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MORE THAN FLESH LIBRARY OF AGES In the deserts of Al-thun, an ancient library rests, covered by sand and dust. Within its impossibly ancient halls lie passages that lead to the Astral, Ethereal, and alternate Prime material planes — and at its center walks the Librarian of Al-thun, He is an ancient being, a lich whose power is immense, and whose madness has plunged him into an eternal task. He writes down history as it happens, chronicling multiple planes, telling the stories of heroes and heroines, and writing down the last words of dying worlds. He remembers stars that have not burned in the sky for a thousand years, and he knows the very day they winked out of existence. The books of the ancient library are carefully preserved, bound against decay and the ravages of time. It is his purpose to keep this place safe from any that would harm its vast knowledge. His servitors, both ethereal and physical, spend eternity archiving his writings and collecting the wisdom of a hundred worlds to grace the shelves of Al-thun. But still, some disease breaks down the pages of the library, turning its most precious works to dust, The magnificent forest has become a desert over the aeons of the Librarian's work, and the dry death of the land rots the shelves and the bindings. The Library of Al-thus is not safe, its grand chronicles are in danger. The Librarian, in his madness, has decided that the entire structure must be moved. Now his undead minions spread out from the ruins, scouring the local countryside in search of, a location suitable to house the great library. The natives scream in terror as their world is assaulted by the ghosts of the ancient past. In the center of the desert the ancient structure rises once more, lifted above the shifting sands by the lich’s tremendous magic. Ic will find a home once more. Role-playing Tips: Playing @ ghostly advisor character demands 80% role-play, and only 20% roll-play. Ghost character's abilities are limited by necessity, and the lack of a physical form on the material plane causes significant problems toward dealing with physical objects and enemies. Such characters gather information, lending minor but critical assistance (such as a distraction that allows the players to sneak past a guard on duty) and offering sage wisdom from the vaults of the past. Most ghosts are frightened by, or forced to obey, priests and icons of certain religions, The same should be true for this PC. GMs and players should build an entire character background, from childhood through adventuring career (if any) and up to the PC's death and rebirth as a ghost. With this information in mind, a religion should be chosen that is most appropriate to inspire fear and command respect, and the player should be careful to roleplay this at all times. Ghosts can not freely walk though walls, search labyrinths, or roam about. They are tied both emotionally and literally to a PC or an item, and must remain within a certain radius of that thing. This allows the ghost only limited mobility (he has to go where the PCs go) but does give him certain abilities to keep an eye on his general surroundings far better than the other PCs may be able to. Further, by materializing, he can affect the physical world for a short time GUARDIAN MUMMY Style: Playing a mummy is an interesting challenge, seeped in the culture and background of a nation. In the real world, mummies are primarily the products of Egyptian funeral rites but mummies have been found in the lands of the Celts, the American Indians, and even as far west as China. Their creation occurs after a (relatively) natural death, when the embalmed body rises from its palatial crypt and goes forth to gather gold or precious treasures, increasing the horde within their tomb and ultimately guarding their crypts with their unlife. Ba

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