Safety Distance (Only

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Understanding Radiographic

Safety Distance
Saiful Rizal/ Charlie Chong
Hiroshima Victim

Saiful Rizal/Charlie Chong

Hiroshima Victim

Saiful Rizal/Charlie Chong

This material is intended to provide an overview of the fundamental principles and
safety regulations as they apply to radiography. It does not in itself satisfy all of
the radiation safety training required by law.

Saiful Rizal/Charlie Chong

Muhd Ramli/ Charlie Chong
What is the maximum dose rate at
controlled area boundary?

Saiful Rizal/Charlie Chong

Muhd Ramli/ Charlie Chong
IS RT Safe?
Radiography is an important tool in nondestructive evaluation. The method offers a number of
advantages over other NDE methods, but one of its disadvantages is the health risk associated
with the radiation. Health effects can occur due to either long-term low level exposure or short-
term high level exposure.

The primary risk from occupational radiation exposure is an increased risk of cancer. The amount
of risk depends on the amount of radiation dose received, the time over which the dose is
received, and the body parts exposed. Although scientists assume low-level radiation exposure
increases one's risk of cancer, medical studies have not demonstrated adverse health effects in
individuals exposed to small chronic radiation doses (i.e., up to 10,000 mrem above background).
The increased risk of cancer from occupational radiation exposure is small when compared to the
normal cancer rate in today's society. The current lifetime risk of dying from all types of cancer in
the United States is approximately 20 percent (see Figure). If a person received a radiation dose
of 10 rem to the entire body (above background), his or her risk of dying from cancer would
increase by one percent.

Saiful Rizal/Charlie Chong

IS RT Safe?
It is safe if well managed.

Saiful Rizal/Charlie Chong

What is Gamma Ray

Saiful Rizal/Charlie Chong

What is Gamma Ray

Saiful Rizal/Charlie Chong

Why Gamma Ray is health Hazards
Electromagnetic waves are produced by a vibrating electric charge and as such, they consist of
both an electric and a magnetic component. In addition to acting like waves, electromagnetic
radiation acts like a stream of small "packets" of energy called photons. Another way that
electromagnetic radiation has been described is in terms of a stream of photons. The massless
photon particles each travel in a wave-like pattern. Each photon contains a certain amount (or
bundle) of energy, and all electromagnetic radiation consists of these photons. The only
difference between the various types of electromagnetic radiation is the amount of energy found
in the photons.

Electromagnetic radiation travels in a straight line at the speed of light (3 x 108 m/s).

Since visible lights & Gamma rays are both electromagnetic radiation, why gamma rays are
health hazards where visible lights are not?

Saiful Rizal/Charlie Chong

Electromagnetic Wave

Saiful Rizal/Charlie Chong

Gamma Ray
is health
The high energy electromagnetic
radiation is damaging!

Saiful Rizal/Charlie Chong

Since both the visible lights &
Gamma rays are both
electromagnetic radiation, why
gamma rays are

Saiful Rizal/Charlie Chong

Saiful Rizal/Charlie Chong

Combat Bullet is not dangerous unless fired

Saiful Rizal/Charlie Chong

High Energy Bullet - Kills

Saiful Rizal/Charlie Chong

Low Energy Elastic Band Bullet – Scare Birds

Saiful Rizal/Charlie Chong

Sources of High Energy Radiation
Each person in the United States gets an average of 7 to 8 mSv every year from medical and natural radiation exposure.

Saiful Rizal/Charlie Chong

Sources of High Energy Radiation
There are many sources of harmful, high energy radiation. Industrial
radiographers are mainly concerned with exposure from x-ray
generators and radioactive isotopes, but let's start by considering
sources of radiation in general. It is important to understand that
eighty percent of human exposure comes from natural sources such
as outer space, rocks and soil, radon gas, and the human body. The
remaining twenty percent comes from man-made radiation sources,
such as those used in medical and dental diagnostic procedures.
One source of natural radiation is cosmic radiation. The earth and all
living things on it are constantly being bombarded by radiation from
space. The sun and stars emits EM radiation of all wavelengths.
Charged particles from the sun and stars interact with the earth’s
atmosphere and magnetic field to produce a shower of radiation,
typically beta and gamma radiation. The dose from cosmic radiation
varies in different parts of the world due to differences in elevation
and the effects of the earth’s magnetic field.
Radioactive material is also found throughout nature. It occurs
naturally in soil, water, plants and animals. The major isotopes of
concern for terrestrial radiation are uranium and the decay products
of uranium, such as thorium, radium, and radon. Low levels of
uranium, thorium, and their decay products are found everywhere.
Some of these materials are ingested with food and water, while
others, such as radon, are inhaled. The dose from terrestrial sources
varies in different parts of the world. Locations with higher
concentrations of uranium and thorium in their soil have higher dose
levels. All people also have radioactive isotopes, such as potassium-
40 and carbon-14, inside their bodies. The variation in dose from one
person to another is not as great as the variation in dose from
cosmic and terrestrial sources.
There are also a number of manmade radiation sources that present
some exposure to the public. Some of these sources include
tobacco, television sets, smoke detectors, combustible fuels, certain
building materials, nuclear fuel for energy production, nuclear
weapons, medical and dental X-rays, nuclear medicine, X-ray
security systems and industrial radiography. By far, the most
significant source of man-made radiation exposure to the average
person is from medical procedures, such as diagnostic X-rays,
nuclear medicine, and radiation therapy.

Saiful Rizal/Charlie Chong

Ionizing radiation is not a new feature of our environment but rather something that has always existed
since the formation of the earth. What is new is the additional exposure that the population receives from
man made sources. Natural or background ionising radiation comes from cosmic radiation - the sun,
naturally occurring radioactive materials which can be found in the food we eat and the ground we walk

Annual effective doses to adults from natural sources (Perth)

Source of exposure Annual effective dose (mSv)

Typical Elevated a
Cosmic rays 0.39 2.0

Terrestrial gamma rays 0.46 4.3

Radionuclides in the body (except 0.23 0.6
Radon and its decay products 1.3 1.0

Total 2.4
a Elevated values are representative of larger regions. Even higher values occur locally

Saiful Rizal/Charlie Chong

What concern Industrial Radiographer
and Radiation Workers?
Industrial radiographers are mainly concerned with exposure from x-ray generators and
radioactive isotopes, this is in addition of radiation received as mentioned earlier.

Saiful Rizal/Charlie Chong

What are the commonly used isotopes
for industrial radiography

Saiful Rizal/Charlie Chong

Radioactive Decay and Half-Life

Saiful Rizal/Charlie Chong

Key Factors Affecting Radiation
Hazards: Energy, Activity, Intensity and

Saiful Rizal/Charlie Chong


Saiful Rizal/Charlie Chong

Key Factors Affecting Radiation
Hazards: Energy
The energy of a radioisotope is a characteristic of the atomic structure of the material. Consider,
for example, Iridium-192 and Cobalt-60, which are two of the more common industrial Gamma
ray sources. These isotopes emit radiation in two or three discreet wavelengths.

Cobalt-60 will emit 1.33 and 1.17 MeV Gamma rays, and
Iridium-192 will emit 0.31, 0.47, and 0.60 MeV Gamma rays.

It can be seen from these values that the energy of radiation coming from Co-60 is about twice
the energy of the radiation coming from the Ir-192. From a radiation safety point of view, this
difference in energy is important because the Co-60 has more material penetrating power and,
therefore, is more dangerous and requires more shielding.

Saiful Rizal/Charlie Chong

74 days
Beta decay to Excited states of Pt-192 and electron capture to Os-192
Complex energy spectrum
Average 0.38 MeV

Saiful Rizal/Charlie Chong


Saiful Rizal/Charlie Chong

Key Factors Affecting Radiation
Hazards: Activity
The strength of a radioactive source is called its activity, which is defined as the rate at which the
isotope decays. Specifically, it is the number of atoms that decay and emit radiation in one
second. Radioactivity may be thought of as the volume of radiation produced in a given amount
of time. It is similar to the current control on a X-ray generator.

The International System (SI) unit for activity is the becquerel (Bq), which is that quantity of
radioactive material in which one atom transforms per second. The becquerel is a small unit. In
practical situations, radioactivity is often quantified in kilobecqerels (kBq) or megabecquerels

The curie (Ci) is also commonly used as the unit for activity of a particular source material. The
curie is a quantity of radioactive material in which 3.7 x 1010 atoms disintegrate per second. New
sources of cobalt will have an activity of 20 to over 100 curies, and new sources of iridium will
have an activity of similar amounts.
Two one-curie sources of Cs-137 might have very different masses depending upon the relative proportion of non-radioactive atoms present in each source. The
concentration of radioactivity, or the relationship between the mass of radioactive material and the activity, is called the specific activity. Specific activity is expressed as the
number of curies or becquerels per unit mass or volume. The higher the specific activity of a material, the smaller the physical size of the source is likely to be.

Saiful Rizal/Charlie Chong


Saiful Rizal/Charlie Chong

Key Factors Affecting Radiation
Hazards: Intensity
Radiation intensity is the amount of energy passing through a given area that is perpendicular to
the direction of radiation travel in a given unit of time.

The intensity of an X-ray or gamma-ray source can easily be measured with the right detector.
Since it is difficult to measure the strength of a radioactive source based on its activity, which is
the number of atoms that decay and emit radiation in one second, the strength of a source is
often referred to in terms of its intensity. Measuring the intensity of a source is sampling the
number of photons emitted from the source in some particular time period, which is directly
related to the number of disintegrations in the same time period (the activity).

For Iridium 192 480 mR(4.8 mSv)/hr/ci @1meter

For Cobalt 60 1.35 R (13.5 mSv)/hr/ci @ 1 meter
For Selenium 200 mR (2 mSv)/hr/ci @ 1 meter

Saiful Rizal/Charlie Chong

Inverse Square Law
The inverse-square law generally applies when some force, energy, or other conserved quantity is evenly radiated outward from a point source in three-dimensional space. Since the surface area of a sphere (which is
4πr2 ) is proportional to the square of the radius, as the emitted radiation gets farther from the source, it is spread out over an area that is increasing in proportion to the square of the distance from the source. Hence,
the intensity of radiation passing through any unit area (directly facing the point source) is inversely proportional to the square of the distance from the point source. Gauss's law is similarly applicable, and can be
used with any physical quantity that acts in accord to the inverse-square relationship.

Saiful Rizal/Charlie Chong

Saiful Rizal/Charlie Chong
Saiful Rizal/Charlie Chong
Exposed Time

Saiful Rizal/Charlie Chong

Key Factors Affecting Radiation
Hazards: Exposed Time
One way to measure the intensity of x-rays or gamma rays is to measure the amount of
ionization they cause in air. The amount of ionization in air produced by the radiation is called the
exposure. Exposure is expressed in terms of a scientific unit called a roentgen (R or r).

The unit roentgen is equal to the amount of radiation that produces in one cubic centimeter of dry
air at 0°C and standard atmospheric pressure ionization of either sign equal to one electrostatic
unit of charge. Most portable radiation detection safety devices used by a radiographer measure
exposure and present the reading in terms of roentgens or roentgens/hour, which is known as the
dose rate.

• The intensity is 4.7mR/hr
• Exposure time 10 second

The Exposure is 0.013mR

Saiful Rizal/Charlie Chong

Saiful Rizal/Charlie Chong

Saiful Rizal/Charlie Chong

What Contribute to Exposure?
- The energy
- The activity
- The intensity
- The exposed time

Saiful Rizal/Charlie Chong

How to Reduce Exposure?

Saiful Rizal/Charlie Chong

How to Reduce Exposure++?
- Use low energy source
- Use low activity source

Saiful Rizal/Charlie Chong

How to Reduce Exposure Boundary
- Use low energy source
- Use low activity source

More Correctly………….

Saiful Rizal/Charlie Chong

Safe Distance

Saiful Rizal/Charlie Chong

Safety Boundary Limits:
Any area where an individual, if continuously present, can receive a dose in excess of 0.75
mR/hr (7.5 uSv/hr) must be treated as restricted area and access strictly controlled.


Saiful Rizal/Charlie Chong

Safety Boundary Limits:
Any area where an individual, if continuously present, can receive a dose in excess of 0.75
mR/hr (7.5 uSv/hr) must be treated as restricted area and access strictly controlled.


Saiful Rizal/Charlie Chong


Saiful Rizal/Charlie Chong

Annual Dose Limits (ADLs).

Saiful Rizal/Charlie Chong

Table 1: Annual Dose Limits (ADLs). LEM/TEK/33 Rev. 1 / 02 December 2008

Saiful Rizal/Charlie Chong

1. For a female worker of reproductive capacity, any exposure shall be as uniformly distributed
with time as is practicable.
2. For a pregnant worker, the dose to the foetus accumulated over a period of between the
confirmation of pregnancy and the date of delivery shall not exceed 1 mSv.
3. The limit shall be 5 mSv where the person is likely to be exposed at or near the limit for many
years provided that the average annual dose over the life time does not exceed 1mSv.
4. The limit applies to the skin and lens of the eye only. Others organs have no limits for such
organs are already made inherently safe in the setting up of the whole body limit.

Saiful Rizal/Charlie Chong

Rev. 1 / 02
December 2008
Table 1: Annual Dose Limits (ADLs).

Saiful Rizal/Charlie Chong

Annual Dose Limit

Radiation worker 20mSv

Member of public 1mSv

Saiful Rizal/Charlie Chong

Saiful Rizal/Charlie Chong
Classification of Working
Areas and Setting Up of

Saiful Rizal/Charlie Chong

How do Set-up
Barriers for Controlled
21.10 Barriers for controlled areas: Shall be established before starting
radiographic operation and NOT during the operation, when there may
already be people in the areas. A preliminary estimate of distance from the
working position to the barrier position can be made using one of the
following methods [P.U.(A)61 Reg. 24 (2)]:

LEM/TEK/33 Rev. 1 02 December 2008

Saiful Rizal/Charlie Chong

21.10.1 Using a Graph

LEM/TEK/33 Rev. 1 02 December 2008

Saiful Rizal/Charlie Chong

21.10.1 Using a Graph
The maximum distance from the working position to the barrier can be
estimated by using a graph. An example of a graph indicating barrier
distances of Ir-192 and Co-60 is shown in Figure 6.

Saiful Rizal/Charlie Chong

21.10.2 Using the
Inverse Square Law

LEM/TEK/33 Rev. 1 02 December 2008

Saiful Rizal/Charlie Chong

21.10.2 Using the Inverse Square Law
The maximum distance from the working position to the barrier can be
calculated using inverse square law which is expressed as:

Example 2: The dose rate at 1 m from a particular sealed

source is 0.2 mSv/h.
At what distance will it be a dose rate of 7.5 μSv/h?

0.2/.0075 = d22 , d= 5.16 m

LEM/TEK/33 Rev. 1 02 December 2008

Saiful Rizal/Charlie Chong

0.2 mSv/h dose rate?
If Ir192 was used, what is the activities?

Saiful Rizal/Charlie Chong

Saiful Rizal/Charlie Chong
0.2 mSv/h dose rate?
If Ir192 was used, what is the activities?

0.6 Curie

Saiful Rizal/Charlie Chong

The Usual Ir192 Activities = 25 Curies
Example 2:
At what distance will it be a dose rate of 7.5 μSv/h?

Open source = 25 x 4.19 = 104.6 μSv/h at 1m

1.5mm Encapsulated SS source = 93 μSv/h at 1m

Used sealed source;

93/.0075 = d22 , d= 111.3m

Saiful Rizal/Charlie Chong

21.10.3 Using Dose Rate

LEM/TEK/33 Rev. 1 02 December 2008

Saiful Rizal/Charlie Chong

21.10.3 Using Dose Rate Constant To calculate barrier distances from a sealed source, the dose rate constant
“k-factor” can be used by using the following mathematical expression:

I/ d2 = kA ; where

I is the dose rate (mSv/h)

k is the dose rate constant (mSv/h/GBq) at a distance of 1 m from the source (see Table 11).
A is the activity (GBq)
d is the distance (m)

Sealed Sources k (mSv/h/GBq at 1 m)

Co-60 0.345
Cs-137 0.078
Ir-192 0.125

Example 3: What is the dose rate from at 1GBq Co-60 source at 2 m?

Solution :
1 GBq of Co-60 gives a dose rate of 0.306 mSv/h at 1m. If the dose rate at 2
m = I2, then by inverse square law:

I1/I2 = (d2/d1)2

0.306 / 22 = I2 = 0.0765 mSv/h = 76.5 μSv/h

Saiful Rizal/Charlie Chong LEM/TEK/33 Rev. 1 02 December 2008

Dose Rate
at the barrier?
7.5 μSv/h at the barrier or other
flexi value?

Saiful Rizal/Charlie Chong

Dose Rate
at the barrier?

Saiful Rizal/Charlie Chong

Saiful Rizal/Charlie Chong
Table 5: The Requirements for Radiographic Sites

Saiful Rizal/Charlie Chong LEM/TEK/33 Rev. 1 02 December 2008

Table 5: The Requirements for Radiographic Sites

Saiful Rizal/Charlie Chong LEM/TEK/33 Rev. 1 02 December 2008

The Requirements for Radiographic Sites
Partly Enclosed/Open
Shall be defined at a controlled area
(i.e. 7.5 μSv/h at the barrier).
Appropriate warning signs and
CODE OF PRACTICE notices shall be provided at the
ON RADIATION boundary.
PROTECTION Workers should be outside the
IN INDUSTRIAL barrier, i.e during radiographic
RADIOGRAPHY operation. The RPO and RPS shall
not enter supervised and controlled
areas except in case of gamma
radiography, during winding out and
winding in radiography source Classification of Working Areas and Setting Up of Barriers.
LEM/TEK/33 Rev. 1 02 December 2008

Saiful Rizal/Charlie Chong

The Law Classification of Working Areas and Setting Up of Barriers.
LEM/TEK/33 Rev. 1 02 December 2008

7.5 μSv/h at the

barrier? Is this the absolute Value?

Saiful Rizal/Charlie Chong

7.5 μSv/h at the barrier?
or any other values

Saiful Rizal/Charlie Chong

Example 1:
[P.U (A) 46]
LEM/TEK/65Sem.1 20 Januari 2015

Saiful Rizal/Charlie Chong

Peraturan-peraturan Perlesenan Tenaga Atom (Perlindungan Sinaran Keselamatan Asas) 2010
[P.U. (A) 46] telah dikuatkuasakan pada 15 Februari 2010 bertujuan untuk melindungi orang
awam, pekerja dan alam sekitar daripada bahaya sinaran mengion. Keperluan perundangan
berkaitan keselamatan sinaran di bawah Akta Perlesenan Tenaga Atom 1984 (Akta 304)
diperjelaskan melalui Peraturan ini yang merangkumi semua aspek perlindungan sinaran
daripada bahaya sinaran kepada orang awam, pekerja dan alam sekitar.

Salah satu aspek perlindungan yang dijelaskan dalam P.U.

(A) 46 ialah mengenai pengelasan kawasan kerja.

Mengikut P.U. (A) 46, Bahagian 3, Peraturan 17, pemegang lesen hendaklah mengelaskan
kawasan kerja kepada kawasan bersih, kawasan seliaan dan kawasan kawalan. Pengelasan
kawasan kerja perlu dilakukan supaya keperluan langkah perlindungan dan peruntukan
keselamatan berpatutan bagi setiap kawasan tersebut dapat dipenuhi.

Saiful Rizal/Charlie Chong LEM/TEK/65Sem.1 20 Januari 2015

5.1 Pengukuran Secara Langsung Menggunakan Meter Tinjau
Penentuan kawasan kerja menggunakan meter tinjau boleh dilakukan dengan mengukur bacaan
kadar dos secara langsung daripada sumber sinaran dan bergerak menjauhi
sumber sinaran sehingga nilai-nilai dos bagi kawasan seliaan dan kawasan kawalan diperolehi.

Sebagai contoh, sekiranya pemegang lesen berhasrat menentukan kawasan kawalan

berdasarkan had dos tahunan pekerja 20 mSv/tahun, maka bacaan kadar dos yang perlu
diperolehi ialah 3.0 μSv/jam berdasarkan kepada nilai 3/10 daripada had dos tahunan seperti
ditetapkan dalam P.U. (A) 46. Bacaan perlu diperolehi di kawasan tersebut bagi memastikan had
dos tahunan untuk pekerja sinaran tidak melebihi 6 mSv. Kaedah pengiraan adalah seperti

Saiful Rizal/Charlie Chong LEM/TEK/65Sem.1 20 Januari 2015

Dedahan Dos Bagi Pekerja
= (Had Dos Kawasan Kawalan x Had Dos Tahunan) / (Masa Bekerja Setahun)*

= (3/10 x 20 mSv/tahun) / 2000 jam = 3.0 μSv/jam

Pertimbangan*: 1 tahun = (8 jam x 5 hari/minggu x 50 minggu/tahun)

= 2000 jam

Kaedah ini sesuai diaplikasikan untuk semua aktiviti menggunakan sinaranm mengion kecuali
aktiviti radiografi industri. Keadah ini juga sesuai diaplikasikan untuk menentukan kadar dedahan
sinaran terhadap orang awam. Kaedah pengiraan adalah seperti berikut:

Dedahan Dos Bagi Orang Awam

= (Had Dos Tahunan) / (Masa Bekerja Setahun)*
= (1 mSv/tahun) / 2000 jam = 0.5 μSv/jam

Pertimbangan*: 1 tahun = (8 jam x 5 hari/minggu x 50 minggu/tahun)

= 2000 jam

Saiful Rizal/Charlie Chong LEM/TEK/65Sem.1 20 Januari 2015

If you, a radiation worker are
continuously exposed 2000 hours
a year, the boundary radiation
dose rate shall be less than:
3.0 μSv/hr

Saiful Rizal/Charlie Chong

• Had Dos Kawasan Kawalan
• Pertimbangan
• kecuali aktiviti radiografi industri

Saiful Rizal/Charlie Chong LEM/TEK/65Sem.1 20 Januari 2015

•kecuali aktiviti radiografi

Saiful Rizal/Charlie Chong LEM/TEK/65Sem.1 20 Januari 2015

Example 2:
LEM/TEK/33 Rev. 1
02 December 2008

Saiful Rizal/Charlie Chong

Table 5: The Requirements for Radiographic Sites

Saiful Rizal/Charlie Chong LEM/TEK/33 Rev. 1 02 December 2008

Table 5: The Requirements for Radiographic Sites

Saiful Rizal/Charlie Chong LEM/TEK/33 Rev. 1 02 December 2008

Partly Enclosed/Open
Refinery Construction- Radiography Works

Saiful Rizal/Charlie Chong LEM/TEK/33 Rev. 1 02 December 2008

Allowable working time: Should be calculated by measuring the dose rate and substituting it in
the following equation:

Allowable working time (h/year) = operational limit mSv / year

dose rate mSv / h

Example 1 :How many hours could an operator spend each month in an area, in which the dose
rate is 0.05 mSv/h (50 μSv/hr) with an operational limit of 18 mSv/h year?

Solution :
Allowable working time = operational limit mSv / year
dose rate mSv / h

= 18 mSv / year
0.05 mSv / h

= 360 h/year

Therefore, the allowable time is 360 h/year.

If the allowable working time (hours in a week is required, a proper calculation must be made, but
it shall not correspond to a figure exceeding 18 mSv/year.

Note: Typo mistake the highlighted shall read 18 mSv instead of 18 mSv/h

Saiful Rizal/Charlie Chong LEM/TEK/33 Rev. 1 02 December 2008

If the boundary radiation dose
rate is 50 μSv/hr
Radiation Worker are
allowed to exposed 360hrs
in a year (only).

Saiful Rizal/Charlie Chong LEM/TEK/33 Rev. 1 02 December 2008

Example 3:
LEM/TEK/30 Sem. 2
September 1996

Saiful Rizal/Charlie Chong

“Clean area,” means an area where the annual dose received by a worker is not likely to
exceed one-tenth of the annual dose limit.
“Contamination" means the presence of any radioactive material, nuclear material or
prescribed substance on a surface in quantities in excess of 0.4 Becquerel per square
centimetres (Bq cm -2) for beta and gamma and low toxicity alpha emitters, or 0.04 Bq cm-2 for
all other alpha emitters.
"Controlled area" means an area where the annual dose received by a worker is likely to
exceed three-tenths of the annual dose limit.

"Designated areas,” means:

a. Where there is external radiation only:
A controlled area is one where the dose rate exceeds 7.5 mSv h-1
A supervised area is 1 one where the dose rate exceeds 2.5 mSv h-1 but is less than 7.5 mSvh-1

A controlled area is one where the dose rate exceeds 7.5 mSv h-1

Saiful Rizal/Charlie Chong LEM/TEK/30 Sem. 2 September 1996

“Clean area,” means an area where the annual dose received by a worker is not
likely to exceed one-tenth of the annual dose limit.
“Contamination" means the presence of any radioactive material, nuclear material or
prescribed substance on a surface in quantities in excess of 0.4 Becquerel per square
centimetres (Bq cm -2) for beta and gamma and low toxicity alpha emitters, or 0.04 Bq
cm-2 for all other alpha emitters.

"Controlled area" means an area where

the annual dose received by a worker is
likely to exceed three-tenths of the
annual dose limit.
"Designated areas,” means:
a. Where there is external radiation only:
A controlled area is one where the dose rate exceeds 7.5 mSv h-1
A supervised area is one where the dose rate exceeds 2.5 mSv h-1 but is less than
7.5 mSvh-1

Saiful Rizal/Charlie Chong LEM/TEK/30 Sem. 2 September 1996

“Clean area,” means an area where the annual dose received by a worker is not likely to exceed one-tenth of the annual dose limit.
“Contamination" means the presence of any radioactive material, nuclear material or prescribed substance on a surface in quantities in excess of 0.4
Becquerel per square centimetres (Bq cm -2) for beta and gamma and low toxicity alpha emitters, or 0.04 Bq cm-2 for all other alpha emitters.
"Controlled area" means an area where the annual dose received by a worker is likely to exceed three-tenths of the annual dose limit.

"Designated areas,” means:

a. Where there is external radiation only:

A controlled area is one

where the dose rate
exceeds 7.5 mSv h -1
A supervised area is one where the dose rate exceeds 2.5 mSv h-1 but is less than 7.5 mSvh-1

Saiful Rizal/Charlie Chong LEM/TEK/30 Sem. 2 September 1996

Question& Answer:
• 7.5 μSv/h ? LEM/TEK/33 Rev. 1 02 December 2008
LEM/TEK/30 Sem. 2 September 1996

• 3.0 μSv/h ? LEM/TEK/65Sem.1 20 Januari 2015

• 50 μSv/h ? LEM/TEK/33 Rev. 1 02 December 2008

• 2.5μSv/h ?? LEM/TEK/30 Sem. 2 September 1996

Saiful Rizal/Charlie Chong

What IAEA has
to say!

Saiful Rizal/Charlie Chong

Saiful Rizal/Charlie Chong
Site radiography needs to be done in an area
where specific protection measures and safety
provisions are in place, i.e. in an area designated
as a controlled area. The boundary of the
controlled area is to be set at a dose rate contour
which is appropriate under the prevailing
circumstances and specific exposure times and is
authorized by the Regulatory Authority. This dose
rate contour has to be set at a value ensuring that
outside the controlled area the annual dose limits
for the public are not exceeded, account being
taken of nature and frequency of site radiography
at a specific site use as well as occupancy factors
where allowed. The boundary dose rates when
collimators are used are typically in the range of
7.5 to 20 μSv·h-1. The boundary dose rates are
typically in the range of 50 μSv·h-1 when it is not
possible to use a collimator. The transient dose
rates during radiography source windout
operations will exceed these values. However,
transient dose rates usually do not present a
radiation protection problem as they occur only

Saiful Rizal/Charlie Chong

Site radiography needs to be done in an area where specific protection measures and
safety provisions are in place, i.e. in an area designated as a controlled area. The
boundary of the controlled area is to be set at a dose rate contour which is:
 appropriate under the prevailing circumstances and
 specific exposure times and
 is authorized by the Regulatory Authority.

This dose rate contour has to be set at a value ensuring that outside the controlled area
the annual dose limits for the public are not exceeded, account being taken of nature and
frequency of site radiography at a specific site use as well as occupancy factors where

The boundary dose rates when collimators are used are typically in the range of 7.5 to 20
μSv·h-1. The boundary dose rates are typically in the range of 50 μSv·h-1 when it is not
possible to use a collimator.

The transient dose rates during radiography source windout operations will exceed these
values. However, transient dose rates usually do not present a radiation protection
problem as they occur only briefly.

Saiful Rizal/Charlie Chong

This dose rate contour has to be set at a value
ensuring that outside the controlled area the
annual dose limits for the public are not
exceeded, account being taken of nature and
frequency of site radiography at a specific site
use as well as occupancy factors where

Saiful Rizal/Charlie Chong

The boundary dose rates when
collimators are used are typically in the
range of 7.5 to 20 μSv·h-1.
The boundary dose rates are typically in
the range of 50 μSv·h-1 when it is not
possible to use a collimator.

Saiful Rizal/Charlie Chong

What others said!

Saiful Rizal/Charlie Chong

ANSI Z54.1-1963
The guidance document ANSI Z54.1-1963 will tell you to set (adjust) the distance (boundary) away from an x-
ray source so that a member of the public (non-badged person) will not get more that 2 mrem/hr (0.02mSv/h or
20μSv/h), and not more than 100 mrem (1mSv/h) in a year.

Each person in the United States gets an average of 7 to 8 mSv every year from medical and natural radiation

The safe separation (boundary) distance depends on

(1) the intensity of the x ray or gamma radiation source,
(2) how long the source must be used to get a proper image (how long the x-ray machine must be turned on,
or how long a gamma radiation source must out of its camera [portable-shield]), and
(3) any added shielding used to reduce the radiation dose rate around the source of x rays or gamma

Regulations require that a qualified radiographer must use a radiation survey meter to measure the radiation
dose rate around the item being x rayed and then sets up a boundary to keep people (members of the public)
away from the area so the limits (given above) are not exceeded.

2 mrem/hr, 0.02mSv, 20μSv/h

Saiful Rizal/Charlie Chong

ANSI Z54.1-1963
The guidance document ANSI Z54.1-1963 will tell you to set (adjust) the distance (boundary)
away from an x-ray source so that a member of the public (nonbadged person) will not get more
that 2 millirem in an hour (20μSv/h) , and not more than 100 mrem (1mSv/h ) in a year.

boundary radiation dose rate for public.

Saiful Rizal/Charlie Chong

Government of Western
Australia Radiological Council
The Code and the Regulations require the dose rate at radiography site boundaries to be less than 25 μSv/h.

at radiography site boundaries.

Saiful Rizal/Charlie Chong

Dose Rate
at the barrier?

How many
One for radiation worker
One for public
Or others?

Saiful Rizal/Charlie Chong

Saiful Rizal/Charlie Chong
“Kawasan bersih” ertinya kawasan di mana dos tahunan yang diterima oleh
seseorang pekerja tidak mungkin melebihi had dos orang awam iaitu 1mSv;

“Kawasan seliaan” ertinya sesuatu kawasan di mana keadaan dedahan

pekerjaan dikaji semula walaupun langkah perlindungan yang khusus dan
peruntukan keselamatan biasanya tidak diperlukan;

“Kawasan kawalan” ertinya mana-mana kawasan di mana langkah

perlindungan yang khusus dan peruntukan keselamatan dikehendaki untuk
mengawal dedahan yang biasa atau mencegah penyebaran kontaminasi
semasa keadaan kerja yang biasa, dan mencegah atau mengehadkan takat
dedahan yang berpotensi;

Taken from: LEM/TEK/65Sem.1 20 Januari 2015

Saiful Rizal/Charlie Chong

"controlled area" means any area in which specific protection measures and
safety provisions are or could be required for controlling normal exposures or
preventing the spread of contamination during normal working condition, and
preventing or limiting the extent of potential;

Taken from: LEM/TEK/33 Rev. 1 02 December 2008

Saiful Rizal/Charlie Chong

Taken from: LEM/TEK/65Sem.1 20 Januari 2015

Saiful Rizal/Charlie Chong

Clean Area
< 1mSv
Controlled Area
(>3/10 Annual Dose Limit)
Supervise Area
(1 mSv <Dose<3/10 Annual Dose Limit)

Radiation Source

Drawing 1: Boundary of Controlled Area, Supervise Area and Clean Area

Taken from: LEM/TEK/65Sem.1 20 Januari 2015

Saiful Rizal/Charlie Chong

Clean Area
< 1mSv
Controlled Area
(>3/10 Annual Dose Limit)
Supervise Area
(1 mSv <Dose<3/10 Annual Dose Limit)

Radiation Source

Drawing 1: Boundary of Controlled Area, Supervise Area and Clean Area

Taken from: LEM/TEK/65Sem.1 20 Januari 2015

Saiful Rizal/Charlie Chong

HDT – Had Dos Tahunan
Annual Dose Limit

≠ Dose Rate!

Saiful Rizal/Charlie Chong

Clean Area
< 1mSv
Controlled Area
(>3/10 Annual Dose Limit)
Supervise Area
(1 mSv <Dose<3/10 Annual Dose Limit)

Radiation Source

What is the dose rate at controlled bondary?

3/10 of annual dose limit = 0.3x20 = 6mSv
Dose rate if, exposing 2000hrs/yr? = 3 μSv/hr ?
Dose rate if, exposing 500hrs/yr? = 12 μSv/hr ?
at 7.5 μSv/hr boundary limit the permitted exposure = 800hrs/yr.
at 3.0 μSv/hr boundary limit the permitted exposure = 2000hrs/yr.

Drawing 1: Boundary of Controlled Area, Supervise Area and Clean Area

Taken from: LEM/TEK/65Sem.1 20 Januari 2015

Saiful Rizal/Charlie Chong

Autority The Reference Doc # Controlled Area Supervised Remarks
Dose Rate Area Dose Rate
AELB Code Of Practice On Radiation LEM/TEK/33 Rev. 1 02 7.5 μSv·h-1 - Table 5
Protection In Industrial Radiography December 2008 (Prescribed dose rate)
50 μSv·h-1 - 21.9.1; operation limit of 18mSv/a
and 360hr per year exposure allowed

AELB Panduan Pengelasan Kawasan Kerja LEM/TEK/65Sem.1 3.0 μSv·h-1 - 5.1 Pengukuran Secara Langsung
Menurut Peraturan-peraturan 20 January 2015 Menggunakan Meter Tinjau
Perlesenan Tenaga Atom Dose limit = 20mSv/a
(Perlindungan Sinaran Keselamatan Dose constraint = 6mSv/a
Asas) 2010 [P.U (A) 46] Exposure time = 2000hr/a

0.5 μSv·h-1 Dose limit = 1mSv/a

Dose constraint = No
Exposure time = 2000hr/a
AELB Guidelines On Radiological LEM/TEK/30 Sem. 2 ≥ 7.5 μSv·h-1 > 2.5 μSv·h-1 2.0 GLOSSARY
Monitoring For Oil And Gas September 1996 < 7.5 μSv·h-1 (Prescribed dose rate)
Facilities Operators Associated With
Technologically Enhanced Naturally
Occurring Radioactive Materials
IAEA Safety Report Series 13 Radiation Protection 7.5 to 20 μSvh-1 • With Collimator
6.1. BOUNDARY OF And Safety 50 μSv·h-1 • Without Collimator
CONTROLLED AREA In Industrial Radiography >50 μSv·h-1 • Transient condition
IAEA No. SSG-11 Radiation Safety in 2.5–20 μSv·h-1 11.12. The regulatory body may
Specific Safety Guide Industrial Radiography specify maximum permitted dose
ANSI NON-MEDICAL X-RAY AND ANSI Z54.1-1963 20 μSv·h-1 Member of the public (non-badged

Australia Government Of Western Australia Assistants Training Notes 25 μSv·h-1 -

Radiological Council Revision 2.2 Date 13 July
Industrial Radiography 2012

Saiful Rizal/Charlie Chong

How to Determined
the Controlled
Boundary Dose

Good reference….IAEA Safety Report No.21

Saiful Rizal/Charlie Chong

More Reading
ANSI Z54.1 1963 Edition, 1963

Saiful Rizal/Charlie Chong

Reading is always fun

Saiful Rizal/Charlie Chong

Approximate HVL for Various Materials when Radiation is from a Gamma Source

Saiful Rizal/Charlie Chong

Saiful Rizal/Charlie Chong

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