Action Plan: Project Title: Tree Planting Program

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Action Plan

Project Title: Tree Planting Program

Project Description: The project Tree Planting Program of the NSTP 2 Students of the Cagayan State University-Carig Campus aims to restore native forests
around to protect fresh oxygen supplies and gives shade and shelter to many people and habitat for animals. It also aims to reiterate to people the importance and the
benefits of doing such thing. Tree plantation means planting more trees in a planned way. It is very necessary for the environment because Planting trees reduce
carbon dioxide, a principal greenhouse gas that contributes to global warming. Trees maintain the balance of our environment. Planting trees increases the oxygen
level in the environment, the most essential gas on the globe. Planting trees reduce carbon dioxide, a principal greenhouse gas that contributes to global warming.
Trees maintain the balance of our environment. Planting trees increases the oxygen level in the environment, the most essential gas on the also benefits
these Trees clean air, Trees improve water quality, Trees save energy, Trees raise real estate value, Trees are good for business. This project will be beneficial for
First the community because it will reduce the pollution and have fresh air, Second the earth because it reduce the production of carbon dioxide that thinning the
ozone layer that causes La Ninya and El Ninyo, and also in our family, because the trees to plant are fruit bearing that would be sell and could be source of income.
The project is a 4-Phase project that targets to plant varieties of fruit bearing trees that will be planted in our free lot space. The first phase (PREPARING THE
LOT), include locating for a free lot space, after successfully locating is a cleaning, freeing and cultivating the lot that aims to plant the tree freely and easy, to have
a clean surroundings to grow a tree well. This phase reminds all tree planters the right way of planting. The second phase (PREPARING THE SEEDLINGS) is a
finding and collecting of seedlings, in this phase lot of time is spent. This phase aims to provide a good variety of trees and rare trees to be planted. The third phase
(EXECUTING OR PLANTING), is the main objective of this plan or its climax, this phase is the digging and planting the collected trees, trees to be planted may
vary at every two succeeding similar tree. The final phase (MAINTAINING AND CARING), includes watering, cleaning if needed, re-cultivating. This aims to
properly grew the tree planted until they bear and finally harvest.
Activities/ Project Objectives Date of Needed Materials Budget Expected Output
1. Phase 1:  To have a free Week 1
PREPARING lot to plant
THE LOT without it we None None Have a lot to plant
cannot plant.
2. Locating of free
lot space
3. Cleaning the lot  To have a clean Week 2-Week 3
lot to grow the Have better and clean
plant or tree well. Bolo None
lot surrounding

4. Cultivating  To have a good Week 4-Week 5

lot to grow the Order to have a good
Bolo None
plant or tree well. soil

5. Creating markers  To easily Week 6

recognize where
to be planted. Order to make many
bamboo None
6. Phase 2: Week 7-Week 8

Collecting of trees  To have trees Pail Have many and variety

to be planted Bolo of plants

7. Replacing in  To keep the Week 9

Have many plant
plastic bags plants holding Plastic bags None
seedlings to replaced
8. Sorting of the trees  To recognize Week 10
the kinds of None None Organize types of trees
9. Phase 3:

Digging and Planting  To make holes Order to dig and plant

Week 11-Week 15 None
where to plant. Crowbar as many as can

10. Phase 4:
AND  To maintain the Every successive 2
Water None Have healthy plants.
CARING plants alive Weeks
Watering if necessary

11. Re-cleaning and

Re-cultivating  To maintain Bolo Order to re-clean all
Every month None
cleanliness and plants
the quality of

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