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Pear Oe nea place in the collective dreams of man, just as it has throughout history. It brings light to the depths of night and rep- resents the cycle of life—from De a ears) ‘age, and death, on to even- tual rebirth. Affecting the tides and peoples’ emo- ener Sura reed eee mh Deore eee Cn oes nest madness and prophecy. Sarena mee MY GIT Harnessing the varied and unique ee eer ey Serena moon is a significant force. The moon and what it ‘means to people enlivens a campaign in a way few other Sree eae Meee a ns teres ‘must be described in both historical and mythological ere one cece om es nce predicated on a number of the moon's traditional sym- ore Femininity: The moon is a decidedly feminine celes- tial body in history and myth, represented by Selene in classical Greek mythology and Cheng © in ancient China, among others. Its 28-day cycle from new moon, om eee acne re nnn) on ent er a eters offers protection and guidance. Pee a een ene one representative of inconstancy—a decidedly negative em gara Pra eka oer eee es chosen seers, guiding their thoughts and influencing their Pree eee eterna derstand this second sight, inking itto madness and pas- SUE URE ORC Lo Pre nee ance enn ed Sec ter ecu crete a 9 Perea eee eR eon many cultures. Its effect on the tides, bringing light DO neue Re Reo een eeu ec ec strongest among divination, enchantment, illusion, and transmutation magics. Luvar Caléudars ‘Developing a lunar calendar is a relatively simple process eae tena a : a ee hy a> eee ee Pree cos ea ert ys eee acco S Rarer terest Prec ne ae cd Bere Roca a Peer a ere csr a Beenie me ee nee ronan Se ae Pon tonne aa peehern teen 0 een - Ree rar at ine See ie ue eco ees Pag ate een Grete anne coc Pe ea ee Pra ae Recon nd the three-quarters point ofits cycle, ee ae es isa waning crescent moon, until the Se ears Note that the new; half and fall ‘moon phases are generally considered Cee eee eo eee ee ee on ‘as well as the day before and the day pene eo euro require that four or even five days be Cone een ea! full moon phases in order to keep these phases significant in terms of Peres 1 noon. aud Salam Conny Se RCC eee Be our a ta ones ROC od Penne eat sn) Deas CeCe See ecu a month does not correspond per- -fectly with one‘lunar cycle. eR month is equal to one moon cycle, the blue moon (described later) does Perea eC Come an tol Deere Ce uC omens PE Re eed EYE OF THE NIGHT Bocca enero) nn ve BOO pe eet different aspects ofits nature and, in campaigns where the moon is retort nt Peer eee) Listed heere are the five phases of noes eee RCL sy ? = ec ccs Pea one aD Pome an ule eae aoe eeren a Berea re coe) Aspects: Prophecy, divination, SOP sce scng fore eur eeu ee easy Ps r eae ae eee i Perc ieee cbs cSt fencer ron light at night and affect the tides Room nt Leak Pee ea cu au ee Beste cre oe RU) Aspects: Balance, moderation, adaptation to the environment, eee sn eeu eed erent a aoe eu ectan ny eC rnt ore ae RTS Cc Le ee Pee ee cree Peng sa ecm CoLOUY tional moon) a uae Boas Oy Tom an Cor age (waxing gibbous), eects vt Ceraacuird Deemer cra : no) pea eae a nee re over the moons present in the campaign world. One moon might pee eee tion, and the senses, and another might govern balance, moderation, and transformation. When the Eo eee priate phase, the moon in question a ee a ee a described above. ie eee eo Se eee oe See eet possibility of multiple types of'spells Cen een te rng Peete my rt ead Se Dee eer re ete eet Prererntetect tt etait Deen fora campaign where lycanthropes are like of the wa Cree ea et Pree eT cen LUVMAY BYCUTS fore ee oe ones ‘ous other lunar events might occur Oe ees ce ee? provide iment ere eet eS ented ucts na) them seem almost random, allowing them to be placed where appropri« ere Ren eat Crete Re eed accomplished during one of these Seer eear ener Seen ec tre) Pruriretas élood ie eet ee eee re een ai ee nee ett NolOn a od moon occurs when there is phase, causing the moo Rs et coer Eee eee eee Pence errata tion, illusion, and transmutation Siete ent during the night of a blood moon regardless of whether or not the blood moon shines upon the caster. This oceurrence is often viewed b Ce yee opportunity to look inward and gain greater understanding of their own Seat ey not shine benevolently upon them, i] Reraeen OLONTD OER ema De ar moon does not typically appear blue Crete rence that brings the full (empow- en eet en eRe co een tas moon, lycanthropes gain a-+4 bonus to Strength, Dexterity, and Constitu- ion when in hybrid form, but only under the unobscurred light of the rer ee ee eee Soe cece cee etreny Sele eeeren see ke Pee crneet ees a pie) Eb : COU,jUM.CLEOU Campaigns set on worlds with eee ta UNA ga lunar co ts are possible, T Lycanthropes are divin 3 netion pent with a go d and m ght of the Pose cee Ce ns Poe mee eroa moons line up in the sky or even Reems it! Steet? Peete een) ior the sky. A larger number makes Peete cy ee Cd Seer at dinarily rare, however lesser con- junctions involving only some Caen nd Oman ror ts tions to occur during specific moon phases makes them even Pee re enka) do oceur, they might only last for a few rounds oF minutes atimosty Der meaner ds 1) pee eee ne eee TW SRANO) ocr ce 1 MRS PED) POUR oct et ety Beemer tod 0) nia Pema ed CORES cis eee DU Mean ee cy ee ey Pees ere eee | puree of the conjunction, during the onjunction is per summoned are free from the caster's of the nell east during the again ion suffer adne: the dur nt injunction receive the ben: oR ae my RAIG CAMPBELL in the other. On occasion, she is Bee er eee eran eee eer ee Ree ane trae Bee ea an physical embodiment of the sun a ean Penna yar) ere es ote Night, seeks to provide her fol- een cece aed the world in the absence of the sun. She brings light to darkness, Peet eee ae Reem ec! be afraid, and strengthens those See a tee power. She promotes learning, Pee eee can foree, and change for the better ment of all Dn eee etc! Peewee enti that have not yet seen the light of Pere nec ee ‘acceptance of all’ Dee cece meer tr ideals in the church of Linara PO rene ea Cre reanenenna ier ry Ses tion, the cycle of life, magic. Dre ere Cas Pere onc tmutcay Cope cr ern tet cy RO aera enlightenment to the world in Acer eg Roan A sect of limited secrecy, guarding their knowledge but also embracing those who willingly enter their fold. Pen a as eae een sat ally lost and in need of guidance, an these lost souls need is the light of Linara to guide them to their eee nec eres een ir Iycanthropes, .0 capable of great fe order, typically druids, neutral Peete) Per tena The hierarchy of the church Caren e cenrnicg flowing. Inducted members are not CoE Rea EYE OF THE NIGHT EMOTION DOMAIN SPELLS ‘The Emotion doma ble to ce Deities: Linara Granted Power: mind, ding of the mind and emotions all of mind-affec ng spells and effects. You gain a ‘Crushing Despair: Subject takes -2 on attack rolls, damage rolls, ssaves, and Skill checks, Heroism, Greater: Gives +4 0n attack rolls, saves, skill checks; fame cuits SUBSTITUTION LEVELS A substitution level i of the level is not the same tion le ace thos ich class with sub | only s at a gh specific cla en level it go back and gain the class 1ut—when you take your next leve higher level as if you had gal Porte mc nanny ee te a ents ry defer to older, more experienced ere Conti recat ter una Sm Nach Rare et ng Crrces eee Raat Iessly to enlighten people by encour- Pear ee aera the world: “the light” (those things Poem non ea ieee area tase and flourish in darkness}. While they Pees ee eee oa eee ett Prego e es men seid faithful as something to be feared. a level of 2g! standard class atures for the level you ed the previo 1 class that you take instead a substitution each subs take a substitutio d at that level tion level features instead, wappek ne standard ain the n Instead, itis regarded asa side of the Peo eed ect) Renee enous mony. Quests for Linara Presa tte Re cts viewpoints, bringing passion to those Pe eRRRn eae eee na enc! ono eRe Pt ee ee Pee Nee rte Peer cnn ian rt) nee tics and zealots, While the intention Bats Pomona eee stand the ovegwhelming passion, ‘of the faithful, particularly their rece es fore me eects spells at night, when the moon is highest in the sky. Individual clerics eerie eet gts eee ent ny eee reece ticular predilections. Dr eee ree PEP eaten ete feature an opening in the ceiling of the worship space so that moonlight ea eee td the faithfal with strength. Altars are round stone plinths decorated in Poem ees her one meditation chambers where follows ee eon ec themselves to strengthen their souls Brees ae Rites: Many clerics of Linara serve as advisors to people in posi- tions of power, particularly those eee eer Sree ae ene Pra ietert ea er oiars Teco Roe Moet wet! Cre eee een including birth, rites of adulthood, marriage, and funerals. Herald and Allies:'The herald of Pete emer een emit URN eat Reese eet DS ene omic ea riceeme hr em Rena Sere ene et tee ee ea eer Se ec some classes might function a Pies eet) Pent een ene est SOc eee eee tad as substitution levels, the moon- warded ranger and the lunar Eee ont rnc) sidebar for more information on een ys ees Kolodner wack! ager eee eres ta Dre cue Enea Pe aie n ines capabilities normally afforded by ee en ee eT ee eee ee Pree eens Peete eye noted. Ce A ee stitution level, a character must wor vdbe about to take eeu eet css Pa fore Ree earn mn levels have the class skills of the RES aa Sanne eee cea ane modifier (or four times that number Pr nr aa rey iene nena tt ec bens ee Comers een cee acer] oer nore ed Peace Ueto tag AC. This bonus only applies when Dre een un) SUS kOe Coe rents hay ieee ger a oes this bonus when she is immobilized ae ener Senn she carries a medium or heavy load. THE Attack This ability replaces the standard Peco ee cers ‘Skin of the Moon (Su: At 6th level, Reece ees et as ea a te eee een na een ty Peace cet rc rd moon. This ability stacks with dam- roars te) en eT Sos Dao eevee ert) eee id Peon erie eee ten ar te Po ee ts and abilities, with the exception of harmless mind-affecting sp Pueiqremener tt poet et Poa Oran Sra Reet ou eee of tur all the elass features of the a ; Ce eee reer Be = = ‘ Pen tL no Ceca n ne ni Deere ars Prue han fore Pr eerie aay have the class skills of the standard pts AOON-WARDED RANGER CRAIG CAMPBELL SUD cae ue Perey ace as a beginning character). orcs All of the following are features of the lunar rogue's substitution eres Pee aa ae Pennines tor eee sity renee canton Sone area eeu cueumntes Poem anasto Preece ney eee to the greater rage, tireless eons aey ce Perot Sra eee has the appropriate level Oe et cunSEe RCE een standard rogue’s uncanny Cr en Cena en 8th level, a lunar rogue learns ‘one of the moon's secre Pa eto Reece ag Pea a ed a spell-like ability once per day {choose one—you cannot later change your selection). This ability may only target the lunar rogue. ‘The caster level for this spell-like Binge Rcd teary tees PSSA mecy enue eon nen Cee Empowered Rogue (Su): At 10th evel, a lunar rogue discovers the ‘moon's true power and gains the ability to use either dominate person or true seeing as a spell-like ability Cee et Ce ee Peake senate ee me sca Tie eeu seer ot Pepin nore n oes Reo tease the dominate person has a DC of 16 + Pensa utes ee eneLe risma modifier. This ability replaces Decree rte acc Elo Eyes terT abilities gained by a rogue after 1th level are treated as normal. es PMc NE Rope 14) Base Attack wel_ Bonus 5 =~ = ee TS coal! keke If, MOOUL, REE In some extraordinary cases, the phase of the moon under which a See ino s eae ee UCR ld PUT eco eMC no eaters gains a small bonus on two skill checks as well as a spell-like ability Sen Reem So Oe a Cae Boer emi od ikekaa Rola cay in 2W MOON. Sart Ra ek oat ee Se ee eed Pete een Rema ota as Benefits: You gain a +1 bonus on Prema er tea ene and, once per day, you can use disguise PEP Ee ence level for this Spell Presa SRL Peete aipttd Sn Roya mat Cg, aa tgirtin Sate ree Per eoeaty Eline. + your Charisma Soar ce a MOOV or Lea pins (girt, au BUCO CLC noe uence at atd eee Met ene! mind and avoid conflict. Soca eee nid COM CUS UC Recto) checks and, once per day, you can use expeditious retreai as a spell- Esme otra Corde Cob spell-like ability is your chare eros Cc cor Sree canes Pe engo esc a oe a Lae Sr i bu risa ae undér tlre ihe BXoro7| You were born under the gibbous CCS Mee Sees mm meen Tae “with emotion and to calm animals. eee rego Cotes ioe once Mores max sone oem er eet ee eae een asencca Cee a hase ‘fits, cn Doon TB eater a ae eect Be ec H Coes ca other characters and magical devices. Pe tr ey Ete neem neesh rere Gre seca ypc Cee eee each rica eee oe eee ence ay PED reese) srs level + your Charisma modifier. Bs Ioan oa ANONG IN oi ‘The following spells are appropriate rere eet Pee eee incorporated into other settings. BOON Tom os Few Rea EUs Ber esa Duration: 1 roundjlevel ee od t Sg eer eRe cet Lee less, object) Seve oe a a eo CSU ed SU ees Chr ee) BOS TS UT Renc a Pees met toe et ee cee es offover the course of several rounds. _asilver weapon for the purpose of CON ese rua ee RT cee Ber Cee tou ec OM OLR CSc Ree a ue ae Cod oe Ape ed eerie ee! meen Seen mreerr es itic amare

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