Secret Wikileaks Subpoena

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re: twitter cash request: i will funnel "money" to wikileaks

seeking investors
black monday, massive divestment? bank of america . . .
points out that bc twitter fights the order
it is in no way the same as twitter being the only tech company invaded.

obvious, but impt point to make.

especially when you look at the money trails of q4. and accel and NVCA, etc. in-q-tel.

as in, facebook et al surely are getting all the same cough up of data, including even other
things like say, credit card records (visa mastercard, bank records) for each and every wikileaks
activist/luminary. that would be awesome. so their moment by moment geolocation can turn up
as tainted-what-the-heck-its-america evidence at the grand jury mcarthy hearings in alexandria.
so jonsdottir, we have here a record of your coffee at the moring of march 25, 2010 at the same
cafe as known terrorist juuuuulian assange. . .
so that proves that you too, are a witch and should be drowned by competent islamophobic
geriatric white male senators, in the chemically polluted chesapeake.
in handcuffs wearing a cute little jumper or smock or frock.
this is a very real threat from Obama's S&M dungeon

really newly enchanted with ABB (war instruments) wallenberg anonymous theories, or research
regarding antitrust and SEC and rove, rovey-pooh.
that's not rude to call him so is it?
my gran helen stephens eng, coctailshaker/dinner party hostess for DC bugaboos and
CIA called reagan, ronnie. and my mother explained it was somewhat to humanize/or

completely delighted by twitter's alexander macgillivray

for opening the twitter surveille
and google books coup

who blogs at bricoleur

twitter is a funny place. i used to be all over it, at every law twit and many accts to express
many agendas and communicating with pirate party egomaniacs in the USA. it was fun.

i want the us govt to have all my information, down to the last cent , the last drop of DNA, every
single twitter, every biometric, address, credit card, contact, phone number everything.
american embassy stockholm, please photograph my face from every angle, it makes me feel
so special.
i want them to know i am going to buy tofu at hotorget and then going to stureplan to meet an
economist friend for a debriefing of the latest wikileaksiana.
and i want them to know i spoke to a guy with major death threats due to general muckraking
and busting the irmeli krans interrogator facebook corruption loop in the assange fakery (see
also washington post, who had the kindness/censorship to leave out her name) and yesterday
hung out with a guy stalked by deaththreaty flashback trolls who is a wikileaks expert as well as
aware of black market child smuggling in sweden and govt protection of this fraud.
he says marianne ny is not all bad.

re: the twitter order people

nice try
jonsdottir and applebaum
they could be like 24 hour stalked. like the secret service stalking FSI attorneys mark stephens
and jennifer robinson. like so fair.
and then maybe they could get bradley manning style torture and be made to stand naked and
answer a GI/wackenhut dimwit "are you okay?" every five minutes of cold prison existence like
bradley has to, smock or no smock.

i loved it that applebaum had a flashdrive with the bill of rights for the US security detention
upon his inflight to seattle post twitter public surveille op.

not sure what apllebaum and jonsdottir are so upset about.

they are too white for guantanamo, sorry, its more a racist islamophobic prison culture kind of
same for assange.
well, then again . . .
killing him would unlock WWIII. so he is kind of safe, in a we-will-make-your-life-hell kind of
and well, i think its wallenbergs v. the rothschilds at the big football game of international
i am rooting for the rothchilds and wikileaks as the cognitive capital of the future.

but maybe they will just arbitrate and then everyone can live happily ever after.
post toxicdumping ivorycoast, guardian gag order, etc.
here is the waddeston trust charity reg:
which is really a small endowment for a historical manor, as in, not that big a deal for all the
rothschild illuminati conspiracy theorists out there, i recommend you watch eco-trip and put
down that GMOburger
and realize how enchanting art law is . . .

as the pirate bay so vigorously claimed, the pirate bay is/was a igital art project
performance art
see TPB and embassy of piracy at the venice biennale
and so too might we see
wikileaks this way.

and in addition to the nobel war prize we might legitimize wikileaks a little furher with some
officious art world snobbery. possible?

US GOVT failed to secure docs. (minus points)

we (wikileaks, the people) take docs and put them on exhibit (totally awesome!!!!)

now it is like a big art display of the history of american empire.

also think about it, the whole NEWYORKTIMES assange is an anitsemite thing makes no sense
in light of this actual attorney is the attorney of actual diluted german jewish diaspora people.

for a quick wikitarian understanding:
and of SEB

N M Rothschild & Sons Limited

Strandvägen 7A
114 56 Stockholm
Tel +46 (0) 8-586 335 90
Fax +46 (0) 8-660 97 91
Global Financial Advisory

see the rothschild art trust is an FSI company

and ABB war machine is a wallenberg (rove/rheinfeldt) company.

so who is going to win?

investor AB which is safe to say is involved with CARTEL ABB? you know working for USA

Investor AB
Arsenalsg 8c
S-103 32

Telephone: 46 8 614 20 00
Fax: 46 8 614 21 50
i think it will be a tug of war for some time and countries will fall.
but really information is more valuable than any amount of money afterall.
old school link:

published on braingarbage

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