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TASK 5- Blog design

Helen Yaxari Caraballo Avendaño

Cod: 90000
Grupo c: 1249
Ingeniería Industrial

Ernest Muraría Njeru

Curso: Ingles A1 900001

They are Vanessa and Maira are my Friends since high school,
Vanessa is a medical student is very intelligent is 17 years
younger than Maira is 1.60, is short is thin and has long black
hair, is Santander, is brunette Maira is a pedagogy student, she is
the oldest, she is 21 years old, she is taller than Vanessa, she is
1.63, her hair is long and black, she is from Bogotá and she is more intelligent.
My My Friends
Grandmother is Andrey, Maira
feeding the and i played
baby pig and its playgrounds at
mother break time.

My aunt’s husbands help to

roast the meat to prepare the
christmas eve dinner.

We play volleyball with my best

Friends after school
He is my dad his name is Edgaar he is a mechanical
engineer, he Works with oil plants, he has astrict
routine, he gets up at 4 in the morning, taks a shower
and gets ready to take the bus to work, he has lunch at
12 noon, sometimes until midnight, he has dinner at 6
in the evening, after work he gues to his room to rest
and continue tomorrow.

Puerto Gaitan is a Colombian municipality

in the department of Meta in the central
part there are Good restaurants,, has
historical statues, puerto gaitan is one of
the oil regions par excellence, the
churches are large and very beautiful, on
Sundays the squares are full as it brings
the crops, has numerous festivities, has a
variety of Delicious fish, is known for its
crafts, handbags and chincorros designs,
must of these sities are located in
downtown área and next to the river.

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