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Stephen Donnelly: McKinsey’s Irish

Manchurian Candidate… -

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Released in 1962, ‘The Manchurian Candidate’ was JFK’s favourite

movie. Starring Frank Sinatra and Laurence Harvey, the film revolves
around an American army patrol captured and brainwashed by
Chinese communists during the Korean War. One of the soldiers –
Medal of Honour winner Raymond Shaw – is programmed to
become an assassin. Two years later his handlers trigger him to kill
a presidential candidate. It’s a great movie that has stood the test of
time, the remake in 2004 starred Denzel Washington & Meryl Streep.

The idea of a ‘Manchurian Candidate’ has since entered the modern

lexicon as shorthand for a brainwashed sleeper: a subject
hypnotized and instructed to act whenever his controllers pull his
psychological trigger. Near the film’s conclusion, as Shaw’s fellow
soldier Marco tries to peel away layers of false memories to uncover
the plot, he presses Shaw and asks him, “What have they built you to

Of the many tweaks made to the original, the most relevant was
changing Manchuria from a region in communist China to an
American private equity firm – ‘Manchurian Global’, whose hands are
tucked elbow-deep into their own army of political puppets.
In both movies Sergeant Raymond Shaw has a powerful U.S. Senator
for a mother, central to her son’s brainwashing from the very start (a
character played by Meryl Streep 2004, who many believe Pollak
intended to represent Hillary Clinton).

In Shaw, the Medal of Honour winner and great American hero,

Manchurian Global creates a chance to install ‘the first privately
owned and operated Vice President in the history of the United

Stephen Donnelly: Irish Minister for Health & McKinsey

Despite having no work experience in Health Stephen Donnelly
became Ireland’s Health Minister in June of 2020, sponsored by the
Irish Prime Minister Micheál Martin. Senior ministries in Ireland are
often run by unqualified suits on behalf of our civil-service swamp.
Ireland’s scandal-ridden health department is no different, having
been stewarded by a long succession of highly-networked
incompetents installed as departmental figureheads for decades.

Even so, Stephen Donnelly’s fast-tracked appointment managed to

stand out after his unusual first eight years in politics. At the time
Ireland was supposedly in the middle of the most serious health
crisis to hit the country since the genocidal potato famine of the
1840’s. Better political options with useful Health Department
knowledge were definitely available to Martin – yet for some reason
he decided to give Stephen Donnelly the nod.

Donnelly had proven himself to have no moral compass by joining

Fianna Fail in 2017. Up to that point he had spent his entire political
career telling the Irish media how utterly corrupt and irredeemable
Fianna Fail were.  There was understandable outrage throughout
( Fianna
Fail at Donnelly’s appointment, awarded at the expense of long-
serving and capable politicians like party-loyalist Darragh Calleary.
Donnelly was awarded his most essential of positions despite his
only real-world experience coming from two stints as a
Management consultant at McKinsey – arguably the most scandal-
ridden company in modern history. Most Irish people have no idea of
Donnelly’s background (or his family’s).

McKinsey’s most recent corruption charge is a 600 million dollar

settlement with forty-nine US States
.com/2021/02/03/business/mckinsey-opioids-settlement.html), for
the integral part it played in orchestrating Big Pharma’s cataclysmic
Opioid crisis (
new-heights/) which has killed hundreds of thousands of people.
Some of the ‘strategies’ McKinsey are guilty of implementing for
their pharmaceutical clients are truly astonishing. It is accepted fact
that McKinsey advised Purdue’s executives to ‘offer rebates to
pharmacies for overdoses’ (to incentivise higher prescription rates),
and to work on ‘countering the emotional messages from mothers
that had gone public about teenagers that overdosed’ on opioids.

Donnelly’s former employer McKinsey & The Pharmaceutical Industry’s deliberate Opioid crisis –
Links to image
If you think this isn’t relevant to Stephen Donnelly then consider his
pushing of unnecessary vaccines for Big pharma for over a year. Is it
coincidental that Donnelly found himself in prime position to oversee
the Irish Government’s vaccine purchase policy for the benefit of his
old employer’s clients?

Consider that US Presidential Candidate ‘Mayor Pete’ Buttigieg calls

his time at McKinsey his most ‘intellectually informing experience’.
( And
consider that it’s common knowledge no one ever really leaves
McKinsey. Buttigieg’s career trajectory has so closely matched that
of Ireland’s Stephen Donnelly one could view both men as consulting
templates created by McKinsey twenty years ago. There’s more
detail about the parallels between the two men later in the piece.

US States have recently won decision after decision against

McKinsey’s Pharmaceutical clients, followed by multi-billion-dollar
awards. And more lawsuits are on the way from local Governments
for both McKinsey & the pharma companies still standing. Those
first court awards have already bankrupted some: Mallinckrodt, a
pharmaceutical company with a large Irish presence, has already
filed for bankruptcy after last year’s 1.6 Billion dollars decision
third-opioid-producer-to-file-for-bankruptcy/). has speculated in a number of our reports that one of

the main reasons that the current Covid-crisis has been so overdone
(relative to the carefully managed Swine Flu vaccine bonanza a
decade ago) is because Big Pharma’s coffers are in such desperate
need of replenishment. Fear mongering needed to be absolute this
time in order to maximise the vaccine program payoff, to make
people sick with untested mRNA vaccine tech and get customers for
life. Big Pharma & Mckinsey are world champions at the Problem-
reaction-solution Hegelian dialectic. They’ve had plenty of practice
and time to make it work.

Those massive court losses show that the Opioid crisis facilitated by
McKinsey is very real. The same type of planned societal destruction
was orchestrated in the Chinese Opium wars by the British crown &
East India company in the 1800’s.
( Fast forward to 2021,
and the same pharmaceutical companies McKinsey strategised with
for decades, on how to over-prescribe killer Opioids to hollow out a
nation, will make billions in future revenues from the untested Covid
vaccine scam. All made possible through government purchase
programs which are completely unjustified based on all official virus
recovery rate statistics. And this time around, the pharmaceutical
industry & McKinsey will have no legal liabilities to worry about
thanks to the full liability exemptions awarded to them by Irish
Minister for health Stephen Donnelly.

Donnelly’s Many Conflicting Stories About His Past – What Is He

In November 2017 the Irish Times reported that Stephen Donnelly
said he was ‘working at McKinsey and consulting for Boris Johnson’s
Mayoral office (
stephen-donnelly-met-boris-johnson-and-other-stories-1.3287530) in
2010’, when he heard the calling ‘to enter politics and serve the
people’. That particular consulting project was focused on how best
to spray donated philanthropy money around London’s
disadvantaged areas. McKinsey and Donnelly were no doubt paid
handsomely from those same philanthropic funds.

According to Donnelly he thought to ‘this is what politics should be,’

and so decided to return to Wicklow to ‘make a difference’. Donnelly
says that the decision to enter politics was accidental, and it was
never his original intention. He just kind of… fell into it.

This was the story most people swallowed in 2010 about the new
guy running for office in Wicklow. ‘Harvard Educated McKinsey
Management consultant returns to rural Wicklow backwater to make
the help make the world a better place’. There was no mention of the
fact that he was the Multi-millionaire scion of the Hickey’s
fabric/Home Focus/Star Buys Irish retail empire. Or that he was a
middling business analyst at the most corrupt organisation on earth
since the British East India company ruled the waves. Donnelly’s
story was clunky but plausible, and he probably never expected it to
be seriously examined. Ireland’s taxpayer-funded propaganda
apparatus RTE certainly never asked any questions.
Donnelly went to study a Master’s in Public Administration at
Harvard’s Kennedy school of Government in 2007, three years prior
to running for office in late 2010. In some stories he paid for it. In
other stories, he left McKinsey, went to work for ‘another firm’, then…
went back to McKinsey to have them pay for it? Returning to
McKinsey after being managed out doesn’t happen, and they
certainly don’t pay for a two-year course in Harvard to get just one
year back in return (this video illustrates the contradictions here
( – timestamped to begin at
3:24 – Watch it for 50 seconds to 4:19). Donnelly also frequently
namedrops that he went to the world-famous MIT in Boston and yet
he has zero qualifications to prove it, and his Linkedin profile is also
curiously long gone.

What was ‘the other Firm’ Donnelly went to work for? It pains me to
suggest this (as it will play up to Donnelly’s Helios-sized ego that lies
behind his fake ‘I’m an earnest naiive paddy’ persona) …, but did
Donnelly do some work with a certain Globalist three letter agency
that Mayor Pete Buttigieg is confirmed to have worked with?

Some of Donnelly’s Many (Many) stories about how/why he entered politics – Links to image

In an interview with that same Harvard school of Government in the

summer of 2017 (that he had attended in 2007), Donnelly told us a
different version of events

“I thought, ‘The IMF has just arrived in Ireland; you’d better try to
help. A friend suggested I run for Parliament which I told him was a
ridiculous idea. I’d never been involved in politics in my life. But I
guess the idea grew.’ Was the friend ‘the rugby guy’ he mentions here
in Jun 2014?) (

Donnelly in an interview with Harvard in Jun 2017

Donnelly expects us to believe that he never had any political

ambitions until late 2010, despite his specific choice of master’s
degree and the fact he returned to McKinsey after the course as an
apprentice to Pharma-champion Boris Johnson in London’s City Hall
for a year (

Donnelly perhaps summed up best in his own words in the Irish

Times piece linked above by saying ‘I thought this is what politics
should be’ in relation to being paid thousands per day from donated
funds for London’s homeless and disadvantaged. He wasn’t even
hiding who he was, yet the Irish media never said a word.

An there’s more epic contradictory nonsense! In 2016 the Irish Times

quoted Donnelly as saying he entered politics because he ‘learned
that the EU-ECB-IMF had taken control of Ireland’s finances in
November 2010’, after the odious Irish Bank Bailout that followed the
McKinsey’s manufactured Financial crisis of 2008 (McKinsey came
up with the brilliant idea to securitise home mortgages, which is
what crashed the global economy).  If that version of events from
Donnelly is the true one, it gave Donnelly just two months to PLAN
an election campaign before miraculously winning a seat in
Wicklow’s February 2011 general election. That’s a serious amount
of knocking on doors in a low-density-housing rural county, in just
two months. Particularly for an unknown independent candidate.
One wonders if Donnelly benefited from Ireland’s selectively rigged
election system (
irish-election-systems-to-interference-we-take-a-look/) that we
recently wrote about.

Donnelly’s most glaring bare faced lie came in an interview with

RTE’s Mary Wilson on Drive-time in September 2016 when he said
conversations-with-a-very-open-mind/) (around the ten minute mark),
“I’m certainly an accidental politician. There’ no question about that.
Before 2011, I don’t know if I’d ever met a politician to be honest”. A
year later Donnelly would tell the Irish Times that Boris Johnson was
responsible for his decision to enter politics!

The fact Donnelly gives so many versions of his past shows that he’s
clearly trying to disassociate himself from something. Otherwise,
why lie and tell so many conflicting versions having already achieved
political success?
Donnelly’s Powerful Media & Political Patrons
Given his clear lack of loyalty, and blatant inability to lie effectively,
the decision by hired knave Micheál Martin to promote Donnelly to
Health minister, in the middle of an apocalyptic pandemic (as Martin
says it was), raises far more questions than it answers. For an
inexperienced political turncoat with a distinct lack of charisma and
personal charm, Donnelly had somehow retained the backing of
powerful figures in politics and the Irish media. People like the
ultimate deep state plant Micheál Martin and the anti-free-speech
media-mogul Denis O’Brien.

Vincent Browne, titan of Irish journalism and undisputed champion

of the inconvenient truth, found himself being ‘managed out’ of his
long-running late-night hit talk show on TV3 in June 2017, two
months after going after Donnelly for joining Fianna Fail, in a now-
famous interview.  Browne was the only one who had the stomach to
hold Donnelly accountable for his betrayal of those people who
(foolishly) voted for a neoliberal social democrat in the first place.
It’s worth watching Brown at his finest for a minute.

Irish media billionaire Denis O’Brien had thus burned yet another
journalist for asking the wrong questions, to send a message to
others that Donnelly was off limits. O’Brien has heavy ties to the
Clinton political machine. They made his ESAT Caribbean telecoms
venture possible and even greased the wheels for his hotel build in
Haiti (
state-department-clintons-meet/story?id=42729714). In return, he
has given at least $10 to $25 million to the Foundation
department-clintons-meet/story?id=42729714) over the years,
doubtless more. We won’t go too deep into the Evergreen Clinton
foundation here – suffice it to say that it isn’t exactly on the level.
One thing we can say for certain is that without the lockstep
international Covid lockdown response that Donnelly helped
administer, Clinton’s democrat political machine would not have had
the excuse needed to run the absentee ballot programs that made
stealing the most powerful republic in the world
( possible.

Some people are untouchable in Ireland, so it should be no surprise

that no Irish journalists (there’s almost no journalists left) have
asked any questions about the clearly intentional economic collapse
of 2020 and the fantastical Covid narratives that Prime Minister
Micheál Martin has masterminded. One only has to look at how
Sweden & others took common-sense scientific no-lockdown
lockdown-no-deaths/827512/) – causing far less death, disruption,
and economic destruction – to see that Martin & Donnelly have been
up to something that goes far beyond simple incompetence.

Donnelly’s road to the kingdom of Hades wasn’t all plain sailing. His
stated reason for leaving the Social Democrat party was that ‘fellow
senior party leaders refused to go into a coalition Government with
the ruling parties’ after the 2016 election. This is one story we can
believe because staying would have meant no option for Donnelly to
win his predestined health ministry spot. Donnelly’s fellow Social
Democrats weren’t expected to refuse coalition power with Fianna
Fail. This looks to have been an unforeseen hiccup in the carefully
nurtured rise of Stephen Donnelly – his handlers likely hadn’t
anticipated it.

So, with the Social Democrats no longer a viable host for Donnelly,
he swam through the bowels of the Irish parliament as an
Independent for a year and once an acceptable time had passed, he
eventually hooked into his rabbi Micheál Martin – probably much
later than was planned. Donnelly got away with this outlandish plot
twist because the shambolic Irish media (outside of Vincent Browne)
were tacitly instructed to give him a free ride from day one.

Donnelly’s ongoing free media pass might seem like simple media
incompetence to some, but it contrasted sharply with the treatment
the American media gave McKinsey alumnus and US Presidential
candidate Buttigieg in 2020. The parallels between ‘Mayor Pete’
Buttigieg’ and Stephen Donnelly’s political journeys are remarkable.
Media coverage of their McKinsey history was the polar opposite.

Understanding Donnelly’s McKinsey Links Through ‘Mayor Pete’

Buttigieg And The American Media
As early as 2016 the New York Times was pushing ‘Mayor’ Pete
Buttigieg to be the first gay President
.com/2016/06/12/opinion/sunday/the-first-gay-president.html), on a
leftist business-friendly platform with all the right universities in his
educational background. Notwithstanding author Frank Bruni’s error
about Mayor Pete possibly becoming the first gay president (he
should have said ‘openly’ gay – Barack Obama had already been
president after all), the constant focus on Buttigieg’s sexual
orientation shows how there was little else of substance Buttigieg.
Interestingly, Buttigieg went to Harvard
( two years
prior to Donnelly. He then he went on to work as a management
consultant for (yes you guessed it!) McKinsey, from 2007 to 2010.

And like Donnelly, Buttigieg went on to run for office in a relatively

small rural backwater of South Bend Indiana, winning the mayoral
election in November 2011 (
X8ozwAhXoSxUIHShjBAwQ4dUDCA8&uact=5), running on a platform
almost identical to Donnelly in Wicklow – ‘pro-business, with a
human touch’. South bend Indiana was the political placenta for
McKinsey’s Buttigieg, just as Wicklow would be Donnelly’s.

Future presidential candidate Buttigieg even has a confirmed

background in the CIA. (
buttigieg-cia-afghanistan/) (Warning: Rabbit hole-alert).  Buttigieg
was in good company as a presidential candidate, given President
Obama’s father Lolo Soetero was a colleague of President George H.
Bush in his CIA days (
name=News&file=print&sid=2212). When Buttigieg’s 2020 Presential
campaign went into high gear in late 2019, it emerged that McKinsey
employees had maxed out their political donation limits for their old-
boy Buttigieg. (
employees-open-their-wallets-for-alumnus-pete-buttigieg/)  Even the
Guardian documented McKinsey’s unwavering support
mckinsey-donations) for his campaign. Hard to imagine Donnelly
hasn’t had this support, through cash or covert means.

Buttigieg ultimately floundered due to the intense grilling the

American media gave him on his McKinsey links. The US media may
be a partisan swamp, but they do at least ask some questions. Take
a look at how American mainstream media from both sides of the
ideological divide went after the details on Buttigieg’s McKinsey
consulting background in 2019.  This google search image result on
Buttigieg & McKinsey is limited to 2019 & the Washington Post –
you’ll get the idea (

The New York Times, The Guardian… Fox News. Basically, everyone
pursued who Buttigieg had worked with while at McKinsey, because
it was important given the fact it is common knowledge no one ever
really leaves McKinsey. The central issue in late 2019 became
exactly who Buttigieg’s clients had been – it was secret knowledge
at the time due to the non-disclosure agreement McKinsey makes all
employees sign
isn-t-anyone-else-s-business)). Their much publicised firm policy is
to keep all client work top secret.

In the end Buttigieg had to petition McKinsey to release him from his
NDA. Eagle-eyed readers will notice that Stephen Donnelly was
clearly allowed to break his McKinsey NDA when talking about his
work with Boris Johnson in 2017 with the Irish Times. For some
reason McKinsey gave Donnelly express permission to talk about
that client experience to the Irish Times.

McKinsey seem to have rolled the dice too early with Buttigieg,
hoping to ride the media’s pink wave that so many owned Irish
politicians have in recent years (take Green party’s paedophile
sympathiser Roderic O’Gorman for example). Buttigieg could also
have been a foil to take the focus off rivals to Biden, while getting
their boy Buttigieg’s name into the media – many former US
presidents have gone through unsuccessful campaigns to raise their
profile in the past. Buttigieg eventually withdrew from the race but he
hasn’t gone away. His grooming continues as Biden’s Transport
secretary. And he will make plenty more friends allocating the pork
from Joe Biden’s two trillion-dollar infrastructure bill (probably to
clients of McKinsey). One wonders if McKinsey’s plan for Donnelly,
like Buttigieg, is to take him all the way to the Prime Minister spot.

Contrast the American media’s exposition of Buttigieg’s past with

how Stephen Donnelly’s background at McKinsey was treated by
Ireland’s embarrassing Paper of record, the Irish Times. Plenty of
fluffy garbage in the Independent about Taekwondo and Boris
Johnson (
39336279.html), but no real questions about his clients or how it
formed him. Irish mainstream journalists are not only idiots, but
they’re also key parts of the wider Irish political swamp.

“No one ever leaves McKinsey”

McKinsey refined the Big Pharma sales tactics that killed over
300,000 Americans
( and
destroyed millions of people’s lives over the last two decades –
eroding America from the inside out. The Opioid crisis is just one of
a myriad of much publicised corruption charges against McKinsey
you’ll be familiar with. The wider trail of destruction left by McKinsey
on the modern world couldn’t be clearer. The company are the
ultimate societal wrecking ball. Even the Neo Liberal magazine The
Atlantic credits McKinsey with the destruction of the American
Middle class
mckinsey-destroyed-middle-class/605878/) (a strategy Stephen
Donnelly and Micheál Martin are currently executing in Ireland).
McKinsey have actively helped Chinese & Saudi Arabian authoritarian
regimes perpetrate human rights abuses
.com/2018/12/15/world/asia/mckinsey-china-russia.html), even
holding company retreats just miles from Uighur concentration

They advised American Immigration departments to cut spending on

food for detained border migrants
its-ice-contract-false-its-not), as well as on their medical care and
supervision. They played a massive part in the Enron failure; Pharma
scandals in Canada; orchestrated 2008 financial collapse (the
forerunner of today’s great reset) and so much more. You can read
about some of their scandals here on Wikipedia.
es) For most credible international journalists it’s common
knowledge that when you join The Firm, you’re in it for life. You may
now be hearing faint notes of the iconic piano soundtrack that
accompanied Tom Cruise’s Mitch McDeere as he artfully dodged The
Firm in the 1993 major motion picture of the same name.

Sydney Pollak has a long history of movies that shine lights on the
darkness, so who’s to say that Grisham’s Bendini Lambert & Locke
weren’t intended by Pollack to represent the McKinsey consulting
hydra. In 2013 the author Duff MacDonald seemed to think so. He
wrote a book: The Firm: The Story of McKinsey and Its Secret
Influence on American Business

Macdonald labels the company as ‘the McKinsey Mafia’, noting

through interviews with well-known McKinsey alumni like Bill
Matassoni that:
 ‘the organization that takes pride in ‘counselling out’ 4 in 5 hires
before they become partner’. They then proudly join what McKinsey
calls its ‘alumni network,’…‘There is no McKinsey boneyard, in other
words; you’re still McKinsey, even after you’ve left’

They fan out among the world’s C‑suites and B‑suites (and
governments) where they remain McKinsey loyalists.’

Bill Matassoni, former McKinsey senior partner

In reviewing MacDonald’s book, The financial times compared

McKinsey to the Jesuits. (
2530-11e3-b349-00144feab7de) This is the company that formed
Stephen Donnelly – the man in charge of Ireland’s health department
and the wider Irish official Scamdemic response.

McKinsey, Boris Johnson, & The Ongoing Covid Vaccine Scam

All that should leave you wondering who else do Big Pharma
(besides Donnelly) and McKinsey still own. Stephen Donnelly himself
broke his own McKinsey NDA to confirm his strong links to Boris
Johnson in 2010 (was he allowed speak about it by McKinsey to
make himself more saleable as a politician?). Since his appointment
as health minister, Donnelly has aped everything Johnson with
regards to his unscientific and baseless lockdowns, and his
unwarranted rollout of lethal vaccination programs. All to singularly
benefit McKinsey’s main client base, Big Pharma.

And even today, Boris Johnson is still working closely with Pharma-
fixers McKinsey. On the 29th of July 2020 Johnson awarded
McKinsey a £14,000 per day contract
4255-85ee-3c891c664bf0?origin=SearchResults&p=1) to consult on
a permanent replacement for Public Health England, to help define
its ‘vision, purpose and narrative’.

Why would Johnson want to replace Public Health England?

Probably because Public Health England declared on the 13th March
2020 (released publicly on the 19th March)
guidance/high-consequence-infectious-diseases-hcid) that Covid 19
was no longer to be classified as a high consequence infectious
disease.  Boris Johnson went on to announce his lockdown four
days later on the 23rd of March and the Coronavirus Act passed on
March 25th. ( 
Thus began a year plus of extreme lockdowns that were so essential
for maintaining the vaccine narrative needed to refill the depleted
coffers of big pharma.

It is not co-incidental that the company that worked hand-in-glove

with Big Pharma on the orchestrated Opioid-crisis was brought in to
euthanize Public Health England before it did any more damage to
the industry. Had their disease recommendations been followed on
the 19th of March 2020, the world’s cataclysmic direction since then
could (and likely would) have been avoided. Johnson, Whitty,
Hancock & Valance are currently in the courts under indictment of
fraud based on the decision to deliberately ignore the
recommendation of March 19th, this interview with Michael
O’Bernicia is well worth a full listen
( Michael makes a
compelling case that without their actions, the rest of the world
would not have taken the route it did – such is the control that the
London-based Pharmaceutical web exerts on global health policy.

One other key McKinsey alumnus overseeing Pharma’s Covid-

vaccine scam is Dido Harding. Harding has crushed resistance to the
Covid regime relentlessly, pushing the most extreme initiatives that
fit the vaccine narrative. She was head of Johnson’s ‘Operation
Moon-shot’, the mass testing financial gravy train in the UK.  Listen
to George Monbiot explain how she has the position she has
because her Grandfather travelled the world crushing democratic
resistance movements
Petherton) on behalf of the UK crown corporation.
The Telegraph described her in September last year as ‘Every inch
the McKinsey graduate
harding/), stating that ‘she explains her thinking confidently and
concisely, despite the often alarming content of her utterances’.
Remind you of anyone?

It’s A Big Club, And You ‘Aint In It

Why was an apparent failure of a McKinsey Business Analyst made
health minister in the middle of a supposed deadly pandemic? And
why were no questions asked by anyone in the Irish media? Why did
no opposition politicians point out that Donnelly’s links to McKinsey
should be examined?

Questions about Donnelly have never entered the Overton Window of

the average Irish citizen because the one-voice, repetitive
brainwashing Irish media sets the inner discourse boundaries for
most of the nation. As a people, we have outsourced our thinking &
decision making to a media and political elite that we have known
for decades are corrupt. Since 2020 we have reaped a terrible
harvest for taking our eyes off the sociopaths feeding at the top

Donnelly is a case in point. The country just accepted his

appointment – conditioned not to think for themselves or look
behind the curtain. The corrupt media said nothing, so most people
weren’t predisposed to question it. Donnelly’s background was surely
known to most Irish politicians, who have all spoken with one
supporting voice on the Irish Government’s recent lockdown crimes
against humanity. We pay these people to be the gatekeepers to
protect our society.

Most people can’t see long-con’s like Donnelly’s because they’re

conditioned by the media to think short term. They lurch us from
manufactured crisis to crisis. Never any accountability. Never any
critical thinking. Donnelly’s managed rise and protected position is
clear as day for those who want to look, and he almost certainly
relied on his status as a connected McKinsey asset to get to where
he is today, to do the job he was put in place to do… for McKinsey’s
clients. McKinsey almost have his ongoing services built into their
fee structures.

Stephen Donnelly never really left The Firm. That he returned for
second separate stint with the company and was apprenticed with
Boris Johnson after studying Government at Harvard shows he was
earmarked for something much bigger by the McKinsey Mafia. It’s
normally either ‘up to partner level or out’ at McKinsey and most
other consulting firms. Donnelly isn’t intellectually special enough to
justify a return to the company (he can’t even lie well), so it must
have been his willingness to commit treason against the Irish people
that afforded him special treatment. That, and being part of a certain
network that probably goes back to his Grandfather Edmund
Donnelly ‘obtaining (’ Hickeys
Fabrics in the 1940s.

There are archives of material that show the Covid crisis has been
planned for a long time. It is beyond the scope of this article to go
into those details but plenty of people will know what I’m talking
about – Fauci patenting Covid-19 in the late 2000s
(, and Gates
wargaming the pandemic in late 2019
in-hell-that-this-is-a-coincidence/) are useful primers if you’re
somehow still innocent enough to think this wasn’t all in the works.
The only question remaining is whether the severity of lockdowns
and economic destruction would have been so severe had the Opioid
crisis lawsuits not been such a disaster for the crown-owned
Pharmaceutical industry.

Donnelly’s part in the great con goes far beyond the billions in
liability-free sales of dangerous vaccines. As mentioned, McKinsey
were the number one driver for the securitisation of home
mortgages that ultimately crashed the world economy in 2008.
Economies have been crashed deliberately for gain for centuries –
one only has to look at what Nathan Rothschild did after the battle of
Waterloo (
money-battle-of-waterloo-making-a-killing) to see that nothing is
new. It is ironic that McKinsey man Stephen Donnelly made his early
political capital attacking Fianna Fail for bailing out the gangster
banks that his (former) employers had set up for destruction.
Donnelly was likely on an early mission even then, trying to influence
a burning of the bondholders so that more Irish State Assets would
have to be fire-saled – to be snapped up by McKinsey’s other Venture
capital clients.

In the aftermath of the 2008 financial crash global state assets were
sold for a song to Private Venture Capital firms. There were attempts
to privatise Ireland’s precious water supply for sale overseas, and
even Bertie Ahern, another of Ireland’s treasonous Fianna Fail Prime
Ministers, tried to engineer the sale of Ireland’s national forests
battle-of-waterloo-making-a-killing) to a Swiss private equity fund. It
took tens of thousands of people out on the streets to stop the sale
of both. Last year, the largest venture capital firm in the world,
Blackrock, just hired former Senior McKinsey senior partner Sandy
Boss to steward the next phase
6c2414aff53c) of profiteering from the economic disaster her old
firm helped create – buying assets from broke countries at bargain
basement prices.

The biggest payoff for McKinsey’s Big Pharma clients will be selling
treatments to National Governments to treat the ongoing illnesses
their untested vaccines are designed to cause. The current multi-
million-dollar payments for vaccine are peanuts – free samples to
create decades of national dependency.

Micheál Martin and McKinsey’s Irish mole Stephen Donnelly are far
from finished in their mission to permanently sicken Ireland on
behalf of their masters. There will be nothing left for any of our kids
unless people disabuse themselves of the notion that the current
crop of Irish politicians are anything but ravenous opportunistic

They mean you harm. They mean your family harm. And they despise
you for your ignorance of what they really are. Donnelly belongs to a
relatively new organised crime gang muscling in on business that
another crowd have been doing to us for decades. He is very much
McKinsey’s Irish Manchurian Candidate, and our Prime Minister
Micheál Martin is his Bitch mother.

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