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Course: ENV107 Lab

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Section: 16
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Group: 2
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Assignment on Energy Consumption

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No Name ID
1 Md. Ahnaf Ahmed 1713093630

2 Ena Ara Azad 1611536030

3 Arif Hossen 1621785030
4 Jahid Hasan 1712082630
Directions: Locate a copy of your monthly (preferably any month within the last 6 months)
electric bill. A sample electricity bill has been attached in slide 8 and slide 9. Note that you
have to attach the electricity bill that you are analyzing with this assignment.

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Question 1: How much did you pay for electricity for that month (Include both including
and excluding vat)? (This may be listed as “Total bill.” Total Dues (Rounded)” is the amount
without VAT. Check to see if your bill includes other utilities, such as gas, or if your bill
covers more than 1 month.)


Electricity bill for the month of October, 2020. (Issue Date: 2/11/2020)

Total Dues (Without VAT) (Rounded): 3,883.83

VAT (On current dues): 194.19

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Total Bill: 4078.02

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Question 2: How many kilowatt hours of electricity did your household use in that month?

(This may be listed as “meter usage,” “recorded demand,” “kWh consumed,” or “electricity
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For the month of October, 2020:

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KWH Consumed: 4477

Question 3: What is the cost you pay per kilowatt hour? (You have to divide the “Total
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Energy Charge” by “KWH Consumed”. “Demand Charge” is the charge that is a set fee
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paid monthly or seasonally – most customers pay for the energy they use)
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Cost of pay per kilowatt: Total energy charge/KWH consumed= 276/69= 4 taka

Here the demand charge is 60 taka
Question 4: Can you tell from the bill if any or all of your electricity comes from renewable
energy sources? (You may pay extra to ensure a portion of your electricity come from
renewable resources.)


In my bill copy I did not find any information about the renewable energy sources. In the bill copy
I can’t find any amount that I have to pay extra. Since I don’t have to pay any extra amount of
money for the electricity I use so there is no electricity comes from renewable source.

Question 5: Energy efficiency refers to completing a task using less energy input than usual.

For example, an LED light bulb produces the same amount of light as other bulbs, but with

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less energy. Where do you see opportunities to become more energy efficient?

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Compared to traditional incandescent, energy-efficient light bulbs such as halogen incandescent,
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compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs), and light emitting diodes (LEDs) have certain advantages like,
they typically use about 25%-80% less energy than traditional incandescent which save our money.

It can last 3-25 times longer. While the initial price of energy-efficient bulbs is typically higher
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than traditional incandescent, newer bulbs cost less to operate, saving money over the life of the
bulb. Many of the newer bulbs last significantly longer than traditional bulbs, so we won't need to
replace them as often.
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Question 6: Energy conservation refers to behaviors and actions that people can do to save
or use less energy. For example, turning off the lights when you leave a room is an action you
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can take that reduces the amount of electricity you use. Write down any three actions you

could take to reduce the amount of energy you use?


Here are three things that we can do to reduce energy consumption which will benefit us in
conserving energy.

• Turning off switch after using microwave oven.

• Turning off computers and televisions after use.
• Using LED and CFLs instead of traditional incandescent.
Question 7: Soha is in the market for a new Air Conditioner! One Air Conditioner she likes
is energy efficient, but a bit more expensive. Using the idea of energy efficiency, what advice
would you have for Soha? Using the idea of energy conservation, can you suggest one
behavior that Soha could take to help her save electricity?


Using some behaviors lead to reduce electricity bills which are explained in below: -

• When soha leaves home, turn off the air-conditioner switch and try to keep the windows
closed and shades down that save users from high electricity bills.

Soha should not give in to temptation to turn the AC way down to cool house more

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quickly when She has been away and it feel like hot and stuffy.

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• Soha should set the right temperature of AC when users will be out side of home and

inside of home. The standard temperature is 23 to 24 Celsius. We know that every
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degree of AC consumes 6 per cent more electricity. So, to save the energy waste keep
it around 23 to 24 Celsius.
• Soha should keep the cooling system healthy by maintaining regularly. Dirty air filters
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block air flow and make it harder for your air conditioner to do its job. Make sure the
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outside evaporator and condenser coils are free of dirt, dust, and debris for the same
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If Soha maintains these behaviors, it will be efficient to reduce electricity bills.

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Question 8: The sample bill in slide 8 is for the month of February and the sample bill in
slide 9 is for the month of September for the same household. According to you what can be
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the possible reasons for such a difference in the bills for these two months?


There are two months electricity bill of February and September in slide 8 and 9 that possess many
differences in term of KWH consumed. The consumption was given 69 KWH in February and it
also turned out as 174 in S September. To increase the KWH that could be the reasons of season
weather and waste of energy behind this difference. The Winter season in Bangladesh keeps going
long up to the month of March. So, amid the winter people devour less power as they don't utilize
fans and discuss conditioner. On the other hand, the month of September possess a warm climate
where power utilization increases with the utilize of air conditioners, discuss cooler and fan. So
regular weather impact is the reason behind this change within the power charge of February and
September. The other reason can be misusing lights and fans

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