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EnglishGrammar- Condition Sentences

Content:  Condition sentence type 1
Type:  Grammar
Time:  45 minutes
 The students will be able understand the different functions of
the parts of speech in a sentence.
to be able to use conditional type 1 correctly and
Objectives: appropriately.

Materials: none

Level: intermediate
 Materials: none
 Objectives: to be able to use conditional type 1 correctly and

Warmer/Lead-in (5-7 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

The teacher posts a picture of a woman, who didn't get the job, on the white board asking sts
what is it about? He elicits from sts what would she do if she got the job. Eliciting the "past verb
after if" and "would + v1." He asks for more sentences about What the woman would do, if she
got the job? ( If she got the job, she would be happy-She would travel)

Presentation (7-8 minutes)

Give a conversation

Paul: So, what did you do yesterday?

Saint: I was really busy yesterday.
Paul: Are you normally busy?
Saint: Yeah.
Paul: If you had more free time, how would you spend it?

Explain when the second conditional can be used: for imaginary / unreal
situations. From the first example, winning the lottery is an unreal situation,
therefore, we use the second conditional (with would) to talk about what we
would do if that situation were true.
The if clause uses the past simple. At this point, I usually ask my student to
complete some sentences, and here are some examples:
–If I had more time, I…
– I would be really happy if…
– If I could travel anywhere in the world, I..
Try and think about more questions that are specific to your students and
correct where necessary.

If + S + V-ed /V2 S + would / could / should + V1

To be: were / weren't (wouldn't / couldn't + V1)

Introduce a video

Next ask, “What would the singer of the song buy or do if he had a million
dollars?”  There are lots of examples in the video, including: a house, a car (K-
Car), a tree-fort (with a fridge), a fur coat (not a real one), an exotic pet (llama
or emu), John Merrick’s remains, crazy elephant bones, your love, expensive
ketchups, art, and a monkey.
Practice (5-7 minutes) • to let sts practice the second conditional and discover
the form

1. If we (have)   a yacht, we (sail)   the seven seas.

2. If he (have)   more time, he (learn)   karate.

3. If they (tell)   their father, he (be)   very angry.

4. She (spend)   a year in the USA if it (be)   easier to get a green


5. If I (live)   on a lonely island, I (run)   around naked all day.

6. We (help)   you if we (know)   how.

7. My brother (buy)   a sports car if he (have)   the money.

8. If I (feel)   better, I (go)   to the cinema with you.

9. If you (go)   by bike more often, you (be / not)   so flabby.

10. She (not / talk)   to you if she (be)   mad at you.

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