KX-TD TSP: Installation Manual

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Installation Manual

Revision: 3.0
Date: 17 Apr, 2002

(C)Copyright 2000 Kyushu Matsushita Electric Co., Ltd. All rights reserved
Section 1
Installing Panasonic KX-TD TSP
There are three ways of installation depending on the condition of your computer:
– When Panasonic KX-TD TSP is not installed in your computer,

– When Panasonic KX-TD TSP (Build no. 165 or earlier) has already been
installed in your computer, or

– When Panasonic KX-TD TSP (Build no. 166 or later) has already been
installed in your computer.
Please follow the corresponding instructions described below.

1.1 When Panasonic KX-TD TSP is not installed in

your computer

1. Double-click the setup file (Panasonic KX-TD Installer.exe).

2. Select the language for the installation, and then click "OK".
3. Click "Next" to continue the installation or "Cancel" to terminate.

4. Click "Yes" after you read the License Agreement and agree with it.
Click "No" to cancel the installation.

Click "Back" to go back to the previous screen.

5. Click "OK" to continue installation.
Please notice the COM port and speed settings (default: COM1/
9600BPS): these will be the settings that the Panasonic KX-TD TSP

uses to communicate with the Panasonic PBX.

In this manual the version information displayed may vary from the

version of the Panasonic KX-TD TSP that you install.

6. Click "Finish" to complete the Panasonic KX-TD TSP installation.

1.2 When Panasonic KX-TD TSP (Build no. 165 or
earlier) has already been installed in your

1. Double-click the setup file (Panasonic KX-TD Installer.exe).

2. Select the language for this installation, and then click "OK".

3. Click "Next" to continue the installation or "Cancel" to terminate.

4. Click "Yes" after you read the License Agreement and agree with it.
Click "No" to cancel the installation.

Click "Back" to go back to the previous screen.

5. The display shows version information of the current file and the new

Click "Yes" to overwrite the Panasonic KX-TD TSP already installed

with the new one.

6. Click "Yes" to continue the installation.

7. Click "OK".

8. Click "OK".

9. Click "Finish" to complete the Panasonic KX-TD TSP installation.

1.3 When Panasonic KX-TD TSP (Build no. 166 or
later) has already been installed in your

1. Double-click the setup file (Panasonic KX-TD Installer.exe).

2. Click "No" to update the Panasonic KX-TD TSP.

3. The display shows the version information of the current file and the
new file.

Click "Yes" to overwrite the Panasonic KX-TD TSP already installed

with the new one.

4. Click "Finish" to complete the Panasonic KX-TD TSP installation.

Section 2
Uninstalling Panasonic KX-TD TSP

2.1 Uninstalling Panasonic KX-TD TSP

1. Choose Settings/Control Panel from the Start menu.

2. Open "Add/Remove Programs Properties".
3. Select "Panasonic KX-TD TSP" and click "Add/Remove".

The screen above will be displayed when you are using the
Windows Me Operating System. Please note that the screen shot

may vary depending on the computer that you are using.

4. Click "Yes" to uninstall the Panasonic KX-TD TSP.

5. Click "OK".

6. Click "Finish" to complete the Panasonic KX-TD TSP uninstallation.

Section 3

Notice for the Windows 2000/

Windows XP Operating System

3.1 Installing/Uninstalling Panasonic KX-TDTSP

If you are using the Windows 2000/Windows XP, please follow the

procedures below for installing/uninstalling.

The screen in this section will be displayed when you are using the

Windows 2000.

1. Choose Settings/Control Panel from the Start menu.

2. Open "Administrative Tools".
3. Double-click "Services".

4. Double-click "Telephony".

5. Select "Disable" for "Start Type", and then click "OK".

Please make sure to write down the previous Start Type before

selecting "Disable".
6. Restart the system.

7. Repeat steps 1 thorough 4.

8. Select "Manual" for "Start Type", and then click "OK".

9. Refer to Section 1 "Installing Panasonic KX-TD TSP" for installing.

Refer to Section 2 "Uninstalling Panasonic KX-TD TSP" for

10.Repeat steps 1 thorough 4 after installing/uninstalling.

11.Select the Start Type that you wrote down in step 5, and then click

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