommodate

344 P&T •
® June 2019  •  Vol. 44 No. 6

Table 2 Use in Special Populations

Underlying Psychosis8 Clinical trials have excluded patients with underlying psychosis; thus, there is little data for the admin-
istration of intranasal (IN) esketamine in these populations. Use caution in patients with current or prior
MDD with psychosis, psychotic disorder, bipolar disorder, or other related disorders. Side effects such as
dysgeusia and dissociation may exacerbate underlying psychosis.
Comorbid Substance Use Use caution in patients with a history of substance use disorder(s).
Severe Hypertension or Cardiac Monitor BP pre-dose and post-dose in all patients. Caution is warranted in patients with cardiac com-
Compensation10,31 pensation or severe hypertension. Because the dose of IN esketamine for the treatment of TRD is much
lower than the analgesic dose, respiratory depression is less likely to occur. IN esketamine increases BP,
predominantly systolic, and increases cardiac output; therefore, medical conditions such as aneurysmal
vascular diseases–including thoracic or abdominal aorta, intracranial, and peripheral arterial vessel dis-
ease and arteriovenous malformation–are contraindications to IN esketamine use.
Pulmonary Conditions20 The impact of IN esketamine on patients with asthma, COPD, or other pulmonary conditions is unknown.
One study on the administration of esketamine via nebulization showed no pulmonary or respiratory
adverse events during or after inhalation. It cannot be assumed that IN esketamine will show the same
results on pulmonary response. Nasal discomfort, oropharyngeal pain, and throat irritation were reported
in the clinical trials.
Pediatric IN esketamine has not been studied in pediatric populations.
Clinical trials demonstrate that the use of IN esketamine in the geriatric population is safe and effective.
Studies in elderly patients ≥ 65 years old with TRD have found significant reduction of MADRS score with
only mild-to-moderate side effects, similar to those found in the general population of adults aged 18–64
years. Clinical trials utilized similar dosing regimens, including frequency and dosing, across age groups.
Hepatic and Renal Impairment24 Currently, the hepatic and renal adjustments for IN esketamine are unknown. According to package
inserts, no dosage adjustments are needed for intravenous ketamine in hepatic or renal impairment.
Individuals with moderate hepatic impairment receiving IN esketamine may show higher area-under-the-
curve and half-life values. IN esketamine is not recommended in patients with severe hepatic impairment.
Increased frequency of urination was observed in IN-ketamine trials. No recommendations are made
regarding impaired renal impairment and there is no clinical experience in patients receiving dialysis
Pregnancy and Lactation32,33 Use of IN esketamine has not been studied in pregnancy in humans. As animal studies suggest embryo-
fetal toxicity, fetal harm may occur. Both clinician and patient should consider pregnancy planning and
prevention if the patient is of childbearing age and has the potential for reproduction. Ketamine may
cross the placental barrier and cause maternal complications. Increased uterine tone and uterine contrac-
tions/pressure, ototoxic effects, excessive neonatal muscle tone, apnea, and other complications have
been seen with higher dosages of ketamine. Many of these effects may be avoided by using lower dos-
ages of ketamine. Little is known about the use of ketamine with breastfeeding.
Refer to the package insert/product labeling for detailed information regarding animal studies with esket-
amine for more data and possible guidance.

the scheduling of multiple appointments potential abuse of IN esketamine is not CONCLUSION

for each patient receiving IN esketamine, well documented.43 The limited indication Depression is associated with high
which could be as frequent as twice of TRD in conjunction with an oral AD and rates of disability and an increased
weekly at the outset, depending on the the potential for abuse will likely result in risk of mortality. Traditional treatment
patient-specific duration of AD response. the need for verification or prior authori- options have a slow onset of action, lim-
Also, facilities must have the capability zation to utilize insurance benefits. The iting their utility in the most severely
to order and store a specialty controlled failure of prior oral AD therapy will need affected patients who also may be at
substance. Intranasal esketamine is a to be established before administration. a high risk for suicide. As few options
C-III controlled substance, similar to IV However, the benefits of IN esketamine– exist for patients with TRD, a fast-acting
ketamine.33,44 To further ensure its proper –a rapid-acting AD that can improve therapy is attractive. In clinical trials, IN
use, the medication is distributed through symptoms for many patients within hours esketamine appears to provide signifi-
limited specialty pharmacy distributors or days instead of the weeks or months cant short-term symptom improvement
and administered via the REMS program. common with traditional ADs––make it a in TRD, with only transient and mild-to-
This is partly due to the abuse potential unique option that has long been needed moderate side effects commonly being
associated with ketamine, although the by many treatment-resistant patients. reported. Some health care payers and

Vol. 44 No. 6  •  June 2019 • P&T 345 ®


providers may have concerns about placebo-controlled study. Am J Psychia- 19. Marsden WN. Synaptic plasticity in
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