The Book of Archetypes

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Send more . . . Archetypes?

Ever had a new player show up without a character?

Ever needed a new party—fast—since zombies
munched down on the old one?
Ever needed instant characters for a pick-up game,
because no one wanted to bother with char gen?
Eden Studios has the book for you!
Take your love of flesh to the next level with the
AFMBE Book of Archetypes.

Book of Archetypes is a supplement for the

All Flesh Must Be Eaten roleplaying game.
In it, you will find:
• More than 35 new Archetypes to throw into the zombie survival horror meat grinder.
• Each Archetype includes personality, quote, gear, and full game stats.
• Several new Qualities, Drawbacks, and pieces of equipment for Cast Members.

This supplement contains material written by fans of the All Flesh Must Be Eaten RPG.

$15.00 (US)
ISBN 1-891153-16-1
Text, artwork,
artwork, icons,
icons, personalities,
tradedress andand characters
copyright ©© 1999-2003
1999-2003 Eden
Eden Studios,
Studios, Inc.
CJ Carella’s
Carella’s The
The Unisystem™
copyright © © 1999-2003
1999-2003 CJ
CJ Carella.
Used under
under exclusive
exclusive license.
All Rights Reserved.
All Rights Reserved.

Joe DelJanovan (Order #24798100)

Send more . . . Archetypes?
Ever had a new player show up without a character?
Ever needed a new party—fast—since zombies
munched down on the old one?
Ever needed instant characters for a pick-up game,
because no one wanted to bother with char gen?
Eden Studios has the book for you!
Take your love of flesh to the next level with the
AFMBE Book of Archetypes.

Book of Archetypes is a supplement for the

All Flesh Must Be Eaten roleplaying game.
In it, you will find:
• More than 35 new Archetypes to throw into the zombie survival horror meat grinder.
• Each Archetype includes personality, quote, gear, and full game stats.
• Several new Qualities, Drawbacks, and pieces of equipment for Cast Members.

This supplement contains material written by fans of the All Flesh Must Be Eaten RPG.

$15.00 (US)
ISBN 1-891153-16-1
Text, artwork,
artwork, icons,
icons, personalities,
tradedress andand characters
copyright ©© 1999-2003
1999-2003 Eden
Eden Studios,
Studios, Inc.
CJ Carella’s
Carella’s The
The Unisystem™
copyright © © 1999-2003
1999-2003 CJ
CJ Carella.
Used under
under exclusive
exclusive license.
All Rights Reserved.
All Rights Reserved.

Joe DelJanovan (Order #24798100)

E D E N S T U D I O S P R E S E N T S A S H Y / V A S I L A K O S P R O D U C T I O N

T h e B o o k o f A r c h e t y p e s
Produced by E D E N S T U D I O S Directed by G E O R G E V A S I L A K O S
Written by E V I N A G E R C O L I N C H A P M A N S E T D A N I E L S O N
D E R E K A . S T O E L T I N G
Edited by D E R E K A . S T O E L T I N G J O D Y D E N T O N
Director of Photography G E O R G E V A S I L A K O S Visual Effects T R A V I S I N G R A M
Cover Art C A R L O S S A M U E L A R A Y A
Proofed by J O D Y D E N T O N S H A R I H I L L R O S S A . I S A A C S
M . A L E X A N D E R J U R K A T T O M R E D D I N G
D E R E K A . S T O E L T I N G
Based on the Original Concept by
C H R I S T O P H E R S H Y a n d G E O R G E V A S I L A K O S
W W W . A L L F L E S H . C O M
The material in this book was written by fans of the AFMBE RPG. As such, the rules and equipment contained
herein may not be compatible with other material published by Eden Studios, Inc. for use with the Unisystem.

The Archetypes in this book were created for use in actual games. As such, their numbers may be off a little bit here and there.
We'll let you figure out which Archetypes were not created "by the book."

Eden Studios
6 Dogwood Lane, Loudonville, NY 12211

All Flesh Must Be Eaten ™ , icons and personalities are © 1999-2003 Eden Studios
The Unisystem™ Game System © 1999-2003 CJ Carella.
All art © 1999-2003 Eden Studios.
All Rights reserved.

Produced and published by Eden Studios, Inc.

The Unisystem™ is used under exclusive license.

No part of this book may be reproduced without written permission from the publisher, except for review
purposes. Any similarity to characters, situations, institutions, corporations, etc. (without satirical intent)
is strictly fictional or coincidental. This book uses settings, characters and themes of a supernatural nature.
All elements, mystical and supernatural, are fiction and intended for entertainment purposes only.

Reader discretion is advised.

Comments and questions can be directed via the Internet at, via e-mail at or via letter with a self-addressed stamped envelope.

First Printing, June 2003

Stock EDN8008 ISBN 1-891153-16-1
Printed in the U.S.

Joe DelJanovan (Order #24798100)

Str 2 Dex 2 Con 2 Personality
Int 3 Per 3 Wil 2 What were you expecting? A bookworm? Being
an archaeologist is much more than library
L P s 26 research. You have to be out there, getting
E P s 23 yourself dirty. This is not a clean or
easy job. When the weather conditions
Spd 8 are not against you, the local authorities are.
E s s e n c e 14
But things have changed now. How
Qualities/Drawbacks could we know the sealed tomb con-
Addiction (Habitual Drinking) (-1) tained something as ridiculous as a
Humorless (-1) still-living mummy? Come on,
Nerves of Steel (3) that’s just movie stuff! But there
Photographic Memory (2) it was, and in the space of a
Situational Awareness (2) few minutes, half of Ahmed’s
digging team was dead. In
less than three hours, half of
Skills our 80-man excavation team
Brawling 1 had been killed and...zombi-
Driving (Cars) 2 fied—a Professor Kelly put it so
Guns (Handgun) 1 nicely.
Humanities (Archaeology) 4
Humanities (Ancient History) 4 And what are we to do? We are in
Instruction 3 the middle of a hostile desert, 300
Language (Arabic) 4 miles from the closest human set-
Myths and Legends (Egyptian) 3 tlement, with the strongest sand-
Notice 3 storm I’ve ever seen raging for
Occult Knowledge 1 the past 24 hours. It’s almost as if
Research/Investigation 3 God Himself is angry and decided
to trap us here with these . . . things.
Gear There is a terrible wail coming from the
Archaeologist’s Toolkit, Shovel, Old tomb. It’s like the sandstorm summoned
Revolver, Books on Ancient Cultures the wailing.

It may be time to pay that mummy a visit.

“I don’t care if this thing is Anubis the
Soul Reaper! I’m going to teach it TO

Archetypes 2
Joe DelJanovan (Order #24798100)
Bitten Housewife
Str 2 Dex 3 Con 3
Int 2 Per 2 Wil 2 Before I could put her down, my little girl bit
L P s 30 me. Had I not been weak, this wouldn’t have
E P s 26 happened. What do I do now? My baby
went in three days . . . is that all I have
S p d 12 left? No! I’m strong. I can’t lie around like
E s s e n c e 14 she did. I’m fit, I’m healthy, I just have to
stay active. I have to keep moving and
get far away from here.
Attractiveness +2 (2) But what if someone finds
Charisma 1 (1) out? They can’t, they’ll kill
Resources 1 (2) me! I’ll wear long pants
and claim to have pneu-
monia to explain the
Skills fever. I can’t show signs
Beautician 3 of injury. They can’t sus-
Computers 2 pect. The only way I can
Craft (Cooking) 3 make it is if I’m strong! I’ll avoid
Driving (Car) 2 other people and stick to back roads.
First Aid 3 I have my gun. I’ve taken weeks of
Guns (Handgun) 2 handgun training, I’ll be fine. I just
Notice 2 have to let them get close enough,
Piloting (Sailboat) 1 that’s not too bad.
Running (Marathon) 2
Seduction 2 I have to pack some stuff, I’ll need
Singing 1 food and clothes. I don’t know how far
Sport (Tennis) 3 I’ll get before I run out of gas. Don’t
Swimming 2 think about the bite. It’s not a factor.
Writing (Creative) 2 Concentrate. I’m going to be okay, I just
have to get everything together. This
Gear won’t be too hard. Will it?
Box of Bullets, First Aid Kit,
Flashlight, Kitchen Knife, Raincoat, Quote
Handgun, Suitcase Full of Canned “It’s pneumonia, I get it every year. I’ll be
Goods okay. No, I twisted my ankle a while back,
but I’ll be okay.”

Joe DelJanovan (Order #24798100)

3 Archetypes
Bounty Hunter
Str 4 Dex 2 Con 4 Personality
Int 3 Per 4 Wil 4 The world’s gone to hell. I guess it should be no
surprise that there are more and more scumbags
L P s 42 out there. Crooked cops, smugglers, prison
E P s 41 escapees, thugs, punks, and all the rest,
they’ve been popping out of the woodwork, like
S p d 10 the dead.
E s s e n c e 20
I suppose I shouldn’t complain, it just
Qualities/Drawbacks means more money for me. A lunatic
Acute Senses (Vision) (2) here, a rampaging biker there, and I’ve
Addiction (Alcohol) (-2) got money in my pocket or food in my
Contact (Bounty Hunter) (2) pack.
Nerves of Steel (3)
Resources 2 (4) It’s a lucrative trade nowadays, too.
Showoff (-2) There are a lot of people who want
Situational Awareness (2) other people captured or dead.
Either way, it doesn’t really matter
to me really. Although dead is
Skills usually easier . . . dragging
Brawling 3 the corpse back to where
Drive (Car) 3 it needs to go, especially
Escapism 2 when the client wants the
First Aid 2 thing still kicking and
Guns (Assault Rifle) 5 snarling, is a pain in my
Guns Specialty (Boom Stick) 7 ass, to say the least.
Guns (Handgun) 4
Intimidate 3 All the same I guess it’s a good time to
Notice 3 be alive, lots of work, lots of money,
Questioning 4 and plenty of excitement. I just wish
Streetwise 2 the zombies weren’t all over the place.
Tracking 3 Even when I don’t have to drag ‘em
cross-country to collect a bounty, they
are a damned nuisance.
“Boom Stick” Assault Rifle, Flashlight,
Handcuffs, Pistol, Trenchcoat Quote
“Dead, alive—as long as I get paid.”

Archetypes 4
Joe DelJanovan (Order #24798100)
Circus Knife Thrower
Str 3 Dex 4 Con 2
Int 1 Per 2 Wil 2 No, I’m not your hero! Wrong place, wrong time,
L P s 33 that’s all. Yeah, I killed it. I had to. I did it for me,
E P s 26 not you. I’m just trying to get out of here. You
can come too, as long as you don’t slow me
S p d 12 down. Go over there and get my knife out of
E s s e n c e 14 that . . . Oh stop whimpering and get my knife!

Qualities/Drawbacks Of all the towns to stop in for the

Fast Reaction Time (2) night. I’ve seen all kinds of crazy
Hard to Kill 1 (1) things in the circus, but nothing
Resistance (Pain) (2) like this. I’ve got to get out of
here. After this I’m getting me
a normal job! Washing cars
Skills or something, or boats, on
Acrobatics 2 an island. Yeah, that would
Acting 2 work.
Brawling 2
Driving (Car) 2 I hope you’re fast, because
Escapism 3 I’m not fighting these
First Aid 1 things! I’ll run like the wind.
Hand Weapon (Knife) 2 I’m faster than they are,
Pick Pocket 3 and they can’t follow me
Sleight of Hand 2 forever. You see that car up
Stealth 2 ahead, it looks like it still
Storytelling 2 runs. There’re two of those
Throwing (Knife) 5 things standing near it. You
make some noise over that way,
Gear and I’ll get the car. I’ll run them
Backpack Full of Clothes, Road Map of over, pick you up, and we can get
Common Circus Stops, Throwing out of here! No, I’m not going to
Knives leave you. Now get going!

“I’ve seen plenty of freaks, but
nothing like this. I’m getting the
hell out of this town!”

Joe DelJanovan (Order #24798100)

5 Archetypes
Str 2 Dex 4 Con 3 Personality
Int 3 Per 4 Wil 4 Before they came, I was nobody going
nowhere. I worked as a courier for a now
L P s 45 useless technology company. Day in, day
E P s 32 out, I drove all over this territory. The
moment they hit the scene, that all came
S p d 14 to a screeching halt.
E s s e n c e 20
I was in the middle of a run when I
Qualities/Drawbacks noticed people starting to bite
Addiction (Smoking) (-2) and feed on each other. I
Charisma +2 (2) decided to call it a day and
Contacts (Various) 5 (5) head for home. I had to run
Delusions (Delusions of Grandeur) (-1) over a couple of them
Fast Reaction Time (2) along the way. Since then,
Hard to Kill 5 (5) I have been traveling from
Recurring Nightmares (-1) community to community.
Showoff (-2)
I’m the best, last hope
you have. I can get to
Skills the town that has the
Brawling 1 vaccine. I can even
Bureaucracy 2 make it back. The
Dodge 2 question is, do you have
Diving (Car) 4 the goods that I need? I
Driving (Motorcycle) 4 need gasoline and food for
Driving (Truck) 4 five days. I also want a
First Aid 2 cut of the vaccine. I don’t
Guns (Handgun) 2 think that’s asking too much, do
Haggling 4 you? After all, I’m risking my life
Humanities (Sociology) 1 for this community.
Mechanic 3
Notice 3 Sure, you can send one of your
Smooth Talking 3 own out there. They won’t last
Stealth 1 more than a day against them,
Streetwise 3 though. You don’t know the terrain
Surveillance 2 or their migratory patterns. I do.

So, do you have the goods?

Minivan, Cell
Phone, Briefcase, Quote
Handgun, Lead “The zombies are two days south
Pipe, Knife of us. If I leave tonight, I can be
back with the trade goods in three

Archetypes 6
Joe DelJanovan (Order #24798100)
Crazed Teen
Str 2 Dex 3 Con 3
Int 2 Per 2 Wil 3 I had it all. Everyone looked up to me; I was cap-
L P s 30 tain of the basketball team, Student Council
E P s 29 president, and head of the French Club. My par-
ents were rich, and I had the hottest cheerleader
S p d 12 in school as my girl. Everyone was my friend,
E s s e n c e 15 and everyone wanted me at their parties on
the weekends.
Attractiveness +2 (2) But that all went down the tubes when
Charisma +2 (2) it came. I mean the disease, or what-
Covetous 1 (-1) ever, that caused the Geeks to come
Emotional Problems (Emotional out of the ground.
Dependency) (-1)
Reckless (-2) I can still remember the first night I
Showoff (-2) saw a Geek. I was at school for a
Status 1 (1) game; it wasn’t even the half and we
Zealot (Must protect women) (-3) were already up by 20 against Central.

These two Geeks wandered onto the

Skills court and that was it for our winning
Brawling 2 streak.
Cheating 2
Drive (Car) 2 Soon enough, the whole town was crawl-
Dodge 2 ing with them. I made my way home to
First Aid 2 find out that the Geeks ate my Mom my
Guns (Shotgun) 2 Dad. I felt something inside me snap, and
Humanities (English Lit.) 1 I felt the anger well up. They were going
Language (French) 2 to pay for what they dd.
Melee (Knife) 2
Notice 2
Play Instrument (Drums) 1 Quote
Seduction 2 “Damn Geeks. I’ll show ‘em what hap-
Smooth Talking 3 pens when they mess with my
Sport (Basketball) 3 dreams!”
Stealth 2
Streetwise 1

Shotgun, Basketball, 2 Combat Knives,
Free Weights, Sports Car

Joe DelJanovan (Order #24798100)

7 Archetypes
Crusading Preacher
Str 3 Dex 4 Con 3 Personality
Int 4 Per 3 Wil 4 In these days of terror one must quickly and
fully realize that the only salvation from the
L P s 46 curse of undeath and eternal torture in Hell
E P s 35 lies on the Path of the Righteous. You must
renew your faith into your Holy Creator and
S p d 14 his Son, our Savior.
E s s e n c e 38
The Zombies? The spawn of Hell they
Qualities/Drawbacks are! Satan’s work! They must be
Artistic Talent (Storytelling) (3) found, destroyed and sent back to
Charisma +2 (2) the Pit from which they came! Of
Fast Reaction Time (2) course, they assume the
The Gift (5) appearance of friends and loved
Hard to Kill 4 (4) ones, but that is just an illusion.
Honorable 2 (-2) Don’t fall for it! Blast these
Humorless (-1) demons into oblivion! Send a
Increased Essence Pool +5 (1) clear message to the Demon:
Inspiration (5) my eternal soul is in God’s
Nerves of Steel (3) hands and thou shall not lay your
Obsession (Saving Souls) (-2) rotting claws on it!
Zealot (-3)
So pick up your shotguns and bring
them to me so I may bless them. Our
Metaphysics weapons of violence and destruction
The Binding become tools of divine retribution.
Strength of Ten Let yourselves become storm troop-
ers of God; living instruments of the
Skills vengeful will of the Lord!
Acting 3
Humanities (Theology) 4 Me, I do not need weapons. God
Intimidation 4 and ancient Chinese masters have
Language (Latin) 3 bestowed upon me sufficient power
Martial Arts 3 to cast the undead, or the unbeliev-
Myth and Legend 3 ers, to the Pits of Hell, where they
Rituals (Christian) 3 belong.
Storytelling 4
Gear “I cast thee into the fiery pits of
Holy Book Hell, for this is the will of the Lord!”

Archetypes 8
Joe DelJanovan (Order #24798100)
Distinguished Gentleman
Str 1 Dex 2 Con 2
Int 3 Per 2 Wil 4 I say, all this ghoul rot certainly has everyone in
L P s 22 a bit of a tizzy. A bunch of hogwash, if I do
E P s 26 say so myself. It’s hardly a crisis, let alone a
“national emergency.” Nothing a bit of hard
Spd 8 work on our parts wouldn’t solve. If everyone
E s s e n c e 14 would simply stop bickering amongst them-
selves and put their backs into getting rid
Qualities/Drawbacks of those wretched things we would
Absent Minded (-1) be ship shape again in no time.
Addiction (Alcohol) 1 (-1) Of course then we would simply
Honorable 1 (-1) start bickering again, that’s
Narcolepsy (-2) how it’s always been . . . but
Resources 3 (6) I digress!
Status +2 (2)
Where was I? Ah yes,
Skills the ghouls. They came
Acting 2 ‘round one day and
Craft (Taxidermy) 2 tried to force their way
Driving (Car) 1 in. I had a rough time
Gambling 3 keeping them out. A bit of
Gun (Rifle) 3 the old one-two from my
Gun (Shotgun) 2 hunting gun finally persuad-
Humanities (History) 4 ed them to look elsewhere for
Humanities (Anthropology) 3 food. Since then, things have
Language (Latin) 5 been well and I’ve had no reason
Language (German) 4 to leave. I’ve plenty of food, and
Myth and Legend (English) 3 plenty of forest to go hunt for more
when I run out. I needn’t worry
about marauders or bandits
Gear either; those sporting British
Decanter of Brandy, Double Barreled Army fellows keep all unwanted
Shotgun, Library of Classic Books, Monocle, visitors from mucking about
Smoking Jacket the premises too much.

Now, one more brandy and

then my afternoon nap.

“I say, dead or not, that
disreputable rabble
should have had more
sense than to put their
hands on my gates.”

Joe DelJanovan (Order #24798100)

9 Archetypes
Drill sergeant
Str 3 Dex 2 Con 5 Personality
Int 2 Per 3 Wil 5 Oh my God! You are quite easily the sorriest
lookin’ assholes I have ever laid eyes on!
L P s 51 There’s not a stone-cold killer in the lot of
E P s 44 you. Je-SUS!
S p d 14 Therefore, you will learn how to do three
E s s e n c e 20 things and only three things. One, Survive!
Two, Kill Pusbags! Three, how to stay
Qualities/Drawbacks alive! Mark my words gentlemen: I
Contacts (Government) 2 (2) plan for all of you to learn that
Contacts (Military) 4 (4) one extremely well. If I find out
Cruel 1 (-1) that any one of you maggots
Fast Reaction Time (2) has gotten yourself killed, I
Hard To Kill 3 (3) will track your bumblin’,
Humorless (-1) stumblin’ ass down and put
Nerves of Steel (3) you out of your misery! Am
Resistance (Cold) (2) I understood? I can’t hear
Resistance (Fatigue) (4) you! I SAID AM I UNDER-
Zealot (U.S. Government) (-3) STOOD?

Right! I expect every one of you to

Skills work your ass off. You will shoot
Brawling 3 straight, run fast, and keep what’s
Climb 2 left of this great country safe for its
Craft (Weaponsmith) 1 citizens! Anyone I find goofing off,
Craft Specialty (Gunsmith) 3 sleepin’ late, or takin’ more than their
Demolitions 2 share I will personally feed to the rot-
Dodge 2 ten sonsabitches. We are a team
Drive (Tracked Vehicle) 3 and therefore we will think and act
First Aid 1 like one! Am I—
Gun (Handgun) 3
Gun Specialty (Service Pistol) 5 I saw that look, goddammit! All right
Gun (Assault Rifle) 4 pukes, Penderson here just earned
Hand Weapon (Bayonet) 2 all of you twenty laps around the
Instruction 3 barracks. Now move it!
Intimidate 3
Stealth 3
Survival (Forest) 2 Quote
Survival (Desert) 1 “What are you doing, Johnson?
Get over that wall before I send a
pusbag to chew on your ass!”
Camouflage Fatigues, Class III Vest,
Class IV Helmet, DI Uniform,
Flashlight, 2 Fragmentation
Grenades, Assault Rifle, Handgun,
Web Gear

Archetypes 10
Joe DelJanovan (Order #24798100)
Ex-Goth Gal
Str 1 Dex 3 Con 2
Int 3 Per 4 Wil 3 Personality
No, I am not Goth! I hate those people. They
L P s 22 suck ‘cause they’re depressed all the time for
E P s 23 no reason at all. I’m depressed because I’ve
got real problems. I don’t whine or bitch
S p d 10 about my problems all the time like they do,
E s s e n c e 28 even though my problems are so much
worse than theirs are. I mean, my fami-
Qualities/Drawbacks ly is so messed up I don’t know what
Absent Minded (-1) to do half the time. Did you know I’m
Artistic Talent (Singing) (3) on three different kinds of medica-
Obsession tion for my depression? It’s
(Caring for Stray Animals) (-2) because I don’t want any side
Reckless (-2) effects so I take three to neutral-
Showoff (-2) ize the side effects of them all.

Zombies? Who cares about

Skills them anyway? You know we
Acting 3 wouldn’t be having this trouble if
Brawling 3 we were someplace other than
Dodge 4 here. Nothing cool ever happens in
Driving (Car) 1 this town. Yeah, I was born here,
Fine Arts (Drawing) 4 but I’m the only good thing to
Myth and Legend (Vampires) 3 come out of this place other than
Riding (Horse) 3 my boyfriend.
Running (Dash) 4
Seduction 2 Oh look! A little puppy! What? It is
Singing 3 not dead. It’s just been playing with
Swimming 4 a dead animal or something. That
can’t be its blood all over it. It looks
Gear so cute. I wonder if my boyfriend will
Drawing Pad, Drawing Utensils, Neil Gaiman let me keep it.
Books, Random Abandoned Animal
“Oh look! A stray kitty!”

Joe DelJanovan (Order #24798100)

11 Archetypes
Str 2 Dex 4 Con 4 Personality
Int 3 Per 4 Wil 4 The dead really are walking, well isn’t that some-
thing? It’s so gratifying to know that all my
L P s 46 years of sweeping this country’s slip-ups
E P s 35 under the rug were all wasted cuz some idiot
in an Army lab couldn’t follow procedure.
S p d 16
E s s e n c e 20 Of course I’m bitter. My 15 years of service
with the Agency have just been flushed down
Qualities/Drawbacks the toilet. Granted, I retired over three
Contact (U.S. Intel. Agents) 4 (4) years ago, but it was a matter of pride
Contact (Ex-KGB Officer) 4 (4) to me. Now my work’s all gone, and
Emotional Anchor (Teenage girl) (-1) for what? Some 8-dollar-an-hour lab
Hard to Kill 4 (4) tech who forgot to close a door?
Multiple Identity (Salesman) (2) That’s exactly why I turned the suits
Nerves of Steel (3) down when they came crawling, ask-
Physical Disability ing me to come back. I put in my
(Crippled Hand) (-2) time, let them clean it up.
Recurring Nightmares
(Botched Operation) (-1) Me? I’m only looking out for two
Situational Awareness (2) people: the kid and me. Yeah,
maybe I do have a soft spot, so
what? What’d you expect me to do,
Skills leave her to get eaten by a bunch of
Acting 2 corpses? I may be an ex-spook, but
Disguise 3 that doesn’t mean I’m heartless.
Gun (Handgun) 3 Sometimes she can be a pain, and
Gun (Assault Rifle) 3 she’s getting to that wiseass stage,
Language (German) 3 but I can’t leave her behind.
Language (Russian) 3
Martial Arts 2 My toughest assignment yet: raising
Notice 4 a teenager.
Science (Cryptography) 2
Smooth Talking 3
Stealth 3 Quote
Streetwise 2 “Hey shut up, I don’t sound like a
father. You say that again, I’ll make
sure you never eat solid foods again,
Gear get me?”
Binoculars, Briefcase Gun, Camera,
Class IIIa Vest, Disguise Kit

Archetypes 12
Joe DelJanovan (Order #24798100)
Fatalistic Corp Exececutive
Str 2 Dex 2 Con 3
Int 3 Per 2 Wil 2 I should have seen the end coming. The signs
L P s 30 were all around me, but I ignored them. All I
E P s 26 cared about was money and power, and now
that is coming back to haunt me.
S p d 10
E s s e n c e 14 I neglected my body and my mind to the
sole pursuit of increasing my share of
the profits, and screwing the other
Qualities/Drawbacks guy out of his. Well, now the piper
Cowardly 1 (-1) has come for his due, it seems. The
Charisma +2 (2) dead are out there and they’re
Emotional Problem coming. I’ve got no marketable
(Feelings of Uselessness) (-1) skills now, nothing to keep even
Emotional Problem (Stoicism) (-1) myself alive, let alone to keep
Resources myself fed and protected.
(Multinational Exec) 2 (4)
Recurring Nightmares I have millions, but they won’t
(Dying) (-1) save me when the dead are
Status +3 (3) knocking at my door. You sim-
ply can’t hand a rotting corpse
a fifty and tell it to be on its
Skills way. I’ve got my own jet, but
Brawling 1 where can I run to be safe?
Bureaucracy 4 They’ll find me soon and
Computers 2 kill me. Them, or a
Drive (Car) 2 human who hasn’t made
Gun (Handgun) 1 the same mistakes as I
Hand Weapon (Club) 1 have.
Humanities (Business) 4
Intimidation 1 I guess it doesn’t really
Language (French) 3 matter which one. This is
Notice 2 my bed and I’ll have to lie
Science (Math) 2 in it . . . at least until I die
Storytelling 2 and rise again.
Sport (Golf) 2
Writing (Advocacy) 2 Quote
Writing (Creative) 1
“I’ve seen some hostile takeovers
in my life, but these corpses are
Gear ridiculous!”
Briefcase with Business Papers, Limousine,
PDA/Phone Combination, Handgun

Joe DelJanovan (Order #24798100)

13 Archetypes
Fire Fighter
Str 3 Dex 3 Con 4 Personality
Int 3 Per 3 Wil 4 Anyone left alive in there? We have to get out of
here! I’m a human, not one of those things.
L P s 47 We’ll get out fine. Stop shaking and keep
E P s 38 your eyes open; if you see one of those
things just shout.
S p d 14
E s s e n c e 20 I have no idea how this started. The calls
started, there were fires and riots all over.
Qualities/Drawbacks We about had the flames extinguished
Contacts (Fire Fighters) (3) at this apartment when they started
Contacts (Paramedics) (2) coming through the doors. No one
Contacts (Police) (2) could have lived through that
Hard to Kill 3 (3) inferno! They came out, charred
Nerves of Steel (3) and smoking, some still on fire.
Resistance (Pain) (2) They walked right out front and

Skills Most of the guys ran, but I

Brawling 3 couldn’t leave anyone
Climbing 3 behind, so I took my axe
Demolitions 1 and chopped those bas-
Dodge 2 tards down. The guys they
Driving (Car) 3 killed stood back up! So I
Driving (Truck) 3 went to work with my axe
Engineering (Construction) 2 again. I dragged my wound-
First Aid 4 ed buddies to the truck and
Hand Weapon (Axe) 4 took off. Imagine my surprise
Notice 3 when they turned into those things
Running (Marathon) 2 too! I hit the gas and jumped, letting
Sciences (Physics) 2 the truck smash into a building.
Weight Lifting 3
There’s got to be a safe place
somewhere. We’ll find it. Keep your
Gear eyes peeled and if you see any real
Fire Axe, Fireman Helmet, living people, we’ll go get them. I’m
First Aid Kit, Flashlight not leaving anyone behind.

“Hello! Anyone alive in here? Fire
department, come on out!”

Archetypes 14
Joe DelJanovan (Order #24798100)
Str 3 Dex 3 Con 2
Int 2 Per 2 Wil 2 The world’s burning in Hell, and there’s nothing I
L P s 30 can do about it. All around me people are try-
E P s 26 ing to kill those things by trapping them in
houses, then lighting fires. What they don’t
S p d 10 realize is that they kill as many living people
E s s e n c e 14 as they do dead when the fire spreads to
neighboring buildings. These same fires burn
Qualities/Drawbacks unchecked, because the government has told
Acute Senses (Hearing) (2) all the firehouses in the city not to
Fast Reaction Time (2) respond for their own safety—killing
Obsession (Fighting Fires) (-2) thousands. That’s only one hour
Resistance (Heat) (2) of one day.
Recurring Nightmares
(Being Burnt Alive) (-1) This has been going on for
Situational Awareness (2) weeks, and all we could do is
sit and watch the city burn to
ashes around us. It was more
Skills than I could take.
Climb 2
Dodge 3 So our house and a couple
Driving (Truck) 3 of others have started taking
Engineering (Architecture) 2 the engines out at night and
Engineering (Construction) 3 fighting fire where we can.
First Aid 3 We’ve gotten attacked a cou-
Hand Weapon (Axe) 3 ple of times by those things,
Language (Spanish) 3 and we’ve taken some casual-
Notice 2 ties, but it’s worth it.
Run (Sprint) 3
Science (Fire Fighting) 3 What we do means a few more
people left to help rebuild when
Gear this is all over. In the meantime, I
Fire Axe, Fire Truck with Fire Hose, keep trying my best to fight the
Gasmask, First Aid Kit, Fire fires, and I pray to God for rain to
Extinguisher come and put this city out.

“This is my watch, and zombies
or no zombies there are still fires
to be put out.”

Joe DelJanovan (Order #24798100)

15 Archetypes
Str 2 Dex 2 Con 2 Personality
Int 3 Per 3 Wil 2 Can you believe it? There we were, in the middle
of a game, when a couple of zombies came
L P s 26 through the living room window. I, of course,
E P s 23 knew right off the bat what was happening,
seeing as I had run many a zombie game
Spd 8 before.
E s s e n c e 14
Before anyone could react, the
Qualities/Drawbacks zombies had one of my play-
Addiction (Gaming) (-1) ers in his jaws, gnawing on
Charisma +1 (1) him like a dog with a
Contacts (Gaming Group) (2) chew toy.
Gamer (0)
Photographic Memory (2) Thankfully, I keep a
sharpened sword
handy for emer-
Skills gencies like this.
Acting 1 Well, this and unruly
Brawling 1 players. I had the
Computers 1 zombie chopped up
Dodge 2 in no time. We did lose
Driving (Car) 3 Jerry, though. He was
Hand Weapon (Sword) 2 playing the cleric, too. Damn
Humanities it! Now I have to create an
(Anthropology) 3 NPC cleric for the group.
Humanities (History) 1
Humanities (Ancient We jumped into the cars and
History) 3 headed for a friend’s house in
Language (Latin) 1 the boonies. We’re back in town
Notice 2 to stock up on supplies and get
Occult Knowledge (Obscure more weapons. I figure in ten,
Religions) 1 maybe twelve months we can
Play Instrument (Tuba) 1 have our own little kingdom
Sciences (Mathematics) 1 carved out down here.
Sciences (Physics) 1
Storytelling 3 Quote
Throwing (Dice) 1
“Actually, we just lost one, so we
Throwing (Pencil) 1
have a spot open in the group if
Writing (Creative) 3
you want to play.”

Sedan, Collection of Gaming Books, Sword,

Archetypes 16
Joe DelJanovan (Order #24798100)
Good Ol’ Boy
Str 4 Dex 2 Con 4
Int 1 Per 1 Wil 2 T’other day, me an’ Clem was out shootin’ and
L P s 57 ran out o’ beer, so we reckoned we’d run inna
E P s 35 town and pick up some at Frank’s Carry-out.
We was walkin’ inna Frank’s when we saw
S p d 12 Earl Miller stumblin’ up the street like he’d
E s s e n c e 14 been up in his moonshine.

Qualities/Drawbacks Clem and I reckoned we ough-

Hard to Kill 5 (5) ta help ‘im find his house.
Reckless (-2) We’alls got upta ‘im and sees
Earl all covered ‘n blood,
missin’ a big chunk bit
Skills outta his neck. Earl just
Brawling 3 kinda looked at me all
Climbing 2 funny-like, his eyes all
Dodge 2 glazed over. Then he
Driving (Truck) 3 did the weirdest darn
Gambling 1 thing. Earl grabs me an’
Guns (Rifle) 4 tries to bite a chunk outta
Guns (Shotgun) 4 me
Hand Weapon (Club) 3
Mechanic 2 I got Earl offa me, but he jus’
Stealth 4 kept comin’ back. I start a-
Survival (Forest) 2 screamin’ at Clem, tellin’ him ta
help me, ‘cuz there ain’t no way
Gear Earl should be tryin’ ta bite me.
Shotgun, Hunting Rifle, Pick-up Truck,
Cigarettes, 12-pack o’ Beer, Lots o’ Ammo, Well, finally Clem gets ‘is arm
Lucky Fishin’ Hat ‘round Earl’s neck and pulls ‘im
offa me. And Earl takes a bite
outta Clem’s arm!

It’s about then, that we noticed the

whole dang town’s ‘as got folks
walkin’ and weavin’ about, lookin’ all
crazy-eyed. We been holed up in
Frank’s with some other folk for a few
days now.

“Hey y’all, watch this!”

Joe DelJanovan (Order #24798100)

17 Archetypes
Government Agent
Str 2 Dex 2 Con 2 Personality
Int 3 Per 3 Wil 2 America the Beautiful, what a joke. This country
is coming down around our ears and the Brass
L P s 35 still wants “intel” on those undead jokers. It’s
E P s 23 pretty simple; the Meatbags eat people,
and shamble around, that’s about it.
Spd 8
E s s e n c e 14 That’s still better than dealing with the
crazy rednecks who grabbed their
Qualities/Drawbacks shotguns and a six-pack as
Adversary (Rival Intel. Agents) (-2) soon as they caught wind of
Contacts (CIA) 3 (3) the authorization of deadly
Cruel 1 (-1) force. I wouldn’t care what
Hard to Kill 3 (3) the hell they did, except
Multiple Identities (CDC Agent) (2) Command ordered me to
organize them into search
and destroy parties. Talk
Skills about a logistical night-
Bureaucracy 2 mare! Do you know how
Driving (Car) 3 hard it is to get a drunk-
Electronic Surveillance 2 en man to fill out a
Guns (Handgun) 3 death waiver?
Language (Spanish) 1
Lock Picking (Mechanical) 2 Not that I’m complain-
Martial Arts 1 ing . . . too much. Even
Questioning 3 though those beer-swill-
Research/Investigation 3 ing idiots are a major headache,
Science (Cryptography) 3 the dead have made my job a
Smooth Talking 3 hell of a lot easier. They’ve cut
Surveillance 3 down the number of bureaucrats
looking over my shoulder; asking
me if I have the proper requisition
Gear forms, or whether I’ve filled out all
Binoculars, Class IIIa Vest, Personal Radio, the paperwork on my stakeout.
Camera, Sedan, Handgun That’s all over now, no one cares
as long as I do the job. I’ve been
given the right to act with total
impunity, and it feels good.

“Round the clock surveillance,
zombies, psycho soldiers. They
don’t pay me enough for this!”

Archetypes 18
Joe DelJanovan (Order #24798100)
Great White Hunter
Str 4 Dex 4 Con 3
Int 3 Per 3 Wil 3 Africa, India, the Amazon, Australia, I’ve
L P s 44 been everywhere and hunted every-
E P s 35 thing. My home was filled with the
trophies of a hundred hunts, my
S p d 14 pride and joy. I used to run a busi-
E s s e n c e 20 ness taking professional businessmen
into the wilderness and letting them get a
taste of the hunt. The more exotic the
Qualities/Drawbacks location, the more I got paid.
Acute Senses (Vision) (2)
Attractiveness +2 (2) Then “they” came along. Entire
Fast Reaction Time (2) cities were destroyed overnight.
Hard to Kill 2 (2) My home and my beloved trophies
Nerves of Steel (3) were lost as well. I will rebuild;
Obsession (Hunting) (-2) I’ve started, right here, in this
Resources 1 (2) cave. My pile of “trophy” heads
Situational Awareness (2) grows each day. I sneak close
Status +1 (1) to town and lure some of those
shambling corpses into the woods.
Nothing beats me in the woods.
Skills Nothing.
Brawling 2
Climbing 3 I’ve dug pits, set snares, and kept a
Driving (Car) 3 vigilant watch. No rotting carcass is
First Aid 2 sneaking up on me. Most people
Guns (Rifle) 5 panic—not me, I’m patient. It’s just
Hand Weapon (Bow) 4 me and my prey. Occasionally, real
Stealth 4 people pass through. I help them
Survival (Forest) 3 avoid my traps and send them on
Survival (Mountain) 2 their way. I don’t want amateurs
Swimming 2 making noise and attracting too
Tracking 3 many of those things. I’ve spent
Traps 3 too much time to lose it all now.
They’ll learn. That or they’ll end up
Gear as part of my collection.
Camouflage Fatigues, Compass,
Compound Bow, First Aid Kit, Quote
Machete, Sleeping Bag, Sporting Rifle, “Where, oh where, did that zombie
Survival Knife, Trenching Shovel go . . . where, oh where, could he
be . . .”

Joe DelJanovan (Order #24798100)

19 Archetypes
Grizzled General
Str 1 Dex 2 Con 2 Personality
Int 4 Per 3 Wil 2 Jumpin’ Jolly Roger in a whorehouse, I don’t under-
stand these dumb bastards calling this the end of
L P s 28 the world. I don’t care if we are fighting the devil
E P s 20 himself: we will find the enemy and kill the
Spd 8
E s s e n c e 14 The fact that the enemy is dead doesn’t
change a damn thing, hell it should
Qualities/Drawbacks make things easier. They’re slow,
Charisma +3 (3) they’re dumb as a post, and they
Contacts (Army Intelligence) (2) can’t shoot back. Whipping them
Cruel 1 (-1) should be like a vacation for our
Hard to Kill 2 (2) boys.
Impaired Sense (Sight) (-2)
Resources (U.S. Forces) 4 (4) Licking them’s all a matter of
Zealot (Protecting America) (-3) strategy, if only those tree-hug-
ging politicians would let us
loose. A few calls to the 101st
Skills Air Assault, the Marine’s Urban
Bureaucracy 3 Warfare troops at Quantico, and
Gun (Pistol) 3 we could have Washington
Humanities (History) 3 cleaned out in three days, with less
Humanities Specialty (Military History) 5 than 1,000 civilian casualties. After
Intimidation 3 that, the rest of the country would be
Language (German) 3 clear in less than two months.
Notice 3
Questioning 2 If the politicians don’t let us out of
Science (Military) 4 the gate soon, we’re going to have a
Smooth Talking 2 hell of a lot more than a few thou-
Writing (Academic) 3 sand casualties. In a few weeks
anything my boys do will be a waste
of time for everyone. Somebody
Gear needs to take charge before a
Handgun, Camouflage Fatigues, Command bunch of college boys get us all
APC, Dress Uniform, Maps of the Local killed.

“Eagle-Leader, come in. We’ve
got 600, maybe 700 Deadheads
at two-six-oh Alpha. Use the
1200 pound bombs, designate
Southtown Hospital as intended
point of impact.”

Archetypes 20
Joe DelJanovan (Order #24798100)
Gun Store Owner
Str 2 Dex 2 Con 3
Int 2 Per 3 Wil 2 Boy, that’s a peewee 9mm—is that all you
L P s 30 brought to this party? This ‘ere is a .45 mag-
E P s 26 num revolver, they hunt big game with these!
Well, they used to anyways. I can take the
S p d 10 head off one of those deadboys from across
E s s e n c e 14 the room with this baby. He can’t bite you if he
ain’t got no head!
Contacts (Hoodlums) (2) Sure six shots is enough! Boy, I
Nerves of Steel (3) don’t miss, especially them slow
moving corpses. I carry a ton of
Skills reloads. When those meatbags
Brawling 3 smashed into my shop, I waxed
Cheating 1 ‘em good, then threw every
Craft (Weaponsmith) 4 round I could into these ‘ere
Driving (Car) 3 duffles and split. I’ve been run-
Guns (Handgun) 4 ning ever since, and I gotta tell
Guns (Rifle) 3 ya, I ain’t never had so much
Guns (Shotgun) 4 fun! I’ve been sellin’ and
Haggling 2 shootin’ guns for years, now I get
Hand Weapon (Knife) 1 to walk down Main Street and blast
Mechanic 2 everything that moves! I’m gonna
Streetwise 3 hang around this town until my ammo
supply starts running low, then I’m
gonna head for my cousin’s house up
Gear in the hills. Yeah you can come with
Duffle Bags Filled with Ammo, me, he’s got more guns than I do!
Flashlight, Handgun, Shotgun We’ll have a hell of a time!

“Woohoo! Anybody see where ‘is
head went?”

Joe DelJanovan (Order #24798100)

21 Archetypes
Ham Radio Jammer
Str 2 Dex 2 Con 2 Personality
Int 3 Per 2 Wil 3 One night years ago, I was listening to late night
radio, and there was some weird show on about ham
L P s 26 radio. People were getting on and doing goofy
E P s 26 things, even making channels unusable. They
called it “jamming.”
Spd 8
E s s e n c e 14 It sounded fun. I bought
a radio set and gave it a
Qualities/Drawbacks shot. From time to time I’ve
Acute Hearing 3 (2) even been a licensed operator.
Adversary (Other Radio Mostly, though, I’ve provoked the
Hams) (-1) stiffs.
Adversary (FCC) (-1)
Clown (-1) For all the people I’ve pissed off (and
Contacts (Other Radio there are many, including the local
Hams) 2 (2) Federal Communications
Photographic Memory (2) Chuckleheads office) I’ve gained as
Resources 0 (0) many friends, many who don’t even
Status 2 (Among Hams) question when I’m not using a legal
(2) call. Some of them are even jammers—
and that’s why I didn’t believe the news
when they first started telling us about the
Skills dead rising. “What? Just the usual people
Brawling 1 having trouble waking up in the morning,
Bureaucracy 2 isn’t it?” When the stiffs started relaying
Computers 3 messages for the Red Cross, though, I
Computer Programming 2 knew something was really up.
Dodge 1
Driving (Car) 2 So now I, too, am helping out however I
Electronics 3 can. I’ve already heard of a couple of
Engineering (Electrical) 3 so-called safe zones being overrun,
Haggling 2 though . . .
Notice 2
Research/Investigation 3
Running (Dash) 2 Quote
Smooth Talking 4 “It was so much more fun when we
were jamming repeaters. But now, we
can help . . . somehow. Even the
Gear idiots.”
Shortwave Radio Gear, Callbook,
Tape Recorder, Other Gadgets

Archetypes 22
Joe DelJanovan (Order #24798100)
High Class Thief
Str 3 Dex 5 Con 3
Int 3 Per 3 Wil 3 I am very good at what I do. Among the best of the
L P s 34 best, if I do say so myself.
E P s 32
Get in unnoticed, take the target, and leave a
S p d 16 nice duplicate in its place. I don’t need the
E s s e n c e 20 money, although I admit it is nice. It’s the
knowledge that I got the best of them. Of
Qualities/Drawbacks course, success feeds itself. I can move
Attractiveness +2 (2) through so-called high society and
Charisma +2 (2) gain access to places you would not
Contacts 3 (3) believe. These people practically beg
Covetous (-3) me to come in and case their places.
Delusions of Grandeur (-2) At least, that’s how it was until the
Fast Reaction Time (2) dead came to life.
Reckless (-2)
Resources 2 (4) I lost a good couple of partners on that
Showoff (-2) last museum hit. Pretty soon, they were
Situational Awareness (2) everywhere, making my job a bit too
Status +3 (3) dangerous.

What’s left of the government wants to

Skills use my services, much to the consterna-
Acrobatics 3 tion of those FBI fools who actually man-
Climbing 3 aged to track me down. If I’m lucky, they
Craft (Gemworking) 2 will actually send me with some backup,
Disguise 2 because I really don’t want to become an
Driving (Car) 1 organ-eating, walking tissue wrap.
Electronics 2
Escapism 3
Haggling 2 Quote
Lockpicking (Electronic) 3 “It’s across the zombie filled street on the
Lockpicking (Mechanic) 2 fourth floor, hmm? Impossible? No, I
Notice 3 shouldn’t think so.”
Research/Investigation 2
Smooth Talking 2
Stealth 5
Streetwise 2
Traps 1

Cell Phone, Climbing Gear, Lockpick
Sets, Camera, Dark Clothing,

Joe DelJanovan (Order #24798100)

23 Archetypes
Hispanic Gang Member
Str 5 Dex 3 Con 4 Personality
Int 2 Per 3 Wil 3 I’m tired of hearing all that, shut up or I’ll
shut you up. How did I get stuck with you?
L P s 61 Just ‘cuz you my cousin? You just gotta
E P s 41 watch your back. It’s like when I was
locked down, you can’t let your guard
S p d 14 down. You gotta be tough and hit them
E s s e n c e 20 before they hit you.

Qualities/Drawbacks We gots guns and bullets. We’re gonna

Contacts (Black Market) (2) be okay. We just gotta get out of here.
Contacts (Drug Suppliers) (2) The Army is gonna rain bombs on this
Contacts (Gang Members) (3) place. They’ll kill it here, and I don’t
Cruel (-1) wanna be anywhere near.
Hard to Kill 5 (5)
Minority (-1) No, it ain’t like this everywhere, don’t be
Nerves of Steel (3) stupid. Somethin’ had to cause all this. I
Reckless (-2) think it’s some kind of spaceship or
something. You know, like radiation.
Area 51 and shit. They’re gonna burn
Skills this town up! No more of these stinking
Brawling 4 bastards. Just shut up and do what I tell
Dodge 3 you! I’m gonna get you outta here. Now,
Driving (Car) 3 you carry these, these are clips for the
Guns (Handgun) 3 Uzi. When I tell you to give me a clip,
Guns (Submachine Gun) 4 you give me a clip!
Hand Weapon (Chain) 2
Hand Weapon (Club) 3 Don’t look at that! I told you I was sorry. I
Intimidation 4 thought your mom was a zombie, it was
Language (English) 3 self defense! Now move!
Notice 3
Streetwise 4
Weight Lifting 3 Quote
“Welcome to the jungle, bitch.”

Baseball Bat, Handgun, Submachine

Archetypes 24
Joe DelJanovan (Order #24798100)
Str 2 Dex 4 Con 2 Personality
My life was in a rut. Get up and get online,
Int 4 Per 4 Wil 4 chat with the same 10 people on IRC until
L P s 26 work then come home and go to sleep.
Rinse and repeat. An endless downward
E P s 29 spiral that slowly but certainly sucked the
S p d 12 soul out of me. Once a month like
E s s e n c e 32 clockwork, I’d go to a concert with
a few of my online friends and
Qualities/Drawbacks see a band. My whole life
Addiction (Mood Drugs) (-1) was an anticlimax, birth
Artistic Talent (3) being the only high point.
Fast Reaction Time (2)
Photographic Memory (2) I remember when the
zombies came. Change
came not with a sigh but
Skills a mighty roar of defiance
Brawling 2 and rage. Death and
Computers 3 chaos ate up my old life
Computer Hacking 1 and gave birth to a new
Computer Programming 1 one. At one of the concerts
Dodge 3 I attended, zombies
Driving (Car) 3 attacked. I was one of six
Fine Arts (Drawing) 4 people who escaped that night,
Fine Arts (Computer Graphics) 4 fleeing from an attack that killed
Hand Weapons (Katana) 4 hundreds. The zombies are an
Language (German) 2 aberration of Nature. I am return-
Notice 3 ing their unwashed souls to the
Stealth 2 natural order. It is a war I am fight-
Storytelling 2 ing, my new purpose burned into
Writing (Creative) 2 my soul the night of that attack.
Will you join me?
Sedan, Computer, Quote
Katana, Art Supplies, “Death is my weapon, chaos my
CD Collection hound. Let us hunt.”

Joe DelJanovan (Order #24798100)

25 Archetypes
Ishtar Priestess
Str 3 Dex 4 Con 3 Personality
Int 3 Per 3 Wil 4 Yes, you could probably call me a whore.
But I’m not. Not anymore. I’m a priestess
L P s 34 of Ishtar now. Ishtar the love-goddess.
E P s 35
A year ago, I had this client. He was
S p d 14 a university teacher, the talkative
E s s e n c e 20 type. He told me that a very long
time ago I would have been a
Qualities/Drawbacks priestess of the goddess Ishtar.
Addiction (Habitual Smoking) (-1) I would have been fed, educat-
Attractiveness +3 (3) ed, and respected. People
Contacts (Other Prostitutes) 2 (2) would come to the temple to
Delusion (Priestess of Ishtar) 2 (-2) sleep with me as a holy act. I
The Gift (5) liked the idea.
Inspiration (5)
I bought myself a book on Ishtar. I
didn’t understand it all, but I gath-
Metaphysics ered enough to build myself a per-
Blessing sona. “Come to the priestess of the
Visions love-goddess and know holy pleasures”
or something. I designed mock cere-
monies and rituals for my customers, and
Skills they liked it. I found a used Kama Sutra
Acting 3 and was surprised to read that it was a
Beautician 4 holy book for the people of India. To see
Dancing (New Age) 2 that sex was considered something holy
Escapism 2 rather than unclean changed my percep-
Guns (Handgun) 1 tion. I wasn’t doing anything wrong!
Rituals (New Age) 2
Seduction 4 Now I have a temple where my girls are
Singing 3 fed, educated, and respected. I continue
Smooth Talking 3 to fight to make sure our religious practice
Streetwise 4 is legalalized throughout the country.

Gear Quote
Cell Phone, Can of Pepper Spray, Box of “In ancient times, Ishtar’s priestess
Condoms, New Age Priestess would use sex-magic to make sure the
Paraphernalia world stayed in balance. Let me show

Archetypes 26
Joe DelJanovan (Order #24798100)
Kendo Master
Str 3 Dex 4 Con 3
Int 3 Per 3 Wil 4 Karate is quite powerful. Aikido is subtle,
L P s 46 yet very effective. Kung-Fu can be a beau-
E P s 35 tiful art form. But against zombies, what
use are these martial arts? Is it very bright
S p d 14 to punch something that will try to take a
E s s e n c e 26 bite at your fist? Something that cannot
even feel pain? Engage a zombie in hand-
Qualities/Drawbacks to-hand and it will either immediately
Fast Reaction Time (2) kill you, or contaminate you.
Hard To Kill 4 (4)
Honorable (-1) Then why not use a baseball
Nerves of Steel (3) bat? One good blow to the
Old Soul 1 (4) head can crush any skull.
Situational Awareness (2) What if crushing the
skull is not enough? If
it’s the brain that ani-
Skills mates the corpse,
Driving (Car) 2 then a mere broken
First Aid 3 skull will not stop the
Instruction 3 monster. And while
Intimidation 3 you are resetting
Language (Japanese) 2 after a blow, you
Martial Arts (Aikido) 2 will be defense-
Martial Art (Kendo) 4 less. Even if you sur-
Notice 3 vive, a couple of blows will
Sport (Kendo) 4 leave you winded. Easy
Stealth 3 catch.

Gear Kendo doesn’t have these

Bokken, weaknesses. A simple “men,” or
Modified Kendo head strike, with a “bokken,” or
Armor wooden sword, will make jelly
out of its brain, and you won’t
even break a sweat. You must
use your Ki, not your raw
strength, to fuel your blows.

“Hold your weapon more gen-
tly. Your grip must become
firm only upon impact. Put
power into your blows, not

Joe DelJanovan (Order #24798100)

27 Archetypes
Str 2 Dex 3 Con 2 Personality
Int 2 Per 3 Wil 2 I screw dead people. What’s so wrong
with that? At least I’m still getting laid.
L P s 26 Look at Mr. Muscles over there. Is he
E P s 23 getting laid on a regular basis? No,
he’s not. Being a necrophiliac has its
S p d 10 advantages. Hey, it’s not like I had a
E s s e n c e 14 choice. Being the son of the local
undertaker tends to kill your love life.
Qualities/Drawbacks So, I started getting my jollies from the
Contacts (Morgue Attendant) (2) dead girls that came through the mortuary.
Nerves of Steel (3) No big harm in it, I say. I didn’t hear any
Obsession (Necrophilia) (-2) complaints from them.
Paranoid (-2)
Reckless (-2) Well, the first time I saw a zombie was
when one of the girls woke up on me. I
freaked and started apologizing, think-
Skills ing someone had made a mistake.
Brawling 3 Then I remembered that I had already
Climbing 3 put the embalming fluid in her. At that
Craft (Undertaker) 4 point I ran the hell out of there.
Dodge 3
Driving (Car) 2 Two days later, I was one of a few people
Escapism 1 still left alive. I packed everything I needed,
First Aid 3 plus some food and some survival books,
Guns (Pistol) 2 into my Bug and then hit the road. I’ve been
Hand Weapons (Bat) 2 traveling ever since, fighting the undead
Lock Picking (Mechanical) 1 and putting them into the ground where
Notice 3 they belong.
Running (Dash) 2
Smooth Talking 2
Stealth 2 Quote
Streetwise 2 “WHOA! Don’t shoot that one. I’ll, uhm,
Tracking 1 take care of her.”

Hand Cuffs, Condoms, Vaseline, Bat,
Pistol, VW Bug, Bound Zombie Girl

Archetypes 28
Joe DelJanovan (Order #24798100)
Obnoxious Lady
Str 2 Dex 2 Con 3
Int 2 Per 2 Wil 3 Mary, Mother of God, what have I ever done to
L P s 30 deserve this? Why do you want to punish me
E P s 29 by trapping your poor servant in the compa-
ny of idiots? Yes, you two, I’m talking about
S p d 10 you. Were you born stupid or did you just
E s s e n c e 14 grow up that way?

Qualities/Drawbacks All I wanted to do was to find a

Delusions (Prejudice vs. Attractive few good deals. It’s hard to be
Women) 1 (-1) a single mother, you
Dependant (Child) 2 (-2) know? Especially after
Emotional Problem (Nagging) 1 your no-good hus-
(-1) band has left you for
Photographic Memory (2) that young skinny slut
Physical Disability of a secretary.
(Overweight) 2 (-2) Abandoning his own son!
Situational Awareness (2)
Get your fingers out of your
nose, my darling. Good boy.
Skills Mamma loves you.
Brawling 2
Craft (Cooking) 3 How dare you take the side of
Craft (Sewing) 2 my husband? You think you
Driving (Car) 2 impress me with your muscles
Fine Arts (Painting) 2 and your big gun? You are
First Aid 2 nothing but a kid.
Haggling 4
Hand Weapon (Club) 2 I said keep your fingers out
Intimidation 4 your nose, Nino. You never
Language (Spanish) 4 listen, just like your father.
Notice 3
Questioning 2 No, you are no real man.
Smooth Talking 2 Nor is any of you. Real
Throwing (Sphere) 2 men would save us from
those . . . things. Real men
Gear would have put me in my place
Shopping Bags, Huge and taken me like real men. But
Hand Bag, Very no, Santa Maria, no! You are just a
Annoying Kid bunch of incompetent kids with

“There is one there! Shoot it! Shoot it!
What is that? You call that aiming?
Santa Madonna, what have I done to
deserve this?”

Joe DelJanovan (Order #24798100)

29 Archetypes
Str 2 Dex 2 Con 3 Personality
Int 3 Per 3 Wil 2 I knew he was the one for me after that car hit
him and I saw him for the first time.
L P s 30
E P s 26 He taught me how to shoot and a little about
how to fix the car. This crazy shit had just
S p d 10 started, so he began showing me other
E s s e n c e 15 things, like picking locks. We’d need those
skills just to survive, and if Antonio was
Qualities/Drawbacks anything, he was a survivor.
Fast Reaction Time (2)
Honorable 2 (-2) There we were, me an’ Eric, the
Nerves of Steel (3) other EMT, trying to evac some
Talentless (-2) wounded from a fight between
the police, looters, and the
goons. Eric’s by this one
Skills guy that’s totally covered in
Bureaucracy 1 blood, his arm hanging on
Driving (Van) 4 by one meaty thread, and
First Aid 5 Eric flips him over. I barely
Guns (Handgun) 3 heard Eric scream. I turned
Hand Weapons (Knife) 2 around and this thing has it’s teeth
Haggling 3 buried in his throat. I twisted it away
Lockpick (Mechanical) 1 and Eric fell down. I jammed the pistol
Mechanic 2 into its face and I—I—Antonio! It said,
Medicine (Surgery) 2 “Maria,” and my Antonio, I wanted to
Notice 2 hold him, but he tried to . . . so I shot
Running (Marathon) 3 him. I shot my true love.
Science (Chemistry) 2
Streetwise 2 He held me in his arms after we’d
made love, the night before
Gear I’ve been sick since then.
Helmet, Radio,
Lockpick Set, Multi-
Tool, Duct Tape, Quote
Medic’s Kit, Pistol, “Evac her ASAP. Just tie that off
Shotgun with your belt, if we amputate, we
may save this one.”

Archetypes 30
Joe DelJanovan (Order #24798100)
Paramilitary Geek
Str 2 Dex 3 Con 3
Int 3 Per 2 Wil 1
L P s 33 I didn’t have much to
E P s 23 do at first. Then I
S p d 12 met the other
Invaders. Thanks
E s s e n c e 14 to them, I’ve
improved myself
Qualities/Drawbacks a lot, and paint-
Acute Sense (Vision) (2) ball every week-
Contacts (Invaders) (2) end is a lot of
Emotional Dependency (-1) fun. I make it to
Fast Reaction Time (2) all the war gaming
Hard To Kill 1 (1) gatherings, and when-
Resistance (Fatigue) (2) ever we get together to
Zealot (Conservative Politics) (-3) watch the latest war, I’m the first
one there.
Brawling 1 I was on my way to PT the morning
Bureaucracy 3 everything started. Unfortunately,
Computers 2 most of my pals weren’t as lucky as I
Dodge 2 was. Maybe if they’d war gamed out
Driving (Car) 2 Thermopylae like I wanted them
First Aid 2 too, they wouldn’t have gotten
Guns caught up in it all. I was able to
(Handgun) 1 pull a couple of them out, though,
but Bill got bit along the way.

Guns (Rifle) 2 We got out to the paintball field—

Hand Weapon (Knife) 2 they haven’t gotten out to the country
Humanities (Military History) 3 yet—and I did what I could to help,
Notice 3 but first aid class never covered
Research/Investigation 3 assault by the dead.
Stealth 3
Tracking 1 I know from the news I’ve heard late-
ly, that I’ll have to kill him. But for all
we idolized the soldiers, the warrior
Gear mystique, and said to each other,
Various Camouflage Style Battle “shoot me if I can’t go on,” I don’t
Dress Uniforms, Combat Boots, know if I can do this.
Gas Mask, Gas Mask Filters,
Paintball Gear, History Books,
Strategy Texts Quote
“I don’t see how moldering corpses
can move over five miles an hour
when a regular infantry unit can’t
do it in ‘Panzergruppe.’”

Joe DelJanovan (Order #24798100)

31 Archetypes
Porn Producer
Str 3 Dex 2 Con 3 Personality
Int 2 Per 2 Wil 2 I used to be in front of the camera. You didn’t
recognize me? Many guys let themselves
L P s 40 go—not me. Still got it. Feel that fabric—
E P s 29 genuine velvet, not crap velour.
S p d 10 When I went up, I was ready to bug out.
E s s e n c e 14 That’s just part of the business; there’s
always somebody who wants to make
Qualities/Drawbacks trouble. However, I love my work. It’s
Addiction (Marijuana) (-2) what I do. I started thinking. There’s
Contacts (Criminal) (2) no market for snuff films, now.
Delusions of Grandeur Never really was, and Joe Public
(Vanity) (-1) has seen too much of that crap
Hard to Kill 2 (2) already. But, in times of danger,
Nerves of Steel (3) basic urges come back real

Skills Some of the girls I directed

Acting 2 couldn’t even moan worth a shit,
Bureaucracy 1 let alone move. And after boob-
Cheating 2 jobs and credits, they wanted
Disguise 1 more money and took too long
Dodge 2 to do the job. The dead, they
Driving (Car) 2 can moan. And move. For free.
Fine Arts (Movie Directing) 2 So, I’m looking for someone who’s
Guns (Handgun) 4 hot and undamaged. Even though
Intimidation 2 she’s cold.
Notice 2
Seduction 3 I can handle the acting, but I need
Smooth Talking 2 someone to run the camera.
Streetwise 3
Weight Lifting 2 And to help me tie her down, first.

Gear Quote
Gold Chains, Sunglasses, Handgun, Sex “This is a business that thrives on
Toys, Mary Jane, Mirror, Razor Blade, Joints fresh meat. You with me or not?”

Archetypes 32
Joe DelJanovan (Order #24798100)
Porn Star
Str 3 Dex 4 Con 5
Int 3 Per 2 Wil 3 How did I get into this? Easy. I like to hump
L P s 42 and what’s better than getting paid to do
E P s 38 something you love? It’s not all fun and
games though. It’s a job, and you don’t last
S p d 18 long unless you treat it as such.
E s s e n c e 20
I remember the first time we shot a film
Qualities/Drawbacks with a dead girl in it. I thought the
Charisma +3 (3) director was talking about a snuff
Contacts (Porn Industry) (3) flick when he proposed the film to
Nerves of Steel (3) me. Imagine my surprise when I
Resistance (Fatigue) (3) walked in and there’s this pretty lit-
Status +3 (3) tle thing with a huge hole in her
head. It took them five minutes to
revive me from my faint.
Acrobatics 3 So, I did the shoot and found out
Acting 1 a lot about the undead at the
Brawling 2 same time. I had heard about the
Driving (Car) 3 dead walking over in the Bible Belt,
Myth and Legend (Porn) 4 but I thought that was just media
Notice 2 hype. I found out from April, the
Seduction 3 dead girl, they’ve been walking for
Smooth Talking 3 over a year. I still couldn’t believe it
Streetwise 2 until the cash started rolling in.
Swimming 2 Seems the undead porn film industry
Weight Lifting 2 has had a big boom. So, now I’m out
here doing guerilla-style porno.
Sedan, Condoms, Stay Hard Gel,
Numb-it Gel, Porno Tapes,
“I heard there was a girl’s school
Handcuffs, Black Leather Mask
down the road and I’m sure to find
at least two or three fresh ones

Joe DelJanovan (Order #24798100)

33 Archetypes
Sanitation Specialist
Str 4 Dex 3 Con 4 Personality
Int 3 Per 4 Wil 3 Lemme tell ya sonny. This isn’t the first time
this kinda shit has happened, see? No sir, it’s
L P s 57 true. Oh, yeah, go ahead and laugh it up.
E P s 38 “The old guy’s a loon,” I bet you’re thinking.
Well, it’s true. It was back in the war, when
S p d 12 we were in the A Shau Valley. You heard of
E s s e n c e 20 Hamburger Hill, right? Why ya think it
took us so long to beat the damned
Qualities/Drawbacks dinks off that hill?
Addiction (Smoking) (-1)
Addiction (Alcohol) (-1) What? Oh yeah. Hold on a sec-
Contact (‘Nam Buddy) (1) ond. Look out, there.
Cruel (-1)
Delusions (Asian Prejudice) (-1) BLAM!!
Emotional Problems
(Flashbacks) (-3) Damn things just don’t know
Good Luck 4 (4) when to stay dead, dontcha
Hard to Kill 5 (5) know?
Nerves of Steel (3)
Recurring Nightmares (-1) Anyways. Lotsa folks used to
Situational Awareness (2) say I was “just a garbage man,”
but I think of myself as a sanitation
specialist. I’ve turned this into an
Skills art form of sorts. Sure it’s a nasty,
Bureaucracy 1 shitty job, but someone has gotta
Brawling 4 clean up all these dead pieces of
Dodge 3 shit, right? So that’s what I do all
Drive (Truck) 4 day. Me an’ LuLu.
First Aid 3
Guns (Handgun) 3 Huh? Naw. She’s my truck, my
Guns (Assault Rifle) 4 baby. We go ‘round pickin’ up the
Guns (Flamethrower) 2 deaders and crush ‘em up good,
Hand Weapon (Club) 3 then drop ‘em off at the pit. Add a
Language (Vietnamese) 2 bit of gas and a light from my
Notice 4 trusty zippo. Like this.
Stealth 2
Survival (Jungle) 3 WHOOSH!!!!!!
Throwing (Sphere) 2
Traps 2 Instant wienie roast.

Gear Quote
WW2-era Surplus Flamethrower, Handguns, “Hey, zipperhead! Need a light?”
Multi-tool, Rucksack, Duffle Bag, Canteens,
Bayonet, Flashlight, Police Scanner, First Aid
Kit, Rope, Binoculars, Fishing Gear, MREs,
C-Rations, LuLu the Garbage Truck

Archetypes 34
Joe DelJanovan (Order #24798100)
Str 2 Dex 4 Con 3
Int 2 Per 2 Wil 2 I was working a double at Skanky’s Go-Go.
L P s 30 I had one customer at my stage and it
E P s 26 looked like he was trying to make his dollar
bills last until closing time. I was stuck lis-
S p d 14 tening to him go on about his brand new
E s s e n c e 15 Jag, and what a great car it was, when
some new people came into the bar.
Qualities/Drawbacks They walked right past the doorman
Addiction (Marijuana and Acid) (-3) and headed for the stages. They
Attractiveness +3 (3) looked really out of it; they didn’t
Delusions of Grandeur (-1) even pay the cover charge. One
Emotional Problem (Fear of of them went to the first stage,
Commitment) (-1) grabbed the dancer by the hair,
Lazy (-2) and proceeded to bite that girl’s
Showoff (-2) nose off.
Situational Awareness (2)
No touching the dancers!
Everybody knows that!
Acrobatics 3 Things went downhill from there.
Acting 2 The bouncer tried to kick them out,
Beautician 2 but they started biting his legs. I
Dancing (Exotic) 4 realized then that they were no
Driving (Sports Car) 2 ordinary customers. They were
First Aid 2 zombies, like in that movie.
Instruction 2
Running (Marathon) 3 The one with zombies.
Seduction 3
Smooth Talk 2 Anyway, the bald guy at my stage
Stealth 2 decided to play shining knight and
Streetwise 2 promised to protect me. I took
Swimming 3 his keys and pushed him at the
Unconventional Medicine 2 zombies making their way to
my stage. I was speeding out
Gear of town before the song,
Gymbag with Dancing “Tootsie Roll” finished playing
Necessities, Cell Phone, for the last time.
Schedule Cards, Jewelry,
$230 in Cash, Jaguar
Sports Car
“I wasn’t going to risk my
neck for him. I danced for
him all night and the wait-
ress made better money.
He had it coming.”

Joe DelJanovan (Order #24798100)

35 Archetypes
Survivalist College student
Str 2 Dex 4 Con 4 Personality
Int 4 Per 4 Wil 3 I was in Psychology when it happened. This guy
stumbled into the class clutching the bloody
L P s 43 stump of what used to be his left hand. We all
E P s 32 did what we could, but he died right there in
front of us. The professor had just sent
S p d 14 somebody to call campus security when the
E s s e n c e 20 guy opened his eyes and sat up. A few of
my fellow students tried to help him to his
Qualities/Drawbacks feet, but he grabbed this one guy, and bit
Contacts (College Students) (3) into him with a passion.
Covetous (Knowledge) (-2)
Hard to Kill 3 (3) That was enough for me. I took off, only
Nerves of Steel (-3) to find these things had already overrun
Photographic Memory (2) the whole campus. I saw a lot of other
Quick Learner (3) students get torn to bits by mobs of
Resistance (Cold) (3) them that day, and I only escaped
because of the moves I learned in
Intramural Judo.
Climb 2 Now, I’m reduced to wandering the country,
Dodge 3 trying to finish my education. In fact, I’ve
Forage 4 been able to survive because I learn what-
Guns (Rifle) 2 ever I can, wherever I can. I don’t have a
Humanities (Psychology) 2 lot of leisure time, so I’ve gotten really good
Martial Arts 2 at taking one look at something and
Notice 2 remembering it verbatim. That’s my edge in
Run (Dash) 3 this world.
Science (Biology) 3
Stealth 3 Quote
Survive (Woodland) 4
“If only I had paid attention during that
Traps 3
‘Explosively Exciting Chemistry’ seminar I
had to go to sophomore year!”
Backpack, Rifle, Climbing Gear,
Combat Webbing, Scavenged Books
on Various Subjects

Archetypes 36
Joe DelJanovan (Order #24798100)
Target Shooter
Str 2 Dex 4 Con 2
Int 2 Per 2 Wil 2 Everyone thinks I’m a tomboy. It’s not true,
L P s 26 but my dad always wanted a boy. He
E P s 23 signed me up for karate classes at age
eight, and I was target shooting by age 10.
S p d 12 My father made me practice every day,
E s s e n c e 14 over and over. I didn’t even think about it
anymore, I just sight-acquire-fired by
Qualities/Drawbacks reflex. I won a bronze medal in the
Acute Senses (Vision) (2) Olympics, which led to a scholar-
Fast Reaction Time (2) ship on the college shooting team.
Fear of Rejection (-1)
Situational Awareness (2) I want to finish college and teach
art and history. That would be
such a great job! I love history. I
Skills guess I’m living history at this
Beautician 1 point, and I don’t like it. The
Computers 1 dead are walking around and
Craft (Weaponsmithing) 2 we’re no longer the top of the
Driving (Car) 2 food chain. It just isn’t fair!
Fine Arts (Painting) 3
First Aid 2 Everyone keeps looking to me for
Guns (Handgun) 6 the answers. I’m no soldier. I just
Humanities (History) 2 know how to shoot. I’m scared to death
Martial Arts 2 and don’t want to fight anything! I just
Notice 2 want to wake up and realize that this
Riding (Horses) 2 has been one long nightmare. I know
Swimming 2 it’s not, but a girl can dream can’t
Canteen, First Aid Kit, Gun I don’t think of the zombies as peo-
Cleaning Kit, Handgun ple, I can’t. They are targets, and I
have to hit them perfectly. Every

“Four out of four, but I was a
bit to the right on that last
shot. I’m not practicing

Joe DelJanovan (Order #24798100)

37 Archetypes
Taxi Driver
Str 2 Dex 3 Con 2 Personality
Int 2 Per 4 Wil 2 Please buckle your seat belt, sir.

L P s 26 Your family is attacked by zombies, sir? No prob-

E P s 23 lem we there quick. We there quick. Please
buckle your seat belt, sir.
S p d 10
E s s e n c e 14 Can you believe what is happening, sir? With
the zombies and all? I swear one day I hit
Qualities/Drawbacks one, and he just get up on his feet and
Adversary (Local Police) (-2) tried to eat me! Can you believe
Contact (Racing Car Mechanic) (1) that? From now on, I no trust zom-
Delusion (Prejudice against bies anymore. What sir? You say
Cops) (-1) we going too fast?! But it was
Fast Reaction Time (2) you who said to go fast. Do not
Good Luck 2 (2) be afraid, sir. Before coming
Minority (Lebanese) (-1) to America I was a racing car
Reckless (-2) pilot. But here I was told
Situational Awareness (2) there no place here for
Lebanese car racer, so I
drive taxi. I am the best taxi
Skills driver in this town, you
Brawling 2 know?
Dodge 2
Driving (Bike) 3 What, sir? You feel sick in
Driving (Cars) 5 your stomach? No worry,
Guns (Shotgun) 1 sir. You won’t throw up
Mechanic 3 now; we are going too
Notice 3 fast. But when the car
Questioning 2 stop, please open the door
Sport (Car Racing) 4 and do it outside. I am not like those
Storytelling 2 other drivers who don’t take care of their
Streetwise 3 car, you know? This is like my home.

Gear Quote
Shotgun, Taxi Cab “It’s thirty miles from here. No problem
we there in ten minutes.”

Archetypes 38
Joe DelJanovan (Order #24798100)
Str 3 Dex 2 Con 3
Int 4 Per 4 Wil 4 I fight to free the minds of the common man. I
L P s 43 fight to free him from his mental enslave-
E P s 35 ment. My work is not easy, though.
Policemen, soldiers and government agents
S p d 10 all seek to stop me from performing my
E s s e n c e 20 duties. Unfortunately for them, I did not get
where I am today by being weak and deca-
Qualities/Drawbacks dent like they are. Let them come and
Adversary (U.S. Government) (-5) try to stop me.
Contacts (Criminal) (1)
Contacts (Terrorist) (4) Yet, those very people that I am
Fast Reaction Time (2) trying to free do naught but hin-
Hard to Kill 3 (3) der me. The common man is
Multiple Identities 3 (6) as blind as he is stupid. Even
Nerves of Steel (3) now, with the evidence of the
Zealot (-3) world governments’ follies out
in the open, the people still
hate me. Perhaps the weeding
Skills out of the weak and stupid by
Acting 3 those disgusting agents of the
Climbing 2 government, “zombies” if you will,
Demolitions 4 will open their eyes.
Disguise 4
Drive (Motorcycle) 3 Who else but the superpowers and
Fine Arts 2 their allies could have brought the
Guns (Handgun) 3 dead back to life? Who else has
Guns (Submachine Gun) 4 the ability to turn one’s own family
Humanities (Business) 1 against him in death? This is sim-
Intimidate 3 ply another one of their experi-
Language (English) 5 ments, performed in the interest of
Smooth Talk 2 “National Security.”
Stealth 2
The revolution has only begun,
Gear and there is still much to be done.
Class IIIa Vest, Fake ID, Submachine
Gun, Silencer, Motorcycle, Suit,
“The reign of terror will soon be

Joe DelJanovan (Order #24798100)

39 Archetypes
Tormented Grade School Student
Str 1 Dex 3 Con 2 Personality
Int 3 Per 3 Wil 2 I know my parents really love me. When they tell
me they wish I had never been born or ignore me, I
L P s 37 know they don’t mean it.
E P s 20
When they told me we were moving to a new town, I
S p d 10 knew that everything would get better.
E s s e n c e 14
I try to hide from it all at school. It doesn’t happen.
Qualities/Drawbacks The teachers are constantly taunting me and mak-
Accursed (-5) ing fun of me. The other students aren’t much nicer
Acute Senses (Hearing) (2) to me.
Fast Reaction Time (2)
Hard to Kill 4 (4) I finally got used to it and then the zombies came to
Situational Awareness (2) town. I knew I was in for a long night when mommy
didn’t pick me up after school. It’s not the first time
it’s happened. I usually just walk home when she
Skills forgets about me. She’s usually asleep on the
Acting 1 couch when I get home.
Climbing 3
Dodge 4 Except she wasn’t. I hid inside from the zom-
Driving (Bicycle) 3 bies all day. That night, I heard chanting
Escapism 2 coming from the house next door. I
Haggling 2 smelled something funny, too. Like
Notice 3 when mommy would burn something
Play Instrument (Drums) 2 in the stove.
Running (Dash) 5
Smooth Talk 1 I’m gonna sneak into the crazy old
Stealth 2 man’s house next door. I know
Swimming 2 he’s behind the zombies. I just
have to prove it!
Backpack, Bicycle Quote
“The zombies usually come out at
night. Usually.”

Archetypes 40
Joe DelJanovan (Order #24798100)
Str 2 Dex 3 Con 2
Int 2 Per 2 Wil 3 The whole idea of justice is that the rules apply to
L P s 32 everyone. I’ve always believed this with my heart
E P s 26 and soul. After all, true justice made this coun-
try great.
S p d 10
E s s e n c e 14 I always wanted to be a cop, walking the
streets and busting the bad guys.
Qualities/Drawbacks Nevertheless, during the psych tests at the
Contacts (Snitches) (2) Academy they told me that I couldn’t
Contacts (Sympathetic Police) (2) see everything in black and white in
Cruel (-2) the real world.
Fast Reaction Time (2)
Hard to Kill 2 (2) Does Blind Justice follow her
Obsession (Punishing Criminals) feelings or “extenuating cir-
(-2) cumstances?” I didn’t give up
Resources -1 (-2) after they rejected me. I
Situational Awareness (2) began to train, to gain an
edge. I took things into my
own hands and gave those
Skills who deserved it punishment
Brawling 2 for their crimes. Some called
Driving (Motorcycle) 3 me a sociopath or draconian
First Aid 1 for the sentences I dispensed,
Gun (Handgun) 3 but criminals deserve no mercy.
Hand Weapon (Club) 2
Hand Weapon (Knife) 2 The dead are the ultimate law-
Intimidation 2 breakers. They have no respect
Lock Picking 2 for the common, law-abiding citi-
Martial Arts 1 zen. For this, I punish them.
Notice 3 They kill, destroy property, and
Running (Dash) 2 create mayhem wherever they
Stealth 2 go, and I will make it my duty to
Streetwise 2 send them all to Hell. As
Surveillance 2 expected, the authorities are
Tracking 1 powerless to stop these
degenerates, and it’s up to me
Gear to save those in need.
Motorcycle, Trench Coat, Handgun,
Bowie Knife The monsters will pay. Every
last one of them.

“Get away from her, you low-life brainsucker!”

Joe DelJanovan (Order #24798100)

41 Archetypes
Zombie Rights Activist
Str 2 Dex 2 Con 2
Int 3 Per 2 Wil 3
L P s 26
E P s 26
Spd 8
E s s e n c e 14

Qualities/Drawbacks Zombies are people too.
Adversary (-2)
Contacts (Not-For-Profit Group) (4) I know I am too young to remember
Situational Awareness (2) the Plague. I am too young to remem-
Zealot (-3) ber the Rise and the fight humanity
had against its own departed, just to
stay alive. But that’s a good thing. I can
Skills look at it coldly rather than remember-
Brawling 3 ing all the suffering. Those days are
Bureaucracy 3 over now. We are in the present.
Climbing 3
Computer Hacking 3 You think of them as brain-dead mon-
Dodge 2 sters, but look into their eyes. You will
Escapism 2 see that they are not mindless. They
Gun (Handgun) 2 hurt when we hit them; they learn when
Lock Picking (Mechanical) 2 we teach them. They are a new misun-
Notice 3 derstood race, born from ours, and we
Questioning 2 should guide them rather than harm them.
Research/Investigation 3
Running (Dash) 3 Well, if you’re more interested in making
Storytelling 3 profit out of them than helping them, I will
fight you. I will show you what a heart
Gear and soul is. Even those zombies have
more soul than you do.
Cell Phone, Megaphone, Handgun

“Free all the zombies! Zombies are
people too!”

Archetypes 42
Joe DelJanovan (Order #24798100)
Bokken: A bokken is a wooden version of the
New Gear Japanese katana. It is usually made of high quality
Damage: D8(4) x Strength&
“Boom Stick” Assault Rifle: This M-16 Assault
Rifle with an attached M-203 Grenade Launcher has EV: 2/1 Cost: $13
been modified to utilize a single 20mm cannon shell Availability: U
instead of a high explosive grenade. The weapon
gained the nickname “Boomstick” due to the loud
“boom” the 20mm shell makes when fired, as opposed Briefcase Gun: This innovative weapon combines
to the 40mm round’s distinctive “thump.” power with discreetness. It is an extremely popular
weapon among bodyguards, assassins, and other indi-
The weapon was first used by U.S. Army units-
viduals who need to carry a serious amount of fire-
forced to improvise when they were in need of heavy
power without attracting attention. What makes the
weapons support but had none at their disposal.
weapon so special is that it is a cut down but powerful
Soldiers used the weapon against both deserting units
assault rifle convincingly disguised within a briefcase
who had armored vehicles in their possession, and the
shell. A Perception and Notice roll is required to spot
living dead, against whom the M-16’s 5.56mm NATO
the weapon while it is in the shell.
rounds were ineffectual and uneconomical. The
weapon became renowned in the southern United The weapon has been engineered so that it can be
States as an extremely effective manner of incapacitat- moved while loaded, cocked, and ready for action
ing zombified bull steers, which had thick hides too with no danger of the weapon going off. As such, the
tough for the NATO rounds to penetrate. weapon requires two rounds to use: one to remove the
gun from its shell, and the next to fire.
Usually created by making simple modifications to
the M-203 Grenade Launcher, a common companion Range: 7/40/100/500/900
to the M-16 Rifle, this weapon was popular not only Damage: D8x4(16) Cap: 15
for its superb stopping power, but also because
EV: 4/2 Cost: $1000
ammunition was more readily available. Unlike the
increasingly scarce 40mm grenades, the 20mm shells Availability: R
could be salvaged from light armored vehicles and Notes: Very concealable, but slightly (-1 to Guns
AH-1 Cobra attack helicopters, which were largely Task) less accurate because of the weapon’s pairing of
grounded by heavy flight and support crew losses to a high-powered round with a short barrel.
zombies. Although the weapon is most commonly
found among military units, especially in the western
and southern United States, where zombified livestock Fire Axe: A typical fireman’s tool, the fire axe can be
can be a serious problem, a small number have found used against living or dead opponents with tremen-
their way into the hands of other groups. dous efficiency.
Assault Rifle Range: 10/50/150/600/1000 Damage: (D8+1)(5) x Strength**&
Damage: D8x4 (16) Capacity: 20-30 EV: 4/2 Cost: $40
EV: 8/4 Cost: $1200 Availability: U
Availability: U
Fire Engine Hose: This is a typical large fire hose
used by firefighters. It must be properly connected to
20mm Cannon Range: 10/50/300/700/1200
an available fire hydrant and fire truck to be operated.
Damage: D10x7 Capacity: 1 shell If used as a weapon, it does D6(3) damage per Turn
EV: 2/1 Cost: $800 and the target must make a Dexterity check or be
knocked down. Due to the extreme water pressure
Availability: R
directed through the hose, it must be manned by at
least three people of Strength 3 or more while in use. If
it is left unmanned, it will go wild and flail violently,

Joe DelJanovan (Order #24798100)

43 Archetypes
striking the ground and/or nearby objects randomly Shovel: A very common tool, featuring a sturdy
until the water is turned off. Anyone hit by a flailing wooden handle and a sharp metal head. Not the most
hose takes D8x3(12) damage. practical of weapons, but good enough to bash zom-
Damage: D6(3) x 4*@ bies. An assault rifle is better, they are not found lay-
ing around . . . as much.
EV: 10/3 Cost: On Fire Engine
Damage: D8(4) x Strength&
Availability: U
EV: 2/1 Cost: $10
Availability: C
Hotfoot: This improvised weapon is rumored to
have been developed by a traveling Minor League
Baseball team who had stopped to rest in a small town
the night zombies first appeared. Through a series of New Armor
events the whole team became trapped in their hotel, Fireman Protective Equipment: This equipment is
which was soon surrounded by zombies. The players designed to keep a firefighter safe from fire, heat, and
had no weapons, aside from their baseball bats. The knocks to the head.
team was about to admit defeat when an industrious
player got an idea. He quickly tore a shirt into strips,
then wrapped the strips around one of the team’s alu- Fireman’s Coat, pants, boots, and gloves
minum bats and headed to the bar. There he doused Armor Value: D4 Reduce Fire Damage to 1/4
the cloth in alcohol, and took a match to it. After the
team escaped the hotel and made their way to the EV: 10/5 Cost: $1250
nearest city, word of these improvised, inexpensive, Availability: U
and effective weapons spread quickly. Along the way,
the modified bat acquired the nickname “Hotfoot”,
and the name stuck. Today the weapon is a favorite Fireman’s Helmet
among gang members, people without access to Armor Value: D6 x 7
firearms, and sadists everywhere. EV: 4/2 Cost: $500
A Hotfoot acts as a normal bat until it’s lit. When a Availability: U
Hotfoot comes into contact with something flamma-
ble, the object has a 20% chance of igniting. If a lit
Hotfoot comes into contact with a person’s clothes, the Kendo Armor: This armor is designed to give pro-
victim is subjected to an additional D6(3) damage per tection to the body in key strike points, including the
turn for D4(1) rounds or until the flames are extin- head, versus another Kendo practitioner.
guished. Armor Value: D6+7(10)
A Hotfoot has enough “ammo” from one T-Shirt’s EV: 10/5 Cost: $600
worth of rags and 8 oz of alcohol for 5 Turns before it
has to be “reloaded” with new rags and alcohol. A Availability: R
reload takes 2 turns.
Damage: D8 (4) x Strength*&
EV: 2/1 Cost: $25
Availability: R

Archetypes 44
Joe DelJanovan (Order #24798100)
Night Vision Binoculars: These look much like a
Non-weapon Gear long-range camera lens attached to a pair of binocular
Command Armored Personnel Carrier: This is a eyepieces and operate just like normal binoculars, only
wheeled APC that has been modified into a mobile they are meant for night instead of day use. These are
command post, allowing a military commander to often used by the military in a night situation, where
direct his troops while on the move. The vehicle has normal binoculars are not be as effective. Many mod-
been stripped of its normal weapons and a machine els are also available to the average citizen through
gun has been added to the top. The ceiling of the cabin mail-order military surplus catalogs or electronics and
has been raised to provide more comfort for the com- gadgets stores (assuming any of those still exist intact)
mander and his battle staff. The rear of the vehicle, and are useful for night hunting, bird watching, and
where troops would normally sit, has been modified similar activities. The binoculars have a 5x magnifica-
to hold a command console installed against one wall tion and function just like normal night vision goggles,
of the hull. The console contains everything from meaning they do not work well in daylight.
encrypted long-range radios and satellite communica- EV: 2/1 Cost: $2000
tions gear, to computers databases linked real-time to
the commanders’ intelligence corps. Availability: U

Crew: 2 + command crew Weight: 28,000 lbs

Speed: 62 mph Acceleration: 20 Weight Lifting and Gym Equipment: A common
sight in gyms around the country, this equipment
Range: 410 miles Toughness: 5 allows people to increase their muscle mass and
Handling: 2 DC: 330 strength, and to get into shape. A typical set includes a
AV: 100 +D10x2 (110) Accuracy: N/A full range of barbells in different weight sizes, and a
dozen or more pieces of equipment for working spe-
Cost: N/A Availability: R cific muscle groups in the body. The available equip-
Armament: 7.62mm machine gun ment may include separate machines or a few com-
bined pieces, much like higher-quality versions of the
equipment sold on television. Typically, a full set of
Fire Engine: Big, powerful, and usually red. Comes weight equipment fills an entire 20 x 40 room; larger
equipped with a fire engine hose (see p. 44). sets may include pieces like running and rowing
Crew: 2 Weight: 25,000 lbs machines, and physical therapy equipment, and take
Speed: 60 Acceleration: 15 up even more room.
Range: 350 Toughness: 4 EV: N/A Cost: $10,000
Handling: 2 DC: 150 Availability: C
AV: 5 Accuracy: N/A Notes: Anyone using this equipment for several
months gains the following benefits as long as they
Cost: $130,000 Availability: R continue to exercise on the equipment. Those using
weight lifting equipment gain +1 to their Strength
Attribute, unless the bonus brings the Attribute above
the human limit. Those using running machines gain a
+1 to their Running (Marathon) Skill. Physical therapy
equipment allows people to perform related tasks
without penalty.

Joe DelJanovan (Order #24798100)

45 Archetypes
New Skills Variable Physical Quality or Drawback
Martial Art (Kendo) Characters may only have one of the three aspects of
This skill covers the use of the shinai, bokken, and this Quality/Drawback. The Zombie Master may
katana. The benefit is the same as the Martial Arts Skill make the character switch to a worse version of the
(+1 damage per level), but with kendo weapons. This aspect when appropriate (e.g., Godlike Endurance to
skill counts as a Special Skill (double cost). Razor’s Edge or Razor’s Edge to Burned Out)

Science (Cryptography) Burned Out: This gamer is an old-timer. The caf-

feine and the lack of sleep have finally caught up to
This is the study of making, breaking, and coding him. Anyone with this level must sleep a full eight
messages. hours a day or else have a cumulative penalty of D4(2)
to his Endurance Points per successive day without a
full night’s sleep. These penalties are negated after
eight solid hours of uninterrupted sleep. This is a one-
point Drawback.
New Qualities/ Drawbacks
Razor’s Edge: This gamer is beginning to feel the
Absent Minded
1-point Mental Drawback effects of the addiction to his hobby. At this level, the
Some people are a bit forgetful, especially in their old gamer can stay up for extended amounts of time. He
age. They periodically forget everything from appoint- will and can crash hard if he pushes himself too much.
ments to names to daily rituals. At the Zombie Master’s The Zombie Master keeps track of the hours of sleep the
discretion, a character with this Drawback must pass a character misses. Each block of three hours missed
Simple Intelligence Test to remember the information translates into one hour of sleep needed in order to feel
he needs to complete a skilled Task (“Now do I have to rested. The character does not lose Endurance Points for
cut the red wire or the blue wire?”). If he fails the the hours of sleep missed or for staying up longer than
Intelligence roll, he fails the skill check, as well. The 24 hours unless he pushes himself. When the character
character can attempt another Intelligence Test every finally goes to sleep, he must make a Willpower and
two Turns. If he succeeds, he has recovered the infor- Constitution Test with a penalty of -1 per hour missed
mation from the depths of his mind, and is free to try to see if he can resist the siren song of sleep. If he is suc-
to make an unimpeded skill Task. cessful, he gets up at the original time, with a D6(3)
penalty to his Endurance Points. If he fails, he sleeps the
full time required unless awakened by an outside force.
Flashbacks In addition, if he awakens before he has slept the full
3-point Mental Drawback amount of time, he receives a -1 to all physical stats for
In situations of great stress, or prompted by appro- his first waking hour. This is a one-point Quality.
priate stimuli, the character has a 2-in-10 chance of
experiencing flashbacks, reliving a past traumatic
Godlike Endurance: Either a relative newbie to the
event in his mind for D10 Turns. While experiencing
hobby or someone with an almost supernatural
these flashbacks, the character is generally incapable
Constitution, this gamer can keep playing for days on
of action, but may make a Simple Willpower Test each
end. This character does not lose Endurance Points for
Turn to snap back to reality. Additionally, strong stim-
not sleeping or for staying up longer than 24 hours.
uli, such as violent shaking, pain, loud noises, a
Regular Endurance Point loss and penalties apply after
friend’s yelling, etc. may bring the character out of his
being awake for 48 hours. This is a two-point Quality.
flashback, at the Zombie Master’s discretion. Of
course, such stimuli may be exactly what caused the
flashback in the first place.

Archetypes 46
Joe DelJanovan (Order #24798100)
2-point Mental Drawback
New Miracles
This medical condition decreases a person’s ability Eye of the Storm
to resist the Sandman, even at inconvenient times. This Miracle extends a calming aura around the
Every thirty minutes, a character with this Drawback wielder equal to Willpower x three feet (one meter) in
must make a successful Simple Constitution Test (with diameter. The effect confers a +2 to all fear-resisting
modifiers as the Zombie Master desires) to stay awake Willpower Tests for anyone within its sphere of influ-
when he is involved in a situation which does not ence. In the event of a failed Fear Test, it also confers a
require him to be particularly active or attentive, such -1 bonus on the Fear Table (see AFMBE, p. 96). The
as listening to a boring lecture, driving for a long peri- Miracle lasts for Willpower x five minutes, unless a
od of time, or guard duty. separate Fear-inducing incident occurs. Spending an
extra five points of Essence adds an additional five
minutes to the duration, and +1 to the Fear Test.
Physical Disability (Overweight)
1-point or 2-point Physical Drawback
This Drawback refers to the truly obese, not people
with potbellies or who simply need to exercise a little
more. As a one-point Drawback, the character weighs
50-pounds over his ideal weight and sees both his
Endurance Points and Speed Attributes reduced by
25%. For two points, character weighs 100-pounds or
more over his ideal weight and reduces both his
Endurance Points and Speed Attributes by 50%.

Quick Learner
3-point Mental Quality
Some people just have a knack for noticing how to
do things. People with this Quality are the kind who
beat their friend at poker the first time they play, even
though the friend has played poker every Friday night
for the last eight years. As a result, when the character
starts learning a new regular skill he gains one level or
specialty free, up to level five. For levels higher than
five or for Special Skills, reduce the cost by one point
for the next level.

Joe DelJanovan (Order #24798100)

47 Archetypes
Terra Primate Corebook
WitchCraft Corebook
End Times Corebook

Joe DelJanovan (Order #24798100)

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