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Part 1

Window view (đề mới)

 What scenery can you see from the window of your room?
Actually, I live on the 4th floor, and there is a park near my building. So from
the window, I have a view of a green space. And sometimes, I can also see
some children playing football down there, which is a very fun thing to do.

 Do you like to watch the scenery from your window?

Yes, absolutely. I mean, whenever I feel stressed with my studying, I just have
a look at the view out there for a while. It is really relaxing. Besides watching
children playing football, I often look up the sky to see birds flying freely. It is
really peaceful.
 Do you want to live in a house with beautiful window views?
Yes, It is my dream to have a house with beautiful views from window. I have
always been dreaming of living in the countryside after retiring so that I can
watch the view of green paddy fields.
 How do you feel when you can’t see any beautiful view from your window?
Well, if then, it would be very uncomfortable. It is always a good thing to have
beautiful view from your window. When the view is not so gorgeous, I will feel
extremely bored
 Do you like the changes? Why?
To be honest, I quite don’t like changes. They can stress me out. For example,
when I graduated from high school, I was excited but then bored because
everything just changed too fast that I can’t keep up with. Yeah, I was really
stressed about that big life change.
 What do you plan to change next year?
I think I would like to change my exercise habits next year. To be honest, I am
quite inactive so it would be better if I could do exercises more regularly.
 Are there any changes to your work?

 Have you changed a lot since your childhood?

Yes, I must say that I do change a lot as I grow up. For example, I am much more
confident than I used to be. At that time, I could hardly voice my opinions in
crowd but now, I can freely tell anyone about my opinion without hesitation.
 Are there any positive changes in your country these days?
Well, yes. The welfares is getting better and better day by day thanks to proper
policies given by the governments. Besides, it seems that people tend to have a
strongger environmental awareness than before.
 Are there any changes in your hometown? (tương tự câu trên cũng được)
Well, yes. The welfares is getting better and better day by day thanks to proper
policies given by the LOCAL AUTHORITY. Besides, it seems that people tend to
have a strongger environmental awareness than before, so the atmosphere is
much fresher than it was in the past.

Making lists
 Do you make a list before going shopping? Why?
Yes, I always figure out everything I have to buy before shopping because I get
such a goldfish brain.
 Why is it important to make a shopping list?
Well, I think that making a shopping list is of importance since it reminds us
to buy enough neccessities. And besides, we can save a lot of time, too.
 Do you make a list of your work? Does it work?
Yes, as I have mentioned before, I am a very forgetful person so I always make a
to-do list for my work. At first, it is a little bit inconvenient but gradually, when I
have get used to it, it becomes indispensible whenever I prepare for my work.
 Why don't some people like making lists?
I think it is attributed to their desires and demands. If the work is simple, it will be
redundant to make a list instead of jumping right into the work. Besides, perhaps
they don’ t like to make a lists just because it is not to their interests.
 Do you prefer using a piece of paper or making a list on your phone?
Well, I guess I prefer the second option because it is much more convenient. We
can make a list whenever and wherever we can with just a smartphone, instead
of using the traditional way.
 Do you recycle stuff?
To be honest, I don’t recycle so often because I am really up to my ears in work.
But I think if I have time, I will try out recycling things because DIY activities seems
very fun.
 Did you recycle when you were a kid?
Yes, I did. My dad was really into drinking beers so there were a lot of empty cans
and bottles. So, I turned them into colorful lanterns and pencil holders with my
mother’s helps.
 What kind of things do you recycle?
Trả lời như trên thì chắc k hỏi câu ni mô
 How do you feel when you see trash lying on roads?
Well, to be honest, I am a very organised and tidy person. Therefore, if I see a
road laden with trash, I will feel very uncomfortable and disgusted.
 Is it important to have recycle bins?
Yes, I think it plays a significant role in protecting our environment because
recycle bins helps classify kinds of trash for later waste management.
 Will you recycle in the future?
Yes, I think it is essential that I develop a habit of recycling since the environment
is facing a growing waste. So, I want to do something to change that situation,
particularly by recycling.
 Do you influence others to use recycle bins?
Yes I do. Although i do not have time to recycle things, I am fully aware that we
should sort trash out for furthur trash management. I even do have a bin for
recyclable trash at home.
 Can you name products or materials that are commonly recycled?
Hmm, I think that bottles and cans are commonly recycled because it is abundant
and easy to recycle. Also, the reason why they are commonly recycled can also
attributed to the fact that their shapes are very suitable to produce adorable and
useful things such as lanterns, pencil cases, I guess.
 What have people’s attitudes towards recycling changed over the last several
Hmm, I think it has become better and better over the last several years. In some
public park, we can see a lot of decoration things made from tires or bottles. It
seems that people tend to have a strongger environmental awareness than
 Do you think recycling is important?
I think that recycling is of extreme importance since it does matter to our
environment and, to our lives. If we do not recycle, there will be a lot of trash,
which can have a negative impact on our environment and also, humans.
 Do you usually write by hand?
Yes, I always write by hand at school since my school doesn’t allow me to use a
laptop. Besides, writing by hand keeps me concentrated more on my studying.
 Do you prefer to write by hand or type?
Well, it depends on the context. For example, if I am writing an essay for school, I
would head for typing because it will save a lot of time. But if it is a short writing, I
would prefer handwriting.
 Do you think handwriting will be replaced by computers?
No, I don’t think so. I mean, typing is definitely faster and sometimes more
comfortable than writing. But I think handwriting gives a better sense of pleasure
than typing since it somehow reflects our personal signatures.
 Can you tell someone’s personality from his or her handwriting?
Yes, as I mentioned before, it somehow reflects a person’s personal signatures. I
mean, if they possess delicate handwriting, they are very likely to be tidy, and vice
versa (và ngược lại)
 What impression does a person’s handwriting have on other people?
Trả lời lấy ý từ câu do you think handwriting will be replaced by computers
 Nowadays, how do most people write thing?
I think that handwriting still plays an dominant role in writing things because it is
much more common to everyone than typing.
 Do you often write with a pen?
Trả lời như câu 1
 What is difference between writing with a pen and typing on a computer?
Typing on a computer is much more faster. Also, you don’t have to use any
physical tools like paper or pens. When you write with a pen, it is a slower
process. But there would be a sense of self in it.
 Do you think handwriting is important nowadays?
I think that handwriting still plays an dominant role in writing things because it is
much more common to everyone than typing. + lấy thêm ý từ trên

 When children begin to write in your country?

In my country, children start to write ever since they turned 6, which is when they
enter their first entrance to education – Primary Educartion. However, some may
have exposed to writing earlier with the help of their parents.
 How did you learn to write?
From my dad’s telling, I began to learn how to write when I was 5. My dad was
the one who dedicated to help me write out the very first letters in my life.

 How can children today improve their handwriting?

Practice and practice. I think it is the only way to have beautiful handwriting.
However, it may be attributed to genetic stuff but I still think that practicing plays
an enormous part in how our handwriting look like.
 Do you like writing things when you were a child?
Yes, since my dad gave me an ink pen for my 6th birthday, I has always been
interested in writing. I reinforced my handwriting everyday using that pen and it
had great influence on my handwriting.
 Is your handwriting easy to read for other people?
To be honest, I have an extremely delicate handwriting, which is due to my
father’s dedication and my efforts to practise writing by hands everyday.
Stage of life
 Do you enjoy your current stage of life?
Actually, I don’t really enjoy my current state of life since now, i am laden with
work and depression. I am preparing for my stying abroad so it is really difficult.
 Which stage of your life do you think is the most important?
I think childhood is the mosr important stage of life since it is the fundamental
part in our lives. I mean, it plays a huge role in determining our characteristics in
the future.
 In which stage of your life were you the happiest?
I think it is my childhood. When I was a kid, my parents gave me unconditional
love, they took good care of me, provided me everything I needed. I feel very
grateful to that all.
 What is your plan for your next stage of life?

Text messages
 Do you like texting
Yes, I mean, i prefer texting all the time. It’s probably the most common way to
socialize with the others
 How often do you send text messages?
I text messages very often, mostly when i need to communicate with my friends
or family in distance. Besides, I also text using Zalo for my ửok.

 Do you prefer sending or receiving messages?

To be honest, I prefer receiving messages since it is quite annoying to send
messages without any reply.
 Have you ever received a confusing text message?
Yes. Once a friend of mine, who is not really close to me, asked me whether I can
lend him some money. I actually did have money but I didn’t give it because he is
not really trustworthy
 Have you ever had difficulty replying?
Yes, if I get confusing message, it will be very dificult for me to reply it. Once a
friend of mine who is not really close asked me whether I could lend him some
money or not. I was in two minds but, at the end I decided to not give him my
money because he is kinda untrustworthy.
 Is there any chance when texting someone is better than calling him?
Hmm, i think that in case there is an announcement that is not really urgent, a
text will be better. For instance, if I want to invite everyone to my party, I would
go for texting.
 In what circumstances is making a call better than sending a text message?
Yes, I think that in case there is an emergency, a call will be better than a text
because it can deliver the information more quickly and precisely.

Being in a hurry
 When was the last time you did something in a hurry?
It was probably two weeks ago when I had to meet the deadline. I was up to
my ears in studying since my professor gave a lot of assignments to do.
 What helps you to finish things quickly?
I think I will finish things quickly if there is something motivating. I mean, if I can
have a drink or snack as a reward for finishing my tasks, I will speed up my
progress doing my work.
 What kinds of things do you never do in a hurry?
I think they are tasks that require precision and carefulness, such as an essay or a
report on some academic major.
 Why do people make mistakes more easily?
I think that it is attributed to their attitude. I mean, if they devoted themselves to
the work, it will be more effective and vice versa.
 When they are in a hurry?
Hoi zo zuyen qua nen khong tra loi dau
1. Describe a good decision you made recently
2. Describe a special hotel you have stayed in
3. Describe a live sports match that you have watched
4. Describe a time when you suffered from disease/sickness.
5. Describe a film/movie that made you laugh.
6. Describe a conversation topic that you were not interested in
7. Describe an ambition that you have had for a long time.
8. Describe your favourite season of the year
9. Describe an old friend you got in contact with again
10. Describe a time when you got bored when you were with others.
11. Describe a place near your hometown that is polluted.
12. Describe a time you ate something for the first time.
13. Describe a line (or a few words) that you remember from a poem or song. (đề
14. Describe a short-term job you’d like to do in a foreign country.
15. Describe a time when you received good news
16. Describe a family (not your own) that you like.
17. Describe a book you read that you found useful.
18. Describe a prize that you want to win
19. Describe an area of science that interest you
20. Describe an activity you enjoy doing occasionally that is a bit expensive.
21. Describe an occasion when you forgot something important.
22. Describe a time when you changed your opinion.
23. Describe an interesting tradition in your country

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