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SUPERIOR COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA CRIMINAL DIVISION UNITED STATES LADONIA BOGGS May. 15, 2021 ‘Ly on Friday, May 7, 2021, members of the Metropolitan Police Department responded to 1511 Benning Road, Apartment E11, Washington, D.C. to conduct a Missing Person Report in regards to the almost two-month-old male decedent with the initials K.B., aka K.J., (hereinafter referred to as "the decedent"). Ladonia Boggs, DOB 1/12/1983, the decedent?s mother, (hereinafter referred to as "the Defendant") resided with the decedent at 1511 Benning Road NE, Washington, D.C. 2 On Wednesday May 5, 2021, the Defendant contacted the decedent ?s biological father, Male 1, and informed him that the decedent will be gone for a long time because the D.C. Child and Family Services Agency (CFSA), which the Defendant referred to as "CPS," took him. On May 6, 2021, Male 1 called the National Center for Children and Families (NCCF) and asked a NCCF social worker, hereinafter referred to as Witness 1, for information about the decedent?s status with CFSA, Witness 1 ultimately advised Male 1 that CFSA did not remove the decedent from the care of the Defendant. Witness 1 then called the CFSA Hotline with concerns of a missing infant and the mother?s PCP use. As a result, Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) officers responded to the Defendant?s house on Thursday, May 6, 2021, to conduct a welfare check on the decedent. The Defendant answered the door and informed officers that the decedent did not live at the residence; the Defendant also told the officers that no small children lived at the location. After obtaining this information, MPD officers left the premises. an FSA records indicate that eight people live in apartment E11: the Defendant, Male 2 (age 23, currently incarcerated), Witness 3 (age 18), Witness 4 (age 14), Witness 5 (age 9), D.B. (age 5), A-M. (age 1), and the The events and acts described above occurred primarily in the District of Columbia and were committed as described by defendant(s) listed in the case caption. May 15, 2021 /8/ Dwayne Partman Diiz49_ CID {s/ Michelle Starr Police Officer Badge Unit Witness / Deputy Clerk Dwayne Partman Sgt. Michelle Starr Printed Name of Menber / CADE Printed Nane of Witness / Deputy Cler 1of 12 SUPERIOR COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA CRIMINAL DIVISION UNITED STATES LADONIA BOGGS May. 15, 2021 decedent, K.B, aka K.g. (age 1 month). 4 On Friday, May 7, 2021, a CFSA social worker, hereinafter Witness 2, went to the decedent?s residence, and spoke with the Defendant. The Defendant told Witness 2 that the decedent was taken by CPS. Witness 2 checked her CFSA database and confirmed that the decedent was not removed from the Defendant's care 5. Witness 2 also spoke to the Defendant's other children. The children said they were sleeping and when they woke up the decedent was no longer in the house, and their mother, the Defendant, told them that CPS had taken the decedent. One of the children said this occurred on May Sth and the others said it occurred on or around the Sth. 6. Witness 2 called the police to file a missing person report. A member of MPD responded to the premises to assist with the missing person investigation. The Defendant told the police and Witness 2 the same story regarding a "lady" from CPS who took the decedent. The Defendant described the "lady," and stated that she left with the decedent, the decedent's car seat, his clothes, and his formula in a blue Toyota. The Defendant also told Witness 2 and the police that a person who did not have a badge took the decedent. She gave varying accounts on when the decedent was removed, first saying it was during the nighttime and then saying it was daytime. The Defendant reported that the "lady" had gotten an anonymous call that the Defendant was using drugs and neglecting the child. The Defendant further reported that the "lady" said her name was Wanda Davis. Your affiant knows that this name is consistent with a relative of Male 1. Witness 2 called this relative who reported that IT did not have the child and IT (the The events and acts described above occurred primarily in the District of Columbia and were committed as described by defendant(s) listed in the case caption. May 15, 2021 /s/ Dwayne Partman 11249. CID /s/ Michelle starr Police Officer Badge Unit Witness / Deputy Clerk Dwayne Partman ggt. Michelle starr Printed Name of Menber / CADE Printed Nane of Witness / Deputy Cler 20f 12 SUPERIOR COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA CRIMINAL DIVISION UNITED STATES LADONIA BOGGS May. 15, 2021 relative) was in Las Vegas. The Defendant denied being under the influence of anything, and claimed that she had been sober for a year. She also denied having a phone number for Male 1, but then provided the police with his phone number. The Defendant also said that she had not spoken to Male 1 in a month. Ts on Friday, May 7, 2021, the Defendant allowed MPD officers to conduct a search of the premises for the missing decedent. The officers did not see any evidence of the decedent or baby items, food, a crib, or a car seat in the Defendant?s apartment. The area trash receptacles were checked, and it appeared that they had already been emptied by the trash company. 8. On the same day, members of MPD Youth and Family Services Division participated in an interview with one of the Defendant?s children, Witness 3, who lives with the Defendant and the decedent. Witness 3 said that IT last saw the decedent on Wednesday, May 5, 2021, at approximately noon while the decedent was lying on the Defendant?s bed. The last time Witness 3 saw the decedent awake was on Tuesday, May 4, 2021. According to Witness 3, the Defendant told IT that while Witness 3 was out of the apartment, CPS came and took the decedent and all his things. Witness 3 observed that all the decedent's clothes, his milk, car seat, and stroller were all gone from the apartment. Witness 3 reported that the Defendant was under the influence of a drug when it had this interaction with her but Witness 3 claimed to not know the name of the drug. %. Also on Friday, May 7, 2021, MPD Youth Division (YD) detectives interviewed Male 1. Male 1 reported that he had last seen the decedent on The events and acts described above occurred primarily in the District of Columbia and were committed as described by defendant(s) listed in the case caption. May 15, 2021 /s/ Dwayne Partman pii24s CID /s/ Michelle starr Police Officer Badge Unit Witness / Deputy Clerk Dwayne Partman Sgt. Michelle stare Printed Name of Menber / CADE Printed Nane of Witness / Deputy Cler 2 of 12 SUPERIOR COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA CRIMINAL DIVISION UNITED STATES LADONIA BOGGS May. 15, 2021 Sunday or Monday of that same week, at the Defendant?s apartment. Male 1 told the detectives that the Defendant called him on or about Tuesday and asked him to take the decedent and pack all his stuff. Male 1 did not come get the decedent, and he received another call from the Defendant on Wednesday, May 5, 2021, who told him that the decedent was gone. According to Male 1, when he asked gone where, the Defendant hung up on him. She called him back, however, and stated that "CPS" came and got the decedent. Male 1 stated that he heard the Defendant?s child, Witness 5, in the background say, yeah someone came and got him. Male 1 told the YD Detectives that in the evening of Wednesday, May 5, 2021, he had a hotel room, and he and the Defendant spent the night at the hotel room, Male 1 stated that he was talking to the Defendant about what happened to the decedent, and the Defendant told him don?t worry about it, it will be all right. Male 1 reported that he asked the Defendant if the "CPS" person gave her any information or anything, and the Defendant stated that the person did not. Male 1 stated that at some point the Defendant told him that the name of the person from "CPS" who took the decedent was named "Wanda Davis," which is his relative's name. 10 When Male 1 learned that "CPS" took the decedent, he contacted his social worker, Witness 1, and asked for additional information. In the early morning of Thursday, May 6, 2021, while still at the hotel room with the Defendant, Witness 1 contacted Male 1. Male 1 reported that he told the Defendant that Witness 1 was calling him, and that Witness 1 would give them information about the decedent. However, Witness 1 was only able to tell Male 1 that "CPS" did not take the decedent. The events and acts described above occurred primarily in the District of Columbia and were committed as described by defendant(s) listed in the case caption. May 15, 2021 /s/ Dwayne Partman pi1249 cD /s/ Michelle starr Police Officer Badge Unit Witness / Deputy Clerk Dwayne Partman Sgt. Michelle Starr Printed Name of Menber / CADE Printed Nane of Witness / Deputy Cler 408 12 SUPERIOR COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA CRIMINAL DIVISION UNITED STATES LADONIA BOGGS May. 15, 2021 ig At approximately 7:05 a.m. on Thursday, May 6, 2021, the Defendant sent a text message to Witness 3 that stated, "Witness 3" get up and make sure my house tougher [sic] sumbody just called my phone and said cps bout to cum there." Your affiant would note that as of May 6, 2021, the Defendant did not have any open cases with CFSA. Witness 3 provided the YD detectives with this text message during its interview on Friday May 7. 12. on Friday May 7, 2021, the Defendant participated in a non-custodial interview at the 6th District Police Station with MPD detectives. The Defendant initially told MPD that she had last seen the decedent 4 to 5 days earlier, when a "lady" from CPS who said her name was Wanda Davis came to the apartment and stated she got an anonymous call that the Defendant was neglecting her child. According to the Defendant, the "lady" stated if she did not have the strength to take care of the decedent, the "lady" would take care of him, so the Defendant let the "lady" take him. ‘The Defendant then added that the "lady" said that Male 1 told her to go to the Defendant?s house and take the decedent. The Defendant reported that the "lady" asked for the decedent's belongings, so she gave them all to the "lady." She stated that this happened at about 11:00 at night. When asked whether she called Male 1 to tell him someone had come to take his son, the Defendant stated that she did not, and that she had not seen Male 1 that week. The Defendant insisted that none of her other children were home when the "lady" came to get the decedent, and that they were all outside playing at the time. 13. The detectives confronted the Defendant about whether she had sent a text message to anyone about cleaning the house because CPS was coming. The Defendant denied sending the text. The detectives asked if they could see The events and acts described above occurred primarily in the District of Columbia and were committed as described by defendant(s) listed in the case caption. May 15, 2021 /s/ Dwayne Partman D11249 cID /s/ Michelle starr Police Officer Badge Unit Witness / Deputy Clerk Dwayne Partnan Sgt. Vichelle starr Beinted lane of Wenber 7 CADE Printed Wane of Witness / Deputy Cler 5 of 12 SUPERIOR COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA CRIMINAL DIVISION UNITED STATES LADONIA BOGGS May. 15, 2021 the Defendants text messages, and she agreed, showing them the messages on the phone. Looking at the phone, the detectives pointed out to the Defendant the text message that she sent to Witness 3. The Defendant then agreed that she sent that text to Witness 3 a4 The detectives continued to interview the Defendant, who then changed her story and stated that she gave the decedent to another woman, whom she named (hereinafter Female 1) "because she couldn't deal with him." ‘The Defendant explained that she told Female 1 that she was getting overwhelmed with dealing with the decedent, and Female 1 stated that if the Defendant could not handle the decedent, she (Female 1) would come and get the baby. When detectives asked for Female 1's contact information, the Defendant stated that she deleted the text messages and Female 1?s contact information from her phone. According to the Defendant, Female 1 was her godmother. The detectives asked the Defendant to show them in the call log in her phone the calls with Female 1, but the Defendant stated she did not know which were the calls with Female 1. The detectives copied by hand from the Defendant's phone the phones numbers of all the calls the Defendant made or received on Wednesday May 7, 2021. 1s. The detectives confronted the Defendant with the fact that they spoke with Female 1 and confirmed that Female 1 did not have the decedent. ‘The Defendant then admitted that Female 1 is the paternal grandmother of Witness 4 and did not have the decedent. Instead, the Defendant stated that a friend whom she named (hereinafter Female 2) had the decedent. She told the police that Female 2 lived on Good Hope Road. The Defendant stated that she gave Female 2 the decedent. When asked why she lied to the detectives The events and acts described above occurred primarily in the District of Columbia and were committed as described by defendant(s) listed in the case caption. May 15, 2021 /s/ Dwayne Partman Ditads; em: /s/ Michelle Starr Police Officer Badge Unit Witness / Deputy Clerk Dwayne Partman Sgt. Michelle starr Printed Name of Menber / CADE Printed Nane of Witness / Deputy Cler 6 of 12 SUPERIOR COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA CRIMINAL DIVISION UNITED STATES LADONIA BOGGS May. 15, 2021 about Female 1, the Defendant answered because "I didn't want my baby because me and his father was going through whatever we was going through." The detectives confronted the Defendant with the fact that no one with Female 2's name lived on Good Hope Road. When asked if she had Female 2's phone number in her phone, the Defendant stated no. 16. After further questioning by the police, the Defendant reported that she and the decedent were sleeping in bed and when she woke up the decedent was not breathing. The Defendant said that she then wrapped the decedent in a blue blanket and put him in the trash/dumpster. She said that when she did this, she was wearing a red shirt and blue pants. Finally, when it was suggested by the detective interviewing her, the Defendant agreed that she was sleeping with the decedent and rolled on top of him. She observed that he was not breathing and was unresponsive, so she put in him the dumpster. ‘The Defendant advised that she gave all the decedent?s clothes to someone in the other apartment building. 17. At certain points during the interview the Defendant told the detectives that she wanted her child back and that she missed him. When asked, the Defendant initially stated that she did not use drugs, but then clarified that she used PCP about 4 months ago 18. Hours after her interview was completed, the Defendant contacted a homicide Detective and reported that she had given the decedent to one of the individuals she had previously named. Detectives confirmed with all the people named by the Defendant that they did not in fact have custody of the decedent The events and acts described above occurred primarily in the District of Columbia and were committed as described by defendant(s) listed in the case caption. May 15, 2021 |payfsopegie Pae cea pi1249 CID /s/ Michelle starr Police Officer Badge Tait Witness / Deputy Clerk Dwayne Partman Sgt. Michelle starz Printed Nane of Menber / CADP Printed Nane of Witness / Deputy Cler Tof 12 SUPERIOR COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA CRIMINAL DIVISION UNITED STATES LADONIA BOGGS May. 15, 2021 19. on Saturday May 8, 2021, the Defendant contacted a homicide detective and stated that she wanted to speak with them again about her baby. At her request, detectives responded to the Defendant?s location and interviewed her. This interview was audio recorded. The Defendant told the detectives that the decedent died in her house in her bedroom. She reported that she and the decedent were lying on her bed together, and the baby was between her and the wall. According to the Defendant, the decedent was lying on his stomach, and she was lying on her right side; when she woke up her stomach was on top of him. She told the detective that she rolled off of the decedent and that's when she noticed he was under her and found that he was no longer breathing. The Defendant stated that she wrapped the decedent in a blue baby-blanket and placed him in the dumpster outside of the apartment building. The Defendant insisted that her children were all outside at the time this happened, and that none of the kids asked about the decedent when they came back inside. The Defendant admitted that she was under the influence of PCP when she rolled on top of the decedent. The Defendant also admitted that she had told another homicide detective that she had been hallucinating the day the decedent died, but she could not remember what she had been hallucinating. 20. on or about Sunday, May 9, 2021, the Defendant gave an interview to a Missing Person's Activist, who broadcast the interview on an open-source Facebook page. In the interview, the Defendant stated that she fell asleep with the decedent on her chest, rolled over, and noticed the baby was unresponsive. The Defendant reported that she then went outside and spoke to someone about the decedent. When she came back inside, the decedent was still in the bed, was still unresponsive, and was still not breathing. The The events and acts described above occurred primarily in the District of Columbia and were committed as described by defendant(s) listed in the case caption. May 15, 2021 /s/ Dwayne Partman Diiz49_ CID /s/ Michelle starr Police Officer Badge Unit Witness / Deputy Clerk Dwene| Barenany Sgt. Michelle Starx Printed Name of Menber / CADE Printed Nane of Witness / Deputy Cler a of 12 SUPERIOR COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA CRIMINAL DIVISION UNITED STATES LADONIA BOGGS May. 15, 2021 Defendant stated that she then went for a walk around the block a few times. When she came back into the apartment again, the decedent still was not breathing. She then stated that she got a blanket and his car seat, "wrapped up, and took it outside, and disposed it in the trash." The Defendant acknowledged that she never called the police or an ambulance. she did not know where the police could find the decedent. The Defendant stated that she was afraid, and she panicked. 21. Detectives from MPD reviewed surveillance footage of the Defendant?s residence from Wednesday, May 5, 2021. The Defendant was cbserved on surveillance video on May 5 carrying an infant car seat outside through a door at the premises. The Defendant was also captured in the May 5 surveillance, wearing a red shirt and blue pants, carrying a plastic bag filled with unknown items in one hand and dragging a cardboard box in the other hand. The cardboard box appears to contain something like a white cloth or blanket and appears large enough to carry a 2-month-old infant. The Defendant was captured carrying these items through a door of the premises to the outside. Surveillance footage from the premises also captured the Defendant at the trash dumpster. Moments afterwards, the Defendant was seen on surveillance footage reentering the building without any of the above described items. During her May 7, 2021 interview, the Defendant identified herself in still shots from this surveillance footage. 22 On Tuesday, May 11, 2021, homicide detectives interviewed Wale 1. Male 1 stated that he was living on and off with the Defendant at her residence after the decedent was born. However, about a month after the birth, the Defendant told him he had to leave, so he moved out. According to The events and acts described above occurred primarily in the District of Columbia and were committed as described by defendant(s) listed in the case caption. May 15, 2021 /s/ Dwayne Partman 11249. CID /s/ Michelle Starr Police Officer Badge Unit Witness / Deputy Clerk Dwayne Partman Sgt. Michelle Starr Printed Name of Menber / CADE Printed Nane of Witness / Deputy Cler 9 of 12 SUPERIOR COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA CRIMINAL DIVISION UNITED STATES LADONIA BOGGS May. 15, 2021 Male 1, he would still call and visit to help out with the decedent. Male 1 reported that on Sunday, May 2, 2021, at 2015 hours, the Defendant texted his phone a message that stated, "I wish I never had a baby by your anything ass." Male 1 sent a text message to the Defendant at 2031 hours that stated "Shit and be like that you're angry right now and I told you about being that way be patient with me please." The Defendant replied with a text message at 2037 hours that stated "Bitch fuck you n*gga, you don?t give two fucks about this baby you help bring into this world but I promise you n*gga I?ma make your life a living hell." At 2117 hours, the Defendant also sent a text to Male 1 that stated, "Ima be like [Female 3] and turn this baby over to CPS." Your affiant knows that Female 3 is the first name of the mother to Male 1's other children and has had a case with CFSA. 23 In addition to the above, Male 1 repeated to the homicide detectives what he had told the YD detectives. He also reported that on Saturday, May 8, 2021, he was at the Defendant's apartment, when she told him that: she was sleeping with the decedent on her chest, and when she woke up the decedent was not responding, so she stepped outside; when she came back, the decedent still was not responding; the Defendant wrapped up the decedent, put him in the car seat, and put him in the trash. According to Male 1, he asked the Defendant what part of your brain didn?t tell you to call 911 when he was not responding, and the Defendant responded that she panicked. 24. Male 1 also told homicide detectives that he observed that the Defendant's drug use had become worse recently. He advised that her drug of choice was PCP and that they had smoked together. Male 1 stated that he had never observed the Defendant be physically abusive towards her children and The events and acts described above occurred primarily in the District of Columbia and were committed as described by defendant(s) listed in the case caption. May 15, 2021 /s/ Dwayne Partman pii24s CID /s/ Michelle starr Police Officer Badge Unit Witness / Deputy Clerk Dwayne Partman Sgt. Michelle starr Printed Wane of Menber / CADE Printed Wane of Witness / Deputy Cler 10 of 12 SUPERIOR COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA CRIMINAL DIVISION UNITED STATES LADONIA BOGGS May. 15, 2021 that there was always food in the house. Male 1 advised homicide detectives that he believed that the Defendant loved the decedent, and that she was not the kind of person who would hurt the decedent or throw the decedent in the trash to get back at him. 2s. At the time of this filing, despite an approximate 4-day search at a Virginia landfill, the decedent's remains have not been located. 26. on May 24, 2021, the Defendant was arrested, waived her Miranda rights, and was interviewed by detectives. In this interview, the Defendant asserted that she was asleep with the decedent on her chest, and when she woke up, she was on top of the decedent and he was unresponsive. The defendant stated that she panicked, and did not know what to do, so she wrapped the decedent in a blanket and put him in the car seat. She then placed the car seat in the dumpster. The Defendant reported that she put the decedent?s clothes in a box and put those in the dumpster too, although she said that the next day she gave some of the decedent's clothes to a neighbor who had also had a baby at the same time the decedent was born. The Defendant asserted that the decedent was not taking any medications, although he seemed to be having digestion issues, and as a result she had spoken with medical professionals about changing the formula he was drinking. She reported that she was supposed to take him to the doctor but was waiting for nis insurance to start. The defendant also reported that the decedent was having constant constipation. The defendant stated that after she put the decedent in the trash, she tock a walk around the block, and then came inside. The defendant said she told Male 1 the decedent was gone because she was upset with him. According to the Defendant, she was not under the The events and acts described above occurred primarily in the District of Columbia and were committed as described by defendant(s) listed in the case caption. May 15, 2021 /s/ Dwayne Partman Diiz49_ CID /s/ Michelle Starr Police Officer Badge Unit Witness / Deputy Clerk Dwayne Partman Sgt. Michelle Stare Printed Name of Menber / CADE Printed Nane of Witness / Deputy Cler 11 of 12 SUPERIOR COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA CRIMINAL DIVISION UNITED STATES LADONIA BOGGS May. 15, 2021 influence at the time she rolled on top of the decedent and disposed of him in the trash, and she was not hallucinating. The last time she had smoked PCP was a day or two before she rolled on top of him. 27. ‘The Defendant admitted that she has previously had a case with CFSA for her other children. 28 A pediatrician at Childrens National Medical Center advised that co- sleeping may result in death, the risk of which may be increased when a parent is under the influence The events and acts described above occurred primarily in the District of Columbia and were committed as described by defendant(s) listed in the case caption. May 15, 2021 /s/ Dwayne Partman pi1249 cD /s/ Michelle starr Police Officer Badge Unit Witness / Deputy Clerk Dwayne Partman Sgt. Michelle starr Printed Name of Menber / CADE Printed Nane of Witness / Deputy Cler 12 of 12

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