Situational Software Project Management: Introductions

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Course Introduction

Situational Software
Project Management
Course Introduction

“From Sight to Insyte”

 Name

 Organisation

 Current Situation

 Expectations

Rev 5.2 - 16 September 2018 1

Course Introduction

Barry Myburgh

Once a Software

Engineer . . . . . . Now an ISE



Course Outline
Six evening sessions covering:
 L1  L4
 1.0 Course Introduction  4.1 Risk management
 1.1 Introduction to software project  4.2 Resource allocation
 L5
 L2  5.1 Monitoring and control
 2.1 Project evaluation  5.2 Managing contracts
 2.2 Selection of an appropriate project
 L6
 6.1 Managing people in software
 L3 environments
 3.1 Software effort estimation  6.2 Working in teams
 3.2 Activity planning

Rev 5.2 - 16 September 2018 2

Course Introduction

Notes and Discussion

 Slides presented set the
 Take personal notes as
 Refer to identified resources
for further reading
 Ask questions for
everyone’s benefit

“Do Words Have Meaning – or Meanings Have Words?”
 What is the meaning of the following
 “I never said you broke the window”

 What meaning do you attach to the

following words?
 Quality
 High Level
 Implementation
 Critical Success Factor
 Oversight

Rev 5.2 - 16 September 2018 3

Course Introduction

Other Logistics
 Breaks – scheduled and other
 Mobile phones
 Exits
 Toilets


Academic Freedom
 Academic Freedom is not only constitutionally
protected, but rests on the capacity for
independent commentary that is crucial to the
evidence-based work that is unique to
Academies. Indeed, the Academy of Science of
South Africa’s mission of “Science for Society”
cannot be realised without the exercise of the
freedom to research, write, and speak robustly
and professionally, without fear or favour on any
topic including the impact of science on society.


Rev 5.2 - 16 September 2018 4

Course Introduction

Take a Break


Rev 5.2 - 16 September 2018 5

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