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NMB 34203 Control Systems

Chapter 6
Frequency Response (Bode)
CLO and Chapter Objectives

Course Learning Outcome (CLO)

• Evaluate the stability of feedback control system using frequency response
methods (C5)

Chapter Objectives
Upon completion of this topic, the student should be able to :
• Plot a frequency response and use it to analyze stability
• Use frequency response to analyze a system’s transient and steady-state
error performance
• Use frequency response to design the gain to meet stability specifications

Frequency Response Analysis

• Frequency response is the steady-state response of a system to a

sinusoidal input.
• In frequency response method, the frequency of the input signal is varied
over a certain range and the response is investigated.
x(t )  X sin t Y (s)
 G ( s)
y (t )  Y sin(t   ) X (s)

• Replacing s  j
Y ( j )
 G ( j )
X ( j )
G ( j  )  G ( j  ) G ( j )
G ( j ) - Amplitude ratio of the output and the input
G ( j ) - Phase shift of the output with respect to the input
Frequency Response Analysis method

1. Bode Plot
- Open-loop transfer function is analysed using logarithm plot.
- The information that can be obtained are as follows :
-> Stability in the form of Gain Margin (GM) and Phase Margin (PM)

2. Nyquist Plot
- Open-loop transfer function is analysed. Closed-loop transfer function can
also be analysed together. The same information as determine by the
Bode Plot are available.

3. Nichol’s Chart
- Closed-loop transfer function is analysed. Information that can be
obtained are as follows:
-> Stability (Gain Margin, Phase Margin), Peak Resonant (Mr), Frequency
Resonant (Wr) and Bandwidth


Advantages of frequency response compared with the time response are as

• System stability can be analysed from the open-loop transfer function.
Thus, the roots of characteristic equation are not required to be

• It is much easier to use with sinusoidal input.

Bode Plot
• Consist of 2 plots :
1. Logarithmic plot of magnitude versus frequency, ω (rad/sec)
2. Phase versus frequency, ω (rad/sec)

• Both plots are plotted against the frequency in logarithmic scale

• The log-magnitude of G(jω) = 20 log10|G(jω)| dB
• Advantages :
1. Multiplication of magnitudes can be converted into addition
2. Simple method for sketching an approximate log-magnitude curve
3. If exact curve is desired, correction can be made easily

• Basic factors of GH(jω)

1. Gain K
2. Integral and derivative factors (jω)±1
3. First-order factors (1+jωT) ±1
       

4. Quadratic factor 1  2  j    j  
  n   n   6
Bode Plot

1. Gain K :
The log-magnitude curve for gain K=20 log10 K (dB)
oIf K>1, the magnitude is +ve dB
oIf K<1, the magnitude is -ve dB

The magnitude curve for the gain K is a horizontal straight line at the
magnitude of 20 log10 K. The phase angle, Ф = 0°

The effect of varying the gain K in the transfer function is that it raises or
lower the log-magnitude curve of the transfer function by the
corresponding constant amount

It has no effect on the phase curve

Bode Plot
1. The Gain K

K>1 20log10(K)

K=1 Log ω


Log ω

Bode plot of constant gain K

Bode Plot
2. Integral (1/s or 1/jw) and Derivative Factors (s or jω) :

The log-magnitude for (jω)-1 in dB is

20 log10|1/(jω)| = - 20log10 ω (dB)

The phase angle for (jω)-1 , Ф = -90°

An octave is a frequency band from ω1  2ω1 where ω1 is any frequency value.

A decade is a frequency band from ω1  10ω1 where ω1 is any frequency value.

Example :
The horizontal distance from ω=1 to ω=10 is equal to that from ω=3 to ω=30.

Similarly, the log-magnitude for (jω) in dB is

20 log10 |jω| = 20 log10 ω dB

The phase angle for (jω) , Ф = 90°

Bode Plot
For ω=0.1 : | 1/jω | = -20 log 0.1 = +20dB
2. Pole at the origin (integral factor) 1/jω For ω=1 : | 1/jω | = -20 log 1 = 0dB
For ω=10 : | 1/jω | = -20 log 10 = -20dB
|GH| (dB) Phase angle = -90°


log ω





log ω 0

GH -90

0.1 1 10

Bode plot of pole at the origin 1/jω

Bode Plot
For ω=0.1 : | jω | = 20 log 0.1 = -20 dB
3. Zero at the origin (derivative factor) jω For ω=1 : | jω | = 20 log 1 = 0dB
For ω=10 : | jω | = 20 log 10 = +20 dB
|GH| (dB) Phase angle = +90°

Slope= 20 dB/decade

log ω






log ω 0

0.1 1 10

Bode plot of zero at the origin jω

Bode Plot
2. b) Integral and Derivative Factors (jω)±n :

The log-magnitude for (jω) in dB is

20 log10 |jω| = 20 log10 ω (dB)
The phase angle for (jω) , Ф = 90°

If the transfer function contains the factor (1/jω)n, the log magnitude
20 log10 |1/(jω)n| = -20*n log10 ω (dB)
with slope -20n dB/decade and phase angle, Ф = -90°n for all frequencies

If the transfer function contains the factor (jω)n, the log magnitude becomes
20 log10 |(jω)n| = 20*n log10 ω (dB)
with slope +20n dB/decade and phase angle, Ф = 90°n for all frequencies

Bode Plot
For ω=0.1 : | 1/(jω)n | = -20n log 0.1 = +20n dB
4. Multiple poles at the origin 1/(jω)n For ω=1 : | 1/(jω)n | = -20n log 1 = 0dB
For ω=10 : | 1/(jω)n | = -20n log 10 = -20n dB
|GH| (dB) Phase angle = -90n°

Slope=-20n dB/decade

log ω

20n dB




log ω 0


0.1 1 10

Bode plot of multiple poles at the origin 1/(jω)n

Bode Plot
For ω=0.1 : | (jω)n | = 20n log 0.1 = - 20n dB
5. Multiple Zeros at the origin (jω)n
For ω=1 : | (jω)n | = 20n log 1 = 0dB
For ω=10 : | (jω)n | = 20n log 10 = + 20n dB
|GH| (dB) Phase angle = +90n°

Slope= 20n dB/decade

20n dB

log ω





log ω 0

0.1 1 10

Bode plot of multiple zero at the origin (jω)n

Bode Plot
3. First-Order Factors (1+jωT)±1 :
The log-magnitude for (1+jωT)-1 in dB is
20 log10|1/(1+jωT)| = -20log10 (1+ω2T2)dB

At low frequency, ω <<(1/T), then 1>> ω2T2

-20log10 (1+ω2T2)≈ -20log10 1 = 0 dB
The phase angle for (jω) , Ф = 90°
Thus, the log-magnitude curve at low frequency is the constant 0 dB line

For high frequencies, ω >>(1/T), then ω2T2 >>1

-20log10 (1+ω2T2)≈ -20log10 ωT

When ω = 1/T : -20log10 ωT = 0 dB

When ω = 10/T : -20log10 ωT = -20 dB

Thus, the value of -20log10 ωT (dB) decreases by 20 dB for every decade by ω. For
ω>>1/T, the log-magnitude curve is thus a straight line with slope of -20dB/dec

Bode Plot
4. n-Order Factors (1+jωT)±n :
The log-magnitude for (1+jωT)-n in dB is
20*n log10|1/(1+jωT)| = - 20*n log10 (1+ω2T2) dB

At low frequency, ω << (1/T), then 1 >> ω2T2

- 20*n log10 (1+ω2T2)≈ -20*n log10 1 = 0 dB
The phase angle for (jω) , Ф = 90°
Thus, the log-magnitude curve at low frequency is the constant 0 dB line

For high frequencies, ω >>(1/T), then ω2T2 >>1

-20*n log10 (1+ω2T2)≈ - 20*n log10 ωT

When ω = 1/T : -20 log10 ωT = 0 dB

When ω = 10/T : -20*n log10 ωT = -20*n dB

Bode Plot
For ω<1/T : | 1/(1+jωT) | = - 20 log 1 = 0 dB
6. Poles on the real axis 1/(1+jωT)
For ω>1/T : | 1/(1+jωT) | = - 20 log ωT
Phase angle varies from 0° to -90°
|GH| (dB) Phase plot curve through -45° at ωc

ωc=1/T log ω
Slope=-20 dB/decade



log ω

Slope=-45 deg/decade


0.1/T 1/T 10/T 100/T

Bode plot of pole on the real axis 1/(1+jωT)

Bode Plot
For ω<1/T : | 1/(1+jωT)n | = - 20n log 1 = 0 dB
7. Multiple poles on the real axis 1/(1+jωT)n
For ω>1/T : | 1/(1+jωT)n | = - 20n log ωT
Phase angle varies from 0° to -90°n
|GH| (dB) Phase plot curve through -45°n at ωc

ωc=1/T log ω

Slope=20n dB/decade



log ω

Slope=45n deg/decade


0.1/T 1/T 10/T

Bode plot of multiple poles on the real axis 1/(1+jωT)n

Bode Plot
For ω<1/T : | (1+jωT) | = +20 log 1 = 0 dB
8. Zero on the real axis (1+jωT) For ω>1/T : | (1+jωT) | = +20 log ωT
Phase angle varies from 0° to +90°
|GH| (dB) Phase plot curve through +45° at ωc

Slope=+20 dB/decade

-20 log ω



Slope=+45 deg/decade -45

log ω 0

0.1/T 1/T 10/T

Bode plot of Zero on the real axis (1+jωT)

Bode Plot
For ω<1/T : | (1+jωT)n | = +20n log 1 = 0 dB
9. Multiple Zeros on the real axis (1+jωT)n For ω>1/T : | (1+jωT)n | = +20n log ωT
Phase angle varies from 0° to +90°n
|GH| (dB) Phase plot curve through +45°n at ωc

Slope=+20n dB/decade
log ω



Slope=+45n deg/decade

log ω 0

0.1/T 1/T 10/T

Bode plot of multiple Zeros on the real axis (1+jωT)n

Bode Plot
𝑗ω 2 𝑗ω
4. Underdamped poles / zeros ω0 + 2𝜁 ω + 1

𝑗𝜔 2 𝑗𝜔 𝑗𝜔 2 𝑗𝜔
The log-magnitude for 𝜔0
+ 2𝜁 𝜔0
+1 in dB is 20 log10 |1 / 𝜔0
+ 2𝜁 𝜔0

𝑗𝜔 2 𝑗𝜔
At low frequency, ω << ω0 : 20 log10 |1 / 𝜔0
+ 2𝜁 𝜔0
+ 1 | ≈ 0 dB

𝑗𝜔 2 𝑗𝜔
For high frequencies, ω >> ω0 : 20 log10 |1 / 𝜔0
+ 2𝜁
+ 1 | ≈ -40 dB

For the underdamped poles / zeros, if the damping ratio 0 < ζ < 0.707, peak / dip exists at
peak  0 1  2 2 with the peak / dip amplitude = G(jω0) : ± 20log10 (2ζ)

Bode Plot
For ω < ω0 : | G(jω) | = 0 dB
𝑗𝜔 2 𝑗𝜔 For ω > ω0 : | G(j ω) | = - 40dB
10. Underdamped poles + 2𝜁 +1 Phase angle varies from 0° to -180°
𝜔0 𝜔0
Phase plot curve through -90° at ω0

The underdamped poles curves for different values of damping ratio, ζ (Peak Resonance for ζ < 0.707)
Bode Plot For ω < ω0 : | G(jω) | = 0 dB
For ω > ω0 : | G(j ω) | = + 40dB
𝑗𝜔 2 𝑗𝜔 Phase angle varies from 0° to +180°
11. Underdamped zeros + 2𝜁 +1
𝜔0 𝜔0 Phase plot curve through +90° at ω0

The underdamped zeros curves for different values of damping ratio, ζ (Dip for ζ < 0.707)
Gain Margin (GM) And Phase Margin (PM)

• Gain Margin (GM):

GM is the reciprocal of the magnitude |GH(jω)| at the frequency at
which the phase angle is -180°. This frequency is known as Phase Cross-
Over Frequency, ωpco

• Phase Margin (PM):

PM is the amount of additional phase lag at the Gain Cross-Over
Frequency, ωgco to bring the system to instability. The ωgco is the
frequency at which the magnitude 20 log |GH(jωgco )| = 0dB

• To be stable, both GM and PM have to be positive

Gain Margin (GM) And Phase Margin (PM)

|GH| (dB)

Stable system : +GM; +PM

ωgco log ω





Bode plot of stable system : +GM and +PM

Gain Margin and Phase Margin

|GH| (dB)

unstable system : -GM; -PM

ωgco log ω





Bode plot of unstable system : -GM and -PM

Example 1

A closed-loop system with unity feedback has an open-loop transfer function

given by :
10( s  10)
G( s) 
s( s  2)(s  5)

1. Draw the Bode diagram of the system using the asymptote

approximation method.
2. Determine the gain and phase margin of the system
3. Determine the gain cross-over frequency and phase cross-over
frequency of the system.
4. Determine the stability of the system.

Solution 1
a) Draw the Bode diagram of the system :
1.Convert G(s) to a required form of G(jω)
10( s  10)
G( s) 
s( s  2)(s  5)
10(10)(1  j 10) 10(1  j 10)
G ( j )  
j (2)(1  j 2)(5)(1  j 5) j (1  j 2)(1  j 5)
2.To draw bode diagram, create table for each component as shown below:

Factor Corner Magnitude Phase

K=10 - 20log10(10)=20dB 0° for all ω

(1+jω/10) 10 ω<10 slope=0dB/dec 1<ω<10 slope=+45°/dec

ω>10 slope=+20dB/dec elsewhere slope=0°/dec
(jω)-1 - Slope=-20dB/dec -90° for all ω

(1+jω/2)-1 2 ω<2 slope=0dB/dec 0.2<ω<20 slope=-45°/dec

ω>2 slope=-20dB/dec elsewhere slope=0°/dec
(1+jω/5)-1 5 ω<5 slope=0dB/dec 0.5<ω<50 slope=-45°/dec
ω>5 slope=-20dB/dec elsewhere slope=0°/dec
Solution 1
3. Add all magnitude components:
Begin : ω=0.1 |GH|=0+0+0+20+20=40dB
ω<2 slope=-20dB/dec
2<ω<5 slope=-40dB/dec
5<ω<10 slope=-60dB/dec
End : ω>10 slope=-40dB/dec

4. Add all phase components:

Begin : ω=0.1 ∟GH=0°+0°+0°+0°-90°=-90°
ω<0.2 slope=0°/dec
0.2<ω<0.5 slope=-45°/dec
0.5<ω<1 slope=-90°/dec
1<ω<20 slope=-45°/dec
20<ω<50 slope=0°/dec
50<ω<100 slope=+45°/dec
End : ω>100 slope=0°/dec
∟GH=-90°-90°-90°+90°=-180° 29
Solution 1
5. Plot the asymptote approximation (Magnitude)







-60dB/dec 40dB
1 2 5 10
Solution 1
5. Plot the asymptote approximation (Magnitude)







-60dB/dec 40dB

1 2 5 10 20 50 100
Solution 1
6. Plot the asymptote approximation (Phase)


45 (1+jω/10)

(1+jω/5)-1 K=10



0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 100

Solution 1
6. Plot the asymptote approximation (Phase)





0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50 100

Solution 1
b) Determine the Gain and Phase Margin
c) Determine the gain and phase crossover frequency



+Gain Margin

1 2 4.3 9
Solution 1



+Phase Margin

0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 4.3 9 20 50 100

d) Stability of the system

GM = +18dB at ωpco = 9 rad/sec; PM = +13.5° at ωgco = 4.3 rad/sec;
System is stable since GM and PM are positive 35
Solution 1




+Phase Margin +Gain Margin


0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 4.3 9 20 50 100

d) Stability of the system

GM = +18dB at ωpco = 9 rad/sec; PM = +13.5° at ωgco = 4.3 rad/sec;
System is stable since GM and PM are positive 36
Example 2

A closed-loop system with a unity feedback has an open-loop transfer

function given by :
10( s  3)
G( s) 
s( s  2)(s 2  s  2)

1. Draw the Bode diagram of the system using the asymptote

approximation method.
2. Determine the gain and phase margin of the system
3. Determine the gain cross-over frequency and phase cross-over
frequency of the system
4. Determine the stability of the system.

Solution 2

1.Convert G(s) to a required form of G(jω)

10( s  3) 10(3)(1  s / 3)
G(s)  
s( s  2)(s 2  s  2) s(2)(1  s / 2)(2)(1  s / 2  ( s / 2 ) 2 )
7.5(1  j 3)
G ( j ) 
j (1  j 2)(1  j 2  ( j 2 ) 2 )
2.To draw bode diagram, create table for each component as shown below:

Factor Corner Magnitude Phase

K=7.5 - 20log10(7.5)=17.5dB 0° for all ω

(1+jω/3) 3 ω<3 slope=0dB/dec 0.3<ω<30 slope=+45°/dec

ω>3 slope=+20dB/dec elsewhere slope=0°/dec
(jω)-1 - Slope=-20dB/dec -90° for all ω

(1+jω/2)-1 2 ω<2 slope=0dB/dec 0.2<ω<20 slope=-45°/dec

ω>2 slope=-20dB/dec elsewhere slope=0°/dec
(1+jω/2+(jω/√2)2)-1 1.4 ω<1.4 slope=0dB/dec 0.14<ω<14 slope=-90°/dec
ω>1.4 slope=-40dB/dec elsewhere slope=0°/dec
Solution 2
3. Add all magnitude components:
Begin : ω=0.1 |GH|=0+0+0+17.5+20=37.5dB
ω<1.4 slope=-20dB/dec
1.4<ω<2 slope=-60dB/dec
2<ω<3 slope=-80dB/dec
End : ω>3 slope=-60dB/dec

4. Add all phase components:

Begin : ω=0.1 ∟GH=0°+0°+0°+0°-90°=-90°
ω<0.14 slope=0°/dec
0.14<ω<0.2 slope=-90°/dec
0.2<ω<0.3 slope=-135°/dec
0.3<ω<14 slope=-90°/dec
14<ω<20 slope=0°/dec
End : ω>30 slope=0°/dec
Solution 2
5. Plot the asymptote approximation (Magnitude)



20dB -20dB/dec


(jω)-1 (1+jω/2)-1
-60dB/dec 60dB

1 1.4 2 3 10

Solution 2
5. Plot the asymptote approximation (Magnitude)



20dB -20dB/dec



-60dB/dec 60dB

1 1.4 2 3 10

Solution 2
6. Plot the asymptote approximation (Phase)


45 (1+jω/3)

(1+jω/2+(jω/√2)2)-1 (1+jω/2)-1 K=7.5




0.1 0.14 0.2 0.3 1 1.4 2 3 10 14 20 30 100

Solution 2
b) Determine the Gain and Phase Margin
c) Determine the gain and phase crossover frequency



GM=0-(13dB) = -13dB

ωgco =2.3rad/sec
1 1.4 2 3 10

Solution 2



∟GH(jw) PM = -210⁰-(-180⁰) = -30⁰

ωpco =1.2rad/sec
0.1 0.14 0.2 0.3 1 1.4 2 3 10 14 20 30 100

d) Stability of the system

GM = -13dB at ωpco = 1.2 rad/sec; PM = -30° at ωgco = 2.3 rad/sec;
System is unstable since -GM and -PM are negative 44
Factor Corner Magnitude Phase
K=7.5 - 20log10(7.5)=17.5dB 0° for all ω
(1+jω/3) 3 ω<3 slope=0dB/dec 0.3<ω<30
ω>3 slope=+20dB/dec slope=+45°/dec
elsewhere slope=0°/dec
(jω)-1 - Slope=-20dB/dec -90° for all ω
(1+jω/2)-1 2 ω<2 slope=0dB/dec 0.2<ω<20 slope=-
ω>2 slope=-20dB/dec 45°/dec
elsewhere slope=0°/dec
(1+jω/2+(jω/√2)2) 1.4 ω<1.4 slope=0dB/dec 0.14<ω<14 slope=-
ω>1.4 slope=-40dB/dec 90°/dec
elsewhere slope=0°/dec

• The lowest frequency in the table is 0.14 and the highest frequency is 30
• Select the smaller scale in semi-log paper, that is 0.1 as a starting frequency
• To sketch the magnitude curve, draw the vertical lines for starting frequency and all
corner frequency stated in column ‘Magnitude’. (e.g. 0.1, 1.4, 2, 3)
 Sketch the magnitude curve for each factors and add all curve to obtained the final
• For phase curve, sketch the vertical lines for starting frequency and all corner frequency
stated in column ‘Phase’. (e.g. 0.1,0.14,0.2,0.3,14,20,30)
 Sketch the phase curve for each factors and add all curve to obtained the final result

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