Case Laws: 1. Do The Citizens of Endor Have A Fundamental Right To Privacy?

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1. Paimeteria
2. Right to privacy


1. Do the citizens of Endor have a fundamental right to privacy?

Puttu swami CASE
There is a right, but not enforceable
However the govt has taken all precaution to protect the privacy.
Newspaper not a evidence
Only statements of victim can make a say
Ben yoda hve to produce
With all due respect to the court, in para of the court of is not binding on people or lower
court or the country.

2. In what way does VDR card affect the citizens right to privacy?

Data leak
If citizen feels then this and that changes

No were in constitution liberty is defintesd

Oly legislkation made my legislature
Each person defines it n each way

International laws are soft laws

What is mean by resident?

3. Is the VDR Act constitutional ?

4. VDR is a boon or bane ?


The council for the respondents seeks the permission of


Suit filed bypetitioners is not maintainable by the court as it is totally bases on the
the judgment made by sc…no article 32 ( no locus standi for petitioners)

The doctrine of pith and substance

The act must not be held unconstitutional, rather an apportinity must be given to the
respiondents to make penal provision and other necessary correction within the
excisiting act and in the prfame work of constitution

List Of Abbreviations
Anr. - Another
Art. - Article
S. - Section
u/a - Under Article
u/s - Under Section

Ø The Constitutional Law Of India:- By- Dr. J.N Pandey.
Ø Indian Constitutional Law:- By- Prof. Mp Jain.
Ø The Right To Information Act,2005: A Handbook:- By- Sudhir Naib.
Ø Right To Information Act In India:Concepts And Problems:- Ritu Banerjee.

Ø The Constitution Of India.
Ø Right To Information Act,2005

1. Included article 21
2. Right to life does not include privacy

Issue 3
To support this argument survey made by abc ngo is been attached under annexure .
It is also

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