Learning Styles Screening: Learner Name

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Visual Audio Kinesthetic Questionnaire

All the information we take in to learn comes through one of our five senses. Most important
are our sense of sight (visual) hearing (aural/musical) and touch (kinesthetic). This
questionnaire will help you decide how you learn best.

Learner Name:

Q1 – When reading, do you:

V Like descriptive writing and creating your own picture?
A Hear a story being read to you or the characters talking? x
K Act it out, like a play, in your mind?

Q2 – How do you learn numbers?

V Imagine what the numbers look like in your mind’s eye?
A By the overall rhythm and pattern of the sound of the numbers X
being said aloud?
K By the shape and movement that your hand makes as it writes or
dials the numbers?

Q3 – What is most likely to distract you when you are trying to concentrate?
V A messy room?
A Being able to hear people talking or noise outside? x
K People moving around?

Q4 – When you forget someone or something, do you:

V Forget the name but remember the face x
A Forget the face but remember the name
K Remember by association with where, when and what you did with
the person or using the object.

Q5 – When you are relaxing, you are most likely to:

V Watch TV, play a computer game, see a film? x
A Play a CD, or listen to the radio?
K Play sports or games, or go for a walk?

Q6 – When you are learning, do you prefer:

V Work that is written, with a coloured drawings and illustrations?
A Listening to a lecture or someone explaining or telling you what to x
K Being ‘hands on’, doing or making things?

Q7 – When you are trying to remember a specific event, do you:

V See clear, colour images in your mind’s eye?
A ‘Replay’ the conversations music or other sounds that were made at
this time?
K ‘Walk through’ what you were doing at the time, or remember the x
movement and the actions people made?

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If you got mainly V’s – You probably prefer to learn and remember things by seeing them
or visualising them in your mind. Dominantly ‘visual’ people learn y drawing things, colour
coding their work, creating their own symbols, using different coloured paper or pens,
recording information using maps and charts.

If you got mainly A’s – You will prefer to listen and read articles or procedures out loud.
‘Auditory’ people may find that their learning is enhanced by listening, associating facts with
silly noises, recording notes and acts on tape, playing instrumental music while they work,
putting their own words to the music.

If you got mainly K’s – You prefer to learn by having a go and actually doing something
(Kinesthetic means movement so you might find it useful to move around when you are
learning thing, setting words to rhythms, or linking facts to specific actions.

Learner Name Learner Signature Date

Andreea Rolea 19/04/2021

Assessor Name Assessor Signature Date

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