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THe taal Lie it The SUL avid Ets ROLE iM D&D by Chris Tulach « illustrated hy Jeff Laubenstein and Chuck Lukacs he sun is perhaps the most enduring and important symbol throughout the mythological and religious tapestry of time. ‘The ultimate symbol of authority, itis also the great bringer of life, ushering the land out of the death of winter and into the renewal of spring, Itis a ‘constant, never-changing foree and a wellspring of hopeand guidance. Inks i OTY avd Avtlr ‘The use of the sun and its aspects grounds a world’s ‘mythology in a-constant primal foes! Pocusingen beet treatesan instant familiarity and connection for players involyed'in such'a campaign, While the sun is tradi- tionally personified with’a variety of traits,a notewor- thy few bear mentioning. ‘Masculinity: The sun is frequently portrayed as a masculine figure in many cultures, such as Apollo in the Greek and Roman pantheonsand Rwof Egyptian mythology. As such, the sun is oflen assigned the attri- butes of strength, stamina, and virility. ‘Light is Lifes Life is the jift the sun brings to the world, ‘The growth of plants and thus the foundations of animal life are directly tied to the sun’s presence. Ever since man- kind Jeamed the ways of agriculture the imiportance of the stin asa lifé-giver has been understood. ‘The Mind: Reason and knowledge have always been the province of the sun. Knowledge and learning are often described asa light oF illu- mination. Wisdom and willpower are also traits of the sun, "The sun ‘governs the aspects Of the ego'and saan's control over hisbaser instincts, Itis also associated ‘with the gifts of wisdom and the ability to distingaish truth fgom falsehood. Authority: The double- edged swondlauthority tepresents isa hallmark of the sum Tt rises high in the sky above everyone anid everything, casting its light down upon the whole of the earth It isthe Largest heavenly body and wields the greatest power over the land. The sun's presence brings great joy with its regenerative propertics ora terrible curse through its oppressive heat. Hope: Hope everlasting as the sun, and indeed is often associated with it.The fearful unknown of hight is dispelled when the sun artives to begim tht day. People Jook to the sun to provide life-giving lightand are joy- cust the resplendence of'a warm saihniy day. soLar.Caléudars 1 six ele Sat a tly a calla Dot Ret Bye position of the world on its revolution around the sun. ‘On Earth, solar calendars are generally’365 dis Jong, but depending on the campaign wodld they might he longer or shorter, Those creating solar calendars fortheit own campaign should determine biow far away the sun is from the planet, how long it takes for the planet to make one rotation (isthe engl of one day dlhow logit takes February2006 DRAGON340 43 44 DRAGON 340 Fat be planet torevelve aroundt(thus, them to be placed where ite. syallows the sun during its time o yath of one yeat): Shortening on a Eantasy cal Some of inion. Its atime when chao hening thetimeittakesfor effects preser ate lav, and the hopeful natu > revolve around the sun use, but others are very rare. These he sun is overshadowed the sun to revolve around the tunusual occurrences are seen as the A solar eclipse bestows a caster corid, depending on howeelestial —_sign of a great ever be it good « level on divine spells cast by druids, dies work in your campaign) evil such as the rousing of paladins. and clerics who cunatic effect on cimateandsea dragon, the birth of the next kingor the sin or a sun deity, or fea sons. To keep things easpand provide the discovery of a lost mag. ture itasa prominent part of their some familiar ground, it might philosophies. Onice the eclipse 3c best to have the primary passes; this penalty is lifted world of the campaign mirtor Solar eclipses lst from a few Earth’s celestial movements minates toa number of hours. Fl A total solar eclipse is dark and power those who venerate the su If you're creating your awn a sun deity. Spellcastix fantasy earnpaign, you should levels are halved (roune consider how the cosmology of down) during this time. As that world takes shape, A good once it place to-startis with the sun passes, the penalty is lifted. Te itselfand deciding exactly how many hang in the sky. A world created with solar eclipses are very sk asting only a scant few minute However total eclipses remain ther multiple suns might be a ina {esolate place, blasted by 2 good deal longer, bath before furnacelike heat with litte and after the total eclips espite ftom the light oi ot g Das Mubrequant, Ukghey ‘Campaigns sel on worlds with, world, teeming with forests both suns being farther from multiple suns face the possibil the planet n adesert ty of going for days or even world, This is a great way to months without a true night. ntroducean “alien” world Pethaps the suns typically travel to plane-hopping characters together, giving a semblance te Using amultiple-sun world day and night except for on asa primary campaign of the year where their dusks setting poses a number ¢ and dawns correspond with o1 challenges, especially whe mother. Such a day would be ranging the length — S@Lar CLA really celebrated by those who 0 this isdone, sleep cycles may need solar eclipse, when ther ship the sun, whovare at +1 caster leve adjustment, os well as rules de hadow cr face of or the entire day and cain wsieany fa day. For earth, seems as t litional he day ofithe'suins, and al _ recorded time, solar eclipses—espe The opposite of this is'a world that Jaily effects refresh on its schedule» eially total solar eclipses (where the is aecustomed te the unending day sun's light is completely J— with one of their many sunsale Sere events of surprise anditerror. inthe sky (although one or more of Aside from rising and seiting each While purtial solar eclipse hese suns might be dimand ineffee day, other solar eventsmight occur fairly common, total solare¢lipses are tive, making an effective nighttime throughout the year. Although mod- relatively cire—oceurring about o In sue J,a trienight might emastronomers can forecast these per year somewhere in | A come only rarely, making for an events, their infrequency make total solareclipseisatimeofgreat evening full of evil omens and true hem seem almostrandom, allowing dread and fear, forthe aspect of night darkness. £ r¥ 2006 SOLAR CONJUNCTIONS During a solar conjunction, great events and powerful portents PP occur with some frequency. The following effects ae just some of the possibilities. 4% The save DCs for any spell cast during the conjunction increases by +4. %@ Everyone who stands in the light of the conjunction gains fast healing 5 for the duration. Creatures of the fire subtype gain the benefits of a heal spell amd are immune to cold damage for the duration of the conjunction. 4% All those in the light of the conjunction gain a +4 insight bonus to their Intelligence and Wisdom for the duration ofthe conjuntion ‘@ Plants grow at the rate of one day (or even week) for each minute of the conjunction, #4 A total of 10% of all plants in the area wither and die for each minute ‘the conjunction lasts. Other possible events include the sparking ofa rebellion, the birth of a ‘great or terrible leader, or the rise of a new evil. night, divine spellcasters who vener- divine power, Venerating the sun ate the sun are at-1 casterlevel and itself the order does not assign it allundead gain turn resistance +2 —_the qualities ofa physical being, (this stacks with any turn resistance tis a thing of energy, light, and they might have), sustenance, and earinot be ascribed Worlds with only one sun might a true physical form. However, the still see either of these solar events, sun shows good omens through its but they would be very rare indeed. favored beasts—the lion and the E ; hawk. In the monstrous world, the SoLar COMJUUCTEOUL, — gold dragon is said to'be the sun's ‘Campaigns set in worlds with emissary, the only creature that has three or more'suns have the pos- touched the sun and brought back sibility of the rare solar conjunc- _ its wisdom to share with those who tion, where two or more of the suns line up in the sky or even ‘overlap. Such occurrences should be exttemely rare, depending ‘upon the number of suns. A larger number makes total conjunctions (where all the suns align ot over- Jap) extraordinarily rare, however Jesser conjunctions involying only some of the suns would be more common. When such events do ‘ocour, they might only last fora few rounds or minutes at most, making nearly any effect possible. See thie solar conjunction sidebar for some possibilities, qe Order of rhe, Fherval Urge hit, Rather than a sun-based religion focused onan anthropomorphic deity, the Order of Eternal Light worships of the sun as its own seek it out. The spear is the physi- cal embodiment of the shafts of light the sun brings down upon the World, and devout followers of the order carry one whenever they are away from home. wre Eternal Light, Greater Deity (Lawful Neutral) Shining down upon its loyal subjects, the Eternal Light is venerated in many surfice cultures. Although many names for it exist, the sun is known for its wisdom, lawfiilness, and the life giving light and warmth it sheds. ‘The Order of the Eternal Light's symbol of the sun has eight rays (projecting out fromits center, These ‘eight rays form the principal tenets: (known by the faithful as "The Gifts”) of the sun’s religion: Hope, Inspiration, Justice, Life, Order, Rea- on, Station, and Wisdom. Even lay worshipers learn the importance of ‘The Gifls and how to incorporate them into their Hives: ‘The Order of the Btémal Lightis broken into two.sects; kndwa only to those initiated into the onder ‘To lay worshipers and common {lk, the order appears as.a unified ‘church, whith is exactly the image 1t wishes {0 maintain. The largest sect of the order is the "Resplen- dents.""These eletics are usually Jawfil good or lawfal neutral in alignment, and many paladins and monks fill their ranks as wel (see the illuminated monk and paladin ‘of light substitution levels). They are ‘equally acgepting of both men and ‘womenyas they believe the sun does ‘not favor one pender above another. Most Resplenclents strive tolive up to the tenets of The Gifts, believing, them the core of their faith, A slightly smaller seet kmown as the “Caretakers” emphasizes the Justice; Order, and Station aspects of ‘The Gifts. These dleries are usually Of lawfil neutralor Lawful evifalign= ‘nents (Commonly choosing the ‘Law.and Sun domains), and their doctrine is often laced with male chauvinism. They believe that énily ‘men can become true priests in the order, and that the fll knowledge of ‘The Gift of Reason is only imparted to men by the sum. Women can ‘become initiates or acolytes, but cannot advance any furtherin this sect of the order. Portfolio: Life, reason. knowledge, order, hope, and leadership. Domains: Hope (new domain), Knowledge, Law, Plant, San. Glerie Training: Prospective members are broughtinte the order as initiates, where they learn-the importance of The Giftsupon theit Society, Initiates Weak OFIMRE robes, -wooden holy symbols patted yel- Jonand typically wind up in servige to clerics. Afler 2 term of service lasting two years initiites undergo tests of faith and learning they pass, they become acolytes and are bestowed yellow robesand brass holy symbols. Acolytes.are then usually Februsry2006 DRAGON 340 45 SUBSTITUTION LEVELS ‘Asubstitution level isa level of a given class that you take instead of the level described for the standard class. Selecting a substitu- tion level is not the same as multiclassing—you remain with the class for which the substitution level is taken. The class features ofthe sub- stitution level simply replace those of the standard level. For each class with substitution levels, you can select each substitution level only ata specific class level. When you take a substitution level for your class ata given level, you give up the class features gained at that level for the standard class, and you get the substitution level features instead, ‘You can't go back and gain the class features for the level you swapped ‘out—when you take your nest level in the standard class, you gain the next HOPE DOMAIN SPELLS .g00d:aligned) war deities. Deities: The Eternal Light. ose. es immunity to fear; temporary hp. ability scores. tests, they are awarded the title wherein he receives a golden trim ‘4G DRAGON 340 February 2005 higher level as if you had gained the previous level normally. Possessed by dries ofthe Order ofthe Eternal Light, the Hope domain can also find a hore with other deities ofthe sun, courage, or even some (usually Granted Power: Once per day, when you fila skill check, attack rll, or saving throw, you may roll 1d6 and add itto the result. This ability is used after the result of the roll or check is revealed, but before any other ations are taken. ‘Bless: Alles gainiya/on attack rolls and saves against fear. ‘hid: +1 0n attack rolls, «1 against fear, 1d8 temporary hp +s/level (max +30). ‘Heroism: Gives +a on attack rolls; saves skill checks. ‘Good Hope: Subjects gain +2 on attack rolls, damage rolls, saves and checks. “Atonement”: Rettioves burden of misdeeds from subject. Heroism, Greater: Gives +4 bonus on attack rolls, saves, skill checks; 7 Restoration; Greater: As restoration, plus restores all levels and ‘8 Planar Ally, Greater’: As lesser planar ally, but up to 18 HD. 9) Miracle’ Requests a deitys intercession, selected by elder clerics to learn. on their white robe and.a solid gold from (or languish under) fora holy symbol. Radiants typically act period of four years. Ifthey prové as advisors to powerful nobles and themselves worthy and pass more community leaders. ‘Quests: Every year; major temples ofleric. Theiryellow robes are _dedicated to the Eternal Light send ‘replaced with white,and they are _ out eight members on sacred quests, given bronze holy symbols. Clerics each tasked with one of The Gifts to typically go outin'the worldand spread across the Land: "These quests proselytize, binging glory to their _usually inyolve bringing the tenets community, rulers, and the order. to those who lack them, such as Clerics are the most visible fice bringing hape to the sick, inspiring ‘ofthe order encountered outside artisans to achieve their fll poten- their enclaves,and many are adven- _ tisl,and showing the path of husmnil- turers, IPa cleric spreads the tenets ity o those who lack it of the order and accomplishes Prayers: Those who venerate greatthings in itsname,he might the Eternal Light pay homage to be awarded the title of radiant, the sun god just before dawn each day. Such prayers last throughout the sunrise, concluding once the sun has fully risen, Additional prayers are offered when the sun is at its peak and just before dusk. ‘On worlds with multiple suns, the Order of the Eternal Light prays during each sunrise and when all ofthe suns are in the sky together ‘Temples: Temples of the Order of the Eternal Light are typically the largest buildings in their com- munities, blessed with golden sun adornments, stained glass, and incredible vaulted ceilings. Windows are ever present, and the variety and craftsmanship of the stained glass used in their construc- tion is among the greatest in the world. In addition to a lange worship caveaythe terople typically hasan ‘extensive library. In many communi- ties, the Order of the Bternal Light's library is the largest, and the biggest ‘among them rival the greatest secus lar libraries found at bardic colleges, wizard schools, or universities. Rites: The Order of the Eternal Light communes with the sun and receives its wisdorm in the form of rigorous edicts. As keeper of the secrets of agriculture, history, lineage, nd invention, the sun's inspiration provides the order with the power to cnrich and strengthen communities. ‘As such, those who follow the Eternal Light often preside over agricultural festivals and give blessings to Farm xs and their fields: They also keep important records in mos! comsnuni- ties concerning the history and gene- alogy of the townsfolk. Heralds and Allies: ‘The herald ofthe Btemnal Light is Coroma,an awakened 18 HD celestial dire lion who radiates light like the daytime sun,’The Eternal Light's allies are all ‘manner of lions, hawks, and flying celestials (especially lantern archonis). Favored Weapon: Spear. SOLAL > SULSGaLUEO Lvs In campaigns where the sun is significant force in the world, some classes might function a bit differ- ently, gaining power and wisdom from the sun's rays, Two examples are presented here as substitution levels, the illuminated monk and the paladin of light. See the sub- stitution levels sidebar for more information on how substitution. Tevels work HLluminated mone ‘Some monks find focus in medita- tion, cloistering themselves away to hone their intellects as well as their physiques and wits. Iluminated monks often serve as archive-keep- ers in libraries and teachers in schools and universities. Just as the sun personifies reason and wisdom, the illuminated monk studies all varieties of lore and passes on his knowledge to others. Hit Die: d6. Requirements “To take an illuminated monk substi= tution level, a character must come from a sun-centered society or wor- ship a sun deity, and must be about to take his ast, and, or 6th level of monk. ‘Class Skills Illuminated monk substitution lev- els grant the same class skills as the standard monk class. n ‘Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Int modifier (or four times that number as a beginning character). Class Features All of the following are features of the illuminated monk's substitu- tion levels. Bonus Feat: At 1st level, an illu- minated monk may select Skill Focus as a bonus feat. At and level, an illuminated monk may select either Investigator or Negotiator as abonus feat. ‘These substitution features replace the standard monk's bonus feats gained at ist and and level. Meditative Focus (Ex): At 6th level, the illuminated monk can use ‘meditation to focus his mind on the ILLUMINATED MONK Base Attack Fort Ref Level Bonus Save Save Ist 40. a2 +2 Ind 41 4343 oth 44 5 +5 details of a particillar skill. Every day at dawn, the illuminated monk may spend 15 minutes int quiet con- templation, meditating on the spe- cifies of a certain skill. He cannot be interrupted during his meditation. or he must start the process over again. Until the following dawn, he receives the skill mastery ability (see thie rogue class feature in the Player's Handbook, page 51) for that skill, Each morning, the illuminated monk may change the skill mastery he receives with meditative focus. ‘This Substitution feature replaces the standard monk's bonus feat gained at 6th level. raALADEV. Oe LIGHT While the paladin usually focuses his holy crusades against the forces of evil, some paladins find themselves drawn into the war between dark- ness and light. While there are cer- tainly similarities that can be drawn between darkness and evil, the pala- din of light sees darkness asa force that transcends the evil of mortals and encompasses loss, suffering, and ‘woe. The paladin of light, being an ally of the sun, also receives gifts to help withstand its heat. Hit Die: dio. Requirements "To take a paladin of light substitution level, character must come from a sun-centered society or worship a sun deity, and must be about to take her ist, and, or 6th level of paladin. Class Skills Paladin of light substitution levels grant the same class skills as the standard paladin class. will Save Special 42 Bonus feat; flurry of blows, unarmed strike +3 Bonus feat, evasion 45 ‘Meditative focus, slow fall 30 ft. Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier (or four times that number as a beginning character), CLass e&aturés ‘All of the following are features of the paladin of light’s substitu- tion levels. Detect Night Creature (Sp): At will, a paladin of light can detect night creature;as the spell (see Sun Spells). ‘This substitution feature replaces the standard paladin’s detect evil class feature gained at ast level Cooling Touch (Su): Beginning at and level, a paladin of light with a’ Charisma score of 12 or higher can provide creatures with fire resistance by touch. Each day she can grant a total number of points of fire resistance equal to her paladin level x her Charisma bonus. This fire resistance lasts for-1o minutes per paladin level. For example, a7th-level pala- din of light with a 16 Charisma (43 bonus) can provide up to 21 points of fire resistance per day. A paladin of light may choose to divide her points of fire resis- tance among multiple recipients, and she doesn't have to use it all at once, Using cooling totteh is a standard action. ‘This substitution feature replaces the standard paladin’s lay on hands cass feature. Remove Curse (Sp): At th level, paladin of light ean produce a remove curse effect, as the Spell, once per week. She can use this ability cone additional time per week for every three levels after 6th (twice per week at oth, three times per ‘week at 12th,and so forth). February 2006 DRAGON 340 47 PALADIN OF LIGHT ; Base a | Attack Fort Ref Will Level Bonus Save Save _Save 4 lt A 2 0 Special Spells per Day ‘Aura of good, Sameas paladin sig divine grace esi Same as paladin t—such as ahopefial spat and + trong, will, | Benefits: You receive a 4. Bonus on all Heal skill checks: anda +1 bonus on Will saving hu saves toresista fear ject, ou receive an addi bonus, fora total of +2. "Special: You may only take this: feat at ast level, Ifyou take this feat, bonus fora total of #2. ‘Special: You may only take this ceria choice. 0 eee aster lak You may only take this Benefits: You receive 3 +1 bonus. “on all Intimidate skill checks and ati bonus on Fortitude saving —_feata throws, On saves to resista fire 4B DRAGON 340 Febrinry 2006 any time. Once per day, you may You must possess Skill Foc effect, you receive an additional +1 feat at 1st level. Ifyou take this feat, ‘you cannot take any other birth feat "you cannot take any other birth feat, POY under a Sous TV. tert lan soem Sy | ee . * Fyou take this feat, "you cannot take any other birth feat, of bushy eral Your focused learning has given you savantlike reeal from time to time, as well as unflappable eatin. Prerequisites: Born Under a Setting. Sun, Skill Foeus any one Knowledge skill character level 6th. Benefits You are able to take 10 on Concentration skill ehecks at take 20 on a Knowledge skill check, | using with this ability. a? Spit) OF Daw (cameral) Your hopefial Spirit has an effect uupom your allies Prerequisites: Diplomacy 2 ranks, Born Undera Rising Sun, character level 6th. Benefits: Your bonus to save against fear effects increases to +4, Once per day, you may shout ‘out words ofencouragement thergdighs conde swifbaction, and you must be able to.speak to use this ability. All allies who hear and-under- stand your words (including you) receive a42 morale bonus on Will saves for a number of ‘rounds equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum 1). PEM. ae Lcé @f een. tcevral.) You can bring your anger to the sur face and manifest it in the terrible fary ofthe sun's power. Prerequisites; Born Undlér'a High ‘Sun, Power Attack, character Tegel 6th. snay eall fo reap = flaming weapon iY ranle of rounds equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum 1), Projeétile weapons bestow this property on their ammunition.

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