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Word count: 1492 c3213991 Jonathan Dempster

Professional Development
Career Plan

Although my career plans are not finalised, one area that interests me most is moving into accountancy. I think an
accountancy qualification would be a great asset, and put me in a good position to decide where my future career
will go. I realise it is a long road to becoming a chartered accountant via the Association of Chartered Certified
Accountants. Hopefully, I will secure a job that allows me to take my accountancy exams alongside a role at the
company. To achieve this though, I will focus on three skill areas to develop, and hopefully put me in a great position
to achieve my goal.

Interaction Skills – Specifically presenting and leading others. I wouldn’t say I’m a natural leader, but I can
step up and take control if I have to. Becoming more comfortable in this role will help me considerably.

Interaction with others is a major requirement in any career, especially accounting. Therefore a skill I am going to
focus on is presenting skills. Presenting is fundamental in a highly structured organisation, and developing this skill
will put me in a great position right from the interview stage, right through to my career.

Up until this point at University, I have always thought my presentation skills were average. However, in a recent
presentation, I was told my style was poor, not connecting with the audience and seeming as if I don’t really know
what it is exactly I am saying. Therefore developing this is a primary aim. Being clear about the objectives of the
presentation, expressing myself correctly and understanding how to present to specific groups is all a part of creating
a good presentation.

Activity 1, as described by Cameron (2005), I thought back to a recent presentation that I attended, and listed the
good and the bad points. The main point that had the most influence on the quality of his presentation was that his
voice was flat and uninteresting. I went on in activity 2 to attempt to analyse myself in a similar method, although it
would have been better to get someone else to do this for me, I think I can effectively select my weaker points, and
focus on them before I fine tune my whole style. The main point I picked up on was that I felt nervous in a room full of
people that I know. Although it is normal, I think a clearer method of what I am going to say, and more preparation
could reduce this dramatically, and allow me to focus on the presentation objectives at hand.

Baker and Thompson (2004) claim that “genuine knowledge is critical in getting the audience to trust the speaker’s
“head”, but genuineness helps the audience trust the speakers “heart”.” They go on to say that being likeable is a
great way of connecting with the audience and getting your message across. Possible ways to boost this ‘like-ability
include; making eye contact, smiling and a conversational or casual speaking style. The speaker’s humanness is
portrayed by the amount of self disclosure, and doesn’t appear condescending or manipulative.

I will take charge of one meeting in my consultancy project during January.

I will chair a meeting deciding which direction our consultancy project will go. I’ll agree a time that suits everyone,
and have a specific list of the details we need to go through. This will put me in a position I wouldn’t usually be in, but
it is a different challenge to the other two public communications, as the consultancy project is with friends, and
offers a different set of challenges.

I will perform two public communications between now and February 1.

I am usually not the centre of attention, and usually dislike being so. This will challenge me as it is something I
wouldn’t normally do, with people I don’t know very well. I will specifically target my presentation style, as this is the
area in which I struggle most with presentations. After each of these public dialogues, I will make a chart, highlighting
the skills I have used, and developed, and the areas in which I could improve. After the third, I will collate the data,
and put myself in a position to use these in academic and career based scenarios. I will also ask for feedback from
my manager/tutor and collate and measure alongside my independent reviews.

Baker and Thompson (2004) claim that “genuine knowledge is critical in getting the audience to trust the speaker’s
“head”, but genuineness helps the audience trust the speakers “heart”.” They go on to say that being likeable is a
great way of connecting with the audience and getting your message across. Possible ways to boost this ‘like-ability
include; making eye contact, smiling and a conversational or casual speaking style. I will put these methods into
practise I try to develop my own style. I realise that it will be difficult for me to completely change my style when I next
present, however, embracing certain areas will allow me to expand my potential. This is easily achievable.

This is relevant as it will help me develop my presentation skills using real life experience, and is time constrained,
and I should have done two public meetings by January 31st. This will allow me to organise the meetings well in
advance, at a time that suits everyone.
Word count: 1492 c3213991 Jonathan Dempster
Self Management - Detailing how to get the best out of my final university year referring to such things as
time and career management. Linked specifically to the consultation project, keeping ahead of the work and
time frame.


I am going to find 5 hours of wasted time a week, and instead focus on my consultation project.

Finding when I have less productive points in the day will allow me to specify when I can change this time and do
extra work. This will involve me creating a chart, and describing every half hour what I did. If I do this on several
days, and see when my productivity is higher, and when it is lower. Even an extra half hour of work a day will be
beneficial in the long run. Repeating this exercise once every two weeks will allow me to see how my pattern is
changing overall, and where more benefits could be made. (See appendix 4)

World of Work

I’m going to apply for 5 graduate placements/internships by the end of January, and also try to find networking
points, where I can make contacts in the world of accounting, especially at the accounting firm we are doing the
consultation project for.

Attempting to meet contacts within the industry will be relatively challenging, as I don’t have many social circles in
that area. However, I will attend open days for accountants whilst applying for 5 graduate schemes. I will produce a
list of deadlines which will allow me to focus on 5 specific firms, which in turn will give me a focus. Keeping a track of
what I apply for and the deadlines is important to keep me focused on deadlines. Therefore, a chart keeping track
has been produced, and will be alongside my applications.(Appendix 5)

Conceptual – Opening my mind to a broader outlook, focusing my study skills so I am ready for the world of
work, and will allow better opportunities with potential career roles.

Try three different note taking exercises in the next three lectures, detailing the pros and cons of each.

My notes are often unorganised and not very neat. By improving my note taking skills, I’ll be able to produce more
legible notes, which will allow better learning in the future.

I’m going to apply to a Spanish course in January, allowing me to learn another language and hopefully boost my

I have always wanted to learn another language, even since I chose not to do one at GCSE. Although I may be busy
in the final term of the year, I think this will be nice relief from all of the other work that I will be doing, and help me
develop other skills. I will apply for a beginner’s course, and hopefully pass by July.

Attempt to take charge of three shifts at work by January 31st and not the things I did well, and the things I didn’t.

Having good conceptual skills involves employing a range of communication skills, human skills and technical skills.
Finding the right mix of these skills will take time and practise. I have recently finished all of my core training at work,
which has allowed me to feel comfortable in all of the roles there. Staff are actively encouraged to use their initiative
and take control of various situations, and so I am going to do so three times by the end of January, and note the
things that I did well, and the things that I didn’t. This will allow me to focus on specifics, that will encourage me to
develop my leadership style. (appendix 6)

Activity 1
Bad Features of Presentation Good Features of Presentation
 The lecturer seemed to be slightly nervous, and  He moved around a bit, and wasn’t reading off a
didn’t look experienced presenting. sheet. This allowed him to appear more
 His voice was flat and monotone, which made it confident when he got into his presentation.
difficult to focus on his actual presentation.  The slides were bullet points, which allowed
 The speech was slightly confused, and the main focus of thought, and not simply a script which
points weren’t clear. he is reading.

Activity 2
Bad Features of my Presentation Good Features of my Presentation
 My voice wasn’t that clear, and I felt nervous,  The slides were clear
Word count: 1492 c3213991 Jonathan Dempster
even though I knew the majority of people in the  I knew the data and message that I was trying
room. to put across.
 I said “erm” quite a lot, even though there wasn’t  I made considerable eye contact.
any need for me to do so.
 I didn’t prepare exactly what I was going to say
completely, which seems not to work for me.

Activity 3
Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities
Learning Skills and I enjoy writing essays. I I tend not to do so well in Creating a realistic study
University find reward in exams. This is often due to plan in advance before my
accumulating a range of lack of preparation and exams would allow me to
data or findings and procrastinating. focus on smaller elements
evaluating them in my own of the module, and build it
words. I sometimes struggle with up over time instead of
basic economic theories. cramming it at the last
I enjoy the very nature of This could be due to minute.
education, learning skimming across them in
something new and first year. I feel a broader A review of first year
broadening my intelligence understanding would help materials would allow me
range. me with my other studies. to pin point specific
theories that would benefit
me most at this point of my

I would love to learn a

language, especially
Spanish. This may not be
achievable, due to work
commitments, and
focusing on my third year
at university, however this
may be more beneficial
once I have completed my
Working Life I have recently started I possibly don’t exploit my Sometimes I work a little
working at Starbucks. I leadership development as too much, which affects
think this has helped me much as I could. I find it my studies. I need to cut
dramatically with my time quite difficult to explain to this down, especially in the
management, something another member of staff final stage of my degree.
which will be no doubt how to do a certain task.
beneficial to me in my I need to organise some
chosen career. Sometimes I think I don’t internships or placements
put across my ideas as for when I finish university
I feel experience working often as I should. I very next year.
in a team is great for me. I often listen but don’t add
see myself as a social my individual influence,
person who enjoys although I think I have
interaction with other some relevant and good
members of staff and the ideas.
public, and has
encouraged development
of my social intelligence
and team working skills.
Values, Attitudes and I have a strong work ethic. I like to work under
Beliefs pressure, so I often leave
I’d like to learn a language. essays and revision until
the last minute. If I start
them earlier, I think I will be
more successful overall.

Appendix 4
Day Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Word count: 1492 c3213991 Jonathan Dempster

Appendix 5
PWC Haines and Watts Deutsche Bank Citi-group
Date Applied
Expected Reply

Appendix 6
Leadership theories and styles used Strengths Weaknesses


Baker, W, H, and Thompson, M, P. (2004) Teaching Presentation Skills. Business Communication Quarterly.
Vol. 67 (2), pp.216-219.

Cameron, S. (2005) The Business Student's Handbook: Learning Skills For Study & Employment. 3rd ed.
Essex, Pearson Education Ltd.

Guirdham, M. (2002) The Business Student's Handbook: Learning Skills for Study & Employment. 3rd ed.
Essex, Pearson Education Ltd.

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