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Answer keys LEVEL 5 Teacher Support Programme

Outstanding Short Stories

Book key 7 a £200
b shares, tea, wine
1 Open answers c Laura Merton
2 a fête d Alan Trevor
b candles e A beggar
c millionaire f 1s (one shilling) an hour
d psychoanalyst g £2,000
e top hat h Baron Hausberg
f trembled, roared i £10,000
g article 8 Hughie is: never unkind; wonderfully good-looking;
h baron, rank popular with men and women; charming; bright and
i shares cheerful; generous and carefree + Open answers
j astonished, Ladyship 9 Open answers
3 a 1  10 a F 
b 11  b T 
c 1  c F 
d 2  d T 
e 3  e F 
f 1  f T 
g more than 6  g F 
h 2  h F 
i 5  i T 
j 6 j F 
4 a Fotheringay doesn’t believe in miracles. He is k T
annoyed by arguments for miracles and tries to 11 a Lady Constance Keeble to her brother, Lord
prove that miracles do not exist. Emsworth, about the speech he is going to give at
b When he turns a lamp upside down, it doesn’t the fête on August Bank Holiday.
break and it burns steadily. b Angus McAllister to Lord Emsworth, explaining
c Mr Fotheringay tells his walking stick to go back. that Lady Constance supports his plan to make a
The stick flies backwards at high speed and hits path through the trees.
Mr Winch. c Gladys to Lord Emsworth about what she did
d Fotheringay believes that Mr Winch is in San to Angus McAllister when he shouted at her and
Francisco trying to get back home. He will buy chased her out of Lord Emsworth’s garden.
a ticket to come home and then Fotheringay will d Lord Emsworth to Lady Constance, about a boy
make him stay in San Francisco, so he will spend a who threw a nut at his top hat.
lot of money. e Gladys to Lord Emsworth, about Ern biting Lady
e Mr Maydig is very surprised by Fotheringay’s Constance’s leg.
power. He thinks this power is a rare, almost f Lord Emsworth to Beach, his manservant,
unlimited gift that can be used to change the world. instructing him to get some food for Gladys
f Fotheringay begins to turn round and round and (and Ern).
fly through the air at high speed. Everything – the g Lord Emsworth to Angus McAllister, about Gladys’s
world as we know it – is destroyed and disappears, right, with Lord Emsworth’s permission, to pick
leaving a storm and disorder. flowers from the garden.
5– 6  Open answers 12–13  Open answers

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Answer keys LEVEL 5 Teacher Support Programme

Outstanding Short Stories

14 a paint 21 a Mrs Bell
b two b Hetta Bell
c big c Phineas Beckard
d unhappy d Aaron Dunn
e rather rude e Hetta Bell
f old, worn-out f Susan Bell
g close g Phineas Beckard
h first h Susan Bell
i excited i Phineas Beckard
j Kezia j Aaron Dunn
15 a To thank the Burnells for having her as a guest. k Mrs Bell
b Two solid little chimneys; four real windows; the l Susan Bell
‘new’ smell; the way the whole house front swings 22 a Why does Mrs Bell worry about having a young
open; wallpaper on the walls; pictures on the walls; man in the house?
furniture; the colours. She worries because she does not know what kind
c It is a beautiful, real-looking yellow lamp with of man he is.
white glass over it and it is filled with something b Why does Hetta Bell make breakfast for Mr Dunn
that looks like real oil. every morning?
d Because she is the oldest of the three children. Hetta likes to be in charge of things, and she is very
e They are poor. Their mother is a hard-working little useful in the house.
washerwoman, and people say that their father is c Why does Phineas Beckard visit the Bells for tea on
in prison. Mrs Kelvey makes their clothes from old Sundays? Because he wants to marry Hetta. This is
things that people give her.
part of their courtship.
f She asks Lil if she is going to be a servant when she
d Why does Aaron Dunn draw beautiful pictures of
grows up, and she announces that Mr Kelvey is in
bridges? Because he is not very confident around
women, but he thinks that this might be a way to
g She believes the Kelveys are not good enough to be
get to know Susan.
friends with the Burnells; the Burnell girls are not
e Why is Hetta confident that Aaron Dunn is bad?
allowed to speak to the Kelveys. Aunt Beryl sends
Hetta suspects that Aaron Dunn wants to make
Lil and Else away from the house in the same way
love to her sister. She thinks that that is the only
that she would send away chickens.
reason he tries to please her.
h When Aunt Beryl sends them away from the
f Why does Susan cry when Mr Dunn burns his
Burnell house, the Kelvey girls feel embarrassed.
drawing? Because she really likes the drawing, and
They are burning with shame. But then they forget
she really likes Mr Dunn – but she can’t say that she
about Aunt Beryl (the angry lady) and feel happy
because they have seen the doll’s house – and even
g Why does Phineas Beckard take Hetta to see his
the lamp.
parents? Because he and Hetta plan to marry soon.
16 Open answers
h Why does Susan want to be alone with Mr Dunn
17 a  TB  b  JS  c  TB  d  JS  e  JS  f  TB  g  JS
h  TB  i  TB more often? She would like to have the opportunity
18 –19  Open answers to talk to him and become friends with him.
20 a John Munroe Bell i Why does Phineas Beckard talk to Aaron Dunn
b Henrietta Bell about his worldly position? Because everyone wants
c Hetta Bell to know if Aaron can support a wife.
d Phineas Beckard j Why does Aaron Dunn feel angry and discouraged
e Susan Bell when he leaves for New York the second time?
f Kate O’Brien Because the Bells put many conditions on his
g Aaron Dunn courtship of Susan.
h Old Mr Bell

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Answer keys LEVEL 5 Teacher Support Programme

Outstanding Short Stories

k Why does Mrs Bell think Susan should learn to 27 His eyes move very little and they remain fixed on a
forget about Aaron Dunn? Because they do not patient’s face. His face does not show any sign of what
hear from him for a long time, and she begins to he is thinking. He can stop certain pains by the touch
think that he was not serious about wanting to of his firm hands, and he can help people who have
marry Susan. trouble sleeping. He has a slow, soft, musical speaking
l Why does Susan become pale and thin? Because she voice. He seems able to make people calm and less
loves Aaron Dunn and her heart is broken when he anxious. He seems to work miracles, helping one man
does not return or write to her. find his lost voice and another to use his legs after
23 a His widow is left with two daughters to bring up he could not move. He has brought back health and
and not very much money. Mrs Bell is sad, full of happiness to many people.
worries and lonely. 28–38  Open answers
b Old Mr Bell, the uncle of John Munroe Bell,
recommended the Bells’ house as a place for Aaron Discussion activities key
Dunn to stay. He thought it would help Mrs Bell 1–13  Open answers
financially. 14 Open answers (Possible ‘forces’: his sister; tradition;
c By drawing beautiful pictures of bridges for her. his fears; a combination of the three)
d First, because Aaron Dunn goes red in the face 15 –18  Open answers
when he gives it to her. Second, because Hetta and 19 Possible details: opens with a hook; dark, oily green,
then Mrs Bell don’t think she should accept it. with red and white solid chimneys and a yellow door;
e Because she is very inexperienced and nervous, and with four yellow windows divided into four again by
she is afraid of what Hetta and her mother would broad green lines; with a sitting-room, a dining-room,
say if she told Aaron that she loved him. a kitchen and two bedrooms; the whole front can be
f Phineas thinks that Aaron should get better and opened; wallpaper on walls with gold-framed pictures
more permanent work before he thinks about painted on them; red floors, except the kitchen; red
marriage. chairs in the sitting room, green in the dining room;
g She feels confidence in Aaron Dunn and becomes tables, beds with real bedclothes, furniture, little
decisive for the first time in the story when she plates; a yellow lamp with white glass over and with a
ignores Hetta’s doubts. liquid like oil in the middle of the dining table; stiff
24 –25  Open answers parents dolls in the sitting room and two children
26 a Lord Mountdrago sleeping in bedroom; all dolls are too big.
b Foreign Minister 20 –25  Open answers
c tall, good-looking, rather heavy, greying hair, 26 a This sentence has all the letters in the alphabet.
swollen face b This word has all the vowels.
d 42 c This word has no vowels.
e 18 + Open answers
f 2 sons 27 a A syllogism is a written argument in which there
g Connemara House, no trousers are two statements (major and minor premises)
h House of Commons, sings a silly song that lead logically to a third statement. Poe’s
i a bar in Limehouse, dancing and drinking with a demonstration has the three elements but the
woman and hitting Griffiths on the head with a subject in the minor premise – Mr Bullet-head
bottle – isn’t encompassed in the subject of the major
j saying sorry to Griffiths premise – ‘the wise men’ – and therefore there is no
k falling in front of an underground train logical deduction.

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Answer keys LEVEL 5 Teacher Support Programme

Outstanding Short Stories

b Possible answers: Activity worksheets key
pun: a joke or ‘play on words’ using two words that 1 a T
sound the same or one word with two meanings. b F. It turns upside down by itself.
e.g.: ‘We wonder if this O-ing is a habit of his … c F. They think he is a fool.
We wonder if he OWES as much …’. ‘Take every d T
one of their I’s’ … ‘So I have to put out their eyes, e F. He can perform any miracle he wants through
do I?’ willpower and the right instructions.
exaggerate: make something seem larger, worse, 2 a more than a half of 1,000 miles per hour and 9 miles
sillier etc than it really is. e.g.: ‘An article as well per second; it should be 9 miles per minute, which
formed and bitter as this exploded like a bomb …’ makes 540 miles per hour.
ridicule: make someone seem silly or stupid in an b v = t . g
unkind way. v = 24 seconds . 10 metres per square second =
e.g.: The editor is called Mr Bullet-head. This isn’t 240 metres per second (approximately 9 miles per
a polite thing to call someone. His newspaper is minute)
called the Teapot – a silly name for a newspaper. 3 a Trevor; spotty, overgrown
be ironic or sarcastic: say the opposite of what is b Laura; charmingly
true in order to be amusing, sometimes done in an c Baron Hausberg; faintly
exaggerated way. If someone is sarcastic, they intend d Trevor; roaringly
to be insulting. e Hughie; devil
e.g.: ‘I have shown that Touch–and–go Bullet-head 4 a 8 years and 4 months
was a wise man’. Poe hasn’t shown this at all. He has b 10
pretended to use logic to prove that Bullet-head was c 0.5%
wise. The effect of this is ironic and amusing. 5 a 1 McAllister looking at the grass (page 22)
28 Open answers. The media are called the fourth estate 2 Lord Emsworth’s behaviour when in the presence
after the Lords Spiritual, the Lords Temporal, and the of Angus McAllister (page 24)
House of Commons. 3 Lord Emsworth’s feelings when he noticed it was
29 –31  Open answers Gladys that he was angry with (page 31)
32 a Mrs Bell – She has no husband to advise her and 4 Lord Emsworth’s ancestors (page 35)
not much money but she must find a husband b Open answers
for her daughters. Her elder daughter has found a 6 a Possible answers (accept any other that can be
man who is suitable – a minister – but her younger justified)
daughter is being courted by a man about whom 1  1  2  3  3  4  4  2  5  5
she knows almost nothing. b Open answers
b Hetta – Her younger sister is more attractive than 7 a 1 Isabel telling the girls about the house
she is. Also a young man has come into their house 2 the Kelvey girls walking down the road
who clearly likes Susan. But they know nothing 3 the Kelvey girls following Kezia across the
about him. Can they safely allow him to promise to courtyard
marry Susan, or is he a ‘bad’ man? 4 the Kelvey girls being told to leave the courtyard
c Susan – The man she loves is sent away and she b Open answers
fears he won’t come back and marry her. 8 a the lamp
d Aaron – He wants to marry Susan but her family b the lamp
won’t let him. They don’t seem to trust him c Possible answer: they are both young girls, unable
although he is hard-working and respectable. to understand adult prejudices
33 –41  Open answers 9 a Isabel telling the girls that she would tell about the
house first because she was the eldest; the Burnell
parents deciding what the girls could or couldn’t
do; Aunt Beryl kicking the Kelveys out and telling
Kezia off.

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Answer keys LEVEL 5 Teacher Support Programme

Outstanding Short Stories

b an arm on a shoulder, walking together (what the Progress test key
girls did to be invited to see the house) 1 Possible answers:
c the teacher, when Lil gave her cheap flowers a T; he mentions several times that the powers are
d Lena Logan asking Else if she would be a servant astonishing; he doesn’t want to go to sleep at three
10 a  F  b  P  c  F  d  F  e  F because he wants to change the world for better; his
11 page 51; paragraph 5 (last) eyes became bright and wild when he thought of all
The confusion that this strange article caused cannot that Mr Fotheringay could do.
be imagined. People first thought that the strange b T; he made Mrs Minchin decide to give up alcohol.
signs hid a devilish trick, and they rushed to Bullet- c F
head’s home to punish him, but they could not find d T; in the text miracles are possible.
him; he had left, nobody knew how … and he has 2 a  3  c  1  b  4  d  2
never returned. 3 a sympathetic, friendly, generous
12 a Uncle Bell is talking about Mrs Bell. b Open answers
b Hetta is talking about Aaron. 4 a  1  b  5  c  6  d  2  e  4  f  3
c Hetta is talking about Aaron’s drawings. 5 a Isabel
d Mrs Bell is talking to Aaron about the picture he b Burnell
has tried to give to Susan. c gold
13 a the trick: Aaron’s strategy of using his drawings to d Else
start a conversation with Susan e Lil
b it: the act of accepting Aaron’s picture; meaning: any f prison
special relationship between Susan and Aaron g Logan
c that: having said that accepting the drawing had 6 a strengths
no meaning; it: having accepted that Aaron made a b brought his printing press from the east
picture for Susan c four
d these things: to a woman, that they love her d Bob’s master
14 a Because when Aaron started a conversation about e nobody would read the article
his drawing of a bridge, Susan mentioned that all 7 engineer – minister – lawyer – Hetta – Albany – Aaron
she knew about them was that they shouldn’t fall – Dunn – Bell – Kate – bridge – love – lover
down in cold weather. ←
b Because he had burned his first drawing of a R E T S I N I M E S A
bridge for Susan when Mrs Bell refused to let ↓
Susan accept it. ← ↓ ↓
c Because the drawings of bridges had been what N Y N A B L A L G N K
Aaron had used to approach Susan, had been first →
rejected and then accepted by Mrs Bell, and were L A W Y E R T O D O A
described by Susan and Aaron as enduring adverse
conditions. L S U X A N T V I R T

15 a  2  b  2  c  2  d  1  e  2  f  1  g  3  h  2
i  3  j  3 ↑ → ↑ ↑ ↑
16 a empathetic: showing comprehension of other B N D U N N H R B A L
people’s states of mind. Lord Mountdrago wasn’t 8 a  1  ≠  2  ≠  3  =  4  ≠  5  ≠
empathetic. b 3
b If Lord Mountdrago had been empathetic with
Griffiths, perhaps he wouldn’t have died.
Opinions: Open answers

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