Part-Time Jobs in IBD

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Nguyen Minh Hanh 10200036-I16S1

Nguyen Minh Hanh_10200036_PJ_A1

Nguyen Minh Hanh 10200036-I16S1

Ministry of Education and Training

National Economics University

“The reality of part-time job in I16S1 Spring International
Bachelor Degree (IBD) students”

Subject: Project level 4

Instructors: Students do:

Nguyen Thi Hong Hanh, MA, Nguyen Minh Hanh

Hanoi, November 26th 2020

Nguyen Minh Hanh 10200036-I16S1

Table of Contents
1. Research proposal........................................................................................................4
1.1. Background.............................................................................................................4
1.2. Problem statement..................................................................................................4
1.3. Purposes..................................................................................................................5
1.4. Research questions.................................................................................................5
1.5. Method....................................................................................................................5
1.6. Participant..............................................................................................................5
1.7. Literature Review...................................................................................................6
1.7.1. Definition of part-time jobs...........................................................................................................6
1.7.2. Part-time employee........................................................................................................................6
1.7.3. Types of part-time jobs..................................................................................................................7
1.7.4. Benefits of part-time jobs...............................................................................................................7
1.7.5. The challenge of part-time jobs for students..................................................................................8
2. Main body.....................................................................................................................8
2.1. Chapter 1: The reality of part-time employment of the IBD's I16S1 students. 8
2.2. Chapter 2: The reason and effect for choosing to work part-time of IBD's
I16S1 Spring students....................................................................................................11
2.2.1. The reasons.................................................................................................................................11
2.2.2. The effect.....................................................................................................................................12
2.3. Chapter 3: The solution to solving problems of IBD's I16S1 Spring students
while working part-time while attending school?........................................................14
3. Recommentation.........................................................................................................16
4. Conclusion...................................................................................................................17
5. Appendix..................................................................................................................... 18
5.1. For student have had at least one part-time job.................................................18
5.1.1. Have you had a part-time job?....................................................................................................18
5.1.2. How many part-time jobs have you done?...................................................................................18
5.1.3. Are you still working part-time or have stopped working?..........................................................18
5.1.4. Do you feel comfortable in your current part-time job?..............................................................18
5.1.5. Why do you choose to work part time?........................................................................................18
5.1.6. What have you got from work part-time jobs?.............................................................................19
5.1.7. Is your part-time job related to your major?...............................................................................19
5.1.8. What's the average hour wage you work for? (VND)..................................................................19
5.1.9. What are the negative effects of the part-time job on you?..........................................................20
5.2. For student haven’t ever had part-time job.......................................................20
5.2.1. Have you had a part-time job?....................................................................................................20
5.2.2. Why do not you choose to go to work part-time?.........................................................................20
5.2.3. Do you want to work part-time in the future?..............................................................................20
5.2.4. If you plan to work part time, what kind of job would you like to do?.........................................20
6. Reference list............................................................................................................... 21


Nguyen Minh Hanh 10200036-I16S1

First, with the deepest and most sincere feelings, allow me to express gratitude to all
the individuals and organizations that have facilitated and helped me throughout the study
and research process. this resource. During the time since I started studying at the school
up to now, I have received a lot of attention and help from teachers and friends.

With the deepest gratitude, I would like to extend to Ms. Nguyen Thi Hong Hanh
(MA, MSc) for imparting valuable knowledge to us during the time studying at school.
Thanks to the teachers' guidance and guidance, my research topic can be completed well.

I would like to sincerely thank the I16S1 classmates - those who directly helped and
participated in the survey data collection process, thereby helping me complete this report
well in the past time.

Internship reports were made over a period of nearly 3 months. My first step into
practice is still limited and confusing, so I can't avoid the shortcomings, I look forward to
receiving valuable comments from teachers to help my knowledge in this field. to be
more perfect at the same time with additional conditions, to raise their awareness.

Thank you sincerely!

Nguyen Minh Hanh 10200036-I16S1

Executive summary
Currently, working part-time while attending school is no longer a new trend for
today's students. The truth is that there have been many research papers discussing
whether students should work part-time or not, but these studies have not gone into depth
with each student. Because depending on family finances, school schedule, the needs of
each student that will have very different research results. Therefore, this study will focus
on learning about the part-time job of a part of IBD students, thereby clearly seeing the
benefits, harms and problems arising around this topic that the IBD’s students need

The research will be based on the following methods: To collect data and
information, I use the Experimental exam method is the Questionnaire survey method
and the Document research method. I used the Inductive method and Deductive method
for analysis.

After this study, we will see more clearly the status of IBD's I16S1 students working
part-time, the causes and the effects they experience. The truth is that the part-time rate of
IBD's I16S1 students is very high, but most of them have only two purposes: to increase
income and learn more knowledge, skills and experience. However, they also face many
difficulties in balancing school and work, work pressure, ...

To solve the problems that IBD's I16S1 students encounter when working part-time,
the research offers 3 solutions: assessing their own capabilities, identifying criteria for
part-time work, adding additional jobs. regulations supporting students to work part-time.

However, the study has not really been able to clarify and cover more
comprehensive IBD students because the number of people who approach to collect
information is quite small. With about 20 participants, the study has not proven the
reliability and general level of many IBD students. In addition, the solution is practical
but not specific yet.

Nguyen Minh Hanh 10200036-I16S1

1. Research proposal
An investigation into the reality of part-time job of students I16S1 International
Bachelor Degree at National Economics University.

1.1. Background
Today, in the context of a rapidly growing economy along with the continuous
improvement of the labor level, the requirement for each student is not only to actively
study and gather specialized knowledge subject, but also strengthen the improvement of
social knowledge and life skills. One of the ways that many students choose to improve
their own level is to find a suitable part-time job.

According to Mr. Dinh Van Huong, Dean of the Faculty of Journalism at a Hanoi
school: “Part-time jobs for students, in my opinion, means working participation while
still studying at companies, organizations, units, and households for the purpose of
having more income or with the goal of learning, accumulating experience, to be closer to
the reality of life. " Mr. Quach Minh Cuong, human resources manager of TV Plus
Company, said: “Part-time jobs in my opinion are simply that students actively
participate in social activities at internal and external organizations. to accumulate
experience for myself ".

Working part-time is a trend of the students sitting in the school seats in general but
also the IBD students in particular. Based on the different characteristics of the school
environment, the part-time job of IBD students will also have different points with other
students in schools such as: family's financial status, study fees, timetable, ... Especially
the first year students after experiencing about a year in the IBD environment, students
entering the spring 16 are a typical example.

1.2. Problem statement

There are many research papers on the status of students' part-time work, but most
of the research papers usually study students in a large area in general but do not
specialize in each type of student with each university environment. Many IBD freshmen
often have difficulty choosing between part-time or not for a variety of reasons. IBD

Nguyen Minh Hanh 10200036-I16S1

freshman students need some specific solutions to balance between part-time work and
school work.

This study will show the situation of part-time work of a group of students asupan
16 intake spring semester, namely students in class I16S1. In addition, the reasons that
the group of IBD students choose to work part-time (or not to work part-time) and the
influences from that choice of students.

1.3. Purposes
The study will clearly show the current status, causes, and effects of part-time jobs
of the I16S1 student group. From there, we offer solutions that are suitable for the
situation of the students to solve your problems in going to school and working part-time.

1.4. Research questions

− What is the reality of part-time employment of IBD’s I16S1 Spring students
− What are the reason for choosing to work part-time of IBD’s I16S1 Spring
students ?
− What are the effects on students when going to work part-time of IBD’s
I16S1 Spring students?
− What is the solution to solving problems of IBD’s I16S1 Spring students
while working part-time as well as attending school?
1.5. Method
− Method of information gathering: + Using the Experimental exam method
is the Questionnaire survey method.
+ Using the Document
research method
− Methods of analysis and inference: Using the Inductive method and
Deductive method.
1.6. Participant
− The first-year student in IBD: 20 people Intake 16S1

Nguyen Minh Hanh 10200036-I16S1

First year students are students who lack a lot of experience in the university
environment. They will find it difficult to choose part-time jobs. However, for the 16-
semester students of the spring semester, with nearly a year of study, they have had the
opportunity to get acquainted with many things and settle into university life, can boldly
choose to work. more in order to receive the benefits that it brings. So this group of
students will be the typical paticipants that clearly show many aspects of the part-time
problem of IBD students.

1.7. Literature Review

1.7.1. Definition of part-time jobs.

According to U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, a part-time job is one that usually
requires a person to work fewer hours per workweek than their employer deems full-time
employment. In addition, determining whether a job is considered part-time depends on
the company's policy and practice for identifying employees and the number of hours
required to be considered full-time. (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2020)

1.7.2. Part-time employee

Although The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) does not define what constitutes a
part-time employee. It's up to individual employers to make this classification. As a rule,
part-time employees work fewer hours than full-time employees. However, employers
determine the exact amount of hours their employees must work to be considered part-
time or full-time. Part-time employees generally include students, parents, retirees, and
other workers who do not want or need a full-time position's commitment to time. Some
workers may also hold two or more part-time jobs instead of working full-time at an
organization. (U.S. Department of Labor. 2020)

Nguyen Minh Hanh 10200036-I16S1

1.7.3. Types of part-time jobs

The Balance Careers pointed out that part-time jobs are popular in a variety of
industries and career fields. Although part-time retail and hospitality positions are
common, most industries use some part-time workers to supplement their full-time staff.
Some part-time jobs can be low-paying, high-stress occupations like those in the
foodservice industry. Others pay enough to live comfortably while pursuing other things.
(Doyle, 2020)

1.7.4. Benefits of part-time jobs

With the employees

− Earn more income.

− A lot of experience accumulated.
− Gain some skills.
− Expanding relationships
With the employer

− Many employers hire part-time employees to cut their labor costs. They can
make significant savings by not providing benefits to part-time employees. For a small
business owner hiring his first employee, getting started with a part-time employee is less
risky in terms of financial commitment.
− Some companies consider hiring part-time employees to expand the
possibilities of recruiting qualified employees.
− Companies have the opportunity to try out an employee before committing
to hiring them full time. It helps employers assess cultural relevance, job relevance, skills
and individual ability to learn and contribute.
In conclusion, part time work is now very popular with the advantages it brings. Not
only that, it is also very suitable for some non-working age groups to participate in
earning additional income

Nguyen Minh Hanh 10200036-I16S1

1.7.5. The challenge of part-time jobs for students

Affect health and education

One of the first consequences of the part-time job is feeling tired, which has a lot to
do with studying. Freshmen are often unfamiliar with the new pace and way of studying
at university lecture halls, so if they work part-time, they will be shocked and cause
fatigue, stress and have many difficulties in studying.

Encountered multi-level scams

Students who work part-time are most afraid of encountering fraudulent multi-level
marketing companies. With the sweet "without a degree", "without experience" is still
successful, causing inexperienced students to fall into the trap immediately. From close
relationships to cracking to debt piling up because the fees are too high to "succeed" as
offered by fraudulent multi-level organizations.

2. Main body
2.1. Chapter 1: The reality of part-time employment of the IBD’s I16S1 Spring
In today's society, the issue of employment is always a hot issue, concerned by the
press, agencies, agencies, and businesses, but it is also ingrained in the thoughts of many
students. Sitting on the chair, schools are constantly accumulating knowledge and
experience to achieve their noble goals in the future. In terms of behavioral competence,
students are an important part of working age. They have abundant physical and mental
strength. In terms of purpose, students who go to school are expected to have the
knowledge to have jobs and jobs after graduation.

Nowadays, a large number of students in general are aware that there are many
different ways of learning and more and more students are choosing practical learning
methods. That is going to work part time. The part-time job is now still a small

Nguyen Minh Hanh 10200036-I16S1

phenomenon that has become a trend, closely linked to the student's learning and living
life while still sitting on the lecture hall.

Regarding the part-time jobs of IBD students, especially I16S1 Spring students, the
20 survey showed that the part-time employment of the students was as follows:

The proportion of Spring I16S1 students working part-time



Occupied Unoccupied

Pie charts show the number of students in IBD's I16S1 Spring had a part-time job
while studying. In general, the proportion of students choosing a part-time job for
themselves is higher, but the difference is not much, about 55.6%. In contrast, an
estimated 44.4% of Spring I16S1 students choose not to work part-time.

In the first group, almost students have only 1 part-time job (100%). However,
among the surveyed students only 60% of the students are still working.

Nguyen Minh Hanh 10200036-I16S1

The level of satisfaction of students I16S1 with their part-time job







Very A little Neutral A little Very comfortable
uncomfortable uncomfortable comfortable

The level of satisfaction of students I16S1 with their part-time job

The bar chart illustrates the satisfaction level of I16S1 Spring IBD students with
regard to their part-time job. In general, no one feels uncomfortable about their work.
Meanwhile, students who feel a little bit comfortable account for the highest proportion,
accounting for 50% of the total number of students in this group. Likewise, the
proportion of people who choose “Neutral” is also high, at 30%. By contrast, the figure
for “Very comfortable” is two-thirds lower, respectively 20%.

The survey also shows that the average hourly salary of I16S1 students is from
20.000VND to 40.000 VND. On the other hand, most of the students choose to do part-
time jobs relative to the major they are studying in school, estimated at 60%. About 40%
of students choose to do part-time jobs closely related to their major.

In conclusion, most of IBD's I16S1 Spring students choose to work part-time and
they feel quite satisfied with their work.

Nguyen Minh Hanh 10200036-I16S1

Regarding students who do not choose to work part-time, there were more than 80%
of students want to have a part-time job in the future with some jobs such as seller,
bartender, waiter ... or a job related to English.

2.2. Chapter 2: The reason and effect for choosing to work part-time of IBD’s
I16S1 Spring students

2.2.1. The reasons

Most of the students have also had to consider whether to work part-time while they
were in college or not? Because working part-time at that time for many students not only
because of economic factors but also many other factors affecting.

In term of students choosing to work part-time, students will have an additional

amount of income: working part-time will give you an extra monthly income and afford
to spend for yourself without having to ask for help from family. That is also the reason
why up to 60% of IBD's I16S1 students choose to work part-time. On the other hand,
improving social skills is also a top goal of some IBD students, leading to the decision to
work part-time.

On the other hand, those who choose not to work part-time have a number of other
reasons. The largest proportion of accounts for more or less 70% is due to the effect that
part-time work affects students' learning in university. Although the class schedule of
I16S1 Spring students is not busy because the school has created the best conditions for
you to have the most suitable schedule, but the study time is at least 5 sessions / week
(type full-time study form). Not only that, many students also shared that the serious
exam problem, increasing difficulty with each level (in an average period of 3 months /
level) makes the students unable to neglect their studies.

Similarity, some students said that the big reason why they do not work part-time is
because the time to study on campus is 5 days / week, and does not have a certain time of
day such as: all The classes are in the morning or in the afternoon, many separate lessons

Nguyen Minh Hanh 10200036-I16S1

in a day, ... That makes the students unable to arrange the suitable time for part-time work
despite one of the advantages of this job is possible flexible timing. They have plenty of
time between one to two lessons but not enough time for a shift.

About 16% of students in the group choose not to work part-time in class I16S1
because they think that part-time work is only wasting their time. They feel that a higher
education has provided relatively well with the necessary skills and do not need to take
part in a part-time job to acquire those skills.

Thus, most IBD's I16S1 students choose to work part-time because of their income
and social skills. On the contrary, due to time issues and the impact of studying on
campus have prevented many students from choosing to work part-time.

2.2.2. The effect

At the seminar with the topic: "Should students take part-time jobs" organized by
Langmaster International Education, Dr. Le Tham Duong (Head of Finance, Banking
University of Ho Chi Minh City) said: "It is impossible denying the benefits of working
part-time for students, but how to work part-time and what more, to realize that, students
must know what to work and lose? ”.

Students working part-time will get money, that's for sure, the hard work spent and
obviously you enjoy what you have done. Working part-time will help you to have more
skills in life, especially communication skills. The working environment helps you to
meet many people that will help you to be smarter in communication. When you have
good communication skills, you will get to know many people, expand your relationship.

More importantly, you have closed the gap between reality and theory, the impact
outside of life helps you grow. And especially, working part-time will help you realize
the value of money made by your own efforts.

Nguyen Minh Hanh 10200036-I16S1

The benefits that IBD I16S1 Spring students receive when

working part-time

High salary
Accquiring knowledge and
Making good use of your free
Advanceding social skills

The pie chart shows the benefits that part-time employment has brought to IBD
I16S1 Spring students. The largest proportion was having high salaries, accounting for
about 40% of the total benefits yet. Likewise, 30% of students working part-time also
agreed that they had improved their social skills. The figures for making good use of their
time were lower by 10% respectively. Meanwhile, only 10% of the total students in this
group think that working part-time helps them acquiring knowledge and experience.

Besides the benefits students get when they go to work part-time, they also have to
receive negative effects from it. About 60% of students in this group feel very pressured
to work part-time, while up to 30% of students said that it greatly affects their academic
performance in school. At the same time, many students also feel tired when there is too
little time to relax, making them always in a state of stress. On the contrary, some
students said that they did not acquire much knowledge and skills from their part-time
jobs to serve their studies.

Nguyen Minh Hanh 10200036-I16S1

2.3. Chapter 3: The solutions to solving problems of IBD’s I16S1 Spring students
while working part-time as well as attending school

The biggest problem that students face when working part-time is the imbalance of
their study and work. That leads to a lot of pressure and a decrease in the student's
academic performance in school.

However, wanting to balance the two above is not easy. The first thing before
students choose a part-time job is to evaluate their own academic ability. This is very
important because if the student's qualifications are not enough, spend more time
studying effort than others, then the part-time job will greatly affect his studies.

On the contrary, for students who feel confident about their own learning abilities,
though having less time to study but still retain certain results, they can overcome the
impact of learning. to work part-time on her college education.

Second, many students get into a big problem when they choose to work part-time
jobs for themselves, then have to quit their jobs to find new jobs or jobs that put too much
pressure on them. Currently, most of the students in general and IBD I16S1 students in
particular are prioritizing a higher-paying job than a job that is suitable for their time,
ability and specialization. So does a high-paying job really benefit in skills that will
benefit students' learning and future? Well-paid jobs are often high-skill, high-pressure
jobs such as: technical experts, tutors, ... Students can only choose those jobs if I myself
can meet the job requirements. It is impossible for an economics student to work as a
computer repair specialist. With great work pressure, students will be paid a worthy
salary, but not everyone can balance their studies in school and face the pressure of work.
So even though the student's academic capacity is really good, the job they choose is too
much for them, the problem will continue to exist.

In conclusion, the students need to clearly set their part-time goals. Many people
think that they work part-time to earn more income, so choose a job with the right salary
and job requirements. By contrast, some students who wish to work part-time to study

Nguyen Minh Hanh 10200036-I16S1

should choose part-time jobs related to their major, or may provide students with the
skills they lack or the skills they are in need.

According to some data: The majority (85%) of American students work while
attending college. In Europe 67% of students work during the school year. In Asia,
however, it is only 30% or less. The reason why Asian students have a smaller number of
working students is that parents do not want their children to be distracted from their

During the seminar, Dr. Le Tham Duong analyzed the Vietnamese context in part-
time jobs and compared it with European and American countries. He pointed out that for
European countries and the Americas, the part-time jobs they pay great attention to, they
have clear and specific sanctions and regulations. So students can freely work part-time
and still learn and draw a lot of skills and experience. But for Vietnam, when the centers
that introduce part-time jobs for students only focus on economic issues and do not think
about what benefits that job will bring to students. If any, there are tutor centers, but there
have been many scams and then block money from students. That is the reason that
makes Vietnamese students less likely to have real contact with useful experiences for
their studies.

Some regulations of some countries on part-time work: If you are a student taking a
German language course, you are not allowed to work. The United States has very strict
regulations on part-time jobs and generally, students at Bachelor level are not allowed to
work part-time. Students studying on an F-1 visa can only do on-campus jobs in the first
year of study. The United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) may
allow F-1 visa students to work part-time off campus in their second year of study. To be
able to work off-campus, students also need to Designated School Official (DSO)
permission from the school's design officer (DSO), however, holders of an M-1 visa
cannot undertake any other work, other than vocational training. The working rules are
usually limited to between 12 and 16 hours per week. To learn more about the rules and
exact details, you can visit the University employment support office. In UK, students

Nguyen Minh Hanh 10200036-I16S1

from countries outside the European Union (usually students studying with a Tier-4 visa)
are allowed to work an average of 10 hours per week over the course of the school year
and an average of 20 hours per week during the school year. vacations. The maximum
number of hours you can work is usually printed on the visa label (visa sitcker) or the
Biometrics Residence Permit (biometric card).

Thus, for students, the part-time job is also limited to the number of working hours
to ensure it does not affect the study in university. In Vietnam, it is also necessary to
change a number of policies to create an effective working environment for students as
well as to avoid students abusing their part-time work.

3. Recommentation
Before problems related to students' part-time work, some solutions are
recommented as follows:

On the side of students who are planning to work part-time, it is important to

evaluate their learning ability in a general and multidimensional way. Firstly, based on
the closest academic results compared to the common ground of other students in the
same course. Because individual results cannot accurately assess the level of the subjects,
this will lead to a misdirection in the student's orientation. For example, if there is a
student with good average, but compared to the general average, the students are good or
higher, then it can be seen that it is not because his ability is good. it's because the subject
is easy for the learner and he's still a student with below average results. Second, students
need to set up a specific schedule. By setting up a timetable for themselves, students can
realize how much time they need to study in order to maintain stability or maximize their
performance in school. From there, we can see the free time that can be used to work
part-time and choose the right job. Students should not work beyond the limited time if
they do not want to interfere with their study time. Last but not least, students should
carefully refer to the working location, working time, ... especially the position. Choose a
position that is highly relevant to your major or is well positioned to acquire the
necessary skills.

Nguyen Minh Hanh 10200036-I16S1

Regarding students who are working part-time, the two biggest problems they
encounter are work pressure and affect study. First, students need to talk to their boss
about the workload, take on the tasks that are suitable for them instead of getting too
much work to complete. If the workload cannot be reduced or the pressure is still
reduced, students should consider looking for another job. The pressure helps students
improve and develop themselves, but students are too young, their main purpose is to
complete the course in school. Second, students should also consider and re-evaluate their
learning results before and after working part-time to make a wise choice in order not to
affect their studies.

In addition, the state should also have policies to focus more on students' part-time
jobs such as:

Limiting working time prevents students from abusing part-time jobs or they face
inappropriately large workload from the workplace.

The clearer regulation on hiring part-time employees is the age when students avoid

4. Conclusion
In summary, there are many IBD's I16S1 Spring students working part-time along
with studying on campus. The purpose of part-time jobs is to increase income as well as
learn more experiences and skills. However, this also raises many problems such as:
work pressure, time consuming, especially affecting the academic achievement of
students. Therefore, students need to accurately assess their own capabilities and choose
for themselves a suitable part-time job or choose to focus on studying.

Nguyen Minh Hanh 10200036-I16S1

5. Appendix
5.1. For student have had at least one part-time job

5.1.1. Have you had a part-time job?

¨ Yes

¨ No

5.1.2. How many part-time jobs have you done?

¨ 1 job

¨ 2-3 jobs

¨ Over 4 jobs

5.1.3. Are you still working part-time or have stopped working?

¨ Still working

¨ Have stopped working

5.1.4. Do you feel comfortable in your current part-time job?

¨ Very uncomfortable

¨ A little uncomfortable

¨ Neutral

¨ A little comfortable

¨ Very comfortable

5.1.5. Why do you choose to work part time?

¨ Improving income
Nguyen Minh Hanh 10200036-I16S1

¨ Accquiring knowledge and experience

¨ Having a lot of freetime

¨ Advanceding social skills

¨ Other ideas: ________________________

5.1.6. What have you got from work part-time jobs?

¨ High salary

¨ Accquiring knowledge and experience

¨ Making good use of your free time

¨ Advancing social skills

¨ Other ideas: ________________________

5.1.7. Is your part-time job related to your major?

Scoring is from 0-5, where 0 is irrelevant, 5 is completely relevant.

¨0 ¨1 ¨2 ¨3 ¨4 ¨5

5.1.8. What's the average hour wage you work for? (VND)

¨ Under 20k

¨ From 20k - 40k

¨ Over 40k
Nguyen Minh Hanh 10200036-I16S1

5.1.9. What are the negative effects of the part-time job on you?

¨ Wasting time

¨ Effecting studying in university

¨ Pressure

¨ Other ideas: ________________________

5.2. For student haven’t ever had part-time job.

5.2.1. Have you had a part-time job?

¨ Yes

¨ No

5.2.2. Why do not you choose to go to work part-time?

¨ Wasting time

¨ Effecting studying in university

¨ Pressure

¨ Other idea: ________________________

5.2.3. Do you want to work part-time in the future?

¨ Yes

¨ No

5.2.4. If you plan to work part time, what kind of job would you like to do?

¨ Seller

¨ Waiter
Nguyen Minh Hanh 10200036-I16S1

¨ Tutor

¨ Other ideas: ____________________

6. Reference list
1. US. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Concepts and Definitions. Available at:
<> Accessed 10th October,

2. U.S. Department of Labor. Full-Time Employment . Available at:

<> Accessed 10th October,

3. Doyle.A, 2020. What is a part-time job. The Balance Careers. Available at:
<> Accessed
10th October, 2020.

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