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The wrong idea of happiness

These days, humanity is overwhelmed by how their lives are because anyone seems to have an
ideal life as happiness de nes it. The main problem is that most of the people doesn’t know
where happiness is situated or how to reach it, so they automatically locate it on objects and
achievements (like money, success and fame). But according to the longest study of the life and
happiness of a person, now being runned by Robert Waldinger, these ideas of success are
unrealistic, almost unreachable, and make almost no di erence in the level of happiness of a
person. The main reason for people leading to this conclusion is that globalization allowed them
to know small perfect portions of a few perfect lifes all the time, so now everyone thinks that is
the answer. But Waldinger purpose another idea, not related on success but on social
relationships. This 75 year study showed how the people with better relationships tend to be
happier and healthier than the ones who are lonelier on trapped with toxic people. So what
Robert Waldinger concludes, is that if we want to have happier lives we need to x, enjoy,
develop and take advantage of our social relationships

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