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Free Content Friday - February 2019


Written By: Graphic Design & Layout:
Brian Greene Michal Cross, Christopher J. De La Rosa, Alex Huilman


H aving destroyed the original sample of the crystals and returning power to your grid, Susan has informed players that there is another
facility a day’s travel from here that houses more of these crystals and is being utilized as a staging facility for releasing the crystal
into the world on a mass level. She needs to get to that facility and shut it down as well, and deal with Noland Meyer.

Crystal Infection: When engaged by a Crystallized Zombie
The party will face the following opponents: and within Melee Range characters make a Save Throw with
{Dodge%}. If the Crystallized Zombie stays within range, a new
Standard Opponent
Save Throw must be made at the beginning of each round. If the
Unless specifically stated the “Crystallized Zombie” is to be used all Encoun- Save Throw fails, the character has a chance of becoming infected
ters will feature the Standard Opponent as set by the Gamemaster. with the bio-organic crystals that are infused in the zombie. Make
an additional Save Throw with {Endurance%} where failing begins
Crystallized Zombie a process that leads to inevitable death.

Physical contact is to be avoided.Touching it will transmit the organic Template: This opponent is a Template that is applied to the Stan-
crystal and within 48 hours the crystal will spread taking over the nervous dard Opponent for the scenario.
system, respiratory system, and stop the heart effectively killing its host and
turning it into a zombie. Until they fully turn infected can use rational Triggered Effect(s)
thought, problem solve. Up to a point, they will appear uninfected.
As per the Standard Opponent.
Strength: 30
Perception: 30
Empathy: Special
Willpower: Special

Movement: 5’
Speed: n n


Health Points: (1)

Damage Threshold: T 8
Viral: 1+ OL

Skill Check(s)

{Balance 33%, Dodge 33%, Grapple 30%, Brawl33%, Spot/

Listen 30%}
Noland Meyer (O.B.M.)

MISSION BRIEF During the initial chaos of the outbreak Noland was accidentally introduced to the crystals. He
immediately took a dose of the experimental serum to slow the growth and hoped he would be
The party will engage the following Mission: the first human to successfully integrate the power of the crystals without dying. He was partially
successful, though the result left him a little less than human. He feverishly worked to stop the
Project Termination growth in himself and did accomplish his goal, but not before he was changed beyond recognition.
Nearly twice the size of a normal human now, the crystals have given him strength beyond belief.
The location for this scenario is a Top Secret Research
The crystals formed inside and layered his bones leaving him nearly invulnerable to impact, they
also jutted out of his skin leaving most attackers susceptible to becoming infected with the
LaborValue(s) crystals.Yes, it could be said that Noland had become one with the crystals.Total symbiosis.

nn Travel to Facility: q100 Strength: 50

nn Initiate “Emergency Shutdown Protocol”: Special Perception: 45
nn Deal with Noland Meyer: Special Empathy: Special
Willpower: 50
Risk Factor(s)
Movement: 5’
Starting Pool: W15 Speed: n n

nn Noise: W1 Vitality
nn Activity at Night: W1 per 61 per Character Health Points: 3
Critical Skill Check(s) Damage Threshold: T 15
Size: 2
{Navigation%} Viral: 3+ OL
Special Skill Check(s)
Emergency Shutdown Protocol: Charac- {Grapple 60%, Brawl62%, Dodge 45%, Endurance 50%}
ters need to enter the lab and initiate the “Emer-
gency Shutdown Protocol” which will initiate a Special
facility self-destruct sequence.
Crystal Infection: As per "Crystallized Zombies”.
Not So Fast: If characters kill Noland Meyer, the internal energy of the crystals will
Reward: l200 bring him back to life and leave him weakened. With a sudden gasp of air, Noland leaps
up and flees the immediate area. Attempts to stop him are thwarted by an explosive
Ensuring that the facility “Emergency Shutdown and deafening blast of sonic crystal vibrations. Characters are unable to withstand the
Protocol” is initiated will ensure that the imme- blast with a {SC%} and are stunned, allowing Noland to escape.
diate threat of the crystals is resolved and grant
Mission Success. Triggered Effect(s)
Dealing with Noland Meyer will provide an As per the Standard Opponent.
additional bonus of l200.
Template Options/Hazards
Dramatic Entry W10
The stakes of this Mission means that failure
will likely result in the deaths of the characters. Noland Meyer has been hiding in the room in a patch of crystal, embedded in them
by morphing into the patch. When he reveals himself the patch of crystals shatters,
Aborting this Mission will allow Noland to sending shards flying through the room. Characters will need to perform a {Dodge%}
disperse the crystals into the atmosphere, with n n to avoid being hit and beginning the initial stage of infection.
allowing the Crystallized Zombies to replace
the Standard Opponent of the Scenario. Crystal Calling W15
Noland vibrates the crystals in his chest to a frequency that calls 2d6 Crystallized Zom-
bies from the surrounding area to come fight for him. While they attack, he must focus
to maintain control and lurks in the background only attacking if he is approached.
Julio Medino
Julio Medino is one of the two people escorting Susan. She met him shortly
Susan Gardner after things fell apart and they helped each other survive. He’s very loyal
Susan Gardner is a survivor that used to work undercover at Armand Power to Susan.
and Electricity for the FBI. She is fully invested into bringing the situation Strength: 27
with the crystals to an end. Should the characters assist her in this, she Perception: 28
could prove to be a highly valuable ally with her diverse skill set. Empathy: 35
Strength: 30 Willpower: 30
Perception: 30 Vitality
Empathy: 23
Willpower: 37 Health Points: (5)
Damage Threshold: T 5
Vitality Morale: J6
Health Points: (5) Equipment
Damage Threshold: T6
Morale: J5 9mm Pistol: As per Outbreak: Undead.. Survivor’s Guide page 176,
Capacity 10.
Skill Check(s)

{Brawl40%, Spot/Listen 45%, Search 53%, Stealth 46%,

Determine Motives 57%, Persuade 42%, Firearms (Pistol)
53%, Construction/Engineering20%}
TrainingValue(s) NPCs a a r e t h e
Scenars in “Part 1” s a m e
6 4 for ea io, provided of the
se of a
ccess. again

9mm Pistol: As per Outbreak: Undead.. Survivor’s Guide page 176,

Capacity 15.

Michael Linden
Michael Linden worked with Susan at the electric company.The day every-
thing went to hell Susan grabbed Michael by the arm and dragged him
with her as she fled the office, and they made their way to shelter. She
taught him how to shoot a gun and how to use a knife, and he’s been loyal
ever since.

Strength: 34
Perception: 26
Empathy: 32
Willpower: 28


Health Points: (5)

Damage Threshold: T 5
Morale: J5

Skill Check(s)

{Construction/Engineering31%, Firearms (Pistol) 35%}


9mm Pistol: As per Outbreak: Undead.. Survivor’s Guide page 176,

Capacity 10.
Detailed Timeline
Provided is a more complete look at the individual events that The Confrontation
make up this Mission.
After the Research and Development lab characters will enter the
2.1 CHANCE ENCOUNTER Releasing room. This room is host to 1D3 Crystallized Zombies per
character, as well as Noland Meyer himself. He is waiting some-
Susan informs the group that there is another facility she has where in the room, possibly hidden, and is expecting the group.
discovered while doing a quick review of the information stored Whether characters use {Stealth%} to bypass the Crystallized
on the thumb drive. Roughly a day’s travel by foot. This facility is Zombies and execute the Shutdown Protocol or they fight their
where Noland fled to during the chaos of the zombie outbreak. way through, they will not leave the room without triggering an
It’s here that he is planning to unleash the crystals on the world via encounter with Noland Meyer. Upon entering the scenario, Noland
a mass release of a powdered form in the atmosphere, effectively Meyer makes a proclamation to the players.
spreading it to every living thing. If this happens, there will be “You have come to bear witness to the birth of a new world. Soon, all shall be
worse things than a world filled with the living dead to contend made clean. All the world will come to be one and all shall be my children.”
with. After a night’s rest, it’s time to head to the next facility.
This is the beginning of a very serious encounter. It is to be noted that
The party must travel, again... the characters very well may die during this encounter. If the encounter
Travel to Facility ends with all the players dead, this is the end of the scenario.

q100 If Susan manages to survive along with any characters, she will
tell them this:
“I can’t ever repay you for all you have sacrificed to save a world that will
Gamemasters are encouraged to introduce Encounters during the never know. Noland escaped and, for me, this is not over.You, though, have
travel. This also presents an excellent chance for some roleplaying done more than enough.Thank you. I wish you the best of luck.”
among the characters.
Susan will then initiate the Emergency Shutdown Protocol, a self destruct
sequence that will destroy this facility in a low level blast and eradicate
2.2 THE FACILITY any remaining crystals and crystallized zombies left in the immediate area.
Upon entering the grounds of the facility there are some zombies milling
about in the parking lot of what looks like a single entrance warehouse.

Failing a {Stealth%} will trigger an Encounter with 1D3 Standard

Opponents per character. In this Encounter a “Crystallized Zombie”
may be added as a Template Opponent for W5.

Close Quarters Appendix

Once the group has gained access to the facility’s lobby, Susan explains
that the specs she has on this place show it to be two main rooms with some CONTINUING THE STORY
offices rimming the exterior, just beyond the doors ahead. From the looks
of the lobby, there seems to be a growth of crystal covering the walls of this 1. THE HUNT FOR NOLAND
building. A battle is going to be tough in tight quarters. It is absolutely possible for players to want to pursue Noland
and bring about his ultimate demise along with Susan. In this
“We’ll need to get to the second room to stop the release.That’s where the way Gamemasters will have an option to potentially expand this
controls will be located.The room beyond this one is listed as more research scenario into a longer campaign arc.
and development. It’s probably going to be a fight to get through. I kept
the key card from the R and D wing at Armand. It should be high enough
clearance to get us through.While you’re in here keep your eyes peeled for
more samples of the serum.We’re probably going to need it and it should
be stored here in a larger quantity assuming Noland hasn’t seen to that.”

The lab is surprisingly empty of hostiles, though the crystal groth in the
building grows more dense as they advance.

The expectation of zombies being in the lab will make for high
tension that a Gamemaster is encouraged to take advantage of
and play up.

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