Hourly Exam BY Rad Alam

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Hourly Exam Spring-2021

Department of Business Administration

Subject: Philosophy & critical thinking Submission Day: Wednesday

Instructor: Syed Noman Ali Submission Date: 5th May -21

Name: Rad Alam Registration:

Question # 1

Differentiate between Rationalism and Empiricism in light of epistemological debate

Marks -7.5

Answer No1

Rationalism: is a philosophical theory of knowledge that believes that knowledge is gained

through intellect or reasons, without any intervention of sensual experiences. Plato and Socrates
were advocates of the earliest rationalist philosophy. A) Rationalism follows the principle of
sufficient reason- rationalists believe that there is always a cause or reason behind everything that
exists or doesn't exist. B) The importance of method- If a person wants to know what is true or
false then it's important as a rationalist to follow a method or rules to have an actual understanding
of things.

For example- mathematical problems are solved through rational procedures; we understand
numeric values deeply, work on theories and proofs and deduce the complexity of the problem.

Empiricism: states that knowledge originates primarily through senses or experiences. It claims
that people do not have any innate knowledge and rejects the idea of intuition as well. David Hume
and John Locke was an empiricist and criticized the theory of innate ideas. A) We cannot rely
solely on reason or cause for knowledge, it must establish some kind of sensory experience. B)
Mind is Tabula Rasa (a clean slate)- knowledge can only be gained posterior; knowledge is
obtained via experiences.

For example- As an empiricist, knowledge can be properly deduced until it's deducted or inferred
through some sensory experience of an individual.

According to rationalists, our ideas and understanding are acquired in substantial ways that are not
based on sensory experience. Sense perception, empiricists argue, is the true source of all our ideas
and understanding. Rationalists establish their viewpoint in one of two ways.


 https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/rationalism-empiricism/#:~:text=Rationalists%20claim%20that%20there%20are,their

 https://www.mesacc.edu/~davpy35701/text/empm-v-ratm.html
 https://courses.lumenlearning.com/atd-pima-philosophy/chapter/2-2-rationalist-and-empiricists/

Question # 2

Discuss the concept of Reality in Metaphysics as given by Plato in Allegory of the Cave.

Marks- 7.5


Metaphysics one of the branches of philosophy which specially focuses to answer the question
'What is there which was developed by Aristotle. The Plato theory of forms revealed that two
distinct levels of reality exist I.e.; the visible world of sights and sounds. Plato's Allegory of the
Cave is a metaphor that explores the essence of truth versus belief. The prisoners have been
chained since childhood, according to the allegory. Their arms are chained to prevent them from
moving, and their heads are chained to prevent them from looking in any direction other than
forward. They are facing a wall, which has shadows on it. Shadows cast on the wall occupy the
prisoners' attention. Furthermore, the prisoners' shadows are cast by a roadway behind them.
Shapes of different animals, plants, and objects are carried along the lane. The light that casts the
shadows comes from a massive fire behind the roadway. The shape carriers' voices reverberate
off the wall as they talk. The inmates assume the sounds are coming from behind them in the
darkness. Even though they can only see shadows of pictures, this is the only fact they recognise.
One inmate, according to Plato, may be freed. Finally, he notices the fire and knows that the
shadows aren't real. later prisoners could escape from the cave and discover there is a whole new
world outside and we are unaware of this. The standing prisoner will assume that the world
outside the cave is much more real than the cave itself. He intended to return to try to free the
other detainees. When he returns, he is blinded because his eyes are unaccustomed to actual
sunlight as a result of being exposed to a large amount of it for the first time. The chained
prisoners would see this blindness and believe they will be harmed if they try to leave the cave.

 https://medium.com/the-philosophers-stone/platos-metaphysics-two-dimensions-of-reality-and-the-allegory-of-

 https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/plato-metaphysics/

 https://www.studiobinder.com/blog/platos-allegory-of-the-cave/

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