Assessment 1:: Why Do Organizations Implement Mentoring Programs? Answer

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Assessment 1:

Question 1:

Why do organizations implement mentoring programs?


Working together today requires having minimal expense, yet excellent, arrangements. Beginning a
tutoring program in your business permits you to profit by your most noteworthy asset, your
representatives. Deliberately building up their ability adds to the organization's development,
advancement, and main concern. It shows the executives' help, interest, and worry for a
representative's potential with the organization. It exhibits to representatives that administration will
contribute the time and assets important to assist workers with succeeding their professions.
Consequently, workers are bound to be more beneficial and faithful to the organization.

1. Shows the Company Cares: The greatest advantage of giving business guides is having somebody the
mentee can meet with to pose inquiries. The guide can be a sounding board, assisting sort with trip
choices and offering guidance on business matters. The mentee has somebody who can offer a
thoughtful ear when there is an issue or the mentee simply needs to vent.

2. More Engaged Workforce: Organizations profit by coaching programs since they add to the
improvement of a superior prepared and drew in labor force. Tutors help mentees get familiar with
everything at an organization, create connections across the association, and recognize abilities that
ought to be created or developed.

3. High Job Satisfaction: "Coaching programs assume a vital part in diminishing worker turnover. A
recent report, "Profession Benefits Associated with Mentoring for Mentors," distributed in the Journal
of Vocational Behavior, found individuals who have the chance to fill in as guides experience more
noteworthy occupation fulfillment and a higher obligation to their manager." A tutor reduces any work
dissatisfaction the mentee has through one-on-one preparing or training and giving bits of knowledge
into the corporate culture.

Tutoring programs are an expense effective approach to get representatives connected with and
engaged. These projects empower you to build up the ability you as of now have and increment
efficiency across the association.
Question 2:

Explain the benefits of mentoring within a company.


An organized work environment tutoring project can help consider every contingency. What's more,
these kinds of drives are getting on: According to the Association for Talent Development, in excess of
70% of Fortune 500 organizations have some sort of mentorship program. A portion of the advantages
of having an organized work environment coaching program at your organization are as per the

1. Makes a learning society

By publicizing a work environment tutoring program inside, you are making an organization culture that
qualities learning and advancement. Workers realize their future is being put resources into in the event
that they're matched with a coach who can help direct their profession advancement. Furthermore, a
tutoring program advances a collective learning climate where it is empowered that representatives
acquire information from people around them.

2. Advances individual and expert turn of events

By blending representatives with a coach who is entrusted with managing workers, you make a
protected spot for representatives to learn. They are happy with facing challenges and committing
errors since they comprehend they ought to continually be learning. This feeds a culture of development

3. Diminishes pressure and uneasiness

When confronted with an issue at work, representatives may mull over going to their supervisor.
Partners will most likely be unable to help on the off chance that they've never encountered a similar
issue. Or on the other hand it could be the situation that a worker is objecting to his/her administrator
or partner. A working environment coach is somebody they could generally go to for direction
regardless of what the issue. Realizing a guide is consistently there to listen carefully can reassure a

Question 3:

What are the principles to be followed while designing an effective mentoring program in

Monitoring and assessment ought to allude back to existing pattern information or start with a
benchmark study

• Monitoring and assessment are firmly connected to and ought to mirror the strategy of the
underlying task evaluation.
• Monitoring is a fundamental piece of program execution.
• Monitoring ought to be connected to the particular program target that were characterized
through evaluation and program arranging measure
• Monitoring data ought to be utilized in dynamic
• Evaluation ought to follow a particular strategy intended to accumulate data about program
• M&E should regard standards of cooperation and include all program partners, including
program implementers, recipients, ladies and young lady survivors.
• M&E should regard and ensure the rights, government assistance and secrecy of every one
of those associated with the program.

Question 4:

Explain the roles and responsibilities of a mentor and a mentee in a mentoring program.


Mentor’s roles and responsibilities:

Prioritize the tutoring meeting. Mentees contribute time getting ready for these meetings;
hence, attempt to keep different requests from knocking the meeting from your schedule.

• Set to the side existence. Guarantee that you will be continuous during the coaching
• Prepare the meeting. Audit any email correspondence and notes you may have from past
• Give complete consideration to the mentee. Relinquish different urgencies and stresses,
clear your brain and spotlight on aiding the mentee during the meeting.
• Communication through undivided attention. Zeroing in on the mentee and show dynamic
verbal and non - verbal indications of learning.
• Share assets
• Share encounters

Mentee’s roles and responsibilities:

• It's useful on the off chance that you utilize the principal meeting to become acquainted
with the tutor. Offer your thoughts, concerns and expert objectives.
• Be readied and dependable for your tutoring meetings. You are answerable for setting up
the plan for the discussion.
• You are answerable for starting all contact with your tutor.
• Establish a commonly pleasing arrangement for tutoring meeting.
• Focus on the relationship, instead of results.
• Ask direct inquiries concerning when you most need to know.
• Be inquisitive and pose inquiries
• Take notes
• Respect your tutor's limits.
• Say blesses your heart.

Question 5:

What criteria can be used to screen and match mentors and mentee


So how can you unlock the full potential of mentoring?

To make a program that fulfills the necessities of the coaches and mentees, an association should
coordinate with the correct members together. Nobody needs to see mentees quitter, or coaching
connections misfire before they've even started to take part in any genuine turn of events. To give your
members and the association the most obvious opportunity at progress, follow these imperative strides
to powerful coordinating.

1. Distinguish the Purpose of the Program

There should be unmistakably characterized destinations for the tutoring program. For instance, this
could be an expansion in worker maintenance, an increment in representative fulfillment, or an
increment in advancement rates for members contrasted with non-members.

2. Decide the Type of Matching

In view of the program's general design, it's an ideal opportunity to pick what sort of coordinating with
you'll carry out in the program. Today, there are four mainstream sorts of coordinating to consider:

• Self-coordinating
• Admin coordinating
• Bulk coordinating
• Hybrid coordinating

3. Make Profiles and Criteria

Tutoring members will bring various skills, residency, and hierarchical information to the program. You'll
need to ensure you're coordinating with them on the correct expertise qualities. To do this, tutors and
mentees round out rich profiles.
Question 6:

How can resource requirements vary according to the mentoring program mode?


Mentoring modes:

One-on-One Mentoring:

In one-on-one tutoring programs, members are coordinated by means of a conventional program or

they self-select who they need to be matched with throughout a specific time-frame. They can normally
utilize where they need to meet, how and when they need to meet.

Situational Mentoring:

On the off chance that you need your mentees is to get familiar with a particular expertise or exchange,
you might need to combine them with a guide to mentor them as they learn. For example, in the event
that you need to prepare recently added team members how to utilize a specific framework or stage;
you may need more prepared workers to guide them until they settle in.

Formative and Career Mentoring:

This sort of coaching is long haul and normally involves administrators and chiefs who guide their
representatives as they progress in their vocation throughout a couple of years.

Turn around Mentoring:

At the point when recently added team members have abilities and information, they can guide their
managers and associates. For example, somebody who knows another coding language or PC program
can tutor their more senior associates in how to utilize it.

Gathering based Mentoring:

It is feasible to combine more than one mentee to a tutor, particularly for situational coaching
situations. With bunch based coaching, bunch individuals can help keep each other on target and are
additionally ready to meet with their guides one-on-one when required.

Question 7:

Research on data collection and reporting techniques of mentoring program in different organizations
and explain the process for any one (1) organization

Data Collection Tools with reference to INTRAC:

INTRAC is a not-revenue driven association that forms the abilities and information on common society
associations to be more compelling in tending to destitution and disparity. Since 1992 INTRAC has given
expert help in checking and assessment, working with individuals to build up their own M&E approaches
and devices, in view of their necessities. We empower fitting and down to earth M&E, in light of
understanding what works in various settings


Meeting is the most widely recognized device utilized in arranging, observing and assessment. They can
be done with each individual in turn (singular meetings) or gatherings of individuals. They can be
directed officially or casually.

Contextual investigations and accounts of progress:

A contextual investigation isn't an information assortment instrument in itself. It is an unmistakable

piece of work that can give top to bottom data on a point. It is frequently founded on data procured
through at least one of different devices portrayed in this paper, like meetings or perception.

Reviews and polls:

These are intended to gather and record data from numerous individuals, gatherings or associations in a
reliable way. A poll is a structure containing questions. It could be a printed structure or one intended to
be filled in on the web.

Center gathering conversations:

Center gathering conversations (CGCs) are worked with conversations, held with a little gathering of
individuals who have expert information or interest in a specific point. They are utilized to discover the
insights and perspectives of a characterized gathering of individuals. CGSs are ordinarily done with
around 6-12 individuals.


At its generally straightforward, perception includes 'seeing' things – like items, measures, connections,
occasions – and officially recording the data. There are various sorts of perception. Organized or direct
perception is an interaction wherein perceptions are recorded against a concurred agenda.

Photography and video:

Photos and recordings show still or moving pictures. Photos can be utilized by them, however are all the
more regularly joined by composed subtitles, giving extra data. Recordings are regularly joined by an
Question 8:

Explain the methods for evaluating and reporting on mentoring programs


Some things to consider when selecting an evaluation method are

 What information is needed to make decisions?

 What information can feasibly be collected and analyzed?
 How accurate will the information be?
 Will the information be credible to top donors or management?

Potential Evaluation methods:


 Pre and post test

 Test against control groups


 Attendance
 Completion
 Certificates
 Follow-on tracking

Data Collection:

 Surveys
 Questionnaires
 Interviews
 Checklist
 Feedback forms

Financial Reports:

 Cost to budget
 Cost per unit of service
 On time on budget


 Grades
 Graduation
 Drop in recidivism
 Job placement
 Permits, inspections, certifications

Subjective (Qualitative):

 Journals
 Testimonials
 Observations
 Photographs
 Clippings

Various methods of reporting:

Reports may be represented in the form of written statements, graphs and/or oral.

Written statements:

 Formal financial statements

Graphic reports:

The information may be presented by means of graphic reports, which give a better visual view of the
data than the long array of figures given in statements. Charts, diagrams and pictures are the usual form
of graphic report. They have the advantage of facilitating quick grasp of significant trends by receivers of

Oral Reports:

Oral reports are mostly represented at group meetings and conferences with individual. However, the
written reports are always considered as the most appropriate basis for important material decisions.

Question 9:

List any six (6) legislations and six (6) organizational policies relevant to planning and implementing a
mentoring program.



Tutoring Program staff, coaches and mentees reserve the privilege to be liberated from provocation,
separation and working environment brutality in any exercises identifying with the Kaleidoscope
Mentoring Program.

Segregation, badgering and working environment brutality as follows:

Segregation: implies any type of inconsistent treatment against Australian laws, regardless of whether
forcing additional weights or denying benefits. It could be deliberate or unexpected. It might include
direct activities that are unfair all over, or it might include rules, practices or methods that seem
impartial, however inconvenience certain gatherings of individuals. Separation may take clear
structures, or it might occur in exceptionally unobtrusive manners. Regardless of whether there are
numerous components influencing a choice or activity if separation is one factor that is an infringement
of this understanding.

Provocation implies a course of remarks or activities that are known or should sensibly to be known to
be unwanted. It can include words or activities that are known or ought to be known to be hostile,
humiliating, embarrassing, disparaging or unwanted, in light of a ground of separation recognized by this
approach. Badgering can happened dependent on any of the grounds of separation.

Instances of badgering include:

• Epithets, comments, jokes or insinuations identified with an individual's race, sex

personality, sex articulation, sex, handicap, sexual direction, ideology, age, or some other
• Posting or flowing hostile pictures, spray painting or materials, regardless of whether on
paper structure or through email or other electronic methods.
• Singling out an individual for embarrassing or belittling 'prodding' or jokes.
• Comments deriding an individual due to attributes that are identified with a ground of
segregation. For instance, this could incorporate remarks about an individual's dress,
discourse or different practices that might be identified with their sex, race, sex personality
or statement of faith.

In the event that an individual doesn't expressly protest irritating conduct or seems, by all accounts, to
be obliging it, this doesn't imply that the conduct is OK. The conduct could in any case be viewed as
provocation under the laws.

Sexual and sex based badgering: inappropriate behavior is a type of provocation that can include:

• gender-related remarks about an individual's actual attributes or quirks

• paternalism dependent on sex which an individual feels subverts their confidence or
position of obligation
• unwelcome actual contact
• suggestive or hostile comments or innuendoes about individuals from a particular sexual
• propositions of actual closeness
• gender-related obnoxious attack, dangers or insulting
• leering or improper gazing
• bragging about sexual ability or questions or conversations about sexual exercises
• offensive jokes or remarks of a sexual sort about a worker or customer
• rough and foul humor or language identified with sex
• display of explicitly hostile pictures, spray painting or different materials including through
electronic methods
• demands for dates or sexual blessings

Sexual requesting: sexual sales or advances by any individual who is in a situation to allow or prevent an
advantage to the beneficiary from getting the sales or advance. This incorporates directors and chiefs,
just as collaborators where one individual is in a situation to give or deny an advantage to the next.
Responses for dismissing such advances or requesting are additionally not permitted.

Harmed climate: a harmed climate is made by remarks or directs (counting remarks or lead that are
excused or permitted to proceed with when brought to the consideration of the executives) that
establishes an unfair workplace. The remarks or lead need not be aimed at a particular individual and
possibly from any individual, paying little heed to position or status. A solitary remark or activity, if
adequately genuine, may establish a harmed climate.

Working environment brutality: any genuine, endeavored or compromised exercise of actual power
against is a specialist in a work environment that could cause actual damage, or where it is sensible for a
laborer to decipher a danger.

Instances of work environment brutality can include:

• Physical assaults, like hitting, pushing, pushing, kicking and gnawing

• threatening conduct like shaking clench hands, obliterating property or tossing things

Verbal or composed dangers, for example, an undermining call to a laborer's home, or any statement of
plan that could sensibly be deciphered as a potential for actual mischief.

Question 10:

Explain the recruitment and selection strategies for selecting mentors and mentee for a mentoring


In order to create a program that satisfies the needs of the mentors and mentees, an organization must
match the right participants together. No one wants to see mentees drop out, or mentoring
relationships fizzle before they’ve even begun to engage in any real development. To provide your
participants and the organization the best chance at success, follow these vital steps to effective

1. Identify the Purpose of the Program

There must be clearly defined objectives for the mentoring program. For example, this could be an
increase in employee retention, an increase in employee satisfaction, or an increase in promotion rates
for participants compared to non-participants.

2. Determine the Type of Matching

With the program’s overall purpose in mind, it’s time to choose what type of matching you’ll implement
in the program. Today, there are four popular types of matching to consider:

 Self-matching
 Admin matching
 Bulk matching
 Hybrid matching

3. Create Profiles and Criteria

Mentoring participants will bring different competencies, tenure, and organizational knowledge to the
program. You’ll want to make sure you’re matching them on the right skill traits. To do this, mentors and
mentees fill out rich profiles.

Task 2 & 3:

Mentoring can basically be classified as a relation between two people out of which one is an
experienced person and the other is in the phase of learning to achieve a desired goal or target. A strong
mentoring strategy ensures that the mentee feel support and are encouraged to achieve their goals as
they get that confidence that there is enough room and chance for them to develop.

Introduction to organization:

In this assessment we are going to consider a HR representative body “Chartered Institute for Personnel
Development”. CIPD is launching a pilot mentoring program with a view to support their career
development offering. The program’s objectives were to support CIPD members in

 Gaining their first role in HR

 Making a transition in their next role to another area of HR
 Gaining a promotion in HR role
Mentoring Peer-to-Peer (P2P) learning:

Executive Summary:

Mentoring is the most essential part of any organization. Mentoring mainly boosts the productivity of
the students as well as mentors. Mentoring programs should not be considered light by the
organizations even if they have found other forms of learning failed.

A management structure:

The management staff will include owner, manager, mentoring staff, students, security guards, office
boy and the like.

The management plan should at least identify all of the following:


Time and location 9am to 4pm. Monday to Friday, La Trobe Street

Duration Each course of 2 days
Competence required by assessor Must have completed Masters or above
Competence required by mentee Must have passed grade 10 with distinction
Resources required:

For any start or building up the organization, need for different resources grow as the highest priority
requirement. The first step before delivery of mentoring program is the delivery and management plan
that will translate into a resource plan that matches key deliverable.

For any HR training organization the basic requirements are:

 Experience Staff: the staff should not only be educated in the HR stream, but also should be
having great experience of HR policies and trainings.
 Availability of physical mentoring center: there should be training or meeting hall for the
physical session, that would help in concentrating more on training session and practical
 Budget requirement: there is also a special budget requirement for basic needs like electricity
and some other similar bills, maintenance of property, salary payments of staff, training the
staff to teach in similar way.
 Time commitments: the most essential part of every organization to grow is time commitment.
Once a mentor or any staff member says that they will teach or mentor a mentee within two
weeks only, then by any chance that two weeks’ time should not mentor is not sure
about time constraints he/she should not commit about time.
Mode and how communication will occur between the mentor and mentee

There are multiple modes of communication between any mentor and mentee in any organization
irrespective of the type of organization. The most basic modes of communication are one to one also
known as face to face communication and online communication as also known as e-learning or e-

On the other hand e-mentoring is not identical to traditional mentoring when it comes to establish and
maintaining a relationship. According to Bamford (2011,p.150). ‘The internet has given birth to an
explosion of networking sites’. Bamford also suggested the use of technology enables ‘instant learning’
this concept is also called as ‘instant mentoring’ where the mentee gets online advice from mentor who
is prepared to share wisdom and experience without notice.

Mentor and mentee selection process:

The significance of this relationship is captured by Garvey (2004): a center figure of all mentoring
activity is the relationship between the mentee and mentor. This relationship can make a significant
contribution to professional, academic and personal development and learning as the mentee
integrates prior and current experience.

Commentary on induction and how candidates will be matched:

Matching a mentor and mentee for HR training session starts right from the induction of new mentee
who are willing to join session. Here mentor will assess the profile of mentee and that mentor will
classify mentee in each type of group keeping in mind that all learners have same attitude towards

Mentors and mentee selection criteria, procedures and tools:

Deciding what type of mentor will suite the program is the most critical and vital part of the selection

The executive coach: the mentor who has the mentality that the mentee is concerned about his or her
performance or the mentee wants or is willing to acquire new things. This type of mentor is known as
executive coach.

The elder statesman: in this case the mentee or the individual who is willing to learn is looking for a role
model, or will tap onto past experiences on the part of mentor.

The deep thinker: in this situation, the mentee is always willing to develop a fast pace of learning and to
maintain it or wants to do something beyond the relationship or the business.

The facilitator: in this case the mentor assesses the mentee and comes to the conclusion that the
mentee wants to get on the platform and wants the things done. May be the mentee wants to explore
wider range of issues as they emerge.
Support Structure:

Establishing methods and resources to achieve designated outcomes:

As we have already learned about the various resources required for the HR training sessions, these
include training hall budget for various maintenance bills and like, training relevant stationary items.
Making efficient use of these resources is the must.

 Tools to be used: tools to be used for training a mentee can be of various types. For training
hall, white board, projector for presentation, writing pads, ball points can be used as training
tools. Also, for online training students, there can be various inclusive videos in which each and
every step for session is explained so that distance learners could get whole crunch of the
session easily.
 Addressing differences between mentor and mentee: cultural differences are a very common
issue all over the world for few people. Few mentees may feel inferior that the other mentee in
the same group if the other mentee he is comparing is more talented of if he belongs to the
same culture as that of mentor. It is always essential to address the cultural relationships
between the mentor and mentee. Some of them is by arranging a training session for all
mentors to make them understand that their religion or cultural background should never
discriminate in their mentees.

Action Plan:

The main action plan for this HR training session follows the following steps

 Selecting the right mentors

 Selecting mentees
 Classify them in similar groups
 Setting up the training hall
 Mentors should know more about the mentee’s background and knowledge as and when they
assess them.
 Make us of various above listed tools to train the mentees.
 Mentors should teach the mentees everything right from the basic techniques to get best
human resource selection.
 After all the planned monitoring session, mentees should be examined and then assessed for
further assistance.

Program evaluation on how data will be collected:

For any program plan raw data collection is the first and foremost requirement. For the HR consultation
and training session basic data collection can be of various sources. The most basic one in the selection
depending on the number of participants are in the area. Data about the participants can be collected
from themselves or from the references given by them about their past mentors.

Conclusion, including any recommendations based on the planned outcome and the next steps:
Mentoring; a process for the informal transmission of knowledge social capital, and psychological
support perceived by the recipients as relevant to work, career or professional development; mentoring
entails informal communicate, usually face-to-face and during a sustained period of time, between a
person who is perceived to have greater relevant knowledge, wisdom or experience.

There is always need to evaluate beyond reaction and individual learning. The organization should
compare the actual against the planned capability or the desired outcomes and check for its
effectiveness. Moreover, the organization’s staff should confirm on the overall knowledge capital asset
improvement and overall progress improvement, assets current investments in mentoring and other
learning strategies. Evaluation of all data may it be asset or liability, can analyzed and report the
capacity of the organization to achieve improved results for the mentoring program.

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