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Beyond Sasserine by E Wesley Scineider ahd James Sulter illustrated by Ben Wootten Ba ‘ - ‘Aight backeapihst the ising savage ti cle Sexies presents you, the player, withnthe tips, tricks, and tools you necd to wold being swept aaj Wile the pageé of DunGeon magazine present DMs ‘With every vile lor and cunning monster needed ta rin the Ssvige Tide Adventure Path, Daacow offers details and options to help you. stap on course. ‘hit month's istalbnleat ofrs an overview of the wilds sursounding she cityofSassecine, as wll semew informationand devel= ‘opments from beyond the safety of civilization Whilesvell situated to reap the bounty of the sea, serie fices turtierous challenges in regards to its str ‘rounding lands, For those who daze to venture beyond ‘the safety bfistone walls, the following. presents an over- viewiof the figs noteworthy locales and geographic fez tures within Stsserine'satéa of influence. Frequent mains, himnid heat waves, powerfil rivers, and seasonal monsoons nurture tangled jungles and sprawling swamps in the région. sursounding Sasser ine. Those who brave the wilds axe sure to encounter the rich and often dangerods flora and : {sh within these fecund reaches, Playersiand DMs tak ing their-adventures into these wits sbrould fravliaeize flour themselves with the rales for getting lost, as presented (on page 86 of the Dungeon Master's Guide. Amedio Jungle: This Tush tropical jonsle dominates the regions Ancient, widely spaced trees form a dense canopy, which in turn cloaks the jungle floor in an end- freen night. Broadleaf plants, creeping vines, perva- and tracks of bogs chatacterize-the jungle flodr. All manner of insects'and aniguals (some of mon- strous size), predatory plants, oozes, and even o¢casional earn = = allo tsps. hays, bydias, or black dragons lair in these verdant depts ‘WHAT DO YOU KNOW: THE CRIMSON FLEET Yar from civilization, clans of fizard= Liles knowh but much is speculated about the notordus Crimson Fee, the ‘ik bullywwugs, and strangely-colored well-organized armvads of pirate ships that roams the southern seas. PCs spend- rinake theinhomes, along with __figtime in SéSserine are likely to have learned soime information about these See yrimitive. tribes of short humans © ocean-going bandits the information’pfeiented here is effectively the result ofa Inown as the Olman and lithe, dark- ~ OG 10 Knowledge local) check regarding the Crimscn Fleet. skinned elyes called the'gisiach. ‘The Crimson Fleet: loosely organized band of pirates known to operate in the ‘Blood Bay: There are many sto- «oceans surrounding the Amedio Jungle-These scoundrels perforry all manner of ses behind thé calor of Blood Bay. high-Seas brigandape, slavery and smugging, operating from afoul harbor far to Some"oldiilts old thatthe waves the south, Crimson Flest captainsiare renowned for thelt ruthlessness and ervelty sunisearlet with the blood of Gulro- bit stl a perverse code of honor While stories abound of the leet razing tha,alkraken 0 wounded’by sailors — and plagingabound, the pratt Ameo settlements give Sasserine aide berth. to réturrr to the open ocean) Others : think it a pitate plot, the entire bay) 5 Rumors x E eyedredman effort to scarethe cusi- —— TS following arc several ruriogsfegarding the Crimson Fleet! cus aviay from. their underhanded ~~ Captains in the Crimson Fleet are alladdicted to adrug that-turns thelr cealings./Sages scoff at Both ideas, eyes permanentlyred with blood, Glaaing the ays unlgue coloring "+The thret ofthe Crimson Heet ithe only thing keeping thie Sealet is merely. the result of izon deposits Brotherhood froth averrunning Sasserine. swept down figm the molintains by. The leaderof the Fleetis known onlyas""TheAdmir \the Hungry Fish Rives. {© red mack over halfof hs faceatalltimes to conceal his shocking identity. "Grab River’ Gato tg 2 dere = — The sailofs in the Crimson Fleet are’all cannibals, loosed upon the seas from the langer_predatbts of the to sow torment and pain, ‘Aredia Jungle, the swataps aroimd ‘The' Fleet has eyes andvezrs everywhere, and communicates through ts ‘the Crab River are largely considered stemingly innocuoussignis and signals. Those who speak illof it without Sefer than ose tolthe rast AS sich, are ae likely to meet with accidents smigglersobeasts, anil {ollowecsof + The Fleet has x’hundred ships, the largest of which is 2 mobile island ~agmiesdme aggregate religion make 7 “drawn by enslaved dragon turtles, ‘Hie river's sname,aside from small Fopulations of crayfish and hermit” and the gizantic yarieties of eadl that. ~ Rumor has it that the tiny fish have \ abs; no sizable species 6f crusta- lurk within, “even learned how to capsize eattoes \ ceans scuttle beloyr those smesnd-» m-Fiellfirnaées: Volcanic ‘inGtability, "and skif® by zushing them en masse Slaing-waters. Local legends tell of a violently kerebs"and the biood they spill'tem- yormily sates tho undying hunger of some eternal evil long. amprisoned within the dreaded riggurat. ‘Evermite: 1} the’ vast"and track Jess fens east OF the Emerald Rien “s Tragwooden villige stands on, Sti, <_Buildinigs\inethis tiny frontier town “iy suspended over the Water at “cating Tights, ‘fiom docks just inches above thelwater to well-to-do Houses séyeral bovis high, ll linked ty fope daildegs'and narrow board- ~

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