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[x3 University of | FOUNDED St Andrews | 1413 Higher Education Achievement Report (HEAR) incorporating the Diploma Supplement for Undergraduates Sarah Louise Watson Dickins ‘This Higher Education Achievement Report (HEAR) follows the model developed by the European Commission, Council of Europe and UNESCO/CEPES for the Diploma Supplement. The purpose of the Diploma Supplement is to provide sufficient recognition of qualifications (diplomas, degrees, certificates, etc). It is designed to provide a description of the nature, level, context and status of the studies that were pursued and successfully completed by the individual named on the original qualifications. It should be free from any value judgements, equivalence statements or suggestions about recognition, Glossary of terms ‘The following abbreviations, acronyms and terms are used in this HEAR. ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System) ‘The system of module credit transfer which helps make teaching and learning in Higher Education more transparent across Europe and facilitates the recognition of all studies. The University of St Andrews adopted a modularised scheme for all degree programmes in 1994, All modules at the University of St ‘Andrews have an accreditation in the ECTS scheme. Since St Andrews operates on an annual load of 120 credits and ECTS one of 60 credits, credits transferred to the other institution will be exactly half the credits shown for each module. See HESA (Higher Education Statistics Agency) ‘The official agency for the collection, analysis and dissemination of quantitative information about higher education in the United Kingdom. Students are assigned a unique national identifying number when registered al institutions of Higher Education in the UK. Further details can be found at www hesa.acuk SCOF (Scottish Credit and Qualification Framework) ‘The national credit transfer system for all levels of qualifications in Scotland. Further details can be found at St Andrews GPA (Grade Point Average) ‘The St Andrews GPA for undergraduates is the credit-weighted mean of Honours programme grades. ‘The St Andrews GPA is calculated during classification and is displayed at the same time as the degree classification and/or degree award. The St Andrews GPA uses a 20 point scale in common with classification and module final assessments at the University. The scale with descriptors is available at: www. Further Information On the University of St Andrews, its structure and governance see the University’s website wwwst-andrews.acuk (On the University’s reporting scale and grading system see ‘ On the University’s Senate Regulations for the awarding of degrees see www.standrews.acuk/students/rules/ugsenateregulations/ ‘This Higher Education Achievement Report is printed in black ink on paper watermarked with the seal of the University in grey and carries the official University stamp. It isnot valid unless in this format Printed 10-Jun-17 13:26 129001759 2017)UNEF Page 1 of 6 1 Holder of qualification Family name(s) Dickins Given name(s) Sarah Louise Watson Date of birth 06 September 1993, Student identification number 120001759 ESA identification number 1213730007619 2 Qualification achieved Qualification achieved Master of Arts (Honours) | Classification achieved First Class Main field(s) of study German and Spanish with Integrated Year Abroad Institution(s) administering studies University of St Andrews Language(s) of instruction/assessment English, German and Spanish Awarding institution(s) University of St Andrews 3 Qualification levels HESA level of qualification First degree with Honouss ‘National qualifications framework level SCQF 10 Official length of programme 5 years if mode of study is Full Time Programme entry requirements ox access www.shandrewsacuk/prospectus 4 Qualification - Mode of study, programme requirements and results gained 4a Mode and location of study 201213 ons mas 201546 20167 4b General programme requirements ‘540 credits over a period of normally five years (and not more than six years) or part-time equivalent, of Full-time - Studying at St Andrews Full-time - Studying at St Andrews Full-time integrated year abroad - British Council Language Assistantship (Spanish) Full-time - Studying at St Andrews Full-time - Studying at St Andrews which the final three years are an approved Honours programme of 300 credits, of which 60 credits are gained during the integrated year abroad, 90 credits are at 4000 level and at least a further 120 credits at 3000 and/or 4000 levels. 4c Specific programme requirements at 3000 level and above Spanish element: 120 credits (SP3201, SP3202, SP4203 or SP4108) (or SP4102 with $P4099), SP4204); other credits from remaining modules. Students taking less than 120 SP eredits can substitute some of SP3001 for P3201, SP3002 for SP3202, SP4003 for (SP4103 or SP4203) or SP4004 for SP4204, 240 Honours credits to be taken from the two languages, with 90-150 credits from each. German element: 120 credits (GM3005, GM3006, GM4105), and normally GM4106; (GIM3051 ~ GM4099). 4d Programme specifications Full programme specifications can be found at |ttps:/ Printed 10-Jun-17 13:26 120001759 2017]UNEF Page 2 of 6 4e Modules taken and results gained by Sarah Louise Watson Dickins (120001759/1) ‘ey to grades: A = Audited, D= Defere, E= Exempt F=Faled, M= Decanal intervention = Fassd, PC= Grade capped = Special deeumstances, V = Vold- mitigating cicumstances,X = Faled requirements, XC-= Failed right to retake module for credit only, XN =Faled-no ‘ight to tke additional dole XR ~Flled- right to ake anolher module for rei only, Z= Untepoted UniversityofSt Andrews ECTS Module Assessments credits credits credits, = Grade/Result possible counted gained Attempt Attempt? ‘Year Programme and main fields of study Module level, code and title 2012/3. Master of Arts (Honours) English and German 1000 DUOI2 Living Faith 2 BBP 1000 EN1003- Ghosts and Doubles: Introduction to 2 0 wo 130P Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century Literature 1000 GMI001 First Level German A 1 2» 1 62P 1000 GMi002 First Level German A2 2» 0 1 65P 1000 SPIO03_—_ Spanish for Beginners 1 20 20 1 34P 1000 SPIO04 Spanish for Beginners 2 » 20 10 150? Tolals for academic session wo oo 2013/4 Master of Arts Honours) Gorman and Sanish (With Integrated Year Abrosd) 2000 GM2001 Second Level German AL 3M oP 2000 GM2002 Second Level German A2 0 15 70P 2000 SP2002 Spanish Language and Critical Approaches to sa 1% 62P Texts2 2000 $P2005 Spanish Language and Texts ex Beginners 2 BSP Totals for academic session 0 10 « ‘2014/5 Master of Arts (Honours) German and Spanish (With Integrated Year Abroad 3000. P3101 Spanish Integrated Year Abroad o 0 sR Tolals for academic session 60 oo 30 2015/6 Master of Ass (Honours) German and Spanish (With Integrated Year Abroad! 3000 GNG005 German Language 1 15 5 75 180P 3000 GMS006 German Language 2 15 15 75 76P 3000 GMB0SL Words and their Functionsin Modem German 15 5 75 180P 3000 SP3001 Spanish Language 1 15 15 75 8SP 3000 SP3002 Spanish Language2 15 15 75 BAP 3000 P5121 Spanish American Literature (Gauchos and 15 15 75 83P Indians) 3000 SP3138 Mexican the Nineteenth Century 15 15 73 BSP 5000 GM4069 German History 1949 tothe Present 15 15 73 190P ‘Totals for academic session m0 10 o 2016/7 Master of Arts Honours) German and Spanish (With Intrated Year Abroad) 3000 SP3122 Spanish American Literature 2 8 5 75 188P 3000 $P3163— Tales ofthe Nation BOB 75 190P 4000 GMa105 German Language 3 BO 75 IRAP 4000 GME106 German Language 4 BOB 73 188P 4000 $P4003 Spanish Language3 BO 73 79P 4000. $Ps004 Spanish Language 4: Communication Skills BOB 75 (183P 4000. $P4089 Long Dissertation on a Spanish Topic 330 1% SP ‘Totals for academic session eT) oo ‘Total credits counted on this programme so 540 a St Andrews GPA (Grade Point Average) 18.3 out of 20.0 possible Final award of Master of Arts (Honours) German and Spanish (With Integrated Year Abroad) First ‘Class with Distinction in Spoken German and Spanish Awarded on 22 June 2017 Printed 10-Jun-17 13:26 120001759 20177UNEF Page 3 af 6 5 Qualification - Function and further access ‘This qualification may allow access to further study (at SCQF 11 or for equivalent EHEA second cycle qualifications) subject to the individual requirements ofthe institution concerned, ‘The following professional bodies or institutions have accredited this qualification: None known or applicable. 6 Additional achievements Students atthe University of St Andrews have the opportunity to engage in both co-curricular andl extra-curricular activities which may contribute to the life of the University and the wider community as well as to their own personal and professional development, The achievements reported here have been verified by the University of St Andrews and. information on the approvals process used to verify data for inclusion in this section can be found at andrews.accuk/students/awards ‘Academic Prizes 2016/7 Alan Paterson Excellence Prize i Awarded for excellence in Honours Spanish. 2016/7 Deans’ List, Awarded to students who average above 16.5 in all modules across the academic year 2016/7 ‘The Principal's Scholarship for Academic Excellence 2015/6 Deans’ List Awarded to students who average above 16.5 in all modules across the academic year. 2013/4 Deans’ List Awarded to students who average above 16.5 in all modules across the academic year. ‘Non-academic Prizes 2016/7 Working for your future (one of the four strands of the St Andrews Award) Demonstrating skill development and experience through work or work-related activities. 2015/6 Alex Richardson Prize ‘Awarded to a student who plans to undertake an imaginative project in any Spanish speaking country. Placements / Exchanges / Study Abroad 2014/5 Erasmus WIYA, ‘A compulsory year abroad work placement supported by the European Commission's Erasmus i programme. 7 Certification Registry Name of signatory Ester Ruskue Cmte sateen «eet AE Datecertified 10th of June 2017 4 Followed by: ‘A national descriptor of Scottish higher education with a summary of SCOF levels, “Description of Higher Education in Scotland” endorsed by a national committee, The Quality Working Group. Printed 10-Jun-17 13:26 120001759 2017JUNEF Page 4 of 6 Description of Higher Education in Scotland Introduction Scotland has a distinctive higher education system and also ‘operates under a devolved government, which includes devolved responsibility for higher education. There is a separate Description of Higher Education in England, Wales and Norther Ireland where the system is different to that of Scotland, Scotland's distinctive higher education systern has 19 higher ‘education institutions (HEIs). The 15 universities, the Open ‘University in Scotland, a college of higher education, an act school and a conservatoire all receive Funding for research and for learning and teaching through the Scottish Funding Coundll (see www funding is also received from other sources. ‘The HEls are independent, self-governing bodies, active in teaching, research and scholarship. Where HEIs are degree awarding bodies they design the curriculum forthe degrees they award, set the conditions on which they are awarded and the admissions arrangements, Degrees and other higher education {qualifications are legally owned by the awarding institution, not by the state ‘The HEIs offer qualifications at undergraduate (Bologna frst «yele) and postgraduate Bologna second and third cycle) levels. In Scotland, the law distinguishes the power to award degrees €0n the bass of completion of taught programmes (bachelors and mast masters degrees) from the power to award Research (@octoral) Degrees. Most universities have powers to award taught and research Degrees, Some other HFIs have powers to award taught Degrees vile others offer programmes leading to Degrees awarded by HEls with Degree awarding powers. Lists of institutions with powers to award degrecs and Institutions recognised by authorities in Scotland as being able to offer courses leading to a Degree of another HEI may be found at A small number of taught Degrees are available in tertiary colleges by the authority of a duly empowered HEL Oualifica ‘The types of qualifications awarded at undergraduate (rst, cyele) and postgraduate level second and third cycles) in ‘Scotland are described in “The Framework for qualifications of higher education institutions in Scotland” which includes qualifications descriptors, developed with the university sector and published by the Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) (www-gaa.acuk). The Framework was self-certfed as ‘compatible with the Framework for Qualifications ofthe “European Higher Education Arca, the qualifications framework adopted as part ofthe Bologna Process, in October 2006, The Framework is also an integral part ofa wider national ramework: the Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCOP) that cover al forms of programmes and qualifications from school toto doctorates (se Table I and www-seat Institutions use SCQF levels and credit points for students entering ot transferring between programmes or institutions, nd use ECTS for transfers within the European area. * Awarded by the Scottish Qualifications Authority Printed 10-Jun-17 1326 120001759 “Admissions requiements for particular programmes areset by the Els which ofr a range of routes fr etry andor creit ranfer into their programunes, and admit students whom they believe have the potential to complet thes programmes micesefully. The Open Univesity ean open entry intttion. The most common qualification for entry to higher education isthe Higher and, for a mall numberof high ari courses, the Advanced Higher or for entrants from thers ofthe UK, the General Certificate of Education at “Advanced” level or comparable qualifications. Pupils seeking to enter a HEI would normally take a ‘numberof Highers at an appropriate stage nthe Senior Phase (th, ‘5th and 6th year) of secondary schoo, according to the requirments ‘oftheir own learing journey, or at a tertiary college, HEle waually require 4-6 Higher for enty, but this may vay with subject. “Higher are studied in considerable dep, involving coursework and final examinations, Advanced Highers have historically ben taken by some pupils in $6 ae a means of extending their spedalisation, normally flloring succesful completion ofa Higher in that subject. “They aze alo availabe in some tertiary colleges. Pupils may also take Scotch Baccalaureate in Sciences, Languages, Expressive Aris, ot Social Science and these consist of related Highs and Advanced Fighers and an interdiseplinary project. Another major route into Degree, often with full transfer of ered, fom Higher National Qualifications offered in teriry colleges. Quality Assurance ‘The academic standards of qualifications are secured and the quality ofthe student Ieaming experience enhanced by the HEIs using | range of procestes including extensive use of external examiners and suitably qualified independent extemal individuals. In some subject ‘areas, Professional, Statutory and Regulatory Bodies (PSRBs) have a role to ensure that programmes meet the needs and standards of a particular profession; PSRBs do not set or regulate the academic standards of awarde, which is the responsibility of the Degree Ele in Scotland demonstrate their public accountability for quality and standards through a national Quality Enhancement Framework Which assures academic standards and the quality of leaming experiences, It has a strong focus on enhancement as follows: Els take account ofthe UK Quality Code for Higher Education, which is published by the QAA. The Quality Code isa UK-wide code of practice for quality assurance and enhancement, which includes qualifications frameworks and UK subject level "benchmark statements” as well as extensive guidance on the quality ofthe student leaming experience and provision of public information (see ‘www.gaa.acu). Higher Education providers use the Quality Code to design ther respective policies for maintaining academic standards and to enhance quality. Reviewers use it as a key reference point forthe extemal review and quality assurance of HEIs, ‘Subject level quality reviews are conducted by HEls in accordance ‘with guidance issued by the Scottish Funding Council (ee ‘www sfe-acuk) and in light ofthe Quality Code. [External reviews of HEIs are conducted by the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education in Scotland (QAA Scotland). QAA. Scotland isan independent body and charity established to provide public confidence in the quality and standards of higher education. ‘The method of extemal review in Scotland involves teams of peer reviewers, including student and international reviewers. QAA ‘Scotland publishes reports on the outcome of reviews and makes judgements about the effectiveness of the HEIs arrangements for ‘assuring academic standards and enhancing the quality of the learning experiences offered (se www qaa.zcuk). QAA Scodland also manages a programme of national Enhancement Themes (sce ‘wwwenhancemenithemes acu), ‘Annational development service supports students in their role as active participants in assuring standards and enhancing quality (ee uh) 20177UNEF Page 5 of 6 TABLE 1 ‘The Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCOP) “The SCOF covers all the major qualifications in Scotland from school to Doctorate and including work-based Scottish Vocational (Qualifications (SVs) SCQF Qualifications of Higher SQA Higher National and National Level Education Institutions Units, Courses and Group Awards: Laiaal 12 Doctoral Degrees Minimum Profesonal S20 S00F eta) pootentaio 11 Masters Desres inna Professional 160 Scar creat) Integrates pootenxtip Masters Doge (nen ‘vas | ov Scar ced, posiaduateDolina (sanenum 120 SCOP erst), Postorauete bases wth Honours in S0SCOF reat) | 10 Bacheors Degree wth Horous Profesional nen s60 Soa eres) oprenoxain Grastate Diplomas and i ‘Certificates | 8 Bachelors Degree nim Profesional Development Avatd Tecnica | ] 360 SCOF credits) Graduate Apprenticeship. Diplomas and Creates ‘vas 8 Diploma ct igher Education Higher Natoral Dora Tectia! tuinmurn 260 SCQF cesta) ostenozeip ‘vas 7 Corieate of tigner Education _Advanced Higher Scatisn (insur 120.9COF ces) Bacelaureat, Pgh: Natoral Corrente 6 tober Modern porentesip | ‘vas 5 Nationa itemediate 2 Modem | ‘Aporentesship | ‘Svae ‘ National 4 intermediate 1 svat | 3 Nationa Access 3 2 National Accoss2 1 National Access 1 | Notes 1 SCOF levels represent increasing complesity and demand in learning outcome. 2 Onecredit represents the outcomes achievable by the average student though 10 notional hours of lear effort In general terms, one ull time undergraduate year is considered to be 120 credits worth of earning. ‘Apostgraiuate year i 190 crdits_1 ECTS credit is deemed equivalent to2 SCQF credits Reseach degrees - Maser of Pilosophy (MPhil) and Doctor of Philosophy (PHD) are not credit rated 3 Graduate Cortfcats (minimum of 0 SCOF credits) and Graduate Diplomas (minimir of 120 credits) are oifered at levels 9 ana 10 within the SCOF framework, Tey are offered for programmes that are for fraduates but donot have outcomes that are at postgraduate level. & TheDachelors Degree (eve Teds o employment and in some instances cn give aces to postgraduate study particularly when secompanie by relevant work or professional experience 5 Atpostgraduate level the framework and the higher education qualifications are the same as those forthe rest of the UK. The Honours Degree levels of the two frameworks are considered to be in broad alignment (the Honours Degeee in Scotland normally takes 4 years and that in the rest of the UK takes 3 years). Below Honours level the frameworks reflect the different educational structures of Scotland and the rest of the UK), ‘This national description is endorsed by the Quality Working Group which i a national committee with members from The Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education, Sctland The Scotish Funding Council; Universities Scotland and the National Union of Students in Scotland. Printed 10-Jun-17 13:26 120001759 2017JUNEF Page 6 of 6

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