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AEGB: Fifth grade

Teacher: Doris Carrión 10


1. Read carefully all the questions .

2. Raise your hand for any question.

3. Do not talk or ask for anything to your classmate

4. Do not stand up

TIME : 60min.

SKILL: To describe the composition properties of air.

1. Write into the drawing the porcents of the components of the air ( /3)

2. Complete. ( /2)

The air is determined by two factors :

____________________ and _________________________

SKILL: Explain properties of air whit relation to climate

3. Match the correct answer ( /4)

a) It is colorless when the air not contained, expands great distances.

b) It is tasteless it is has no odor

c) It is odorless it is has no flavor

d) It is diffusion it is has no color

4. Fill in the blank ( /4)

Molecules compression air contained

When _____________ is ______________ is contracted the spaces between the

___________ is shorten this phenomenon is called _____________

SKILL: To know how important is to take care our environment

5. Picture about air pollution ( /4)

6. True or false ( /4)

a) Air pollution damages the state of the planet causes big changes in climate

b) Some pollutants no cause global warming ………………

c) Air pollution includes gases such as carbon methane monoxide carbon


d) these are green house, gases which even in small quantities, have a deep effect on
the global climate ……..... ………

7. Fill in the box with characteristics of air and it is relation with the climate weather
( /5)

Atmospheric pressure humidity

Precipitation temperature

Varies depending on the altitude decreases the density

it is quantity of water vapor contained

Coming from the water in the atmosphere

It is the force that it exerts on the earths



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