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What does each phase of a project produce?

Can the output of one project be used for the input of another?

Give examples of project phases. "What is an ""Exit Gate"" or ""Kill Point""?"

Can phases be repeated? What is a project?

Relation between program and project Characteristics of a project

yes. Each phase of a project produces one or more deliverables

"An evaluation of the deliverables of one project phase to

determine if the project should continue and the next phase "Phases have names like ""requirements gathering"",
should be initiated. The decision on whether to proceed with ""desing"", ""construction"", ""testing"", ""implementation."
the project is usually made by a person external to the project.

"A project is a temporary (finite) group of relaed tasks yes.

undertaken to create a unique product, service or result."

"A compnay's project portfolio represents all of the project

" -a project is time limited (it has a definite beginning and and program investments they make. Programs represent a
end); - a project is unique (it has not been attempted before by group of projecdts managed together in order to gain
this org); - a project is undertaken for a purpose (it will yield efficiencies on cost, time , technology, etc. For instance, by
a specific product, service or result)" managint three rela
What is project management? What is a portfolio?

What is a Program? What is Progressive Elaboration?

What is a process? What is Historical Information?

What is the important concept of baseline. What is Baseline?

"A company's project portfolio represents the entire
investment in projects and programs. Project portfolios
should be aligned to the organization's strategicgoals. In fact, "Project management is the application of resources, time and
expertise to meet the project requirements."
an organization's portfolio might be considered the truest
indicator of its re

"The term ""progressive elaboration"" simply means that you "A program is a larger efferot than a project, because it is a
do not know all of the characteristcs about a product when you group of related projects coordinated together. Programs may
begin the project. Instead, they may be revisted often and also include operations. Organization often group projects
refined. For instance, you may gather some fo the into programs in order to realize some benefit that could not
requirements, perfor be achi

"Historical Information is ualually under the umbrella of "A process is a package of inputs, tools, and outputs used
""organizational process assets."" Any historical information together to do something necessary and valuable for the
you have is actually an asset for the organization to use on project. Every process may be performed more than one time
future projects. Historical Information is found in the recoreds on a single project and even with a single phase. Many
that h processes may be perfor

"Ther term baseline is used for specific components of the "Baselines are used as tools to measure how performance
project plan: specifically, scope, time and cost. The baseline deviates from the plan, so if the plan changes, the new plan
is simpley the original plan plus any approved changes. The becomes the baseline. Supporse you were running a one mile
beaseline includes all approved changes. Baselines are used race and you considered that distance as your baseline. Your
as tools plan was to run
What are Lessons Learned? What is a System?

What is Regulation? Definition of a Project Manager

What is a Standard? Definition of a Project Coordiantor

Definition of Senior Managemtn Definition of Projec Expeditor

"A system incorporates all the formal procedures and tools put " atLessons learned are documents focused on variances created
the end of each pahse that detail what lessons were learned
in place to manage something. The term ""system"" does not tha tshould be shared with future projects. Lessons learned
refer only to computer systems, but to proceures, checks, and from past projects are another organizaion process asset,
balances, processes, forms, software, etc." which is an

"The project manager is the person ultimately responsible for " A regulation is an official document that provides guidelines
the outcome of the project. The project manager is: Formally that must be followed. Compliance with a regulation is
empowered to use organizaional resources; -in control of the mandatory(e.g., in the US, wheelchair rampsl are reuired for
project; -authorized to spend the project's budget; -authorized ADA compliance). Regualtions are issued by governemtn or
to m another offical

" The project coordinator is weaker thatn a project amanger. " A standard is a document approved by a recognized body that
provides guidelines. Compliance with a standard is not
This person may not be allowed to make budget decsions or
overall project decsions, but they may have some authority to compy paperbut
mandatory may be helpful. For example, the size of
is standardized, but thiere is not a law in most
reassign resources." countries requireing

"The weakes of the three project management roles, an " For the exam, anyone more senior than the project manager.
expeditor is a astaff assistant who has little or no formal Sernior mangement's role on the project is to help prioritize
authority. This person reports to the executive who ultimately projects and make sure the project managager has the proper
has responsibility for the project. The expeditor's primary authority and access to resources. Senior managemnt issues
responsibility strategic p
Definition of Functional Manager Definition of Project Office

Definition of Stakeholder Definition of Program Manager

Definition of Sponsor Definition of project context

Description of Functional Organizaion What are the three main types of organizations
"A department that can support project managers with "The functional manager is the departmental manager in most
methodolgies, tools, trainign, etc, or even ultimately control organizational structures, suct as the manager of engineering,
all of the organization's projects. Usually the project office director of marketing, or IT manager. The functional manager
serves in a supporting role, defining standeards, providing best usually ""owns"" the resources that are loaned to the project
practices and ahs

"Program managers are responsible for the programs. A "Stakeholders are individuals who are involved in the projct or
program is multiple coordinated projects, and the program whose interest may be positively or negatively affected as a
manager manages these ast a higher level than the project result fo the execution or completion of the project. They may
manager does. For instance, the project manager many be exert influence over the project and its results. This definitio
responsible for the daily

"The sponsor is the person paying for the project. He may be

" The organizaiotnl environment where the project is carried internal or exteral to the company. In many organizations the
out. A large part of the project context is determined by the sponsor is called the project champio. Also, the sponsor and
organization's sturcture, which PMI refers to as the type of the customer may be the same person, although the usual
organization." distinction

"Very common organizationlal structure where team members

- Functional organizations; -projectized organiations; -matrix mayfor
work a department, such as enginerrring or accounting, but
be loaned to a project from time to tome. The project
organizations (a blend of the above two) manger has low influence or power, and could even be part
Who is in charge of a Functional Organization? Description of a Projectized Organization

What are the benefits of a Functional Organization? Who is in charge in a Projectized Organization?

What are the drawbacks of a Functional Organization? What are the benefits of a Projectized Organization?

Description of a Matrix Organization What are the drawbacks of a Projectized Organization?

The organization is structured according to projects instead of
functional departments. The project manger is both the
manager of the project and of the people. He is highly Functional (Department) manager
empowered and ahs the highest level of control. It is more
commonly found in

Project manager is weak; Projects are prioritized lower; Deeper company expertise by function; High degree of
Resources are often not dedicated to a project professional specializaiton; Defined career paths for the team

"The project manager has complete authority; Project

communtication is easiet since every is on s single team; Project manager is weak; Projects are prioritized lower;
Loyalty is strong, to both the team and the project; Contention Resources are often not dedicated to a project
for resources does not exist"

"A hybrid organization where idivals have both a functional

" Team members only belong to a project - not to a functional manager for human resources and a project manager for
area; Team members ""work themselves out of a job"" - they projects. In a strong matrix, the project manger carries more
may have nowhere to go when the project is over; weight. In a weak matrix, the functional manager has more
Professional growht and development can be difficult." authority. In a b
Rank the project manager's power by organization type from
Who is in charge within a Matrix Organization. strongest to weakest.

What are the benefits of a Matrix Organization. List the skills a project manager should have:

What are the drawbacks of a Matrix Organzation Definition of a Project Life Cycle.

Where is stakeholder influence generally highest in? Early or

Definition of the Triple Constraint. Late phase
"Strongest-Projectized, Strong Matrix, Balanced Matrix, Power shared between project manager and functional
Weak Matrix, Functional-Weakest" manager.

"Leading-motivating people and inspiring them to commit;

Communicating-Exchanging information clearly and "Can be the ""best of both worlds"" Project managers can
correctly.; Negotiating-Working to reach a mutal agreement. gain the deep expertise of a functional organization while still
Negotians may happen with groups or individuals inside and being empowered to manage the resources on the project."
outside the organization.

The project life cycle is simply a representation of the pahses " Higher overhead due to duplication of effort on some tasks;
a a project typically goes through. Example of the general Resources report to a functional manager and they have a
phases and flow: ""dotted line"" to a project manager, sometimes causing
Conceptual>Planning>Construction>Testing>Implementation conflict and confusion; High possibiltiy for contention
>Closure. between roject manager

"While changes do occur during a project, they do not happen

in a vacuum. When the scope of a project is changed, time
Early. and cost are also affected. Of course, the same is true when
changes are made to cost or time. Those changes will have
some impoact
Difference between PMBoK 42 project management process List some common tools
vs a project management methodoolgy.

Definition of the Work Authorization System List some common outputs

List some common inputs Definition of Enterprise Environmental Factors

Definition of Project Management Plan Definition of Process Assets

"The PMBOK does not describe a methodology. It describes
the 42 processes used to manage a project. These process are
-Expert Judgement; -Project Management Information used by an organization's project management methodology.
System For example, the Atlanta braves and the New York Mets both
have the same set

"Part of the overall project management information system

(PMIS), the work authorization system is used to ensure that
-Change Request; -Updates work get performed, at the right time and in the right
sequence. It may be an informal email sent by the project
amanger to a function

A common input. Consider the things that impact your project

that are not part of the project iteself. Such as: Your -enterprise environmental Factors; -Organizational Process
company's organization structure; Your organiztion's values Assets; -Project Management Plan; -Work Performance
and work ethic; Laws and regulations where the work is being Information
performed o

"A common input. Anything that your organizaion owns or "A common input. The culmination of all the planning
has developed taht can heop you on a current or future project processes. A single approved document that guides execution,
may be considered an organizational process asset and part of monitoring, and control, and closure. It may be documented
your job is to contribute to these assets whereever possible on at a summary level or may be very detailed. List of
your pro components that make up t
Definition of Work Performance Information Definition a Change Request

Definition of Expert Judgement Definition of Updates

Definition of Project Management Information System Where do updates to plans come out from:

List the three elements that processes are composed of: List the five foundational process groups
"A common output. As work is performed, it is common for " A common input. Work performance info begins to flow as
changes to be requesed. (eg. Increase the scope of the project, the actual work of the project is executed. Project team
or cut it down to size, deliver the product earlier or later, members, the customer , and other stakeholders will need to
increase or decrease the budge, or alter the quality standards) be informed as to the status of the deliverables, how things are
All performing ag

"A common tool. It can be used whenever the project team

"A common output. Updates as process outputs occur so often and the pm do not have sufficient expertise. You don't need to
as to make it very difficult fot the test taker to keep it all worry about whether the experts come from inside the
straight. Updates to plans come out of planning, executing, organizaion or outside, whether they are paid consultant or
and monitoring and controlling processes." offer free adise. T

"A common tool. It is your system that helps you produce and
keep track of the documents and deliverables. For example, a
"Planning, executing, and monitoring and controlling PMIS might help your organization product the project charter
processes." by having you fill in a few fields on a computer screen. I
tmight t

"inputs, tools and techniques, outputs. The diffent inputs,

- 1) Initiating; -2) Planning; -3) Executing; -4) Monitoring tools and techniques, and outputs are combined to form
and Controlling; -5) Closing; each of the 42 PMI processes processes which are performed for a specific purpose. For
may be categorized into one of these process gropus. example, Develop Schedule is a process and as its name iplies,
it is performed
List the nine knowledge areas that the 42 project management
Definition of inputs process fit into:

Definiton of Tools and Techniques What are the two homes each of the 42 processes fit into;

Can the 42 processes be performed one or more times in each

Definition of Ouputs project phase

The Intiating Process Group is made up of two processes: List

What happens during initiation? them
"The starting points for the process. Just as food is a basic
1) Integration Mgt; 2) Scope Mgt; 3) Time Mgt; 4) Cost Mgt; building block for the production of energy in living creatures,
5) Quality Mgt; 6) Human Resource Mgt; 7) Communications there are specific and unique inputs into each project
Mgt; 8) Risk Mgt; 9) Procurement Mgt management proces that are used as building blocks fo that
process. In

"Tools and techniques are the actions or methods that are used
to transform inputs into output. Tools can be many things,
process group(5) and knowledge area (9) such as software, which can be used as a tool to help plan the
project and analyze the schudule. Techniques are methods,
such as f

"Every porcess contains at least one output. The outputs are

the ends of our effors. The output may be a document, a
yes. product, a servie, or a result. Usually the outputs form one
process are used as inputs to other processes or as part of a
broader del

"This is the process group that gets the project officially

authorized and underway. The project or phase is formally
Develop project charter and Identify Stakeholders. begun, the project manager is named, and the stakehodler
register is produced."
What are the advantages of performing initiation more than
What happens if a project is not initiated properly? once in a project.

List the 20 processes that make up project planning process

What happens when a project is initiated properly? group:

Can initiation be performed more than once during a single Which process group is the largest?

The project scope statement (created during the Define scope)

The WBS is used as an input to create the ? is used as input to feed the ?
"On a longer or riskier project, requireing initiation to take The end results cold range from a lessened authority for the
place on each pahse could help to ensure that the project project manager to unclear goals or uncertainty as to why the
maintains its foucs and that the business reasons it was project was being performed.
undertaken are still valid."

-Develop Project mgt plan; -Collect Requirements; -Define "The business need is clearly defined, would include a clear
Scope; -Create WBS; -Define Activities; -Sequence direction fot the scope as well as information on why this
Activities; -Estimate Activity Resources; -Estimate Activity project was chosen over other possibiliteis along waith a list of
Durations; -Develop Schedule; -Estimate Costs; -Determine the project's stakhodes."
Budget; -Plan Qua

"Yes. If a project is being performed in phases, each pahse

"Planning process group (20), but it doesn't involve the most could require it's separate initiation, depending on the
work" company's methodology, funding and influencing factors."

Work breakdown Structure. (created during the Create WBS Activity list (created during define activities)
C. Create work breakdown structure. Create project scope
"What is the correct sequence for the following activities? statement. Create activity lsit.

A. Create project scope statement. Create work breakdown D. Create activity lsit. Create project scope structure. CReate
structure. Create activity list. work breakdown structure."

B. Create project scope statement. Create activity list. Create Which process group usually involves the most work
work breakdown structure.

What happens in monitoring and controlling processes? List the eight processes of the Executing Process Group.

Executing processes.

"-Direct and Manage Project Execution; -Perform Quality "Things are measured, inspected, reviewed, compared,
Assurance; -Acquire Project Team; -Develop Project Team; monitored, verified, and reported. Activities that relate to
-Manage Project Team; -Distribut Information; -Manage monitoring and controlling simply ensure that the plan is
Stakeholder Expectations; -Conduct Procurements.;The key working. If not adjustments should be made to correct future
to understanding the ex results. Monitorin
What happens if there is a difference between the plan and List the two processes that comprise the closing group:

Relation of monitoring and controlling processes with Key thing to remember about Closing process group.
backward/forward looking

List the ten processes of the Monitoring and Controlling

Process Group.
"Corrective action is taken, either to change the paln or to
Close project or phase AND Close procurements. change the way in which is being executed (or both) in order
to ensure that the work results line up with the plan."

"The project doesn't end with customer acceptance. After the "Monitoring and controlling processes look backward over
product has been verified against the scope and delivered to previous work results and the plan, but corrective actions,
the customer's satisfaction, any contracts must be closed out which result from these processes, are forward looking. In
(Close procurement), and the project recoreds must be updaed, other words, monitoring and controlling is about influencing
the tea future results a

-Monitor and Control Project Work; -Perf. Integrated Change

Control; -Verify Scope; -Control Scope; -Control Schedule;
-Control Costs;-Perform Quality Control; -Performance
Reporting; -Monitor and Control Risks; -Administer

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