BSBHRM506: Diploma of Leadership and Management

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Diploma of Leadership and Management


Trainer : Numan RASHID


Assessment Task 1

1. Describe five methods of recruiting staff.

The five methods of recruiting staffs are as below.

1) Online and Print Job Advertisements

One of the most common recruitment methods for businesses is job advertisements placed in local and
national print and online publications. The key is to advertise in places that are more likely to attract the
kinds of candidates sought by the company. For example, technical businesses tend to advertise in specific
trade publications and websites with high traffic rates.

2) Internal Bulletins and Personal Recommendations

Businesses sometimes use internal bulletins to alert staff to positions available. The reasons are usually
twofold: to pose an incentive for those seeking advancement to apply, and to seek referrals from
employees. This can be a very effective way to isolate some of the best job candidates.

3) Employment and Recruitment Agencies

Companies sometimes use employment and recruitment agencies as part of a staffing strategy. An
employment agency can save businesses the hassle involved with the initial screening of outside resumes,
assessing qualifications and testing, and checking references.

4) Government Job Centres

Government job centres usually offer advertising services as part of employment development efforts for
citizens. The government has job training and seeking divisions that work in concert with businesses that
need staff. The state employment development departments usually have both online and print listings
where companies may advertise job vacancies free of charge.

5) Social and New Media

Social and new media can be a fruitful resource, since they connect professionals on a worldwide basis.
Using popular social networking websites, it is possible to find, collaborate with and get introductions to
many qualified professionals. Social utility websites used primarily for leisure activities can also be a viable

2. Describe the purpose of an assessment centre in a recruitment process.

Employers use an Assessment Centre in graduate recruitment for a range of reasons. The main purposes of
assessment centre in requirement process are listed below :

 It is highly valid (when used appropriately)

 It enables an employer to compare a group of candidates with each other
 It can be mapped across multiple competencies
 The multiple activities provide an opportunity to see a candidate in a range of situations and formats
 It more closely simulates real workplace scenarios
 It provides the employer and candidate a good opportunity to communicate via a two-way process 

3. Outline three advantages of using an assessment center to determine a candidate’s suitability for a

The three advantages of using an assessment centre to determine candidate’s suitability for a position are
given below.

 They are far more accurate than a standard recruitment process as they allow a broader range of
selection methods to be used during the process
 They give the candidates a better insight into the role as they are tested on exercises, which are
typical for the role they have applied for
 They give the opportunity to assess and differentiate between candidates who seem very similar - in
terms of quality - on paper

4. Explain the concept of human resources outsourcing.

Human resources outsourcing is a process in which the human resource activities of an organization are
outsourced so as to focus on the organization`s core competencies. Often HR functions are complex and time
consuming that it will create difficulty in managing other important thrust areas. By HR outsourcing, this
problem can be avoided which will enhance effectiveness by focussing on what the organization is best at. It
will also improve the flexibility of the organization to the rapidly changing business needs. Usually businesses
that outsource HR are typically small to midsize firms with number of employees ranging from 25 to 1500.

There are HR outsourcing firms present so as to meet an organization`s HR requirements. Some HR

outsourcing firms are generalists, offering a wide variety of services, while others are specialists, focusing on
specific areas such as recruitment, payroll etc. Depending on the degree of outsourcing required, we can either
outsource the entire HR functions or contract for specific HR functions. Some of the services provided by HR
outsourcing firms are:

 Recruiting, training, and development

 Overseeing organizational structure and staffing requirements
 Tracking department objectives, goals, and strategies
 Employee orientation programs

5. Discuss two advantages of outsourcing HR functions.

The two advantages of outsourcing are listed below.

 Outsourcing Reduces Costs

One of the biggest advantages to outsourcing HR functions is the fact that it can save your company
money. Cost savings come from several areas, including:

Spending less on salaries: The average human resources manager earns more than $75,000 per year, plus
benefits. Depending on the size of the HR department, a small to medium-size business can easily spend
hundreds of thousands of dollars on HR staff. Outsourcing those jobs to a PEO can significantly reduce that

Reduced costs for benefits, as the PEO can negotiate better rates for a large pool of clients. Smaller
businesses can get rates usually reserved for large companies with bigger staffs.

Reduced costs for hiring and training. Research from the Society of Human Resource Management
found that it costs an average of $4,129 to hire an employee, and more than $1,200 to train him. A PEO
not only helps ensure that businesses hire the right people to reduce turnover and associated expenses,
but also has the resources in place to cut the costs of hiring.

 Outsourcing HR Functions Improves Hiring

Not only does working with a PEO mean that it costs less to hire staff, it also typically means hiring better
staff. As more job seekers look for opportunities that not only pay well, but also offer a comprehensive
benefits package, some companies report losing out on top talent because they can’t compete with other
companies. In fact, 22 percent of small businesses in one survey reported losing out on talent because
they couldn’t match a competitor’s compensation and benefits package. With a PEO, it’s possible to offer
more attractive benefits packages, including insurance and training opportunities.

6. Describe the function and scope of industrial relations.

Every company needs to have good industrial relations. When the relationship between the employees and
the managers is positive, then a lot of things see an instant improvement, such as the productivity of the
employee, their motivation, engagement, and morale, among others.

Employees who have amicable relationships with their managers actually enjoy and look forward to going to
work every morning. Their counterparts, who have negative relationships with their managers, will typically
feel anxious about work and won’t be looking forward to it in the morning. Employees who have better
relations with their managers will have a positive work experience, where they will work better, harder,
happier, and in a more devoted fashion. They will be happy and the customers of the company will also be
happy as a result. Ultimately, the bottom line of the company will benefit from better employee relationships.

There are four main functions and scope which industrial relations play and which can be used by managers to
ensure that relationships with employees are positive.

Open Communication

Communication is important to any relationship, including a business relationship. Employees will typically
spend a very large chunk of their days at work and so it is important that they feel perfectly comfortable with
their manager and satisfied with the kind of work that they do.


Sometimes something as simple as saying some kind words to your employees can go a long way. In fact, most
employees feel starved of recognition at their places of work. When you show them gratitude and appreciation
it will mean a lot to them. It also a kind of reinforcement strategy, where you reinforce the good work that
they do by recognizing them for it. That inspires them to want to do more of it.

Constant Feedback

You should offer feedback as frequently as you can to your employees. You can tell them about the great work
they’re doing as well as offer some constructive criticism on what they need to improve. That is another
essential part of a strong relationship between an employee and a manager.


You should always show your employees that you care. You shouldn’t care about them as your employees, but
also as people. They need to know that you take their fulfillment seriously, both personally and professionally.

When you want your employees to succeed, they will respect you more and will be more engaged in their
work and in the company generally.

7. Describe the purpose of an employment contract.

An employment contract details the terms and conditions of employment, as well as the responsibilities and
rights of you and your employer. This document is required by law to be given to you no later than two months
from the first day of employment, but ideally on your first day with an employer.

The purpose of an employment contract is to ensure that both you and your employer have a clear
understanding of what is expected during the term of employment. This document can also serve to eliminate
any disputes which may arise at a later date. It also helps you to understand what your rights are under the
Both you and your employer are bound to the employment contract until such time that it ends due to notice
given or a change in terms by either party.

An employment contract can be used when terms for part-time, fixed employment or permanent full-time are
needed. It can also be used when you’ve been hired by a human resources manager, recruitment officer or an

8. Describe how modern awards relate to employment contracts.

An employment contract provides the terms and conditions which govern the relationship of employment
between the employer and the employee. An employment contract can be in writing, in oral or can be inferred
from the conduct of the parties. However, it is always advisable to have a written document which records an
employee’s terms and conditions in writing and serves as a useful instrument at times of dispute.

An award is defined as the minimum terms of employment in an industry or occupation such as wages, penalty
rates, leave entitlements, working conditions and other aspects of the employment relationship. A written
contract of employment may provide for wages and conditions of employment which are over and above the
prevalent award system in a particular industry or organisation. The terms and conditions in the employment
contracts can be changed and updated at any time. A contractual arrangement can provide the employer and
employee the due flexibility needed for business operations.

The national workplace relations system encompasses most of the businesses in Australia and employers and
employees governed by it mandatorily need to comply with modern awards that apply nationally for industries
and occupations. The Australian Industrial Relations Commission (AIRC) consolidated most of the existing
awards into industry or occupation based categories to reduce the confusion surrounding proper minimum
employment entitlements. Most industries are subject to the modern award system from 1 January 2010

It should be borne in mind by every employer that mere signing of an employment contract does not mean
that the employee will not be governed by the minimum conditions provided in the relevant award and the
NES. A contract cannot take away the rights of employee which are a part of their minimum legal entitlements.
Thus, these standards will continue to apply and override any employment contract in place which provides
lesser entitlements than the applicable award or NES. In case, an employment contract provides 5 days of sick
leave per year, the employee will still be entitled to get his or her due 10 days of personal leave, including sick

leave, as provided in the NES. If it is found that the applicable award provides for a much more beneficial
entitlement for the employee the award system will be applicable instead of NES.

9. Access the modern award Hospitality Industry (General) Award 2010 on the Fair Work Commission
web site at:
awards-list and answer the following questions:

a. What is the minimum hourly rate for a Grade 5 Cook?

The minimum hourly rate for Grade 5 Cook is 24.77 per hour
b. If the cook is employed as a regular casual cook, what is the casual loading that must be paid.
If the cook is employed as a regular casual cook, the casual loading that must be paid is 25 percent of the
minimum hourly rate which is $ 6.1925
c. If the cook is a regular casual employee at Grade 5 and worked 8 hours from 9 am to 5.30 pm with a 30-
minute lunch break, what will be the total amount paid to the cook.
If the cook is a regular casual employee at Grade 5 and worked 8 hours from 9 am to 5.30 pm with a 30-minute
lunch break, the total amount paid to cook would be $ 247.70
d. Identify the minimum weekly wages for a kitchen attendant grade 1 and calculate the annual salary based
on this amount.
The minimum weekly wage for a kitchen attendant grade 1 is $ 762.10 and annual salary will be $39,629.20
e. If a cook is required to use their own tools at work, what is the allowance that the employer must pay per
week and how much does this amount to annually?
If a cook is required to use their own tool at work, the allowance that the employer must pay per week
would be $8.49 per week and annually be $441.48

10. Explain the purpose of a registered agreement.

A registered agreement is a document between an employer and their employees

regarding employment conditions. An agreement must be approved by and registered with the
Fair Work Commission. Other known terms: collective agreement and enterprise agreement. An
Enterprise Agreement sets out the minimum terms of employment between one or more employers and
their employees or a group of their employees. The agreement may either sit in isolation of any other
Award or it may incorporate certain terms from the relevant parent Award.

Enterprise Agreements can benefit employers because they can negotiate for more flexible working
conditions. Likewise, employees can bargain for higher wages and extra benefits a standard Modern
Award does not offer. Other purposes are listed below.

 coverage term that explains who the agreement covers

 flexibility term that allows an employer to vary some identified terms of the agreement with
employees through an agreed individual flexibility agreement

 consultation term that requires the employer to provide notice and consult with affected
employees regarding any major workplace changes

 dispute resolution term that allows the FWC or another independent party to settled
disputes concerning matters arising under the agreement

 nominal expiry date of the agreement no longer than four years from the agreements

11. Summarize the 10 minimum workplace entitlements in the National Employment standards for a
permanent employee of an organization.

The National Employment Standards (NES) are 10 minimum employment entitlements that have to be
provided to all employees. The national minimum wage and the NES make up the minimum entitlements
for employees in Australia. An award, employment contract, enterprise agreement or other  registered
agreement can't provide for conditions that are less than the national minimum wage or the NES. They
can’t exclude the NES.

The 10 minimum entitlements of the NES are:

 Maximum weekly hours 
 Requests for flexible working arrangements
 Parental leave and related entitlements
 Annual leave
 Personal/carer's leave, compassionate leave and unpaid family and domestic violence leave
 Community service leave
 Long service leave
 Public holidays
 Notice of termination and redundancy pay
 Fair Work Information Statement

12. State how long must employees’ records be kept for according to the Fair Work Act 2009

Part 3.6 of the Act deals with the responsibilities of Employers in respect of making and maintaining
Employee Records and providing employees with pay slips. Pursuant to section 535 of the Act, an
Employer is required to make and keep employees’ records for seven years.

13. Summarize at least four examples of the information that must be kept for each employee
according to the Act above and the Fair Work Regulations 2009.

A range of information must be made and kept for each employee as prescribed by the  Fair Work Act
2009 and Fair Work Regulations 2009.

 General records
General employment records must include all of the following: the employer's name, the employer's
Australian Business Number (ABN) (if any), the employee's name, the employee's commencement date
and the basis of the employee's employment (full or part-time and permanent, temporary or casual).

 Pay records
Records of pay must include the rate of pay paid to the employee, the gross and net amounts paid and any
deductions from the gross amount and the details of any incentive-based payment, bonus, loading,
penalty rate, or other monetary allowance or separately identifiable entitlement paid.

 Hours of work records


In the case of a casual or irregular part-time employee who is guaranteed a pay rate set by reference to
time worked, a record of the hours worked by that employee For any other type of employee, the record
must specify the number of overtime hours worked each day, or when the employee started and finished
working overtime hours (but only if a penalty rate or loading must be paid for overtime hours actually

Leave records
If an employee is entitled to leave, the record must include both: leave taken, if any and the balance of the
employee's entitlement to that leave from time to time. If an employer and an employee have agreed  to
the employee taking a period of annual leave in advance of an accrued amount of leave, the employer
must keep a copy of the agreement which states the amount of leave to be taken in advance and the date
on which the leave is to commence and must be signed by the employer and the employee, and if the
employee is under 18 years of age, by the employee’s parent or guardian.

If an employer and employee have agreed to cash out an accrued amount of leave, the employer must
keep a copy of the agreement to cash out the amount of leave, a record of the amount of leave to be
cashed out and the payment to be made to the employee for it and the date on which the payment is to
be made.

14. Explain when a pay slip must be provided to an employee and what information must be included
in the pay slip under the Fair Work Act 2009.

All employees should receive a payslip, either electronically or in printed form, within one working day of
receiving pay. If you receive your pay electronically, it needs to be sent via email or into a personal
Moreover, the employer should issue the payslip in a manner that the employee can easily access. For
example, a worker may not have easy access to email if they work in a remote location or a manufacturing
industry. In this instance, an employer should issue payslips in printed format.

A payslip must include the following information:

o the amount of pay, both gross (before tax) and net (after tax)
o the date of receiving the pay;
o the pay period;
o any loadings, bonuses or penalty rate entitlements;
o deductions;
o superannuation contributions including the name of the super fund;
o the employer’s name and ABN if they have one; and
o the employee’s name.

15. How much notice must be provided to an employee who is to be dismissed?

An employer has to give following minimum notice period who is to be dismissed.

Period of continuous service  Minimum notice period 


 1 year or less  1 week

 More than 1 year - 3 years  2 weeks

 More than 3 years - 5 years  3 weeks

 More than 5 years  4 weeks

16. Who is and who is not covered by unfair dismissal laws?

An employee of a national system employer (called a national system employee) who has been dismissed is
protected from unfair dismissal and eligible to make an application for unfair dismissal remedy if:
1. they have completed the minimum period of employment AND
2. they earn less than the high income threshold (which is currently $148,700 per year), or
3. a modern award covers their employment, or
4. an enterprise agreement applies to their employment.

The employees who do not have employment contract or are outside the national workplace system are
excluded from or uncovered by unfair dismissal law.

17. Explain why is important to advise potential employees of the terms and conditions of
employment during the recruitment process?

Importance of terms and conditions of employment As starting a new job the Employment Rights Act says
that all employees must be given a copy of their terms and conditions of employment, which should be
given within a month. The terms and conditions of employments includes thing like wages, working hours
and sickness pay etc. Also the business has rules and regulations which everyone needs to follow. The
employees and employers need to know each other responsibilities within the workplace. It also specifies
the rights from the terms on which the employee can legitimately challenge made by the employer. It also
shows what the employer is needed from the employee. The implied terms are terms which are applied to
both employers and employees is obvious but both of them need to abide them and if failure to do so
would be breaking those terms. The employee needs to abide the health and safety rules.

This also can be expensive to facilities which may need to be adapted to take new laws such as different
language and layouts for disabled. The whole total costs of legislation are higher in a large company than
small business. On the other hand the potential impact on small businesses maybe greater. All businesses
will need to follow equal opportunities policies when recruiting and other conditions of employment
which may be knows as 'good' employers by potential employees such as they may be able to attract more
candidates. Overall terms and conditions are important as these give employers and employees where
they stand. Dispute and argument can happen less due to what is on the terms and conditions such as
basic pay, hours worked etc. It is also important to carefully draft the employee's statement of terms and
conditions. This gives proper notice to the contract documents and employer can help himself with
numbers of important right which could be an important value later on in the employment relationship.
Finally employers need to know if they are fully utilising their statement of employment which will help

them to their benefits. Also the employer should make sure they avoid going to employment tribunal's as
this can make then give compensation to employee and leave their business with a really bad reputation

18. Explain the purpose and relevance of psychometric tests in recruitment.

Psychometric tests are a standard and scientific method used to measure individuals' mental capabilities
and behavioural style. Psychometric tests are designed to measure candidates' suitability for a role based
on the required personality characteristics and aptitude (or cognitive abilities). They identify the extent to
which candidates' personality and cognitive abilities match those required to perform the role. Employers
use the information collected from the psychometric test to identify the hidden aspects of candidates that
are difficult to extract from a face-to-face interview.

Once the Human Resources manager, or person/s in charge of hiring, ascertains that you have fulfilled the
initial requirements for the position by reviewing your résumé , they will then send out a letter with
specific instructions for sitting the psychometric test. The prime objective of this is to identify at an early
stage those job applicants who are unlikely to fill the requirements of the position on offer and
consequently narrow the applications further.

Some job applicants believe that the psychometric test is not a good measure to assess their real abilities,
personality traits, and suitability for the job. However, the psychometric tests are statistically examined,
and are constructed to be objective and unbiased.  This is done by using standard methods of assessment
so that everyone is presented with the same questions and instructions for completing them. Our
experience shows that psychometric tests are very reliable in predicting candidates' performance, and in
most cases the test report provides an accurate evaluation of the applicant. However, this doesn't say that
with a good preparation you can't improve your suitability for a job. We  have proven that an effective 
preparation which highlights your relevant strengths and improves your weaknesses increases your
chances to win the job you wish to get.

19. Explain the purpose and relevance of skills tests in recruitment.

Pre-employment skills testing is an increasingly adopted tool among hiring managers, with stellar results in
increasing accuracy, reducing costs and speeding time to hire. According to a survey by the American
Management Association,  “Almost 90 percent of firms that test job applicants say they will not hire job seekers
when  pre-employment testing  finds them to be deficient in basic skills.”
For those not convinced they should add pre-employment testing to their hiring process, here are some
reasons to sway you.

1. It helps eliminate up to 50 percent of unqualified applicants in the initial screening ultimately decreasing the
possibility of bad hire.

2. You can reduce up to 90 percent of time spent on the unnecessary elements in the hiring process that
directly increase the costs on low-value aspects of recruiting.

3.  A study revealed, there are 75 percent greater improvements in hiring manager satisfaction.

4. You will be able to double your success rate for hiring with just a few carefully designed assessments.

5. Reducing the time spent on unwanted activities will lead you and your team to focus on other important
tasks, increasing your productivity.

6. Employers can increase the likelihood of hiring high-quality candidates by using pre-employment tests to
help screen and select the best candidates for jobs.

Assessment Task 2: Project Work

1. Human Resource: Research


The purpose of Human Resource Management lies in successful utilization of people to attain specific as
well as organizational goals. This includes both the personnel (i.e., hiring employees and upholding
employee information); and payroll function (retaining the employee information associated with
employee payment). Fulfilling HR objectives enables the company to meet its goals, which in turn,
enables accomplishing the business strategy.

Four main objectives of Human Resource Management are

1. Define an organizational structure which drives productivity

Hiring the right talent for the task is only a small part of the challenge. It then needs organizational
structures and practices in place to nurture staff skills and maximize the return on investment in human
capital through training and development, leadership and management and updated rules, regulations
policies and procedures. It’s thus the responsibility to recognize the optimal structures that need to be in
place for a wide range of work environments.

2. Developing effective coordination and communication within the organization

Human Resources needs to ensure that staff hired for their skills to aid in achieving wider corporate
objectives, must be given a framework that helps them succeed. HR must foster a hierarchy which
achieves the best communication within and between the departments that make up any business.

2. Dedicate time to finding the right staff and developing their skills base
People increasingly expect to acquire new skills to remain relevant in the employment market, whilst
employers are constantly looking to staff as a key part of the business’s competitive advantage. HR,  then,
must not only find the right staff to mesh with the strategic course the business is taking, but then ensure
that these employees are given the skills to remain valued and valuable to companies seeking to compete
in an ever-more competitive landscape. A sense of relatedness is most important factor to retain this
valuable resource in the organisation and HR, to be effective, must be matching, if not exceeding, their
competitive counterparts.

4. Embracing wider societal and ethical developments

HR needs to understand how demographic, technological and other important societal changes, including
a potential workforce living longer than ever before, affect business. For a growing business it should
even more sensitive as HR explores new ways of working. Induce employment practices, both releasing
human capital to focus on tasks that smart systems cannot perform, whilst rationalizing roles and
potentially reducing headcount which inevitably hit on important ethical and societal questions which will
increasingly require strategic thought and practical implementation as technologies revolutionize the
world of work.

Recruitment requires more time and effort than merely scanning through resumes. Understanding how a
potential recruit can help you achieve your business goals means considering that recruit's tangible and
intangible qualities. Use of all methods available when to recruit, interview and select the next winning
team member. Some of these are;
Review Resumes: Develop a keen eye for talent on paper. Although a combination of education and
experience are what every manager hopes to see in all resumes, don't overlook the person who has a
strong cover letter that explains a gap in experience or has a strong desire to learn and also consider
outside activities such as volunteer work.

Pre-Hire Testing: Pre-hire testing is popular in search of basic skills before they make a commitment to a
new employee. Pre-hire testing can be done before the first interview via online services that can be
found on major recruiting sites. It can also be done on location, as part of the selection process and might
include LLN Tests, creating a sample project or having the prospect write his own job description and also
include a test of basic skills such as math, grammar and typing skills.

Look for Core Competencies: Core competencies refer to dominant character qualities. Many core
competencies are general in nature, such as integrity and loyalty, but are important for anyone who
works within a group. Other competencies, such as competitiveness, problem solving, time management,
may be more relevant to specific jobs, such as sales staff or account officer who are constantly presented
with deadlines, goals, insubordination or industry changes.

Assessment centres are one of the most effective methods for predicting a candidate's suitability for a
job, so can help organisations to avoid making poor recruitment decisions and the costs associated with
them. Candidates are more likely to have a positive experience at an assessment centre than where they
are assessed by interview alone. Some organisations use assessment centres only for high-value roles.
Organisations can choose from a variety of selection exercises, including structured interviews, work-
sample activities, group exercises and role-plays.

Recruitment outsourcing program blends dedicated recruiters, technology, and best practice hiring
processes to transform an organisation's talent acquisition function. Aligned to hiring managers, it drives
the end-to-end recruitment process from forecasting to sourcing, assessing, placing, on-boarding, and
reporting while utilising expertise, innovative technology, and key performance indicators. Some
advantages of outsourcing are;
 Reduce cost per hire
 Shorten time to hire. 
 Manage fewer suppliers. 
 Access additional sourcing channels
 Improve scalability to respond to your organisation’s changing needs. 
 Mine talent data for continuous optimisation.

The use of standard forms in recruitment, selection and induction helps to ensure that the process will be
consistent, fair and accountable. Here are forms commonly used prior to interviews and the information
they contain.

Application Form: Applicants may be required to complete a job application form. A standard application
form ensures that all applicants are informed of the information required to be submitted with the

application, such as proof of qualifications, and that they must address the selection criteria, working-
with-children checks and specialist licences ensures that applicants are made aware of any legislative or
union requirements they must comply with.
Reference check:
Selection Panel Schedule
Screening Template

Technology changes the way HR departments contact employees, store files and analyse employee
performance. Used well, technology makes HR practices more efficient. When used poorly, it can get in
the way of managing the company's human resources. Good HR practices maximize the benefits and
minimize the problems. Some of the areas of HR that can be benefited by technology changes are:
Recruitment: This has been aided by e-recruitment web portals were employers post positions and
qualifications needed for a specific job. Then the job seeker will select their field of expertise and apply
for that particular position online.

Training & development: After the process of recruiting is finished, human resources manager will have
to use technology to train new employees. Even though they qualify for the position, their some things
which the human resource manager has to put clear before new employees take their positions.
Performance management: Human resource manager can use technology to monitor the performance of
employees. With the help of tools like CPM (Computerized performance monitoring), the manager can
know how much work has been accomplished by each employee per a given period.

Virtual Manpower: With the help of the internet, businesses can recruit people to work from the comfort
of their homes. It can also help in cost reduction by outsourcing certain part of your work from the
market where manpower cost are cheaper. Example: Reconciliation, auditing, customer survey, IT
support can be backed up from Asian countries in lesser cost.

2. Develop a Human Resources requirements briefing report

Executive Summary

As a newly appointed Human Resource Manager of the Grow Management Consultant company, I will
take an opportunity to brief the Human resource related all important facts. Grow management
consultant company established in 2010 and the business structure of Grow management consultant
company is consultation to small business specialized in leadership development services.

Purpose of Report:
To highlight the areas need to be address for the better outcomes to achieve the Management
Consultant mission and progress objectives. Recruiting new staff under the fair work legislation guidelines
that ensure job safety and technology assistance for better results.

Strategic objectives:
Grow Management Consultancy draws on its up-to-date knowledge and skills in best practice leadership
concepts to assist clients with leadership performance Ensure that all financial operations, performance
indicators and results support the strategic policies. Identify new and expand existing sources of revenue,
including establishing a training college to offer accredited training in leadership Achieve profits of at
least 10% per annum.

Operational Priorities:

 Design and develop a monthly newsletter to send out to all clients (Responsibility:
Principal Consultant; Timeline: newsletter to be in operation by September 2018)
 Create a blog page on web site to provide regular latest news (Responsibility: Principal
Consultant; Timeline: immediately)
 Employ new full-time Accounts Manager (Responsibility: Principal Consultant/Human
Resources Manager; Timeline: Accounts Manager employed by July 2018)

Existing human resources policies and practices.

The company recently appointed a Human Resource Manager. A formal document used for human
resources is the staff employment contract template, which is customized according to the staff member
employed. The company does have a new Strategic Plan, which includes objectives for staffing. Human
Resources Manager has been requested to develop an appropriate recruitment, selection and induction
policy and procedures.

Three selection methods and psychometric and skills testing.

 Online and Print Job Advertisements: One of the most common recruitment methods for
businesses is job advertisements placed in local and national print and online publications. 
 Employment and Recruitment Agencies: Companies sometimes use employment and
recruitment agencies as part of a staffing strategy. An employment agency can save businesses
the hassle involved with the initial screening of outside resumes, assessing qualifications and
testing, and checking references. 
 Social and New Media: Social and new media can be a fruitful resource, since they connect
professionals on a worldwide basis. Using popular social networking websites, it is possible to
find, collaborate with and get introductions to many qualified professionals. Social utility
websites used primarily for leisure activities can also be a viable source.

Selection process
Panel interview, online using social media, face to face.

 Psychometric tests
Skill tests are designed to demonstrate a person's present level of skills in terms of technical know-how
related to the job. Reliable psychometric tests have been designed on the basis of statistical analyses on
data collected from large groups of people.

 HR outsourcing 
Process of sub-contracting human resources functions to an external supplier. Reviews of business
processes have led many organizations to decide that it makes business sense to sub-contract some or all
non-core activities to specialist providers.

 Legislation
This code of conduct is informed by the following legislation with which all staff must comply.
Work Health and Safety Act 2011

Fair work Act 2009

3. Email to Principal Consultant

Dear Numan,

Subject: approval to proceed to developing the required human resources policies and procedures

I would like to get your suggestion and permission to develop and update HR policies and procedures. It is
nearly a week to us to assess the existing Human Resource police being implemented at Grow Consultant
Management. For the better growth of the company updated Human Resource Policies and Procedures
according to the Fair Work Act 2009, and would like to hire new staff, some of from outsourcing through
recruitment process.

Kind Regards,
Yubraj Tiwari

4. Develop a recruitment, selection and induction policy and procedures.

The first step is to appoint someone to coordinate the development work. This person may be either an
employee or an external consultant with expertise in this field. In the case of a manual for human
resources management policies and procedures only, the logical person to appoint as coordinator would
be someone working in the human resources management function.

In the case of a manual covering all aspects of the organization’s operations, the next step should be a
meeting between the coordinator and all functional managers, such as those involved in administration,
production, sales, marketing, service, etc. The meeting, which should preferably be arranged by the chief
executive, has the functions of explaining the nature of the project and its benefits, communicating
management support, establishing a timetable and determining what subject matters will be covered by
the manual.

Grow Management Consultants are committed to promoting individual and organizational leadership
excellence. We do this by providing mentoring training, coaching, consultation and program evaluation;
offering cutting edge tools, resources and expert advice; sharing best and next practices; leading
organizations through the process of creating a leadership culture; and, recognizing and celebrating
excellence in leadership.

Legislation, regulations, standards and codes of practice

This code of conduct is informed by the following legislation with which all staff must comply.
Work Health and Safety Act 2011
Fair work Act 2009and induction and are addressed within the policy and procedure

Recruitment and selection methods to ensure that the policy and procedure reflects a range of
recruitment and selection methods that can be used to ensure high quality candidates are attracted to
roles and then selected.

Procedures for recruitment, selection and induction

Identifying a vacancy or deciding to outsource: The primary function of this role is supporting the Grow
Management Consultant Finance Manager and Finance Team with the provision support to ensure the
smooth running of functions including accounts payable, receivables, and month end.  The Assistant
Accountant supports the continuous improvement of core processes and ensures delivery of services to
meet quality and timeliness standards. 

Recruitment methods: Recruitment agencies,

Short listing procedure: Candidates poses the required skills and qualification from applicant pool who
best meet the required and desired criteria for the open requirement and who you want to move
forward onto the next step of your recruitment process

Appointments: Signed an employment agreement with the eligible candidate

Record keeping requirements: Managing and updated record of employee as per Fair Work Act 2009
legislation and directions

Induction: Introducing a new employee to his/her job and organization and giving him all the necessary
information required by him/her to start his work. 

Selection process: Each element of recruitment and selection has a contribution to make in helping to
find the most suitable candidates for any given post and you should view recruitment and retention as
entailing the eight stages that follow.
Stage 1 – Job Vacancy
Stage 2 – Job Analysis
Stage 3 – Attracting Candidates
Stage 4 – Screening Candidates
Stage 5 – Interviewing Candidates
Stage 6 – Selecting and Appointing Candidates
Stage 7 – Induction & Training
Stage 8 – Employee Evaluation

5. Develop a Position description template

Date: 07/09/2019
Location: You will be based at the Grow Management Consultants Head Office, Level 1, 10 Martin
Street, Hobart, TAS 7000. You may be required to work at other locations on a temporary basis. We will
notify you of any such requirement.
Position: Your initial role will be as Account Officer and you will be employed on a Full Time basis.
We may change your role but we won't change your role without talking to you about the reasons for the
change. Your initial classification under the

Reporting: You will report to the Manager or their designate, and will work under the direction of
the person in that position. We may change who you report to as our needs change but again we won't
change the reporting line without talking to you about the reasons for the change.
Duties /Responsibilities
 Maintaining financial records.
 Handling accounts payable and receivable.
 Checking invoices.
 Resolving accounts to the general ledger.
 Contacting clients about transactions and invoices.
 Handling queries related to accounts.

Skills and experience

 High School Diploma.
 Proven work experience as an Account Officer.
 Able to work well within a team.
 Proficiency in MS Excel and QuickBooks.
 Solid analytical skills.
 Detail-oriented.
 Strong interpersonal skills.
 Attention to detail.
 Willingness to comply with all company, local, state, and federal financial regulations.

Performance goal
As working in the growing you will be working with friendly experts of the fields and are given a full
training for two weeks and are expected to work on your own. This job provides you autonomy in
decision making and time management. Not only you will get exposure to the management market but
you will also get chance to develop your managerial skills.

6. Develop guidelines for conducting effective interviews

Development of guidelines for the interview play a vital role for the process of selecting a best candidate.
In order to conduct an interview, there are some guidelines which need to be prepared while conducting
an interview. It helps to make the interview more effective and easy during the time of the selection. This
creates more convenience and efficiency for the management depart to know more about the candidates
and their level of skill and knowledge. Some of the major guidelines which need to be followed during an
interview are discussed below:
Develop interview questions:
o Where do you see yourself in next five years?
o What are your strength and weakness?
o Why should I hire you?
o Tell me about yourself/ your work experience
o Why do you want this job?
o What are your salary expectations?
o Why are you the right fit to succeed in this role

Interview Notes:

In selection process interview notes always useful to analyse and identify the right candidates for final
selection or offer job agreement.
Following observations are very important
1. Dress code.
2. Eye contact
3. Confidence
4. Knowledge of Job applying for.
5. Leadership qualities
6. Industry background knowledge

Getting the best out of the candidates: Company always wants to hire the best candidates. Therefore,
interviewer’s main duty and role is to the best out of the candidates. In order to get best out of the
candidate, interviewer has to follow certain things which are given below:
o Let them gather their thoughts by providing them time
o Let them ask questions about the company and job
o Control the interview by re-directing conversation if necessary

7. Email to the Principal Consultant

Dear Numan,
Principal Consultant
Grow Consultant Management
Subject: approval to proceed to developing the required human resources policies and procedures

I would like to inform you that under the directions of Mr Paul Burn, the Principal Consultant, I have
conducted information and training sessions with the other team members and deliberately discussed
and generate selection and induction policy, procedures and supporting forms and documents to senior

Moreover, for the better communication and effective response would like to amend the existing
induction policy and supporting forms and documents which we believe will help to reduce the cost and
will provide more confidence to employees.

Looking forward to your suggestions and approval.

Yubraj Tiwari

8. Information and training session

Date: 11/07/2019
Session Time: 30 minutes

Senior Consultant: Numan

Agenda: New recruitment, Selection and Induction policy

Recruitment Policy and Procedures: Discuss and highlight the previous recruitment policy and the gaps
which needs to be change, moreover, the firm previously using only a customize agreement form for
various candidates which is being change according to the Fair Work Act 2009, which is more professional
and target oriented and also discussed the importance of the procedural steps to recruit further

Position description template and interview guidelines: Discuss the importance of new recruiting criteria
and newly designed template with related interview questioners and the ways to conduct interview with
various methods and techniques approved and discussed with the executives of the organization by
keeping in mind the organization further strategies.

Time allocation: 7 minutes

Template Preparation:

As per new recruiting policy and procedures designed and trained existing staff to develop a new job
seeker template as according to their need which will not only help to recruit a candidate as per
management but also time and cost efficient.

Time allocation: 05 minutes

9. Updated documents
Employee Recruitment Form

10. Send an email to the Principal Consultant (your assessor).

Dear Numan,
Principal Consultant
Grow Consultant Management
Dated: 10/02/2019
Subject: approval for changing template during training session

I would like to kindly inform you that a training session held three days ago in the Human Resource
Department training hall with senior consultant and client relationship manager and it was a 30 minutes
session. Moreover, we have discussed about the newly designed template and identified some changes
after detail discussion with other two members of faculty.

Yubraj Tiwari

Assessment Task 3 – Project Work

1. Meet with the Principal Consultant (your assessor).

Meeting with Principal consultant was held

2. Develop an advertisement for the position of Accounts Officer to be placed on Seek.

The Company:

An exciting opportunity has arisen for an Accounts Receivable Officer to join a growing Australian business that
successfully delivers marketing services, print management and strategic procurement services to a wide range
of clients. With locations around Australia, we are looking to build on our level of brand awareness and success
in a dynamic market whilst also delivering a great customer experience to our clients.

The Role:

As a result of our expanding customer base, we are looking for an experienced Accounts Officer to join our
small but dynamic Finance Team.

Key Responsibilities:
Reporting to the Financial Controller, your duties will include;
 Accounts Receivable Data Entry and Processing,
 Debt collection and Account Reconciliation,
 Cash Book Data Entry,
 General Ledger Processing,
 FBT and GST Compliance,
 Processing of Payments and Sales,
 Statistical reporting and analysis.

Role Requirements:
The successful applicant will have the following profile;
 A Bachelors (or equivalent) degree in Commerce or Accounting,
 Excellent communication and organizational skills,
 Demonstrated professional approach to customer relationships,
 A keen eye for detail,
 Outstanding time management skills,
 Passion for excellence,
To Apply: 

This exciting opportunity will allow the successful applicant to grow their career whilst supporting the core
values and strategic direction of our ever-growing business. We will provide a supportive and energetic
environment whereby you will be able to further develop your skills and experience. Graduates are welcome
to apply.

If you believe that you are a highly energetic, detail-oriented individual who can contribute to fun and exciting
team, this is the position for you.

3. Send an email to the Principal Consultant (your assessor).

Dear Numan,
Principal Consultant
Grow Consultant Management
Subject: removal of some terms and conditions

I would like to inform that the agreed terms and conditions has been removed from the advertisement.
Now it is no longer presented with the advertisement and can be discussed or negotiated with the
interviewee candidate.

Yubraj Tiwari

4. Send an email to the Principal Consultant (your assessor).

Dear Numan,
Principal Consultant
Grow Consultant Management
Subject: re-assessment of the terms and conditions

The recruitment, selection and induction policy and procedures require all terms and conditions to be
clear within recruitment advertisements. Terms and conditions presented in the description helps us to
lower future issues, and discrepancies.

Looking forward to your suggestions and approval.

Yubraj Tiwari

5. Send an email to the Principal Consultant (your assessor).

Dear Numan,
Principal Consultant
Grow Consultant Management
Subject: using of recruitment consultant

The use of recruitment consultant could actually reduce the time and cost as well. The role is demanding,
diverse and involves: using sales, business development, marketing techniques and networking to attract
business from client companies, so an expert in the place of recruitment could do better on recruiting us
a better candidate.

Looking forward to your suggestions and approval.

Yubraj Tiwari

Assessment Task 4 – Project Work

1. Send an email to the Principal Consultant

Dear Numan,
Principal Consultant
Grow Consultant Management
Subject: applications received and files are ready for review

I would like to inform you that applications have been received and that the files are available
for you to review. Moreover, the applications will go through series of human resources process such as
shortlisting candidates, arranging interview and offering contracts to successful candidates.

Looking forward to your suggestions and approval.

Yubraj Tiwari

2. Develop a script for contacting shortlisted candidates to arrange an interview

Subject line: Invitation to interview

Hi candidate name,

Thank you for applying to our company.

Your application for the Junior accounts position stood out to us and we would like to invite you for an
interview at our office.
You will meet with our Engineering department manager and two of her team members. The interview will last
about 60 minutes. You’ll have the chance to discuss the position’s responsibilities and learn more about our

We would like to conduct your interview sometime this week. Please let me know which one of the following
time slots you would prefer. I will be sending you a calendar invitation once I receive your reply.
 6th October 10 am
 6th October 11 am
 6th October 2 pm
 6th October 3 pm

If none of these time slots work for you, let me know.

Our offices are located at street name. You can find an attached screenshot of our exact location. Please bring
your ID, so you can receive a visitor’s pass at the reception. Ask for Mr. Edwards, our Office Manager, as soon
as you arrive.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Yubraj Tiwari

3. Role-play contacting shortlisted candidates to arrange an interview.

HR : Hello ! Am I speaking with Mr. Johnny ?

App : Yes. May I know who is speaking ?
HR: I am ED, HR manager at Grow Management Consultants. How are you today ?
APP: I am good and yourself?
HR: I am good. Thank you for asking. Actually I am calling regarding your application for the position of
Accounts Officer. Upon reviewing your applications, I am delighted to say that you are successful for the
APP: Oh that’s great.
HR: I am glad to invite you for the interview. The proposed date of the interview is 6 th of October. We have
four different slots of time which are 10 am, 11 am, 2 pm or 3 pm. Which one would you like to choose ?
APP: I would prefer the morning time please. Can you please book me for the 10 am session ?
HR: Sure. Do you have any other questions ?
APP:I was wondering if onsite parking was available there coz it gets really busy at that time of the day.
HR: Yes we have onsite parking. You can park your car on the visitor parking located just below the head office.
APP: Oh! Thank you
HR: Welcome. Have a wonderful day
APP: You too.

4. Complete the selection report

Grow Management Consultants

Human Resources Policy and Procedures

Selection Process Approval

The responsibility for the final decision in selection processes rests with the Human Resources Manager.
The selection panel recommends which applicant should be selected and the Human Resources
Manager reviews this information and makes the final decision.

The Human Resources Manager must ensure that:

 the recommendation of the selection panel is consistent with the merit principle (i.e. is clearly
based on overall suitability having regard to knowledge, skill, experience and qualification, and
potential for future development) and supported by evidence and examples including verification
from well-placed referees

 the written explanation of the decision is clear, understandable, and well explained in terms of

the merit of the selected applicant with specific reference to work history, experience, previous
levels, qualifications, skill.

The Human Resources Manager should ensure that they can be satisfied, based on the information in
the report, that the person selected has an appropriate level of experience and skill for the vacancy in
question and that the decision is backed up by sufficient evidence, including reports from relevant

The Human Resources Manager should take note of any dissenting views by a panel member and may
wish to explore this further before supporting the recommendation for selection.
If the Human Resources Manager has concerns or does not agree with the selection panel’s
recommendation, the selection report should be returned to the selection panel explaining the
reservations. The selection panel is then required to better explain its reasons for their decision. The
Human Resources Manager may instruct the selection panel to seek further and additional evidence to
support the appointment of an applicant if required.

When the Human Resources Manager approves the recommendation, they should also review the
document summarizing the merit of the selected applicant. The report is not to contain adverse
information about the selected applicant, and the Human Resources Manager should act as a further
safeguard in this sense, and ensure that the report does not include any negative information.

5. Send an email to the Principal Consultant (your assessor)

Dear Numan,
Principal Consultant
Grow Consultant Management
Subject: approval to proceed to developing the required human resources policies and procedures

I would like to take a time to show the selection panel’s report and would like to ask whether you are
endorsing the decision made on behalf of those candidates. The panel’s report has been attached with
the mail.

Looking forward to your suggestions and approval.

Yubraj Tiwari

6. Develop a letter of offer for the selected candidate.

 Purpose: Ensure to provide clear understandings of what is expected during the terms
of employment

 Employee name : Maggie

 Commencement Date 01st March 2020


 Location Level 1, 10 Martin St, Newcastle

 Term : Full time

 Remuneration – $25 per hour

 Payment terms – Salary will be paid on every Wednesday

 Superannuation: will be paid on every three months which is 9.5 percent

 Salary Review – once every year

 Hours of Work 38 hours per week

 Leave Entitlements :

o Annual Leave

o Personal leave

o Long Service Leave

o Parental Leave

 Termination – can be terminated immediately within the probation period

 Probationary Period: Three months

 Confidentiality/privacy requirements: Employee must oblige to disclose any confidential

information regarding the company.

7. Develop a standard letter to be sent out to all unsuccessful candidates.


Company address

Dear candidate name,

We appreciate that you took the time to apply for the position of (name of position) with our company.
We received applications from many people. After reviewing your submitted application materials, we
have decided that we will not offer you an interview.

We appreciate that you are interested in our company. Please do apply again in the future should you see
a job posting for which you qualify. Again, thank you for applying. We wish you all the best.


HR manager

8. Send an email to the Principal Consultant (your assessor)

Dear Numan,
Principal Consultant
Grow Consultant Management
Subject: approval to proceed to developing the required human resources policies and procedures

I would like to inform you that the letter of offer has been sent to the successful candidates and the
rejection letters are sent to the candidates who were unsuccessful in the interview. This email is sent to
you immediately following your confirmation of the selection report.

The letter of offer/ employment contract and rejection letter that were sent is attached to this mail for
your reference.

Yubraj Tiwari

Assessment Task 5 – Project work and Role-play

1. Develop an induction checklist

1. Step 1: Employment contract. Issue new employees with a written employment contract and
ensure the employee returns a signed copy. ...
2. Step 2: Issue the employee with the essential paperwork. employee handbook. ...
3. Step 3: Workplace Health and Safety – WHS – induction. ...
4. Step 4: Probationary period.

3. Send an email to the Principal Consultant (your assessor)

Dear Numan,
Principal Consultant

Subject: Induction Checklist Meeting

As we are aware that the new team members are starting their job role from next week. I am writing this
email to let you know that the meeting for developing an induction checklist will be organised on 22 nd of
this month.

The training for the Principal Consultant on the use of the checklist and induction processes will be
followed. I will provide feedback to the new Accounts Officer as part of the probationary process, then
update the induction processes and check that induction processes are followed across the organisation.

Yubraj Tiwari

4. Train the Principal Consultant in the use of the induction checklist at a short meeting.
Meeting organized and induction checklist has been given to Principal Consultant.

5. Update your induction checklist

New check list has been created by amending the existing one

6. Send an email to the Principal Consultant (your assessor)


Dear Numan,
Principal Consultant

Subject: changes made to induction checklist

I would like to inform you that according to feedback received from you during the meeting, the
induction checklist has been amended and updated. The ongoing support can be provided as required as

Updated attachment are included with this mail.

Yubraj Tiwari

7. Develop a script for providing feedback to a probationary employee and to seek feedback on
the inducting process
Strongly Agre Neither Agree Strongly
Agree e nor Disagree Disagree

1. I received my employment offer

and associated information in a timely

2. The information I received before

my arrival helped me settle in:

3. I knew where to report, who to see

and felt welcomed on my arrival:

4. After completing modules 1 and 2

of the corporate induction I gained an
understanding of the University goals,
work health and safety requirements:

5. My initial work unit induction was

helpful and informative:

6. Send an email to your assessor.

Dear Numan,
Principal Consultant
Grow Consultant Management
Subject: suggest place and date of the meeting

I would like to inform you that under the directions of Mr Paul Burn, the Principal Consultant, I have
conducted information and training sessions with the other team members and deliberately discussed

and generate selection and induction policy, procedures and supporting forms and documents to senior

Moreover, for the better communication and effective response would like to amend the existing
induction policy and supporting forms and documents which we believe will help to reduce the cost and
will provide more confidence to employees.

Looking forward to your suggestions and approval.

Yubraj Tiwari

8 Meet with the probationary employee.

The meeting was held 30 minutes prior to the end of their session.

9 Send an email to the company’s Managers (your assessor).

Dear Numan,
Principal Consultant
Grow Consultant Management
Subject: review induction process and provide feedback

Given Maggie’s feedback on the induction process, I have also decided to review the induction process
and seek feedback from managers on the extent to which the induction process is meeting the objectives.
Thus would require the managers to provide feedback on the new induction process.

Yubraj Tiwari

10 Develop recommendations for improving the induction process

The recommendations for improving induction process are outlined below

 Prepare an induction checklist.
 Make them feel welcome.
 Have a job description.
 Encourage your whole team to be involved.
 Discuss your company values and vision.
 Encourage social interaction with your team.
 Outline your expectations clearly.
 Look for creative ways to welcome your new hire.

11 Send an email to the Principal Consultant (your assessor) about the feedback gathered.

Dear Numan,
Principal Consultant
Grow Consultant Management
Subject: approval to proceed to update the recruitment, selection and induction policy and procedures.

I would like to inform you that certain amendments were made according to the recommendations for
improving induction process as specified in the Induction Processes Improvements report.

I would like to ask for approval to update the recruitment, selection and induction policy and procedures
attached to this mail.

Looking forward to your suggestions and approval.

Yubraj Tiwari

12 Update the company’s recruitment, selection and induction policy and procedures.

The first step is to appoint someone to coordinate the development work. This person may be either an
employee or an external consultant with expertise in this field. In the case of a manual for human
resources management policies and procedures only, the logical person to appoint as coordinator would
be someone working in the human resources management function.

In the case of a manual covering all aspects of the organization’s operations, the next step should be a
meeting between the coordinator and all functional managers, such as those involved in administration,
production, sales, marketing, service, etc. The meeting, which should preferably be arranged by the chief
executive, has the functions of explaining the nature of the project and its benefits, communicating
management support, establishing a timetable and determining what subject matters will be covered by
the manual.

Grow Management Consultants are committed to promoting individual and organizational leadership
excellence. We do this by providing mentoring training, coaching, consultation and program evaluation;
offering cutting edge tools, resources and expert advice; sharing best and next practices; leading
organizations through the process of creating a leadership culture; and, recognizing and celebrating
excellence in leadership.

Legislation, regulations, standards and codes of practice

This code of conduct is informed by the following legislation with which all staff must comply.
Work Health and Safety Act 2011
Fair work Act 2009and induction and are addressed within the policy and procedure

Recruitment and selection methods to ensure that the policy and procedure reflects a range of
recruitment and selection methods that can be used to ensure high quality candidates are attracted to
roles and then selected.

Procedures for recruitment, selection and induction

Identifying a vacancy or deciding to outsource: The primary function of this role is supporting the Grow
Management Consultant Finance Manager and Finance Team with the provision support to ensure the
smooth running of functions including accounts payable, receivables, and month end.  The Assistant
Accountant supports the continuous improvement of core processes and ensures delivery of services to
meet quality and timeliness standards. 

Recruitment methods: Recruitment agencies,

Short listing procedure: Candidates poses the required skills and qualification from applicant pool who
best meet the required and desired criteria for the open requirement and who you want to move
forward onto the next step of your recruitment process

Appointments: Signed an employment agreement with the eligible candidate

Record keeping requirements: Managing and updated record of employee as per Fair Work Act 2009
legislation and directions

Induction: Introducing a new employee to his/her job and organization and giving him all the necessary
information required by him/her to start his work. 

Selection process: Each element of recruitment and selection has a contribution to make in helping to
find the most suitable candidates for any given post and you should view recruitment and retention as
entailing the eight stages that follow.
Stage 1 – Job Vacancy
Stage 2 – Job Analysis
Stage 3 – Attracting Candidates
Stage 4 – Screening Candidates
Stage 5 – Interviewing Candidates
Stage 6 – Selecting and Appointing Candidates
Stage 7 – Induction & Training
Stage 8 – Employee Evaluation

13 Write an email to all staff (your assessor).

Dear Numan,
Principal Consultant
Grow Consultant Management
Subject: updated recruitment, selection and induction policy and procedures

The recommendations generated from the meeting held and the feedbacks received from you are now
included in the new Induction Process Improvements Report. I have attached the Induction Process
Improvements Report with this mail.

Yubraj Tiwari

15 Send an email to the responsible staff member (your assessor)

Dear Numan,
Principal Consultant
Grow Consultant Management
Subject: approval to proceed to update the recruitment, selection and induction policy and procedures.

I have received a report from human resources (Induction Data Report) that gives information on
inductions that have been conducted, and I want to check that they have been conducted according to
the required timeframe, which is within one week of the employee’s commencement of employment and
then a further follow up induction within one month of the employee’s induction.

The issues has been identified and the new timeline has been set. We have agreed on the providing
further training and ongoing support as required.

I have attached updated Recruitment, Selection and Induction Policy and Procedures to this email.

Yubraj Tiwari

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