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Angel Yojana Guzmán Hernandez


Artes plásticas y visuales

The early stages of making chocolate

1. Read the text at

2. Find examples of passive voice in the text, and re-write them

3. the following picture shows the early stages of making chocolate.

To begin with, cocoa pods are cut from cocoa trees with large knives. The
women of the family collect the pods in large baskets, which they carry on
their heads. Next the pods are cut open with a knife and the beans are taken
out. Following this, wet cocoa beans are put on banana leaves on the ground.
More banana leaves are put in top of the beans. The wet beans are dried in
the sun this takes five to six days. Lastly, the beans are put into sacks for
transport all over the world.
4. Sequencing phrases (eg. To begin with) tell us the order in which things
happen. Find more sequencing phrases phrases in the text.

To begin with, cocoa pods are cut from cocoa trees with large knives
next the pods are cut open with a knife and the beans are taken out
Following this, wet cocoa beans are put on banana leaves on the ground
Lastly, the beans are put into sacks for transport all over the world.

5. The picture below show the later stages of producing bars of milk
chocolate in a factory. Write a paragraph describing the process.
The cocoa beans must be roasted first to give them flavor, then the shell is
removed, and then the cocoa beans are ground with sugar to obtain the
texture and flavor. Finales , the chocolate is tempered and shaped.

6. Do a research about coffee production and describe the process using the passive voice.

The coffee tree produces its The coffee tree produces its first harvest
between 3 and 4 years after being planted
The cherries or fruits of the coffee tree must be opened to remove the seeds
or grains, removing the pulp that protest them, through a wet or dry process,
so that once the process is finished, a clean grain is obtained, which is called
parchment coffee, gold coffee or honey grain, depending on the method that
has been used.
Then proceed to remove the parchment or protective shell of the grain,
leaving the grain completely clean and ready for roasting
In the roasting process, the coffee gets its most characteristic taste and
aroma. The bean is subjected to high temperatures that reach 200°,
consequently, it increases in 80-100% its size, loses between 12-20% of
weight, decreases its caffeine, and finally acquires its characteristic color.
Grinding reduces the grain to a powder by using a mill. If the coffee is
prepared just after this process, a more intense aroma and taste is obtained

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